/ Fantasy / Her Wish Upon a Star

Her Wish Upon a Star Original

Her Wish Upon a Star

Fantasy 28 Chapters 22.6K Views

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One hundred years ago, the magestic city of Brighthaven faced an insidious curse unleashed by the dark magic of a heartbroken witch. The Princess, Cersie Sierra, though spared from the curse was trapped inside a star. Meanwhile, in the current time, Rowena Alexander, unaware of her own destiny, races against time to save her town from the same malevolent curse. As fate weaves their stories together, a single wish revealed the ancient connection between the two. United by a shared purpose and a curse that now seemed not so bad, Cersie and Rowena embark on a journey to confront the shadows that threaten their world, forging a bond that transcends time.

General Audiences
  1. UelUel
    UelUel Contributed 5
  2. Miss_FaerieChild20
    Miss_FaerieChild20 Contributed 3
  3. DarkRedRio
    DarkRedRio Contributed 3

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I really really got interested in your story... I hope you will continue uploading more chapters, and for your book to get more attention from the readers... Keep up the good work.

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