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91.07% Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone) / Chapter 51: Sorting Ceremony Year 2

Chapter 51: Sorting Ceremony Year 2

As everyone exited the Hogwarts Express, they started heading toward the carriages. Unfortunately for Luna, she had to follow the other first years through the boats to sail across the lake to Hogwarts. They all went into a carriage that they found occupied by none other than Daphne Greengrass.

"Do you mind if we share this carriage with you?" asked Aurelius politely, stepping slightly aside to show the two muggleborn girls.

Her mask of indifference breaks slightly, unnoticeable to the untrained eye; however, Aurelius was trained by two parents who were taught from a young age how to read body language, especially those trained to hide their feelings.

"Not at all. Feel free," she said

'Hmm, she's uncomfortable, but I'm unsure if it was because she saw me or the girls; her reaction time was rather slow. I'll need to probe deeper,' thought Aurelius.

They all enter the carriage, with Aurelius sitting across from Daphne.

"My apologies for the late introductions; I am Aurelius Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus; you may call me Aurelius or Galegold. This is Hermione Granger and Silvia Wright," said Aurelius, gesturing to them in order with his hand.

"A pleasure. I am Daphne Greengrass, heiress of the noble house of Greengrass," said Daphne with the slightest squinting of her eyes as if assessing him.

'There's the ever-slightest shift of her clothing, and her hand is slightly closing, showing signs of tensing. She probably wanted to interrupt me, but her training in proper etiquette stopped her. She is also leaning away from not just the girls but me as well. Curious, all clear signs of discomfort, she either is uncomfortable with all of us specifically or perhaps she dislikes social interaction,' I thought.

"It's nice to meet you, Daphne; I heard about you from Aurelius last year," said Silvia.

'Of course, you remember her despite me simply saying the last names of all the neutral families to Potter,' thought Aurelius.

"Oh? Do tell? Good things, I hope." She says in a polite tone, raising her eyebrow while still somehow maintaining a relaxed look. She starts to lean towards Silvia, who is sitting next to me.

"Nothing much, just about how you were one of the first years who were part of the neutral families of the Wizengamot," she said

"And may I ask the relevance of that?" she asked, probing for more information.

"Well, we found out that Potter had to learn stuff about being a noble, so Aurelius suggested that he learn from one of the first years who were part of the neutral members of the Wizengamot," said Silvia with a shrug, completely ignoring or unaware that I kept signaling her to shut up.

"While I do find that conversation relevance and understanding is important, Silvia, sometimes it is best to keep personal information of others' lives out of conversations that they are not present to agree or rescind that information," said Aurelius, trying to cut the conversation short.

"Huh?... Oh. Sorry," said Silvia, realizing her nonchalance gave out potentially dangerous information to someone who could use it to harm Harry.

"While I agree to a degree, as you have said, relevance when one is involved, but does it not go against that belief when I'm the one spoken about in your previous conversation," she said in challenge.

"That is true. Should it be information that isn't common knowledge, such as the names of the first years and the neutral families of the Wizengamot; however, what Silvia had forgotten to mention was that I never uttered your name in the conversation, nor the names of the other first years," I said.

"Ah, I see," she said in response.

'Dang it, well, she's already seen that when Silvia speaks carelessly, she lets out potentially useful information,' I thought.

"Well, perhaps you can answer a question of mine?" she asked.

'I may have a danger sense 'cause I can feel my body tensing for some reason,' I thought.

"If I find the question appropriate in this setting," I said, allowing me an out.

"Of course, well, have you spoken with my father?" she asked.

"I have not," I said.

"Oh, interesting. Well, please inform me if any developments were to occur," she said while her shoulders still seemed rather stiff.

'So she knows and is anxious for my response. Her father has likely asked her to get me to forgive their debts by being betrothed. A pretty reasonable hope given that there is a marriage contract and the debts were lifetimes ago, likely even before my mother,' thought Aurelius.

"We shall see," I said while turning my head to the girls.

Surprisingly, someone who is very talkative was quiet and just watching the exchange between nobles, who seemed more like adults talking.

"I apologize, Hermione, you haven't been allowed to speak," I said.

"It's no trouble; there was really nothing for me to add, so there was no need for me to speak," she said.

I was actually surprised, 'Hermione? The girl, who feels incredibly uncomfortable not adding things because she feels uncomfortable not being involved, took a step back. I'm actually impressed by her level of development,' I thought while gently smiling at her with an approving nod.

She smiles and relaxes her shoulders.

"Well, anything you wish to speak of while we wait for the carriages to arrive?" I asked.

"Not really, we can talk about that later," said Silvia.

