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5% Heaven's Book / Chapter 2: The Last Emotion (Tags - Fantasy)

Chapter 2: The Last Emotion (Tags - Fantasy)

WARNING: For anyone who read this from my first novel(unlikely). I have to warn that I noticed some mistakes and fixed in this chapter.

In a not so distant universe, where magic thrives, Tian Ni, the main character was born with a Magic Rank of F.

In this world, humans are naturally atuned with magic, and they are also borned with a skill. This skill can range from bring extremely weak to extremely strong. However, using such a skill would have some drawbacks. Such as a well-known A Rank Magic Skill, "Time Manipulation". The user has the ability to stop time for 1 second, but spends 1 month of their lifespan doing so.

The Magic Rank follows

S Rank is for people who have strong skills and with a decent but bearable cost to activate.

A Rank is for people who have strong skills but have a nearly unbearable cost to activate.

B Rank is for people who have a decent skill, and have low cost to activate.

C Rank is for people whos skills are extremely weak, but generally has close to no cost to activate.

D Rank unlike what some people assumed, is for people who have EXTREMELY strong op skills, but the cost of usage will render them useless after one use.

F Rank however, is the worst. Its so bad, the Magic Rank Creator felt so bad and left out a E Rank to signify a gap in it. F also stands for Factorless. The people born within this rank generally has skills, but the factor required isn't possible. Such factors could be like, the skill requires them to be with someone 1000 years old and alive.

Which with such skills, one can imagine how many people would die at a young age just by curiosity of using them. Luckily, one would require to be nearly 16 years old before the person can start using their ability.

Yes, magic power. People in this world have magic powers. Any of them is able to control fire, earth, lightning, water and wind as long as they have the appropriate magic power. And the higher the magic power, the stronger their magic is.

When Tian Ni was born, one could say he was either REALLY lucky or unlucky. The doctor had used the machine to test his magic skill, which had stated. "By sacrificing one emotion for the rest of his life, his strength will increase multiply." The doctor was extremely excited, till he realised that the strength gain would be zero. This meant his magic strength and physical attributes would literally drop to zero, and he would die.

No, not due to the fact he had 0 magic power or physical attributes, but the emotion lost will only give a zero times multiplier on his magic power and physical attributes. The doctor had obviously asked the magic system that tested the skill to find the factor to resolve such a skill, as a skill effect will always be a positive effect if one were to exclude the drawbacks.

The magic system however could not find the factor, and Tian Ni was deemed Factorless.

However as the doctor wanted to run more tests, a shout came across the room "The LEGENDARY S RANK IS BORN" and he immediately deemed Tian Ni as a F Rank and rushed away to view the baby.

Tian Ni witnessing this, despite being a baby felt jealous about the other baby's treatment despite not understanding what had happen. And if the Doctor had noticed and run more test, he would have noticed the magic multiplication and physical multiplication would have increased.

Tian Ni's skill isn't factorless, its just the emotions multiplication will be based on how much he value said emotion. And being a baby that was literally just born, how could he have any emotion?

16 years later, how will Tian Ni's life go as he enters High School?!

--- (Future chapter's structure. Would end right about here.)

(The following is what I wrote before I organized my chapter structures properly)

"Finally!" Tian Ni exclaimed as he glanced up at his new school, the Victorious High School.

Having aced the 60% theory test. And getting a 0 on the 40% in the practical, he can be said to be the most qualified yet underqualified person in the school! Barely passing the entrance requirement of 60%.

Having 10 Magic Power due to his low affinity. And 16 in Physical Strength due to his years of training. Tian Ni is easily the weakest in his school.

With every normal people in his school to even have 30 for Magic Power and 30 in Physical Strength. His outclassed.

Having thought to this point, Tian Ni glanced up even higher. Which hurt his neck. "Humph! I must triumph even without using my powers!".

*Bump* As Tian Ni was walking into the school entrance, a person bumped into his shoulder.

"Sorry." Tian Ni still daydream about not beating everyone without using his ability.

Suddenly, a sense of danger, honed from training all this years shown him that a fist wielding lightning power shot towards him.

*Smack!* Tian Ni was hit in the shoulder after attempting to dodge.

His left arm immediately dislocate. Tian Ni looks up and immediately see killing intent.

"You piece of trash! You are a ranked E talent and you still managed to join this school? I will make sure I cripple you and make you no longer dare to come. Remember my name, Ni Feng!" Ni Feng proclaimed proudly.

Tian Ni looked around. And no one around seems to be caring.

"Is this it? Practicing 16 years of my life. And I have to use this dangerous ability first day of school?" Tian Ni thinks as the fist quickly aims to injure him.

No. There was no shout, no sound of help. And as the fist was about to hit *cough* the most precious spot of a male, Tian Ni's eyes quickly flash a hint of anger, before dissipating immediately. Every student in middle school have learnt how to use their ability. Tian Ni's ability shows a hexagon. A diagram of emotions. And anger disappears.

(For this novel, there are only 6 emotions that the Main Character value enough. And that is Anger, disgust, surprise, fear, sadness and happiness. Ranked from least value to the highest value.)

Tian Ni quickly examined his strength, his Magic Power has went up to 30. With his Physical being 48(Both being multiplied by 3). While his opponent, Ni Feng, has approximately 35 in both.

Ni Feng was taken aback. He did not expect this outcome.

Tian Ni immediately condense his earth power to *cough* protect a important sport. While calming aiming to couter attack at the opponent's gut. And after a few swift moves, Ni Feng is disarmed.

Tian Ni walked away to the freshman ceremony.

