Seating on a chair in the dressing room assigned to her in the studio, she prepared herself for the questions that were to be asked of her. Although she was already oriented on the topic that would be discussed during the interview, she still usually prepared for any eventualities.
She knew that there was always a probability of an ambush interview or an unexpected question that was not written on the script.
"I have something to tell you," Jessica said as she entered the room with some notes on her hands. "I swear that I had no idea that this will happen, if I did, I would not have agreed to this interview."
Jessica was quite pissed at the person who arranged this interview since she did not inform her of the full details of this segment. Now, she was left in a dilemma whether to continue the interview or not.
"What's wrong?" She asked anxiously as she saw the way Jessica's face frowned in anger.
Make a little noise...
Let me know that you're all still reading my story...