"I, too, wish to remain in silence and talk with you at a later time in private," said Greengrass.

"I do have questions for you, but I think it inappropriate during this time," said Hermione

"I am amiable to all of your requests," I said while turning my head to look outside the carriage.

They arrive at Hogwarts and make their way into the Great Hall to wait for the first years to arrive for the sorting ceremony, with Aurelius being the only one at a massive table.

Ten minutes later, the first years come in, led by Professor McGonagall.

The students were called one by one.

"Luna Lovegood," said the professor.

"Hmm, you're an interesting one." Said the sorting hat providence.

'There is much intelligence in this one, but it seeks to change the way people think. Quite the ambitious thinking. Oh, but you seek adventure as well with optimism,' thought the sorting hat.

"Galegold!" it exclaimed.

'Huh, looks like I was right,' thought Aurelius.

"Hello again, Aurelius; it's nice to see you again." She said conversationally.

"You as well. Have you tried foreign cuisine before?" I asked.

"Can't say that I've eaten much aside from perhaps curry," she said.

"Well, I hope you're open-minded to eating Asian cuisine," I said with a smile.

"Daddy says to try food once and decide whether you want to eat again and that sometimes you have to try it different ways before you can say yes or no," she said in response.

"I'll take that as yes," said Aurelius with a smile.

We then look back at the sorting.

Names continued to be called, but no one was called to Galegold.

'Well, I can't say I'm surprised; a house that desires constant improvement and change isn't exactly on the minds of most children,' I thought.

"Ginny Weasley," calls Minerva, showing the last student.

The hat is placed on her head.

"Oh, another Weasley, hmm," said the hat.

'you certainly align well with the way your family has been, but you seem to be more like your eldest brothers. It's rather a shame that they didn't have the opportunity you have now.' He thought to her.

"What?" she said aloud.

'You need only think, my dear, as I was saying, your elder brothers. Bill and Charlie desired much of what you seek,' the hat thought with a chuckle.

"What's taking so long? Just sort her, and let's eat," said Ron.

"Beats me, Ron. Our sorting went much faster than this bunch," said Harry in response.

Back to Ginny.

'They did?' she thought, surprised.

'Yes, and you have a chance they never did.' Said Providence

"Better be…. Galegold!!" exclaimed the sorting hat.

There was silence from the shock. Even the rambunctious Gryffindors didn't know how to respond.

Ginny felt incredibly self-conscious with all of the people staring at her, so she quickly left and headed towards the table with the unfamiliar banner that likely was the house she was sorted into. She sat down and shrunk down to avoid being seen by her brothers.

'Well, that was certainly a surprise,' I thought, confused as to why she was sorted to the Galegold house, knowing the very tomboyish nature of Ginny or, well, at least, the teenager version.

"Hello, Ginny. Nice to see you again," said Aurelius.

"Yeah, nice to see you too," she said, reserved.

"Hi Ginny," said Luna

"Hey Luna, how have you been?" she said more relaxed.

'Well, can't say I blame her. I'm still more or less a stranger, and when you're in an uncomfortable situation, you cling to what you know; in this case, that would be her childhood friend, Luna,' I thought with a mental sigh.

Ron.exe restarts "WWHHATT?!?! That hat must be wrong. Why would it sort her into that house?"

All the other students start getting back their faculties and start murmuring among themselves.

"Well, it can't be helped," said Harry.

"What do you mean it can't be helped? That's my sister; she should've been in Gryffindor," said Ron, getting into Harry's personal space.

"Hey, don't ask me; ask the hat," said Harry.

"Hey Ron, lay off Harry; his statement wasn't malicious, so stop," said Hermione.

"You aren't part of this, so mind your own business," said Ron, annoyed.

"And fine, I'll go over there and ask what bloody reason that hat put her there after we eat," he said.

"Quiet down everyone, quiet down." yelled Professor McGonagall.

"You all are very excited and hungry, so I will leave you with a few words before we begin the feast, 

As always, the forbidden forest is strictly forbidden from entry by any student; Mr. Flitch will confiscate any unpermitted items or toys left behind. And Welcome to Hogwarts, Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" Dumbledore says, with the food all appearing simultaneously

'Haha he completely forgot to talk about Lockhart. I wonder if it was intentional' Aurelius thought amused


"Why does the young master not want us to show the new meals we have learned at the grand feast of the new school year?" asked a house elf.

"You may use dishes of European origin, but not dishes from other lands because many of them are not accustomed to eating food they are unfamiliar with. It's best to let the students of the other houses eat what they're accustomed to. You may give the Galegold house a variety relative to the people there so that the other houses become curious to try the food at a later date. Only serve the cooked versions for now. If you hear a student say that they wish to try something during the feast, place a dish of that dish in front of them without notice," I said.

