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31.66% Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version) / Chapter 17: •The Story of the Wizarding World

Chapter 17: •The Story of the Wizarding World

(In this chapter, I will try to adapt the first-person perspective, when I write, the third person usually comes out naturally xd, I don't know why, but hey, this chapter will be a kind of test to see how it comes out).

--Pov Extimum -

Today is December 24, I get up early again, even if I want to sleep more to take advantage of the holidays, it seems that my body has already gotten used to getting up early in most cases.

After I woke up, I went and took a bath and changed, I was not very enthusiastic about going down to the first floor, I knew there would be no gifts, but did they ever give them to me? I asked for nothing, but the gesture would be nice if they gave me something, right?

Anyway, today I plan to go on a trip to Paris where I will spend my Christmas, from me to me, isn't it fantastic? Well, I'll have breakfast first.

Going down the stairs I go to the dining room, breakfast was already served and Bob is next to the table waiting in case I had any instructions for him; I just nodded towards him to indicate that everything was fine, he would understand then that he could withdraw.

Breakfast was good, a restful night and the little cup of floating infusion that Bob gave me and today I feel more sober from the feeling that haunted me a bit after killing those two men.

I plan to read the grimoire a bit in the morning and before lunch I will go with the portkey, I have nothing else special for this day other than that.

However, before I headed to the library, Bob stopped me.

Bob: "Master Extimum , yesterday while you were sleeping some owls arrived with mail for you ."

Extimum : "Oh that's… unexpected, where are they?"

Bob. " I have left them in the study next to the library, since I thought I would go there as usual ".

Extimum : "Okay, thanks for the information, is there anything else?"

Bob: "no, master Extimum , Bob has nothing else for the master."

Just ask just in case, I knew my parents wouldn't give me anything.

I went to the study, it was not far from the dining room, just two rooms after leaving and there it was, entering the library, I went to a secluded side where my desk is, since nobody else uses it and only I really seem to live here I naturally take it as my own. The desk is nothing special, it is made of polished brown wood and a black furnished chair is in front of the table.

On the desk there are several letters and a few wrapped boxes, taking a quick look I can see that they are from my friends and acquaintances.

I begin to read the letters and open the presents.

Harry and Ron are at Hogwarts and their current situation is not very good so they only gave me sweets, the gesture is appreciated I will eat them on my trip.

Hermione sent me a special thanks for the offensive spell book that I sent her, it is fortunate that the title of the book and its content is from a more open thinker, otherwise I think I would have discovered that the spells taught there are considered dark, I wonder how long it will take her to discover that part, maybe I can take advantage of it to give her an appropriate talk and expand her perspective of the magical world, not everything is black or white even if it seems that those colors stand out more. Anyway, Hermione sent me a muggle physics book, do you really read these books at this age? Anyway, there are no books like that in the family library so I'll read it later, maybe they will support my spell experiments .

Then there were the gifts from Daphne, Pansy, and Tracey; Daphne's gift was a purple scarf with silver lines, I'm sure I will use it would match well, Pansy sent me a white dragon skin cape and Tracey sent me some white boots, I wonder if they have agreed between them to send me these gifts?

Draco sent me some white dragon skin gloves, huh, Could it be that they all agreed to give me the whole set, right?

Susan, Hannah, and other acquaintances sent me more magic candy and various other items. Maybe I'll use them later.

I must admit that my mood improved after receiving the gifts, although some were just to maintain good relationships, but I also did the same so I see no problem, but in any case it is a good gesture, maybe that's why people give you gifts Even if you give them one too, it is the feeling and perhaps the expectation that make the moment something worthy of festivity.

Okay, now that I've looked at all my gifts, I'll go to the hidden library to read the grimoire.

First I rearranged the books in their proper places to open the hidden door behind the shelf, I found out earlier that they were randomly rearranged when I closed the door when leaving.


I heard the now familiar sound as the shelf was detached from the wall, I proceeded to move it and entered the dark corridor, again seeing in front of me the room with torches that keep the most important books of the family.

I went directly to the family grimoire, I have to take advantage of the time to be able to leave at the planned time, it is not that I have more things to do, but at least that way I establish a schedule.

