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1.16% Hell Bound / Chapter 1: Prologue
Hell Bound Hell Bound original

Hell Bound

Author: PennyBoomer

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Long ago when Lucifers wings were stolen and he was sent to earth along with Adam and Eve. The new world earth started, the planet was bare and hot. Adam left Eve after her betrayal and Eve found Lucifer. Together the two celestial beings created Hell. Many other Angels followed Lucifer and were sent down after him, joining him in hell as his Hunters. Angels also fell for Adams cause, they were cast out of heaven as well and joined Lucifer. Adam was in love with one of the angels who was cast down to hell, but she was forced to leave earth and join Lucifers hunters.

Adam continued to praying to his god even after being casted away. Seeing his loyalty his God created humans, that way Adam wouldn't be alone anymore. This wasn't a full kindness though, Adam and Eve were celestial beings. Therefore Adam would love naturally forever and would need another Celestial being or object for him to die. Humans died naturally, so he was still meant to be tortured by watching all of his children, loved ones, and friends die all around him throughout his years. This caused him to leave and hide away from the other humans as time passed, as he couldn't stand the pain of losing everyone he ever loved. He eventually he fell back in love with the fallen angel.

She had only went with him under Lucifer and Eves command, as they wanted him dead as the start of his war. She also happened to be Lucifers right hand and was the strongest of his Hunters and was one of the strongest angels even when she was in heaven.

This angel eventually fell in love with Adam, she got pregnant with a child. Knowing Eve and Lucifers plans for start a war and destroy heaven all together she knew they and their unborn child weren't safe. In order for them to be safe they created a new world known as the netherworld. It is the in between for spirits who can still roam the world after there death because they have not yet found peace or weren't collected by the hunters or angels yet. Before they were able to safely enter the new place they had created using there combined abilities, they were attacked, both made it but there unborn child was killed.

Adam was injured very seriously in this attack, he no longer looked like a young handsome man and the two separated on opposite sides of the place they created as seeing one another only reminded them what they had lost. They both knew it wasn't safe for them to return to their old homes.

A war broke out shortly after and they left. Heaven and Hell fought a long battle, but Lucifer and Eve came out victorious. The war took a toll on the King and Queen of hell, they both lost there human form when they returned to hell. Only on earth could they appear human.

Hundreds of years past, but Adam and his love had come together again. They had a child and put it into a young woman as the gal angel could not carry the child. This child was born and was known as Jesus. As everyone knows his story he died and rose again due to the celestial blood in his body, only a celestial being or object could actually kill him. He returned to the netherworld after rising again to meet his parents, he was killed years later after gaining many human followers and bring many souls to the netherworld, as it was considered the new heaven. This place was untouchable to Lucifer and Eve, the place was protected with a special spell that grew more powerful as more spirits enter the place. Therefor no matter how much power Lucifer threw at it he was always to weak as they had no competition during the war so they gathered all the spirits when they died, making the spell that was casted grow in strength making there plan untouchable when it came to Lucifer and his Hunters.

Lucifers Queen fell in ranks, instead of being Queen she became his right hand man though becoming the highest Hunter.

Humans kept living there normal lives and expanding the teaching that Adam had taught him except everyone now believed Adam was god once they got the the netherworld and that the netherworld was heaven although it wasn't. Everyone knew him and Eves story to an extent, but nobody ever knew all of it as time had past parts of the scriptures were lost and stories changed. The world changed as did many things, Eve killed Jesus to hold her position and stay on Lucifers good side. Lucifer had two children 1 girl with a half human. This women was born with a strong Hunter as her father and a mortal mother. Lucifer and her conceived a beautiful daughter, with blond hair and blue eyes, but the women died during child birth. Eve helped raise the child as her own, but 6 years later she got pregnant giving Lucifer another child and heir to his throne. This one was a baby boy with bright blue eyes and blond hair.

One year later Adam and the women he loved had two more children. Twin girls, but the fallen angle died during childbirth leaving Adam to raise their two children alone. The difference between Adam and Eves children were clear. Eve and Lucifer were both cursed making it so there children had celestial blood but didn't look as angels did, but Adams children had wings as an angel would but they also had sharp spikes coming out at the end of their white feathers. All the children were capable of hiding there features as needed.

Adam went out after his children when they turned 3 years old as they had wandered out of there realm. Adam was killed but Hunters, but his two daughters were taken and trained to become the best hunters and protect the throne.

Both girls learned to fight and were weapons capable of defeating full grown hunters at the age of 6. They were both very powerful as there mother was a powerful fallen angel and their father was one of the original celestial beings, this also made Lucifers son powerful as well. Lucifer and their mother were the only fallen angels who were able to conceive fully celestial beings, before this hunters were only able to have a child with a human not another hunter.

The children didn't remember their father or home or life before being taken to hell which is why they were spared. There was no fear in the girls betraying Lucifer as they only knew he'll as there home and as they got older and started to be around his children more they fell in love.

The twins names are Morgan and Emma. Emma has dark brown hair and blueish- brown hazel eyes(dark ring around the outside with light blue in the middle and hunny brown around her pupil) while Morgan has black hair and light hazel eyes (dark ring around the outside then white with gold around her pupil) both girls have long hair and pale skin as they don't normally see much light. They also both have powers as they are celestial beings. Morgan controls light and white fire. Allowing her to manipulate light and move through it. Emma control dark and blue fire. Making it so she can bend the darkness to her will and walk through shadows. The twins have a different type of bond one that can't be easily broken and links the two making it so they are able to find each other and sense when the other needs them. Both sisters also have white feather wings, but they have points that are sharp kind of like how a bat would what are considered it's fingers within there wings, the girls wings have those sharp blade like points but their feathers cover them so you wouldn't know until you were cut by them.

Lucifers first born child name is Lucy. She has short blond hair and brown eyes, she appears human because of her mothers side. She doesn't have a specific ability, she's what people call a witch. She can preform rituals which allow her to cast spells, this ability to draw power out of other things and use it do what she wants is kind of her own ability. She has side effects though because she is half human and any celestial being is able to do it the same as she can, but it was old practice. It's similar to how a ritual was preformed and a "spell" that was cast that made hell or neither word. To humans it's magic but to us it's something normal that you can do. Lucifers son on the other hand is full celestial being. He's tall with blond hair and gold eyes which he got from his mother, his name is Logan. He controls fire and can teleport using it, he also is able to heal himself and can control the dead. He's able to form bodies uses clay or mud and use a ritual to trap a spirit inside it and then he can control them. His sister can complete the same ritual but the spirt doesn't bend to her will as it does for Logan. Logan can take a human form although he already looks human for the most part other than fact that he has wings, not angel wing like the twins, but like bat or dragon wings he doesn't have any feathers and his wings are all black.

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