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47.65% Hentai Verse / Chapter 122: Lady-Slut Selena

Chapter 122: Lady-Slut Selena

Summary: Story of a bored noble elf trapped in a manor trying to find something new in her life. She had not thought it would be pretending to be frozen in time while a goblin used her body for pleasure but it had to do since there was nothing else interesting available.


Selena did not really have that many things to do in the manor that had served as her glorified storage container for decades. Even her combat maids were mostly there to guard her like property. Though Selena did not really blame them. After all, it was her father who employed them and not her.

One of the few things Selena was able to do within the manor was to practice her light magic as it added to her value in marriage trade deals. Not that she really needed that with her immortal elven beauty but every high elven noble was expected to have at least some degree of expertise with their natural element.

So Selena spent most of her days playing around with the light coming from the sun to hone her art. Though even with that she was limited on what she was allowed to do since light or sun magic as it was called was an inherently offensive art that worked the best in blinding or burning groups or individuals.

"I guess that is enough for today," Selena exclaimed and looked at the glowing construct of light that was floating above her garden. She had spent hours crafting a complex floating tree of pure light that was not blinding to look at and now it would fade away the moment she stopped supplying it with magic.

"A moment of beauty fated to fade... unlike me," Selena muttered while looking at the perfect silky skin of her slender delicate elven fingers. Just like her golden curly hair and golden eyes nothing in her body would ever change. Not even the place she lived in would change unless her father decided that he had found the right bargain for her. Just like countless sisters he had traded away that Selena had never even seen. In fact, she did not even know if any of the letters telling about their marriages were even real or just meant to add another weird detail to her eternal prison.

With a sigh, Selena stopped leaning to the railing of her balcony and fixed her white decorated dress a bit. Then she stepped into her room to look at her perfectly sculpted face from a mirror that was filled with an elegance that even most elven artists were not able to fully capture.

Like most days, a multitude of thoughts wandered through Selena's mind every moment she was idle. Like what would happen if she tried to use her magic to escape. What would happen if she created scars on her face with enough heat that not even magic could fix. Would her father just let her go? But like every day before today, in the end, Selena decided that her father cared about her enough to do all of this to her so the least she could do was to wait as long as he wanted.

Though today was not going to be like most days because something that had not happened before happened. Selena's keen elven eyes spotted a letter that had been clearly pushed under her door. She immediately went to take it before some of her maids would step in and remove it.

"A secret letter, how exciting," Selena mused with a smile. "Could it be a love letter? Maybe a confession of forbidden love... asking me to flee with them. So bold when we haven't even met... unless they keep watching my beauty from the shadows."

Unable to deny her rising excitement and faster heartbeat Selena opened the letter to read the few lines it contained. They made her more confused than anything else.

"I heard a roof repair goblin named Cork has acquired a device that lets him freeze time. He bragged about it and what improper things he was going to do at a nearby inn. I wish this information will be helpful to you. Written by your eternal servant," Selena read to herself with a small mutter as the handwriting was more scrambled than she was used to.

"How silly, time does not work like that. It's not something that can be stopped without an infinite amount of magic or things would just explode when they collide with other matter that is not frozen," Selena voiced and dropped the letter to a metal tray on a table.

"Ooh well, at least I felt excited for a moment," Selena shrugged. "Though I do wonder who is so bold as to claim to be my eternal servant. Maybe someone really is so obsessed with me as to always look at me from the shadows."

"Maybe he will one day send me a letter confessing his love," Selena added and made light intensify around the letter enough to burst it into flames. Despite the silly contents, her maids would track down whoever had written it and most likely executed them after interrogation. Like they did to thieves that dared to take apples from the garden trees. Selena did not really understand why they did that but she did think it was a bit excessive.

After a deep breath of making sure the smoke had faded Selena stepped out of her room to go to the garden pavilion to have dinner in the sunlight. For the whole way there she kept moving as elegantly as possible in the case, her hidden admirer was watching her. Though she was mostly doing it to feel glimpses of excitement from something new happening around her.