Once I took the family grimoire, it seemed to recognize me by changing its appearance back to a common book when I took it in my hands; I had read that grimoires were sensitive and had true consciousness albeit limited, but seeing it makes it more magical.

When he opened it this time, instead of the familiar index, there were written words.

Grimoire: "Do you want to continue your previous reading?"

I put my hand on the grimoire and sent my intention, today I did not want to read about space or shadow magic, today I wanted to read something else.

After submitting my intent, the book recognized the command and displayed the index.

• The history of ancient times

• Origins

• Family magic

• Family tree

This time I chose History.

Immediately my conscience was absorbed by the grimoire, but unlike the previous time, this time it did not take me to a dark place, but to a meadow, in it was an old man who was wearing a tunic and armor, his appearance was familiar to me, but It wasn't until he spoke that I finally knew who he was.

Devan: "it is good to see that my descendants are interested in history, I am Devan Loyd Shadowless and I am the founder of the Shadowless family, to my present descendants, do not bother to talk to me, I am just a memory recorded in the grimoire, created with in order to explain the story in a more convenient way ".

I did not expect that, I thought I would read a boring book that would tell the story, but I did not think I would find a memory of the founding ancestor.

Devan: "Well, where to start? Ah, the passage of time, what a terrible and wonderful thing at the same time, I will begin to tell you what the world was like in my time and I will name some events of vital importance in history, in terms of to other facts, it is probable that my projection is used by the grimoire to explain it in the same way ".

- Story narrated by Devan from here—

In those days the world was very different, iit was dark times and life was hard, but the world at that time was what we would call the epitome of what it could show us. Magic was common in those times, however, magicians were not the rulers, much less common humans, in those times the space was wider, the forests seemed to have no end and the sky seemed to have no limits, fantastic landscapes they adorned the world, like all kinds of creatures. The world was inhabited by various intelligent creatures capable of doing magic, many of them proudly stood on all species, they had a natural gift and an affinity with magic like no other, magic was just second nature to them, there were elves, goblins, gnomes, fairies, nymphs, all kinds of creatures you could imagine. You could see them walk through the same land and look at the same sky that you saw, as for humans? Well, life was difficult for them, but the magicians were in charge of giving them a dignified life, the other races preferred their territory like that They weren't competing too much for territory either, with magic there was no such thing as lack of space for everyone, basic resources weren't a problem either, however everything naturally comes to an end.

But before talking about it, why don't we talk a little about the origin of wizards? Wizards or witches are beings as magical as any of the others, however, their origin usually diverges into 2 types; The first were the natural magicians, it was difficult to call them humans with their traits and abilities, but they were still identified as such, so by association they were declared that way, they enjoyed great power and did not lose to many of the other races, however , they did not care much about the human race as a whole, as long as humanity lived it is fine for them, they did not get into secular affairs, they had a long life so it was not difficult for them to live 1000 years, maybe that's why they were so detached from ordinary humans or maybe it was their passion for magic that occupied them.

The second type of magicians were born from the union of natural magicians and other magical beings or in rare occasions when a magic creature of great power gave its life and its lineage to a human, the second type was naturally more popular, after all, the Natural magicians were few in number and given the attractiveness of other species it was difficult for them not to relate, thus giving rise to an era of magicians of magical lineage. This is then how all kinds of magicians with different talents and affinities spread, but like ordinary humans, these magicians were burdened with too many feelings and desires, they became greedy of each other and conflict was inevitable. At some point, all this desire was directed to the rest of the magical world, it was then that the first great magical war occurred, it could not be said that it was entirely the fault of the magicians, humans were not the only ones with wishes, the goblins always wanted more gold, dragons always wanted to dominate others and elves always wanted to take care of their lands, everyone had their own things to consider, however, for the most part the other races were kept in a balance or were not so prone to war.

The Great Magical War was devastating, by the time it ended, thousands of races had become extinct and many others only left few survivors who over time could only join with other species to keep the lineage alive, but not all unions turned out good, some in Instead of strengthening the lineage, they ended up degrading it and for the next Age, only vestiges of what they once were remained. The war did not give mercy to any race and those that did not fight were exterminated.