The ceremony goes off as usual. And Tian Ni went to his class, Class 1. The school has 10 Classes, ranked Class 1 to 10. Class 1 being the best. And the only reason Tian Ni got in was due to his theoretical knowledge. And he may be a good leader or expert in a field of magic theory.

Rumors spread and some start to notice of his powers.

The moment Tian Ni enters his class, he taken note of Sara. And his breath was immediately taken away, as he stood there dazed. The classmates whom noticed him had disregard him immediately due to thinking how weak he is.

Sara, though started introducing herself. And being the strongest in the year, with a 200 Magic Power and 180 in Phsycal Strength, has been automatically assigned as the Class Leader.

Sprouts of something grew Tian Ni's heart.

A few weeks have passed by, and the class is on a mission to test out their abilities to fight in a demon infested forest.(Yes, those forest that exist in every novel) And during this time. Tian Ni realized he can no longer train his Physical Strength. Which has far surpassed normal human limits. And his Magic Powers can't too. Which made him upset. However on the kind side, he made friends with a someone in Class 10 who has entered the school with a D Rank Talent but with high theoretical knowledge. Called Ning Fan.

Everyone in the class has heard of Tian Ni beating up a person. Which they would scoff at. Each of them has an average of 100 Magic Power and 80 Physical Strength. And that was before entering school. Most people currently would have 500 Magic Power and 400 Physical Strength.

The class is immediately spread out to defeat monsters. Each given a "Monster

Detecting Badge" to determine monster ranked slain. And to protect them if they encounter danger and called to the Teacher in Chatge.

Level 1, is like 100 Magic Power and 100 Physical Strength. Which, around 500 Levels exist. To power scale, most strongest humans are around 30,000 in their entire life. The gap of just 20,000 can easily heavily injure them.

As Tian Ni ventured through, he saw something unexpected hundreds of Level 1 Monsters is charging towards him.

He recalled someone in his class called, Lai Ba. Who has the ability to call monsters to a specific target. Within a certain level. Tian Ni immediately grasped his badge summoning help. But realizing its not working. And realized it was a trap set by his fellow students.

Disgust appeared in his face. But quickly disappears. His power has jumped from 30 in Magical Power and 48 in Physical Strength. Take Note. To 120 in Magical Power and 192 in Physical Strength(Both being multiplied by 4). Disgust in the hexagon fades away.

Instantly injuring most monsters. And tanking them. After hours of gruesome battle. Tian Ni walked back with his badge only recording his efforts.

Despite being heavily injured, the class ignored Tian Ni. As such "weak" monsters have injured their classmates.

Only Sara helped Tian Ni.

During the night, while resting. While Tian Ni was busy checking out what are the side effects to losing 2 emotion, surprised flared in his eyes after noticing 2 people coming in. Lai Ba and Mo Ni.

They have appeared with killing intent. Looking as if ready to kill. Tian Ni immediately knew that they had hated him due to his social standing. And his interactions to their Goddess Sara.

Sighing to himself, Tian Ni is forced to use his ability. And surprise disappears from his hexagon. Raising his Magical Power to 600 and Physical Strength to 960 both being multiplied by 5). And beating the classmates and after a hard battle. Mainly due to Mo Ni having the ability to decrease Tian Ni's Physical Strength to some degree. Tian Ni won.

Going back to school. And for a few months, things were calmed, talking to Sara and Ning Fan. Until he noticed something wrong about Ning Fan. He realized after following him that, with there were 2 Year 2 school bullies attempting to bully him into attacking Tian Ni. Which Ning Fan refused and got hit.

This led Tian Ni to feel sadness that his friend Ning Fan hidden this to himself. And as sadness fades away, his Magical Power increases to 3600 and Physical Strength to 5760(Both multiplied by 6). Which was enough to defeat the Year 2 whos powers are at 4000+ for Magic and Physical.

After his high strength increase, Tian Ni was asked to join the Yearly Tournament. Which he joined with happily Sara as a teammate. And as he reached the finals. The opponent started beating Sara in front of Tian Ni which showed how weak and powerless his was and to mock Tian Ni. As happiness fades away in the hexagon, Tian Ni's Magical Power increases to 25,200 and Physical Strength to 40,320(both multiplied by 7). And easily 1 shot both of the enemy and won the tournament.

After this tournament, Tian Ni and Sara became a coupled. However, Tian Ni soon realize an issue with himself. As he loses his emotions, his memories becomes dull and he feels that his memories are faded. And realizes he no longer feel anything.

A few months passed. Suddenly a Level 500 dragon had appeared. Detecting Tian Ni's power to exterminate the threat. A great battle was fought. But as Sara falls injured, Tian Ni had tears feel down his eyes. Knowing that he was no match to this dragon which was about to destroy the world. And more importantly Sara.

Suddenly a space appears in the middle of the hexagon. Which Tian Ni as he glances at Sara decides to lose his feelings of love. Increasing his Magical power to 252,000 and Physical Strength to 403,200 (both multiplied by 10).

Despite 1 shoting the dragon. And Tian Ni falls down. Realizing tears has fell down his eyes as if he lost something. And as he sees Sara, he felt more of a nagging feeling. A feeling of emptiness and lost.

Suddenly the emotion showcase appears, with all 7 emotions faded turning to "Emptiness". Tian Ni knows what happens if he lose his feelings of emptiness. "You lose all your powers but gain your emotion and memories back."

Tian Ni agreed. And after seeing recognition in Tian Ni's eyes, Sara runs to hug him.


ChillCultivator ChillCultivator

I feel like I did not write short at all. Sorry! Still learning have to write shortly.

Also, not good in romance, so I tend to keep it brief. Sorry!

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