/ General / Hidden Identity: I am Not Who I am
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"Liang XiaoYou, I love you, let's meet downstairs."
"W-What?! Ah, let's m-meet now."
In an instant, Lai MeiShi was flabbergasted. She rushed towards the walk in closet.
'Urgh, how could I say to him that I'm not Liang XiaoYou! I just woke up, living inside her body!'
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Write a reviewi kinda like the story, its somehow like magical for a soul drifted to one's body.. I think liang XiaoYou will become a antagonist... anyways, although you'redropping this story, continue to work hard!
Author Yuri_san16
Please author continue the story.... Im really fan of works now! I coupd see a promising futture for you... Qing Yuhan I lovethe way he liked Meishi