Great races such as dragons were mostly extinct and those that did not, hid, some had offspring, but the children they gave could only be considered Wyverms, the dragon race was never the same again, their descendants were doomed to be no more that simple powerful beasts, but without brains.

Werewolves went from being large wolves of up to 5 meters that could take human form to simple men with wolfish features.

The races lost their legacies and forgot their ancient magic, those who lost their intelligence were condemned to be nothing more than beasts that others would hunt, such as trolls and ogres.

Those who lost the strength of their lineage were only able to bring out some abilities that they once had countless of, such as vampires.

another perfect example of this fact were the elves.

Wizards and elves were initially good friends and had a firm alliance, but with the expansion of wizards, they were the first to suffer from their insatiable greed, however, elves were one of the strongest and most intelligent creatures of those times. , so after a hard fight that killed a large part of the magicians, the elves were defeated, forming an irreconcilable relationship, the survivors hid in a secluded space that they later sealed to never return to this world, with their withdrawal only the cousins ​​of the elves remained.

And what unfortunate creatures they were, they only had some similar characteristics, but in general they were completely different from elves, they liked peace and lived apart from the magical world in general, in fact, they could not be considered elves, however, that did not discourage to the wizards to direct their hatred towards them when they saw that they could no longer find the elves anywhere. The wizards enslaved them and launched all kinds of hexes and experiments on them that in the end ended up changing the race completely.

What remains of them is what today we call house elves, beings that still retain their pacifist character but with the changes resulted in slightly funny-looking creatures with a submissive character, their nature now required magic to survive and it is that although they were magical beings, they became incapable of producing magic by themselves, so their slave jobs suited them perfectly by forming unions with powerful magicians or magic houses that offered them all the magic they could need, all this resulted in beings who see work as their life and who have immense devotion to their masters.

Thus becoming an essential part of the daily life of each magician, all magicians had at least one to perform the various tasks that they did not want to perform or that took up the time for the study of magic.

Time ran and although the world had lost much of its magical legacy on all sides, it still remained, now that the world was freer and the dangers had been reduced considerably, ordinary humans began to emerge, built empires kingdoms and dynasties, and claimed all of the now ownerless territory until they encountered the remaining creatures still defending their territories. The wizards now reduced in number, lost much of their previous vigor and led a more peaceful life, some returned to the path of magic and dedicated themselves to it, turning away from the world, others on the other hand, again allowed themselves to be seduced by the world secular and they interfered in the lives of common humans, the common humans we now call Muggles, eagerly accepted their help, even if inwardly they were filled with wariness and envy.

With the help of the magicians a great Era flourished for the human species, the magicians obtained great respect and fame and were advisers or sages of different kingdoms, others were great heroes who were dedicated to fighting against magical creatures, however, as well as wizards coveted magic and the knowledge of other races, Muggles also coveted the power of wizards, it was with this thought that the second great wizarding war began.

Although wizards were more powerful on their own, but Muggles were more numerous and did not fear death.

Wizards had been careless, abandoned the path of magic and led a life full of luxury, they never thought that the common humans they supported would stab them in the back.

Only the great families of wizards and witches still preserved their heritage and continued to study magic, despising the existence of wizards who ingratiated themselves in the wealth of the Muggles and forgot their pride as magical beings, they classified those wizards as traitors to blood. It was those traitors who taught Muggles of our world, gave them the opportunity to rise up and dare to challenge the wizards who once cared for the very subsistence of humanity.

War was inevitable between wizards and Muggles. Most of the wizards and witches who were caught were burned or sacrificed by their church, ** spit **, nothing more than organizations that sought to unravel the secrets of magic, did all kinds of experiments and barbarities with the magicians they caught, such Facts infuriated the great wizarding families, how could those filthy Muggles dare to bite the hand that kept them alive in the dark times, the wizards who helped them build their empires and protect their families, blasphemies, that's what they were . The magicians swept the towns and empires, since they did not want the magicians' help, then we would take away everything that we once gave them.

Kings were killed, artifacts and enchantments were removed or destroyed, those who knew too much were tortured and eliminated, the memory of wizards was erased from common people, and wizards became elusive among the common people.

