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100% HIDE And SEEK / Chapter 2: CHAPTER ONE THE Book

Chapter 2: CHAPTER ONE THE Book

Amory's POV

Hey!!... am Amory, well am just a girl who is dark in complexion, average in height,shy sometimes, reserved and quiet but surprisingly I have a boyfriend. Yeah that's right, I myself couldn't even believe that someone like me could have a boyfriend, not just any boyfriend but a 10 outta 10 boyfriend, speaking of the devil here he comes.

*A tall handsome boy was seen walking towards Amory*

Hey babe, how are you doing asked Alex.

Awwn!! doing fine babe says Amory.

that's good to know, well am going to the library to collect a book so stay put, okay! says Alex.

Okay no problem says Amory.

*Alex left the class*

well that was Alex my boyfriend and he is an average student, his cute, handsome and also responsible says Amory.

Wow...I feel so hungry, let me just go get some food from the cafeteria says Amory.

*So she left the class to go get some food for herself*.

While she was heading to the cafeteria, she saw her friends in the cafeteria buying some food.

They bought hot dogs, burritos and two bottles of cocoa cola drinks. They were heading to their table so she decided to join them.

Okay!!..let me introduce my friends to you guys, the lady sitting next to me is Rihanna, she is dark in complexion with beautiful blue eyes and normally wears a black wavy wig which suits her complexion. Well we met in the sixth grade, we were lab partners so from there we both started talking and all of a sudden we became friends.

Now lastly the girl next to Rihanna is Tess. She is a country girl who is very lively, she is also a white girl with a black long bone straight hair. We became friends when she saved me from bullies in forth grade, the bullies wanted to take my lunch from me but she came in to defend me and from there we started talking and we later became friends.

So yeah, that's how I was able to have two most beautiful, sexy and loving people as friends.

So while they were eating, Alex saw Amory and said "oh!, there you are, I've been looking for you every where",

But why? asked Amory.

Remember I told you to wait for me that I was going to get a book from the library says Alex.

Oh!..yeah, that's right...I totally forgot, well I was feeling kinda hungry so I decided to get some food here but luckily I saw my friends, so did you see the book you were looking for? asked Amory.

No!!.. babe, when I got there the library was already closed but on my way back I saw Jace and Jack says Alex.

oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that Alex also has close friends which are Jace and Jack.

The story of how they became friends wasn't that clear to me but all I know is that they have been child hood friends ever since.

Well let me introduce them to you guys as well, meet Jace, he likes eating food alot but he never gets fat then we have Jack, he is the most funniest of all, he is tall and also kinda cute. Now let's get back to the story.

Okay..why don't you guys join us says Amory.

Okay says Alex.

So Alex and his friends joined us and we all started sharing stories, cracking jokes and also having fun so Rihanna suggested we go camping.

Wow!!.. that's a great idea, so who is in asked Jack.

I am says everyone.

Well that settles it, we all are going camping tonight says Jack.

Then all of a sudden David came from nowhere and hit our table with his fist trying to make a scene but luckily for us Alex and his friends chased him away.

Well am pretty sure right now you will be wondering who David was, well he is the class bully and he normally moves with his gang which are Carmen, Rex, Josh, Wednesday, Abigail, Jenny and Raymond.

Well that bully also have a girlfriend named Angela but truth be told am shocked cause how can a girl who is smart, pretty and reserved date a jerk like David. Well as the saying goes "love is blind" so I can't judge her.

So the bell rang and that was the end of School for that day. It was night time and we were at the camping site having fun, eating Marshmellos, cracking jokes and tell each other some scary stories. All of a sudden we spotted David and his gang with his girlfriend heading somewhere with cameras so we decided to stop them and ask them where they were all heading too but David said "its none of your business" in a rude tone.

We are going to the hunted house says Raymond.

All of a sudden we all screamed in shock saying "what!!!..the hunted house".

Okay guys am sorry I didn't tell you guys this but there is a story about a haunted house that people say if you go in there, they is a monster that will eat you up and people says sometimes they do hear screams at night coming from the house, so yeah let's get back to the story.

We will be late let's go says David.

what are you guys going to do there asked Jace.

We are going to explore duhh!!!..says Angela.

Now that's my girl, let's go guys says David.

He turned back to Alex saying "Feel free to join us, scary cats" and started laughing.

I think we should follow them says Rihanna.

what!!!... haven't you heard the story about the haunted house says Amory.

I think Rihanna is right and besides the camping was starting to get boring says Alex.

Okay, fine let's go says Amory.

So Amory and her friends joined David gang and they all went to the haunted house.

It was 9:45pm and we were finally in front of the door of the haunted house then David turned back and asked Josh "hope the cameras are on?"

Yes says Josh.

So they all went in but the first thing they saw was a statue of a man holding his own head and tears running down from his eyes although we were afraid but that didn't stop us.

We also noticed the house was filled with cobwebs and was also dark as well but David switched on his phone touch and we used that as a flashlight to see where we were going to.

We kept exploring the house for like 30minutes and we didn't see any beast or monster like people say about this place, I was kinda doubting that this house was haunted after all but all of a sudden we saw a big door which was locked.

I can open it, I can pick open it says Wednesday.

So she used her hair pin to try and unlock the door for like 6mins and alas the door was unlocked by her.

Wednesday opened the door and the first thing we saw was a book, we were curious so we all walked closer to the book and saw an image of a monster with spikey chains which has a sharp sword attached to the tip of the chain while putting on a dangerous smile on his face which exposed his long sharp teeth.

We looked at the title of the book and it reads " HIDE And SEEK".

Let's open it says Wednesday.

I think it's time we start going home and we shouldn't touch that book because we don't know where the book came from, how it got here, who owns it and what's inside it says Rihanna.

All the more reason we should open it says David.

David picked up the book and opened it.

Immediately David opened the book,the book sucked each and every one of them inside it leaving their phones and camera behind.

The big door that Wednesday opened was closed shut automatically, making a loud noise *BOOM!!*.


                   *Light fades out*



            Hi🙋 Jack Riley.

Thank you all for reading my first book. I will really love to hear your opinions on this chapter in the comment section, pls remember to vote for this book as well....Next Chapter Coming Soon 😌

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