** * **

The main pavilion of Selena's garden was made of glass that let her soak in the sunlight. Due to her light element, it was relaxing to her even on a hot day that made her maids feel ill. On those days she graciously let them wait outside of the glass pavilion's heat. Though today was not one of those days and her head maid Emara stood just on the side of her like a guard whose only task was to watch her prisoner eat. Or at least that was how Selena had begun to see it over the years.

Emara, like most maids in Selena's family's service, had silver hair and eyes and wore white outfits. It had been explained to Selena that it was a strict recruitment policy due to the house tradition to only hire lesser high elves who specialized in body enhancement combat magic. So like with Selena's family they all came with the same hair and eye color because of the many generations of specialization in the same magical element.

Just when Selena placed another piece of exquisitely marinated meat onto her lips with a golden fork she saw light glimmer from the corner of her keen elven eyes. On the roof of her manor was a green roof repair goblin holding some silver object that he was pointing at her. It made her freeze while the from before letter came to her mind.

Usually, the roof repair goblins just quickly fixed any tiles and left to avoid the punishment of loitering since they were little more than utility slaves. But this wrinkly faced creature with firm muscle mass was staring at her while holding the silver object. The length he did so would be almost enough to get one of Selena's combat maids at least to beat him if they saw him. Though lucky for him Emara was standing in a way he was just out of her vision.

"Mistress, something wrong?" Emara asked while her mistress just held the meat against her lips without moving. It created an idea that almost made Selena laugh but she managed to stay still. Suddenly she wanted to know what her maid would do if she just kept staying still like she was actually frozen in time.

"Mistress?" Emara asked again and tilted her head to get a better look at the seemingly frozen elf. Due to the lack of wind in the glass pavilion, she almost looked like a statue with her unnatural beauty. The more Selena thought about it the more she was amused by the idea of just being a statue or a really large doll. At least that way she would not mind being just stored somewhere while waiting to be traded to a new owner.

"Mistress? Something wrong?" Emara kept asking but this time with more concern that was almost enough to confuse Selena. She had never heard such emotion in any of her maid's tones so she barely recognized it.

Emara looked around to find any clues on what Selena was staring at so intently but before the maid spotted the goblin he had rushed behind a roof tower.

"This meat is especially good today. Be sure to send the compliments to the chef," Selena voiced and stopped kissing the meat to place it on her tongue.

"I will, my mistress," Emara replied with a nod. For a moment she looked oddly flustered like she was suddenly embarrassed by her earlier behavior. Though she calmed down while observing Selena finish the rest of her meal.

** * **

After taking several strolls around her garden Selena decided to go look at the newly delivered books at her library. For some time the new books had been almost as boring as the old ones. There very rarely was anything truly new in them even if they were about theoretical applications of light magic. Like whoever was in charge of sending suitable books to her had taken it their life mission to make sure none of them were exciting in any way. Though sometimes he did seem to do some mistakes and send books that contained something a bit improper like a romance between lower classes. Those were the times Selena really enjoyed reading the new books even if they were rare and the stories always ended in everybody involved dying. So far it had happened five times out of thousands and she had hidden every single one of the books just in case someone would want to take them back.

When Selena reached the third floor she dismissed her maids as it was the only floor they did not insist on following her everywhere. Then she headed for the library. While doing so she decided that she would continue writing a happier continuity to one of the tragic love stories with at least some improper touching if none of the new books had anything exciting in them.

Once Selena was safely locked in her large library with tens of thousands of books she visibly relaxed while heading to the neatly piled books at the reading table. One of the few things Selena was allowed to do herself was to arrange the books just the way she liked.

Though before Selena reached the books she heard movement in the room that should have been completely still. From behind one of the bookshelves, she spotted a green leathery hand holding something that looked like a silver mechanical clock. It made her completely freeze where she stood. The goblin from before had somehow managed to get into a room that was supposed to be one of the most secure in the entire manor.