Later and taking advantage of the momentum that the magicians still had, the great families rose up and put order for the first time in centuries.

Treaties were made with the other races and rules were established that limited contact with Muggles, of course not everyone was willing to listen, but if they were discovered... the punishments were severe. Over time the magical world was withdrawn and separated by barriers and all kinds of charms of the common world.

All this led to the hidden magical society that it is today, the process was not without small wars and changes, but especially time, over time all Muggles were forgetting, over time magic would seem like fantastic stories and not reality, over time sightings of magical beings were considered supernatural and fantastic themes that had little real effect on the world.

The other races had to accommodate themselves to the regime of the magicians, however, the magicians would not allow the other races to have a chance to rise up and we put rules and regulations that would put them in difficult situations or limit them, the goblins were forbidden to access to obtain wands , they didn't need them, but we shouldn't give them tools that would make them stronger, right? Races that were especially persuasive were forbidden to enchant magicians or use their magic, so succubi, incubi, and veela had no choice but to turn to Muggles or willing wizards, luckily their beauty was still with them.

The world was molded to the taste of the magicians and with it the magical families were calming down. over time some particular descendants began to appear among the magical families who softened with the Muggles and began to fraternize with them, so that over time, the previously tense relationship was reduced a little and although the contempt for Muggles remained, but they were no longer hated for the acts of their ancestors, the secret relations between the Muggle and magical government became possible with the enthusiasm of the wizards and the persuasion of some spells, strengthening thus the wizards' control over a wizarding sub-world that now lay hidden amongst the muggle world.

One thing led to another and now wizards had offspring with Muggles, luckily for wizards, the world had reached a new era of peace and structuring so the secret was kept and incidents like those of the past would not occur. least not against magicians.

Naturally, such acts brought with them some disadvantages, the purity of the magical blood seemed to decrease, generating squib children or children suffering from strange diseases. This information again sent the wizarding world into a rage, blood purists were born, and the term blood traitors resurfaced among the community.

The real issue with the lineage, is that Muggles are not magical beings, their nature is very different from that of real wizards, so when they get together, their magical blood will weaken, in some cases from genetics, on the contrary. , they could improve, but few Muggles are suitable for it.

Naturally, such a problem did not worry the families of true magicians, the natural magicians, although withdrawn, were always there, observing the madness of their neighbors and all the chaos they caused, some joined these wars, others only kept in the dark , we were 10 great families of natural magicians that stayed together and alive over time and although we have also had our ups and downs, we remain stronger than anyone else.

Lineage problems did not exist for families of natural magicians, since it was difficult to maintain the lineage of natural magicians because of their low number, it was impossible for them not to join with other races of the same level, but even this was not exempt from the fact that the lineage would thin, so while the magicians were busy waging their wars, the natural magicians were desperate investigating methods to avoid extinction, years later we discovered rituals that could thicken the magical blood of our descendants. Although our lineages had already been reduced considerably, but we were able to maintain a large part of it thanks to the ritual, if this ritual were applied to mestizo children it could thicken the blood to a state of equal purity to its previous generation, therefore, there was this limit that had to be maintained in order not to drop the purity and power of the blood.

With the passage of time, the 10 great families were reduced to 9, due to an event that reminded us that, if we were alive, they too still exist there, remnants of ancient races, they also observe the world, the most of them have abandoned all pretense, a war like the first one was enough for everyone, nobody would want to see the extinction of magic, others on the other hand, are still waiting around waiting for their opportunity to act.

And that's the basic story from ancient times to today.

--Devan's narrative end--

I must admit that I was dumbfounded by the revelation, that the world was once so great and now only vestiges of what it once was, it is also surprising to know the origin of the wizards and the background of my family, perhaps our motto has a little more reason than I expected.

That was definitely an incredibly informative and emotional history class.

Well, that's enough history for today, I want to go out.

The next moment of having such intention, my mind returned to my body, I took out the watch that I always carry in my suit pocket and look at the time, I spent about 2 hours listening to the ancestor's narration.

You had to know that while the story was being told, realistic images were shown in the air that represented the events told.

I put the grimoire back on the shelf and left the hidden library, when I came out through the shelf I closed the door and watched as the books turned back into their respective sections.


