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— Heart of a dragon, soul of an emperor

After he was pulled back into reality, he found the crystalline blue sword lying in his hands. Ottoman interrogated him about his experience the whole rest of the school day. Liam only told him about the sword and the cold. Not about Ignis nor his younger self. Once he got back to his dorm he examined the sword, his hands felt the chill of the icy blade.

The dragon heart radiated inside his body, it felt uncomfortable, his muscles were tensing, contracting and retracting, pushing and pulling.

"Hm, perhaps I can find a monsters lair. I need to relieve some stress."

He put the sword in a sheath, but the sheath froze over, and shattered.

"…looks like I'll need to carry it by hand."

He hopped out the window with the sword in hand and a bag of supplies, he was also wearing a black cloak. As he hit the ground he infused mana into his legs and burst forward. The teachings that Ottoman gave him were helping him expand his knowledge from Qi into mana.

He jumped off trees, the mana seemed to create platforms below his feet, he used them to plan a route, a course. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew, it was instinct. He followed a trail of red mana, crimson, demonic.

He dropped down into a hole in the ground and landed on a patch of red grass. The red grass had a faint smell of blood. Crimson grass was usually the sign of a demon hunting ground. It was red because of the blood of their prey.

He held the icy, cold sword as its cold crept onto the surroundings. And he heard a snarl. A large wolf crept out a crimson bush, a black wolf with a shining grey horn. The silver horned wolf jumped out at him and he slashed his sword at its horn. The horn sliced off and froze almost immediately, the chill surrounded his body as he burst forward and slashed through the wolf. It's body freezing and then unfreezing before it fell to the ground dead.

He took the horn which had thawed and put in his bag.

"That wasn't too hard. This sword is stronger than I thought."

He put his hand on the stomach of the dead beast and took a deep breath. He felt energy condensing around his hand and a beautiful blue flash of light shot into him. He felt his heart pumping, the dragon heart breathing like its own heart.

"It's still here! I knew it! It never left everything, it just lessened!"

He smiled, the energy was just enough so he could formulate his first Qi ability. A weaker version of it, but usable. Enhance. An ability that enhanced your physical stats and weapon.

"That was just a low level monster. The owner of this den will probably be much much harder. Especially since I haven't even fought more than one."

He continued to walk through the den, paving the path as he rushed through more silver horned wolves. He collected their horns and put them in his bag. He rushed forward, slicing through the enemies like an endless slaughter. He also used his qi to extract the qi of other beings.

And he finally ended up at another area. A cloaked being was holding a staff with a red crystal and turned around.

"A demon shaman…"

The demon quickly shot a fireball at him, which he tried to slash with his sword, using his Qi enhancement, but failed, and it smashed into him.

"Shit! Magic can't be destroyed by Qi?!"

He dashed around trying to get hits in, but couldn't due to the magic barrier around them.

'I don't have much mana to use…but maybe I can use it to replicate a sword aura…'

He paused the ki flowing in his body to stop the enhancement and cloaked his sword in mana, he burst forward in a thrusting dash and burst through the barrier and froze the lower half of the demon.


He activated his qi enhancement again and dashed up into the air and sliced down onto the ground, decapitating the demon shaman. The demon vanished and two things were left, it's cloak and its staff.

"Hm…spoils of war."

He attached the staff to his backpack and put the cloak on.

"What is this…?"

|Answer: Cloak of Shadows. The cloak of shadows is a cloak that can blend in the darkness and is effective for enhancing mana power and increasing the effectiveness of stealth|

"Well…whatever that thing is told me about it…seems to be good."

He felt more swift and hopped around. He was definitely faster. And he continued on. He ended up in a large arena wide area. In the middle was a single tree.

"Well, if I was a fucking idiot I would say this isn't the owner of this dens little hideaway"

A giant black bird perched on the tree, its feathers fading like shadows, it had four glowing, piercing red eyes.

"A demon crow…"

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