A multitude of things rushed into Selena's mind while she went through tens of scenarios of why the goblin whose name was Cork based on the letter was here. Though she had to admit she was not really sure why he was here. And since Selena did not really like what her maids did to the intruders to the apple garden she almost immediately discarded the idea of summoning them with the bell next to the door.

So like before Selena pretended to be frozen while using her extensive training to look like her elegant face was staring into nothingness with unmoving grace. Though she did fix the position of her legs under her dress to stand with more comfort. But when the wrinkly goblin face with leathery green ears peeked from behind the shelve Selena was seemingly frozen still. A wide smile spread showing his crooked teeth while he licked his lips with a long slimy tongue.

"Hear me?" Cork grunted and moved on the side of the shelve like a large muscular spider. The roof repair goblins were taught the basic level of magic that let them move along any surface with great agility and speed while they naturally had enough strength to carry things up the walls despite their smaller weight that did not usually crash through any roof like a heavier orc would.

"It works, it really works," Cork happily announced and Selena almost smiled back to the goblin because he looked so happy but she kept focusing on her role. Just the fact she did not know what was going to happen if she kept pretending to be frozen in time increased her excitement to levels she had not even thought possible. Her heart suddenly beat fast enough to her almost became concerned the goblin would hear it and realize he was being fooled. But Cork did not seem to notice and walked closer while fixing his tightly wrapped loincloth like he was trying to make the skimpy clothing more presentable.

Even if Selena had seen drawn male muscles in books the firm shapes of Cork were definitely something else. The sheltered elf noble felt oddly captivated by them and had to resist an urge to follow them with her eyes. Just seeing the way they moved made her feel strange. A sensation she only felt when she was writing something really improper or after a strange dream about her maids touching her weirdly.

"I was told this works only on one person once it has attuned... so you are mine now," Cork muttered while standing next to Selena. Due to his short length, she would have needed to tilt her head to see him but that would have given away her pretending and maybe scared away the goblin. Though she suddenly became too flustered to think about that when the creature suddenly claimed that he owned her. As far as she knew her owner slash father was one of the most powerful nobles that commanded at least one of the imperial airship fleets at any time and now this drooling green goblin had claimed ownership over her.

"All mine for ten silver," Cork kept voicing and Selena felt how his strong hands grabbed her dress behind her. She had no idea what she should do or think. Almost instinctively she knew this was something her father would really not want to happen but since there were none of her maids around to stop it she herself was not that sure what she wanted to do. There were very few things she was allowed to even decide herself let alone decide something that her father would not like. Not to mention this creature looked so happy that Selena did not ever remember seeing anyone else like it for decades.

A momentary smile spread on Selena's lips when she decided not to decide. There was no way anybody would be mad at her if she just did not do anything. So she removed the smile from her face while just waiting what the goblin would do next with rising excitement.

There was a sudden fast movement before Selena realized Cork had slipped under her dress. A mass that most likely was his green face pressed against the undergarment that was now the only thing that protected her perky elven ass while strong hot hands wrapped around her thighs.

"This soft smooth skin, all mine, just for ten silver," Cork announced and a sensation that could have only been his saliva oozing tongue sliding along Selena's inner thigh filled her mind. So what was pressing into her ass was simply the upper part of his head while the long tongue explored her bare skin.

Even if Selena had written many stories about improper touching she had never even dreamed of something like this. As far as she knew unmarried kissing, hand-holding, and stroking of hair were as far as things could go. So the tongue pressing against her silky skin sparked weird curiosity in her on top of everything else. Since Cork was not tied by her father's rules he would do and teach her things that nobody else would and that almost made Selena smile yet again.