"Yes, sir." Saluted the eager house elf who returned to the kitchen to give them the news.

Flashback end.

Unsurprising to the older students, the massive feast of Thanksgiving food that many didn't even pay attention to was filling their stomachs; however, the twins noticed something odd.

"Hey, brother of mine, does their food look different from ours?" George.

"Yes, brother of mind, I believe you are correct," said Fred.

"You want to take a look before we feast?"

"Yeah, it gives us an excuse to talk to Ginny," said George, getting up.

"Right behind you," said Fred.

A few moments later, Harry noticed the twins were leaving their table and moving towards the Galegold table.

"Why are they getting up? Are they not hungry?"

"Hmmm?" said Ron, still eating food in his mouth, as he turned to Harry.

"Yeah, they're heading towards Aurelius and your sister," said Harry.

"Well, it looks like I don't need to ask about Ginny then; Fred and George will just tell me later and sort this mess out," said Ron, returning to his food.

"Right," says Harry, turning back to his food but occasionally glancing back at the Galegold table.

"Hello, Aurelius and Ginnykins, I see you've got some interesting food; mind if we have a try?" asked George

"Sure, take a seat," said Aurelius.

To their astonishment, a set of food appears in front of George and Fred as they sit down across from Ginny and Aurelius.

"Huh?" says George

"How?" asks Fred

"Don't worry about it, mates. Now I understand you wish to talk privately, so I will set a silencing barrier, illusion, and notice me, not charms; please avoid any aggressive actions, or I will be forced to stun you," said Aurelius.

Ginny turns to him, hoping he won't do it.

"Ginny, I understand you're scared of their questions and responses, but it is essential that they be honest with their feelings and you with yours," I said, trying to reason with her.

Luna grabs her hand in comfort with a supportive gaze.

Ginny takes a deep breath and accepts her fate.

I snap my fingers, and all of the spells go up.

"Alright, everything is set; now, please continue with what you really came here for, but please do eat the food; it'd be a waste to leave this expertly crafted food go to waste," I said to get us started.

"Yeah, thanks," they said, digging into their food while we continued to eat ours.

They shut up and kept eating for ten minutes before speaking, partially out of waiting for the other to start but also because they were very engaged with the delicious, unfamiliar meal.

"It seems that you've eaten fairly well that you can have a civil conversation, so please begin," I said.

George sighs

"First off, I wanna say, Ginny, I'm not mad, nor am I disappointed in you; maybe a little sad that our baby sister isn't joining us in Gryffindor, but not upset with you in the slightest," said George.

Fred continues, "We know if Bill or Charlie had the choice of this place or Gryffindor. It would be a tossup which house they would've gone to, so we get it."

"Guys," said Ginny with a trembling smile and wet eyes.

A light sniff. "Well, we live in the same castle, so come over when you feel like it; you're always welcome," said George with a joking chuckle.

"And anyone that says otherwise will get what's coming to em, especially Ron," said Fred.

Ginny wipes her tears away while biting the inside of her lip, trying not to cry, and nods.

Luna hugs Ginny

"I think that's all the words that need to be said, so let's continue this lovely meal," said Aurelius.

"Not quite," said Fred.

"You better take good care of our little sister, you hear," said George.

"I'm honestly insulted that you'd expect anything less of me," said Aurelius.

"That's what we like to hear," said the twins in unison as they returned to eating their food.

"Now that all the mushy stuff is out of the way, what is all this stuff, Aureilus?" asked George while eating some shrimp tempura.

"Yeah, this stuff is great, and I haven't seen any of it before," said Fred.

"We're curious as well," said Luna and Ginny

"Hey, that's our thing," chuckled the twins.

"Well, much of it is Asian cuisine; first of all, it is cooked, so don't worry about anything weird; you can try the raw stuff later," said Aurelius.

"Raw?" they said in unison.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter for now. If you wish to try it later, I can recommend the best kind," I said.

"For now, what you're eating is Japanese and Chinese cuisine; what you ate there is fried shrimp; try it with this dipping sauce made for dishes fried in that style," I said while handing him the sauce.

"And what you're eating now, Ginny, is a dish called ramen; it is a noodle dish made with wheat flour noodles, put into a broth with assorted toppings. Luna, you're eating stir-fried chicken, the same stuff cooked in a pan, with lightly seared soy sauce mixed with sugar. Dessert will be served after we no longer want to eat this stuff," said Aurelius.

Luna raises her hand.

"I'll give you the menu later," said Aurelius.

She lowers her hand.



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