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50% Harry Potter: The Unspeakable Tales / Chapter 15: Alpha

Chapter 15: Alpha

Dumping the unconscious body of one of the Werewolves in one of the many spare rooms, Harry conjured up some chains and used them to wrap around his wrists to keep him from being unable to move. He made especially sure and tied them through the gaps in the radiator, ensuring that the man even when awake would be unable to escape.

Giving a few tugs on the chains to make doubly sure, Harry rose to his feet and turned to see Malia stood in the doorway. Her arms crossed over her chest and an angry frown upon her face as she looked at the man and him. Though upon noticing he was looking at her, she focused her entire attention on the imprisoned Werewolf instead, avoiding eye contact with him.

Not saying a word, he moved towards the door, Malia reflexively moving backwards like Harry had expected. Making sure to keep his gaze on her in case she made any sudden moves, Harry reached round and closed the door, cutting off Malia from the room. He knew full well that she would love nothing more than to be here and watch, even more so if she got to take part in this.

But Harry also knew that a large portion of that was her animalistic instincts and childish impulses that had never developed as she grew older. She, despite having killed people, was an innocent person, a victim of circumstance and the world, much like Teddy.

Harry became an Unspeakable Agent and was fighting this war so that people like Teddy and Malia wouldn't be affected in this way. He'd be going against this if he allowed her to take part in something like this.

So, closing and locking the door, Harry turned around to face the man. Conjuring a chair and sitting down upon it as he pointed his wand towards the unconscious Werewolf.

A red spell flew from his wand and struck the man, his eyes slowly flickering open as he rose his head with a groan. "Good morning, or good afternoon would be more accurate I believe at this point. Do you have a name, I'm sure you have a name, everyone has a name? Mine, is unimportant at this time, but I would really like to know the name of the dog that is sitting across from me."

"W-what, where am I?" The man groaned out, eyes or eye in this case, the other to swollen over for any ability to see from, beginning to focus on the room around him. It was then the dull throbbing of his body began to hit him, and his groan of pain became louder. "Who the hell are you?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Harry repeated, pretending to be overly cheerful and eager for answers in a way that would annoy many people. "My name is unimportant, yours is as well. I just thought it'd be a bit easier on you if you cooperated. You see, you've thrown your lot in with the wrong group of people and you're going to spend a very, very, very long time, paying for that decision. But you can help me, and I can in turn help you get that sentence reduced. Yet that all depends on how much you help me. Understand?"

The man's face twisted. "Who the fuck are you?!" He spat out, trying to lunge at Harry only for the chains around his wrist to hold him in place.

It was then a fist smashed into his face, directly on his swollen eyes and with the adrenaline having drained from his body long ago, the pain he felt was multiplied. He cried out in pain, head whipping round as his body tensed up.

"Now, that was stupid." Harry muttered, continuing to be friendly despite his act of violence. "I'm trying to help you here, David."

"W-what?" The now named David asked through grit teeth, his voice fill with pain. "How'd you know my name?"

"How? That's simple your mind is an open book and I simply took a passing glance." Harry replied. "Tell me, where's your Packs HQ and how many Werewolves are there. You've seen I've spent days searching all of Cornwall for it and no matter how much I looked, I couldn't find it at all, and all my leads turned out to be dead ends. It's getting very frustrating as you can imagine. So, I'll ask again, where's your HQ and how many men do you have?"

The man didn't answer straight away, his breath heavy and short. "Why don't you just read my mind and find it for yourself? You already said it's an open book, you fucking cunt!"

Harry nodded his head. "That's true, that's very true." Getting to his feet, Harry dismissed the chair, it disappearing into nothing and crouched down in front of David. "But you see, I'm still not the best when it comes to Mind Magic and you are a Werewolf, that gives you certain…advantages that other people don't have. It makes your mind very difficult to read, not impossible just difficult. I could read it, get all the information I wanted but I'm afraid that you'd be nothing more than a brainless body. You'd still be alive, but your mind would be destroyed."

Raising his wand, he tapped against the side of David's head, he jerking away in temporary freight. He could see it in his eye, the pupils dilating and sweat beginning to form upon his brow.

"I doubt that's what you want, and I'd like to avoid doing that to you as well. I don't like it and I don't like torturing people either."

Harry wasn't lying earlier when he said that David's mind was an open book, that was the truth. But that was for basic information, such as the thoughts going through their mind, their date of birth, name, age, and immediate family on their mind. However, the more sensitive and important information was kept hidden away in a much more secure area.

"So once more, I'm going to ask and if you give me a wrong answer, then I'm afraid that chance of escaping here unharmed is over." Harry's tone changed, becoming deeper and darker to show how serious he was being, and David seemed to recognise this. "Where is your base? And how many men do you have?"

David looked at Harry with one wide eye, it flickering between his face of complete seriousness to the wand soon after.

But there was a shift in his countenance, back straightening, chest puffing out and head raised to show his defiance. "You don't have a fucking clue as to who you're messing with you stupid fuck. They'll kill you and everyone you love. We've being discriminated against and looked down on by Wizards for centuries and now it's our turn to rule the world. So, fuck! You!"