Selena was forced to let her lips gape while her breathing turned harder. The goblin's forceful hands were exploring ways under her undergarment while his tongue seemed to grow longer by the second. Like the creature wanted to feel and taste every part of Selena's body he was able to reach under the dress.

Heat burned harder in Selena's body the more Cork's tongue pressured the undergarment between her legs. The place that was preserved for marriage was reacting to this intrusion and Selena was surprised by just how easily the goblin's wet saliva seemingly managed to push through the relatively thick fabric.

Before this day Selena had no idea she would have even been able to feel like this so Cork was definitely teaching her something new. Once his hands had successfully slid up under the undergarment on both sides of her hip his fingers trailed towards the front. The first thing they reached was her curly golden pubes and the moment it happened all of the fingers lunged in to grip them.

"Elf hairs, they exist... so soft," Cork slurred with a hanging tongue. He was not just satisfied with gripping the pubes but he also pulled from them. The stretched pressure on Selena's skin immediately affected the throbbing of her nethers. The knob that usually only reacted after weird dreams about the maids was the obvious center point of the sensations. It kept pulsing independently even as the pulls from the goblin definitely added to them.

The harder Cork punished Selena's pubes the more of her focus needed to go to stop her knees from moving. Though she did let her hands lower to take support from the sturdy table since the goblin's vision was completely blocked by her dress.

"Need to go but this mine now... will come tonight with time... to take this elf cunt," Cork muttered and suddenly retread from under the dress with a delayed grip from Selena's pubes that made her hip jolt a bit. For a moment she thought her ruse had been noticed but the goblin that climbed up the bookshelf did not even look back to detect the changed position of her hands.

For several minutes Selena stayed still while thinking about what had just happened. Though despite everything else part of her focus shifted on just how easily she had managed to cheat the odd creature. He was clearly dumber than any of her maids.

"Just how dumb is he... time stopping does not work like this... and did he buy that thing with ten silver. I don't even know anything that cheap," Selena mused with a grin while stretching her legs. Without even thinking her hands trailed along the places the goblin had touched above her dress. Despite the area being soaked pulses of pleasurable tingling dampened any discomfort from it.

"Not to mention... him being so bold... he should be executed... his life is in my hands yet he was so bold," Selena added and her eyes glazed a bit while she thought the multitude of strange but oddly appealing sensations that had filled her several decades old virgin mind.

Suddenly Selena jolted and rushed to one of the bookshelves about gods and began digging books hidden behind the two front rows. From there she took one specific book that was the latest one she was rewriting. The boring execution ending of the knight and the captured enemy noblewoman was something she really wanted to change.

"I now know what Sir Richard and Lady Isabel are going to do next... this fits perfectly," Selena muttered and seated herself at the reading table. She opened the book around halfway mark and turned it vertically so that she would be able to write sideways on top of the text from the part onward she did not like.

Selena pointed her finger on the paper and used light magic to burn thin lines to form letters. She had long ago learned to avoid using ink since her maids would ask her what she had written and demand to see it. So the writing style served also to practice the precision she was able to use her magic.

"And then Sir Richard dropped to his left knee and asked if he could kiss the lady's knee," Selena muttered to herself while she wrote. "The lady Isabel replied, you sure may. I even grant you the permit to lick anything that is between my knee and my hip."

Selena's lips spread to a gaping smile while she read what she had just written. The excitement of just planning all the places he was going to make Richard lick filled her even before she got to those parts.

That evening Selena wrote as long as she was able until her maids came knocking on her door to demand she comes to eat something before going to sleep.

** * **

By the time Selena was left alone to sleep by her maids she was far too excited to feel even a bit of tiredness despite several hours long magic practice in the morning. She wore a simple silky nightgown and nothing else while laying on her large bed.

"He dared to touch me... here and... here," Selena panted with a whisper and trailed her hands along the route Cork's firm fingers had traveled along the sides of her hip. She had to be quiet since one of her maids was just behind the door on night duty to guard her. Though the distance to the door from the bed was great enough to limit even the ability of an elf to hear her and she had long ago tested just what was heard and what was not out of boredom.

