Knowledge. All primordial beast have a bloodline that passes down knowledge, that grants the species a sort of mental library that housed what they are, who they are, and knowledge of the world.
As the baby phoenix opened his eyes, his mind was filled with knowledge. He understood that he was a phoenix in the world of Alabasta. He also knew that he was a direct creation of the God Ra. Not only did he know of the world, he also knew the history of it. The Great Primordial War, this paved the way for the new world that was filled with magical essence. The magical essence that the dying beasts gave off made it so the lesser races of humanoids now had access to magic and a ranking system.
The ranking system the humanoids have now was a byproduct of the dying beasts' systems. The system now is of lower quality than the original system that was given to the Primordials. The primordials originally were given a shop that would allow them to buy skills, evolutions and items. The system currently only shows the status and skills that you gain.
In front of the face was a blue screen that showed his status. Being born with his bloodline it allowed him to know all languages and how to read, so he was able to understand what it was telling him.
Name: Sven Sex: Male Age: Newborn
Race: Hell-Fire Phoenix (Variant)
Lifespan: Immortal
Titles: The Last Primordial
Power Level: C
Attack: 300
Defense: 200 (Fire Immunity, Low magic resistance)
HP: 4000
Skills: None
Primordial Points: 10
While Sven was looking over his status, he heard a calm and soothing voice directly in his head. "Ah, little one, I have been waiting for this moment for 3 millenniums. I placed you in a chamber that is sealed away from the rest of the world so that you would be able to hatch and have the ability recreate your race, if you so choose to. Right now, you are the last phoenix- well you're the last primordial too but… that's something for later. I have recreated this chamber in the center of the Earth to simulate the hatching requirements that our necessary for you're race. Ah, I almost forgot…." As the voice was talking a projection of sorts manifested in front of Sven, one made completely of magic energy.
The man walked over to Sven and placed his hand upon his head and uttered a phrase in some unknown language to the phoenix.
"Aue mai tuhp res intelge"
As he was saying this Sven began thoughts and was able to think now. Not in a way that came naturally, but in a more advanced way of thinking. He also now had the ability to talk. One he used almost immediately.
"So uh sir, m-may I a-ask who you are?" Sven struggled to say, because the vocal cords for phoenix were not meant to talk.
"Ah that makes sense, I should've introduced myself earlier. I am Ra, I am the God that created the phoenix race, but that technically doesn't count for you because there is more than just a phoenix in your bloodline. One that I have been unable to figure out because most likely one of your parents came from the void."
"T-t-the Vo-id? Sven was now curious as to what he meant because his bloodline knowledge told him that the void housed some of the most vile and dangerous creatures that ever existed. These creatures were so powerful that the Gods had to combine and use all their power to try and seal them away in an alternate realm. Although they were successful in doing so, some of the more powerful ones were able to make their way back.
"Yes, although I have seen most of the races that frequent the void, I have never heard of anything with Hell-Fire. That is what made me spare you all those years ago. I did not create you and therefore it was allowed that I let you inhabit the world that is rightfully yours." Ra decided to tell him that he spared him instead of the actual truth. 3000 years ago he saw that egg and actually did try to destroy it, but was unable to. Instead of showing weakness, he went back and told the other Gods that he had spared him because he was not actually his created race. The Gods eventually agreed on it, but he kept the little fact that he was unable to destroy it his little secret.
"That is all I have to say for right now," Ra said in a little more authoritative voice that usual and continued, "I will bring you to the surface world and there is were you will start your life. I must warn you though, I would stay away from the intelligent races for now, there has been a scripture that has been passed down through the years that depicts The Primordial War. Although they think you are extinct, if one puts the two together, there is no doubt in my mind they will try to kill you. The possibility of an extinction event is too strong for them and they will do everything possible to stop it."
Just as he finished talking the world went from dark, almost a black red, to a more relaxing red. As Sven looked around at his surroundings, he noticed that it was little bit colder than the last area he was in. Although he noticed it was cooler, it did not affect him in the slightest because the phoenix race is made of fire mostly, and a little core that sits between there eyes. This core normally would look dark red and in the shape of a diamond, but because Sven was a variant race, his core also looked differently. In between his eyes sat and ever-changing color core. It looked almost as if the red and the black were fighting for supremacy, but as soon as one looked to be gaining, the other one would even it out in this everlasting stalemate.
"Fuck my head hurts, he could've gave me a little heads up on that" thought Sven as he began look at himself. As he looked over himself he noticed that he was a little bit bigger than what he should've been, and by bigger, he was almost 3 times as big! He had a 3 footlong tail feathers that came out from his backside. He also noticed his talons almost looked too scary, instead of a normal birds talons, he had pitch black talons with read fire for nails. That was not normal, and one Sven realized was from his variant race.
Sven came up to around 4 feet tall, when normal phoenix newborns would maybe only reach around 2 feet if they were lucky. When he spread his wings, he realized just how big they were. He had a wingspan of 15 feet!
"Wait what in the hell are those?" Sven said curiously as he eyed his wings.
Underneath his feathers, he had claws! He didn't realize he had them because they were tucked in his feathers and hidden from sight. These claws could go in and out of his feathers at will, and the made it so he could fly easier and he now had the ability to walk on all fours if he wanted too.
Once he examined himself to his liking he looked at his surrounding in more detail than earlier. Trees and grass for miles and miles. He was on top of the biggest hill that he could see as he looked around. At his age, his wings weren't just for show, but before he could fly, he had to learn how.
As Sven tried to take off the ground, he realized that a little too late, as he started to tumble and roll down the side of the hill. Luckily, he didn't hit too much, but it still hurt a lot.
-50 HP
Health: 3950
As he pulled himself up, and shook the dirt off his feathers, he heard shouting.
"Hey Jarold, didn't you say you saw the bear go this way?"
Info Dump here, sorry, I just wanted to try and get the story rolling.
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