Harry nodded his head, his face become straight as he shut down his emotions, giving nothing away. Sighing in disappointment, he rose to his feet, moving towards a small portion on the wall and pressing down on it. There was a dull glow from his ring, another glow coming from the wall soon after and it slid away to reveal tools lined on the wall.


Garden sheers.


Assortments of knives

And many other weapons that made David pale and shake in freight. Despite not being able to see it due to Harry's back being to him, his face twisted into a sad frown. "I don't like torturing people, David. That's not the type of man I am, or the type of man I want to be. But you see, I'm also the type to give everything for the people I love."

He took the blowtorch and turned to show it to David, his face once again rid of all emotions. "We've just escaped one war against Voldemort, now your Pack of Werewolves threaten us soon after. I have a Godson, his parents died in that war and I blame myself for their deaths. He's my responsibility and I love him, and I'll do anything to protect him. So, if I have to torture you to get what I need in order to better protect him, I'll do it. I gave very simple instructions, answer the question and there need not be any torture, but you spurned that offer."

David's pupils became more dilated, sweat becoming present on his skin. He was even beginning to shake, his earlier bravado and his strong façade breaking apart.

"You see there's two ways I can do this, magical and non-magical." Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out the lighter there. "You see when torturing someone, there's a very large tendency for that person to build up walls to protect themselves, but before that moment, there's a very tiny moment that you could call, the Sweet Spot. And in that spot, every recess mind becomes completely open. Not even the advantages that you're Werewolf heritage provide will save you and I can safely extract all the information I need without breaking your mind."

Harry gave a humourless chuckle, more for show than any other reason. "Of course, whether you will be the same after considering all the torture you would have endured to get to that point is another matter. And if I chose to do it the magical way, mainly using the Cruciatus Curse, then your mind would break long before I find that sweet spot."

He reached round to the side, pulling open the draw and revealing that inside were a number of potions.

"See the best option is to use a mixture of both magical and non-magical torture methods. And no matter how close you get to death, just when you think you're are about to embrace death itself like an old friend, I can ripe you away just as quickly. These potions are amazing, wonderous pieces of magic that will fix you right up and ensure that we can do this for days without end. So, think very carefully about whether you choose to answer or not because once I start, I won't stop."

Switching the blow torch on, allowing the gas to leak out, Harry then flicked the lighter on, setting the gas ablaze. David watched on, chest heaving heavily as he watched the blow torch move towards him torturously slow.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

'That Wizard, he was different compared to the others.' Derek thought, a deep frown on his face as he walked through the corridors of their base. The fight had taken place a few days ago and their death count had risen higher than any of them anticipated this early in the campaign.

Their plan originally was to increase their numbers by biting the homeless and providing them with a home and taking advantage of their vulnerability. Then dealing a decisive blow to the weakened Magical Britain before they had a chance to recover from the Dark Lord Voldemort. Then after securing the country, move south and attack Magical France ensuring that the European campaign was opened on two fronts.

Derek himself was sent ahead with fifty Omegas and ten Betas to secure a foothold and to expand their numbers of Omegas, foot soldiers who would do most of the fighting in the securing of Britain. Their numbers had grown by sixty to a hundred and fifty in a matter of weeks, Derek being especially careful to not draw attention from the non-magical Government, that was made especially clear by the higherups.

While that was happening, the Alpha who would be put in charge of Britain campaign was to aid in the initial opening of Scandinavian campaign before being transferred with two hundred, battle-hardened Betas.

Their losses should have been small considering they were recovering from one war. Except now, Derek's numbers of a hundred fifty had been reduced to less than a hundred, five of which were elite and indispensable Beta's at this point in time. That mysterious Wizard had been the sole cause for it, he had been fast, powerful, and possessed a great deal of skill. He just lacked proper experience to make him truly dangerous.

"You seem lost in thought, nephew." A frown came upon Derek's face as he looked to the man behind him.

"Uncle? What are you doing here? You were meant to arrive for another week." Peter Hale moved towards him, flanked by a dozen Werewolves, Betas from what Derek could recognise.

Peter kept that arrogant, smarmy smile upon his face. "Well, you see, news has reached us even over in the fronts that you've encountered a little problem that has set you back a few weeks. Quite disappointing really. Just a single Wizard from what we've heard."

Derek's frown deepened, recognising that he had a spy amongst his men who had been leaking information to the others. "So, you came here earlier?"

"Yes, I did, though not with my full force, they'll still arrive on schedule, but I brought a few others." Peter answered, patting one of the Betas on the shoulder. "But these are the latest in the new line of evolved Werewolves, thanks to our new friends."

"It worked?" Derek muttered, Peter nodding his head and walking forwards, presenting a small syringe to him with a murky liquid.

"Oh yes, I have to admit, when Deucalion introduced them to us, I was sceptical. Even when they stabilised the Lycanthropy virus to one hundred percent effectiveness, I still had my doubts about their capabilities. But this, this makes a believer." Derek takes the syringe and studies it further. "With this, we can finally change the world."

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