"Will he really come tonight to own me?" Selena voiced and looked at her large windows and balcony. She had opened her curtains to let the moonlight lit her room in its entirety. Out of an almost feral urge, she was also spreading her legs to the moon.

"To claim this place for his own?" Selena mused and slid her hands to hold her pubes through her gown. The place had been swollen for hours in a soaked state.

"Just thinking about it," Selena muttered. "I'm really going to be his elf cunt?"

There was no way for Selena to actually know what Cork would do to her if he ever came. All she knew certain was that she was unable to stop thinking about his firm green muscles and leering wrinkly bald face with yellow eyes.

Suddenly there was a low creaking sound coming from the top of one of the windows. At first, Selena did not know what caused it but then a green leg pressed against the window and she leaned enough to see hands working on the corner of the window.

Selena's hands moved to cover her mouth like she was suddenly scared she would say something to scare away the creature. But in the next moment, she laid down and closed her eyes like she was sleeping. Though as moments passed the goblin's struggle to open the window grew louder and Selena became afraid the maid might hear it. Knowing she had to act fast Selena stood up and opened the window next to her bed.

"That's better, I was getting a bit hot," Selena muttered like she was saying an acted lines. Though she was not exactly lying due to her heated and a bit sweaty state. Then she laid back on her bed with closed eyes and listened impatiently. For a moment she thought she had scared her visitor away just with the loud beat of her heart but soon enough her keen ears heard movement and something landed at the feet end of her bed.

Strong leathery hands grabbed Selena's ankles and began sliding up them while the creature crawled forward. If her heartbeat had been loud before now it turned almost deafening to her. Coarse skin slid along her silky legs under her gown and she had to fight a temptation to open her eyes. No matter what she did not want to scare away this brave goblin before he made her feel far more new and exciting things that she had never even been able to imagine in her well-guarded cage.

"All mine for ten silver... this all mine now," Cork muttered while his hands slid up Selena's thighs. They were followed by the rest of his body. Along with his hard muscles, something else was also touching her legs. It was a weird rod that was connected to a soft and hairy base. Cork rubbed it into her leg like it was sliding up her.

Selena suddenly realized what the strange object had to be. She had never been told its true name but based on her knowledge it was the thing that caused bulges in male pants. The only reason she even knew about it was the few times she had been summoned to attend some party event to make introductions to nobles. Though to her, it had felt more like she was the auction goods being presented to potential buyers.

Cork's hands slid up Selena's hip to feel her stomach and she realized far too late that he was now able to feel her breathe. The fear of him leaving filled her but the goblin's hands kept sliding up until they cupped her perky breasts.

"Such a smart device... even letting you breathe," Cork muttered while dragging his cock through Selena's pubes to press against her stomach. His muscular hands and legs wrapped around her body while her saliva leaking face pressed between her breasts.

There was no way Selena was able to reason to herself how this creature still thought his absurd device was working. Her breathing had turned ragged and Cork's bony face was moving her breasts in a way that definitely was not frozen in any way. Though as his slimy tongue increasingly rubbed her breasts with saliva she stopped focusing on the absurdity.

"Kiss... I want a kiss," Cork slurred while dragging his tongue up to Selena's neck. His hands stretched the gown's collar to let his head through and she felt his breathing on her face a moment before a large slimy tongue swiped her jaw and move up to her slightly gaping lips.

The goblin's dry leathery lips pressed into Selena's soft lips while his tongue pressed through. For a moment the raw smell and taste were enough to make her gag but in seconds her delicate senses overloaded and she lost her sense of taste. It was followed by strange numb tingles that were almost pleasurable on their own.

For the duration of the kiss, Selena did not need to pretend the frozen state of her body. She had dreamed and practiced for years for this moment but this definitely was not how she had imagined it based on the few books that described it. The goblin's tongue was large enough to fill her mouth and he explored every spot that was inside. So the experience went far beyond just pressing lips together in confirmation of the marriage bond.

