Monarch of life, Ruler of nature, Hero healer...
Leo Aran was a human possessor of innumerable titles.
His talent as a healer was unique in the history of magic.
He was a hero adored by millions of people in the world.
However, this hero had a bad life from start to finish.
After using a powerful treasure, he is reincarnated centuries ago in the body of a young king.
[You have successfully returned to the past.]
Author's Note: Read the first two chapters. You will not regret.
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Write a reviewUna mierda llena de clichés, su amigo lo traiciona(✓)se le da segunda oportunidad(✓)va a la escuela y ya peleó con el tipo rico(✓)es tonto porque usando habilidades ganó experiencia y después dice que no sabe cómo ganar exp(✓)va a otro mundo a hacer el ridículo y casi lo matan(✓) el maestro lo quiere hacer pasar vergüenza(✓) dicen que sus hermanos leyeron todo el libro donde anoto lo del futuro.autor de mierda
The story is coming soon
Author borqueh
It's so good, congrats