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— New Beginnings

He awoke from his sleep, a bit more used to his own body, well not exactly his own. He flexed his body parts a bit and got up from bed, he remembered the classes he needed to go to, sparring classes first. He got into the uniform a long dark blue jacket with gold patterns. He grabbed the book and put it under a carpet and slid it under the bed.

He sighed as he made his way out of his dorm, wandering around the campus until he made it to the class he was supposed to be at. All he knew was the guy he look over was a total loser, no friends, no talent, no skill.

As he walked he started to think.

'As far as I'm aware, nobody is aware of Ki right now, this entire continent has been manipulated into thinking mana was the only force of energy. But as far as I'm aware, there's two. Mana and Ki.'

He sighed as he finally got in front of the bronze double doors and pushed them open. He walked inside a classroom that had rows of seats and at the end there was a small arena for fighting. This was the sparring class. He sat in a seat in the far left corner of the class.

'Maybe if I gather as little attention as possible, I won't get my ass beat.'

As he thought that he felt a tap on his shoulder, he looked up to see a girl with blonde hair in a high ponytail and blue eyes standing over her, she smiled.

"Heya! Liam, right?"

"Uh…yes that's me."

She put her hand out, assuming he would shake it.

"My names Kera."

He didn't shake her hand.

"…and? Why are you talking to me?"

"Well we're both loners, so I figured we should get along."

"…no. That doesn't mean we should get along."

She was still smiling.


"Because, I'm a loner, rather stay that way. I don't need any attention."

"And you think I'll attract attention?"


She still sat next to him.

"Anyways, Liam, I wanted to ask you something since nobody else really listens to me…"

"And what is it?"

He was irritated by her constant talking.

"Well, my dad told me about this thing called like sword energy, and that it was similar to mana, and that swordsmanship can be combined with mana instead of them being standalone."

He stared at her for a second.

'Is this girl stupid?' He thought.

"I don't know, probably not."

'Hm, they don't know about Ki yet…that's for the better for now, maybe I can get an advantage.'

The teacher walked inside the room and quickly got the point, he was a silver haired man that clearly had a few years on him, a scar on his eye and on his cheek. Wearing long silver robes.

"Let's get right to the point, first match will be between Liam Cron and Kera Bladeheart."

He looked over at her, his eyes analyzing her before he pinched his nose.


They made their way to the arena, she seemed jittery. On the sides were three choices of weapons, a sword, a wand, or a staff. She didn't take any of them.

'Thats odd…perhaps she transmits mana through her bare hands with no chants.'

He picked up a wooden sword, naturally.

'If I used one of my lesser techniques it would tear my body apart…this bodies physical condition is fine, but it's not good enough.'

He got in a simple sword stance before she heard a whistling of wind and a crackling, in a split second, he barely saw it, but she was already in front of him, lightning covering her fist.

'she's fast, but not nearly as fast as real lightning.' He stepped to the side and watched her lose her balance.

He took advantage of that moment and swung his sword against both of her legs. Causing her to stumble and fall. He put his sword at her neck.

The teachers voice rang out in the arena.

"Liam Cron is the victor of this spar!"

Nobody talked, all he heard was quiet whispering among the people there. Once he made his way back to his seat, nothing important happened that he noticed for the rest of the class. 

His next class came up, one that he had no idea why this boy chose it.

"Weapon Handling."

Taken by nobody else, this class was…not popular. Because it delved into topics that weren't useful for mages of the current era. These mages had no need for weapons, just staffs, wands, and their own hands.

'So many unique arts lost to the ages…the Berserkers, Spearmen, and of course the art of rogues. Those arts were forgotten, I'm sure they exist somewhere.'

He walked into the class and was immediately met with an arrow beaming right at him, he dodged quickly and grabbed the arrow.

"…you've never done that before. That's the type of energy we need for more funding!"

The man smiled. 

'Ottoman Kyrios. Probably one of the rarest finds you'll get in this world, someone who has an expert level in almost every weapon. Completely magicless. He uses his own physical ability, not even aware of Ki.'

"Ah…I've been…practicing."

"Must've been practicing a lot, you get hit every time."

He laughed.

"Anyways, kid, there was some news about you defeating that bladeheart prodigy in a spar."


"Um…yes I believe I did, it wasn't that much though, I just tripped her up, I'm sure if she actually tried I would lose."

"Well it doesn't matter much to me. Ready to delve into the oblivion?"

The oblivion, a magic device that puts the users consciousness into an imaginary realm to train.

"Ah yes."

"Alright, I'll hook it up."

Liam put his hand on the device and felt his conscious surge out of his body. And everything went black.

The ground beneath him felt sharp, patchy. His eyes opened, the sky was dark, the clouds pitch black with barely any light creeping in.

The black grass swayed against him. Sitting in front of him, a being with flowing black hair that represented long thick threads, a face shrouded in a darkness, a cloak made of the shadows itself.

"Who…who…are you?"

He couldn't tell, but he was sure the being was smiling.

"You are a variable in my equations, king of swords. The meddling of the ancient primordials has brought you back into existence. I am the weaver of fate, and destiny itself. And you have ruined my great equation, I look forward to see how much you can change this world."


He was sucked back in again, back in his body, he gasped, he breathed for air.

His teacher looked at him.

"There was a malfunction in the device. Are you okay. What did you see?"

He gasped for air and took a few deep breaths

"Do…do you know anything about the weaver?"

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