Even when Cork began to retreat Selena was not sure how she should feel. She had never felt such a deep connection with anyone but it was all too strange to her. Though one thing was sure that she wanted more. At this point, she would almost welcome pain if it was something new.

"Now let me... let me... enter you, with my cock... my cock is going to enter a beautiful elf," Cork slurred while retreating down Selena's body. His hanging tongue dragged the line the same way as before and he gave a quick kiss to her breasts on his way.

"Don't worry, I will pull out... can't leave any signs behind," Cork muttered while positioning his cock to press against Selena's pubes. She had now been given the true name of the object that was causing male bulges and it kept repeating in her mind. Even her gaping lips almost formed it.

Once in position, Cork did not waste time and pressed his long goblin cock against Selena's vulva to slide it in. Due to her swollen and soaked state, just the first thrust took the length through her elastic elven hymen that wrapped around the tip like a potency ring.

"Is... is your cunt reacting? Are you feeling my touch and... want me?" Cork uttered while he holstered as much of his length in. Due to the position, his hard length was leveraging Selena's pussy upwards to apply extra pressure to her already throbbing clit.

If Selena had thought the kiss had created a deep connection between them then this was something else. A hard throbbing mass had literally made its way into her own throbbing core to fill it with pressure inducing tingles.

"Your beautiful body... accepts me," Cork exclaimed and wrapped his strong muscular limbs around Selena. Especially his hands dug behind her back to arch her hip to let more of his length sink into the embrace of her elastic elven walls.

"Your mind... is gone but your body is... truly mine," Cork added while Selena's fully operational mind was being overwhelmed by the sensation of being taken. This creature had truly come to claim her body and soul. His grip around her was as strong as her grip around his cock.

An urge to see filled Selena and the moment she realized the goblin was covered by her gown she let her eyes open to look at the mound on top of her. Even if she was only able to see a general size it helped her picture the strong muscular creature hiding right in front of her. The vivid sensations of the way he touched and filled her left very little room for her own imagination on what he was doing.

"Mine to use... all mine," Cork muttered and dragged his length outwards to trigger a pressure shift that was enough to tremble Selena's ears and toes. She had not even been able to predict that anything could become even more intense than before. Her walls and vulva were almost like glued to the foreskin of the hard cock and she lacked words to describe the raw sensation of pleasure filling her.

Once Cork started he did not stop moving with thrusts that always applied maximum pressure to the top of Selena's stretched pussy. The sensation of her vulva suction cupping the cock reminded her of the kiss from before. The more she focused on it the more she was convinced this was a very special kind of kiss between lovers.

There even was a secondary kiss into something very deep inside Selena. Like she had some kind of inner mouth that was clamped shut tightly that the goblin kept tapping with his tip.

"Mine... mine," Cork kept panting while he adjusted his hip to do as long as possible thrusts without compromising his full-body grip around Selena. To her, it definitely felt like she was truly being claimed. She let herself fully surrender her body to be taken as deeply as the hungry creature wanted. In exchange, she only wished for this sensation to last forever. Unlike her father who simply owned her to be stored this Cork was more than willing to truly claim her as his own.

"Ihii," a strange noise came from Selena's lips and almost like a reflex her hands lifted to cover her mouth. A fear of Cork noticing and running away filled her while she locked her jaw shut as tightly as possible. She had no idea what would happen if she was discovered now. The fear that this brave creature that dared to share this with her would flee and never come back paralyzed her yet again. After all, this was something that definitely would mandate some of the cruelest punishments Selena had ever heard if just stealing apples meant death.

The more comfortable Selena's folds grew to the shape of the veined green brick the less she wanted it to leave her. She wanted it to be part of her and stay with her forever even if thinking it felt absurd.