Extimum : "Bob". Call Bob to say a few words to him before I go.

Bob quickly appeared at the entrance to the library.

Bob: "yes, Master Extimum ".

Extimum : "I will take a trip and will only be back one day before I have to go back to Hogwarts."

Bob: "Bob understands, have a nice master trip."

Having made that clear by now, I pulled out my star-patterned bag and reached into it, after rummaging for a while I pulled out a French coin used by the Muggle government.

Before I left I changed my appearance to what I had used previously, my height grew 20cm, my hair turned black and my eyes blue, my face became pleasant but more common and naturally my apparent age was around 20 years or more.

Although it would fill the legal data, travel logs are usually more to keep track and inform visiting magicians of rules or warnings they should have, as well as a basic introduction to the country and its magical society, so it was very little They would likely investigate my personal information further, unless I came to the attention of the authorities and found out with the British Ministry that I am only 11 years old or my face was that of someone wanted.

Taking the coin in my hand, I directed my intention to the coin and expressed my desire to travel.

The next moment I felt as if I had been quickly grabbed and pulled somewhere, the landscape was a mess, like seeing from inside a tornado. The situation did not last more than 1 second and the next moment I was elsewhere.

It was inside a large room, the walls were white, there were some seats attached to the walls and there were several reception offices with French magicians. There were several magicians of different nationalities lining up to be treated, on one side of the room there were large doors that led into the French Ministry of Magic.

This place should be the French embassy, ​​here all the magicians who came to France arrived by means of legal porters, the place had a beautiful and elegant design.

After looking around me, an English-looking woman wearing a dark blue uniformed dress approached me.

Receptionist ???: "Good morning sir, welcome to France and the paris city, it must be your first time here. You are currently at the magical embassy of France, you must go to any of the tables there to register your entry into the country and receive some recommendations and warnings so that you have a good stay ".

It is good that they have people who speak native languages ​​to facilitate communication, although I also know French and other languages ​​thanks to my eidetic memory, but since I have not practiced them, it is easier if they only speak to me in English.

After receiving the introduction from the woman, I approached the table that had the least line and waited.


The process was not very long, but if I take about 5-10 minutes per person, now only one person is missing and it will be my turn.

After a while it was finally my turn, the one attending was a man wearing a uniformed suit the same color as the previous receptionist.

Man ???: "Good morning sir, welcome to our country, you just need to fill in these data for registration and if you are new to our country, you can take an information brochure to know all the recommendations and warnings and have a better experience in your visit. After you finish you can go out by that elevator, if you need to change money you can go to the stand there. "

After listening to the man, I started to fill out the entry form, once I finished it I handed it to the man and took a brochure, then I walked away.

First I went to the currency exchange stand, exchanged half of the galleons I had left in the bag I received from my father into the local muggle currency, after that I looked for the elevator and headed towards it.

As I made my way to the elevator, I started flipping through the brochure, it said places to visit in the muggle world, minor differences in certain rules, places to be careful, the location of the wizarding city, and other places of interest to wizards. .

After seeing all the contents, I put it in my expandable bag and stepped into the elevator.

After waiting a moment, the elevator went quickly up the shaft and in a few seconds I was out on a large plaza.

According to the brochure I am currently in the Furstemberg square in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

After making sure I understood the directions, I headed to a nearby hotel, I'd chill out the rest of the afternoon and do some introspection, after which I would devote myself to enjoying my stay in muggle and magical paris.


After entering the hotel and reserving a room for a few days, I entered it and lay down on the bed for a moment to relax a bit from the trip.

About 15 minutes had passed and I was ready, so I sat on the bed in a position that was comfortable for me to meditate for a while.

Zeroz7 Zeroz7

mm, I think the chapter is not bad for me, but it is better to iterate between first and third, this chapter was completely first person, but it was a good one for a change, unless you prefer me to write like that? or if I can not, then, as before in only third person and leave this first exclusive of the povs.

Although I accept opinions about how it is more comfortable and try to do it.


changing the subject, what seemed like my story of the magical world, most of it occurred to me on the fly but I already had an idea that it was something like that. I even think it was a bit emotional

next chapter
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