/ Book&Literature / Helpless | A Twilight Fan Fiction

Helpless | A Twilight Fan Fiction Original

Helpless | A Twilight Fan Fiction

Book&Literature 1 Chapters 4.6K Views

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Getting used to not seeing her brother anymore? Yes. Coping with her anxiety? It’s a work in progress. Dealing with the loss of her best friend to the supposed cult her brother joined? Not a chance.

Ashleigh Call knows what it’s like to not be wanted. Her father left after finding out her mother had been pregnant with her. Her brother, Embry, left to go start hanging out with people he hated. But when she also loses her and Embry’s shared best friend, Jacob Black, things start to get complicated. Ashleigh feels helpless; she doesn’t know what to do without her favorite people by her side. And with a vampire on the loose in Forks, things are bound to get out of hand.

*This book takes place in New Moon, the second of the Twilight Saga, and all of my writing is based off of the books*

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