Though despite Selena's fears Cork did not show any signs of even noticing Selena's panic and it calmed her down a bit. Though it was replaced by excitement while her mind realized she finally knew what she wanted from life. In this moment of union, she was absolutely sure that this was the thing she had been missing all her life.

A smile spread on Selena's lips in a moment of pure happiness. Like to respond to her moment of profound realization warm pressuring heat exploded into her core.

"Oh fuck oh fuck," Cork began to grunt with odd panic even as his following thrusts spread warm slimy tingling sensations all over Selena's inner walls. Even her deepest place experience a strange pulsing that made Selena's lips gape even more than before. She was yet again experiencing a new kind of connection she never wanted to end.

"What do I do, what do I do," Cork uttered in rising panic. "I need to clean it... I need to."

Cork easily dragged out his heavily lubed cock and Selena was about to wrap her legs around him to stop his retreat when a voice came behind the door.

"Mistress, is everything okay? Did you call for me?" the maid on night duty asked behind the door. It caused Cork to panic and he lunged away from Selena's dress and straight out of the window without even noticing how Selena had been staring at him while holding her face in equal panic.

"I'm fine, was feeling a bit hot," Selena stuttered while the maid opened the door to look in. She gave a wide sweep of the room before locking her eyes to the open window.

"Mistress, please don't leave your window open for the night. You might feel hot now but you might catch some annoying decease if you are not careful," the maid said with a stern voice and walked to the window to close it. After that, she left with a polite nod.

Selena's gown had hidden the mess that Cork had left behind and once the maid was gone too she moved her hands to pull up her hem. The goblin's heat and slimness had been left behind to fill her still throbbing pussy.

"What is this? Is this the love married couples share?" Selena stuttered while reaching her vulva with her fingers. It was clear to her she had been filled with a lot of some substance that did not originate from her body.

"Did he... did he just marry me?" Selena uttered in rising panic mixed with excitement. "Did he... fill me with his love?"

Selena's right hand soaked itself with creamy goblin semen while it explored the substance left behind. She lifted the hand to have a look at it and the raw smell was as intoxicating as her first kiss. With a blank mind, she placed her fingers to her lips and licked the seed that had oozed out of her.

"Is this what love tastes like?" Selena muttered and the hunger she licked her fingers increased. "He needed to clean this... will he come back if I clean this?"

"Your tastes... this is your tastes... I should not waste it... in case you won't come back," Selena added and cupped her swollen pussy with her left hand while licking the other. That night she would not sleep before there was no more Cork's taste she was able to find from inside of her.

** * **

The next morning Selena insisted with more force than ever before to drink tea alone in her room. Even to her surprise the maids had simply nodded and left. Though she did not even think about it while she drank down her third cup of tea down with trembling hands.

"Ooh, gods... what was wrong with me last night... I should not have done that... and I even licked it all," Selena muttered while trying to wash her mouth with the tea. "I can still taste it."

Once all the tea was gone Selena tried to relax but her eyes wandered down to her legs. To the place Cork had claimed as his own last night.

"But that rush... I can't get it out of my mind," Selena kept talking to herself the same things that she had repeated in her mind multiple times already. Like they would make more sense if she said them out loud.

"Oh gods, what is wrong with me?" Selena suddenly exclaimed and stood up. "Why does he keep making me feel this when I should have him executed for stealing from a noble?"

Though Selena's words forced an awkward grin to her lips. Last night she had been more than on aboard of the highly muscular but wrinkly faced goblin claiming her as his own. It was something she never wanted to forget but the fact of what kind of creature it had been was starting to make her feel conflicted.

"I don't even need to give a reason and he would lose his head. Just that I found him annoying. My brothers do that all the time," Selena mused and sat back down. "But not yet... I'll give him a week... maybe two, to come back."

And so Selena found something new and interesting to do even if it was reliving an experience in her mind over and over again. At least until the experience would repeat to her again.

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