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Heavenly Principles of the 18 Divines Heavenly Principles of the 18 Divines original

Heavenly Principles of the 18 Divines

Author: BlackenedSky

© WebNovel

— Prologue

The Divine Sword god, Spathi, sits atop his throne at the peak of the world. Born and raised as a blacksmith, he worked hard to create swords for soldiers, before he decided to become one himself, and discovered the root of the world, Yggdrasil, the 18 divines saw him fit and granted him their blessing.

Spathi did not like thrones, so when he became king, he removed it and replaced it with a normal dining chair. Which was one of the many things he did to anger the imperial nobles, they believed he was desecrating the throne of Atlas, the human god emperor of mankind, and the god of light. Atlas was once a great king named Septis, his last name, was lost to time. And so was the true name of the throne. Thus after decades of battle, they eventually just gave the throne to the sword god, who had mastered almost every known technique, and has created many revolutionary ones.

His personal armory is filled with about 10,000 swords. A true man of elegance. Well, that's what the stories say, or that's what they did say. Only about 200 years into his reign, he was killed by a group of 10 mages. Magic was a very frowned upon practice in the country of Theikos. They believed it was an art of death, as mana was produced by the dew of Yggdrasil, thus they believed using magic killed the root of the world, and the world tree.

Spathi saw fire consume the world as he bled out on the floor, his vision fading to darkness. A voice reached out to him as he flew down a rainbow tunnel.


Spathi looked at the eternal inferno that rose at the bottom and plunged his hand into the side, barely keeping himself up.

"Hell no!"

He climbed up the rainbow tunnel, it seemed to take him ages, but the rainbow tunnel broke apart and sucked him into a separate vortex, and he awoke. He laid on some type of squishy surface, and his body ached, he felt like he could barely move as fast as he normally can. He felt like he was choking on his own spit, his mouth was dry. He was depraved of the Ki he normally had in his body. It was dark, he couldn't see, his body felt like a sea of fire, consuming him from the inside. And then it stopped. He felt disconnected, his body from his soul.

He stood up and looked around.

"Where am I?"

A glass of water stood on the dresser, he took a large gulp out of it. The moonlight peeked through the curtains. He looked outside the window, he was on some…giant grounds full of smaller buildings. And one big one, the one he was staying in.

He heard a voice rumble in his head.

|"Synchronization Complete"|

The voice sounded feminine, but not feminine, human, but not human.

And suddenly he felt a jolt in his head, his mind filled with memories, fragmented pieces of a connected puzzle, two names, two lives, two souls, two bodies.

"My name…Liam Cron…Spathi…who am I?"

Liam Cron, a student at the university of magical abilities, in the city of the divines, Vermund.

'What? That doesn't make sense…' He thought in his head, he doesn't recognize this name. He felt conflict inside his heart, he wasn't him anymore, he was someone else.

"I am no longer me…is this reincarnation? What did those damn mages do to me?!"

A book lay at the bedside, a golden book laced with black leather.

He took it and examined it carefully.

"The heavenly principles of the 18 divines…this is what this boy was reading when I took him over. This…is an age of magic. This boy has no knowledge of sword arts, or ki. He aspired to be a mage. What a fool."

|"Welcome User"|

The book seemed to speak to him. He wasn't sure if it was the book though, the voice seemed to come from all directions.

"…what is this…?"

|"Blessing Obtained"|

|"The blessing of purity, from the god Atlas has been retained through your reincarnation."|

'The blessing of purity? Right, that's the one that cleanses all toxins, I couldn't get drunk in my last life…and nothing else is different now. I can already feel it reinforcing my muscle tissue and my bones. This should help to reinstate my first ki formation'

He sighed as the voice didn't speak again.

"No more guidance, I assume. I should sleep, maybe I'll figure out more tomorrow…"

He yawned and fell asleep on the cotton surface he now knew as a bed. Different from when he remembered. 

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