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97.72% Harry Potter: Dragon Eyes / Chapter 43: Dragon Harry Potter Sir

Chapter 43: Dragon Harry Potter Sir

Now that everyone was on the same page, Harry repeated his request to Dobby.

'Dobby, can you get to Kreacher and tell him that the dragon he saw was me?'

'Certainly, Harry Potter sir!' Dobby exclaimed enthusiastically.

'Good. Tell Kreacher to find his master and do the same,' Harry instructed.

'And Dobby, make sure he knows it's safe,' he added for good measure.

After all, he didn't fancy the idea of his godfather attacking him due to surprise and fear.

Dobby nodded vigorously, his ears flapping.

'Dobby will do exactly as Harry Potter sir says!' he said and disappeared with a loud crack, leaving the three magical creatures alone in the hollow chamber.


Dobby felt the other elf through his master's soul, Kreacher, as he called him.

Although the Great Harry Potter Sir wasn't Kreacher's master, he was next in line to become so, and thus they shared a bond.

The house elf appeared in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place, where he was sure the other elf was located.

However, no one was there.

Dobby frowned, his large ears drooping slightly in confusion.

He had been certain Kreacher would be there, but the whole house was empty of any living presence.

Atop the kitchen table, plates were placed haphazardly, as if someone had left hurriedly.

Confused about his mistake, Dobby decided to search the rest of the house for any signs of Kreacher or the master of the house.

Room by room, Dobby searched, his large eyes scanning every corner and crevice.

The drawing room was empty, as were the bedrooms upstairs.

The first and most obvious thing that was wrong with the house, was the absence of people.

Human houses were meant to have people living in them.

The second thing that rang alarms in his little head was the overall mess in the house.

Furniture was overturned, books were strewn across the floor, and curtains were torn.

The front door had been torn off its hinges, but that wasn't what caught Dobby's attention most.

No, that was the humongous hole in the middle of the house.

The gaping hole extended from the topmost floor all the way down to the basement, creating a vertical chasm through the entire house.

Dobby wondered what kind of a spell could cause so much damage.

In the end, though, Kreacher was not there and that's what Harry Potter Sir had asked him to find.

Dobby closed his eyes and concentrated, reaching out with his elf magic to sense Kreacher's presence again.

After a few moments, he felt a faint trace of the other elf's magical signature coming from somewhere else.

'Far, far away,' the elf mused and, with a deafening crack, disappeared yet again, this time to Skye…

Dobby found himself in a kitchen, again.

Unlike the previous kitchen though, this one was clean and organised.

The gleaming countertops and spotless floors were a stark contrast to the chaos Dobby had just left behind.

The other big difference was an elf which was busy polishing silverware.

Dobby immediately noted down the older elf's appearance.

Kreacher was a little bit shorter than him and unsurprisingly, sported their universal bat-like ears..

His skin appeared to be several sizes too big for him, hanging in folds, and he wore a filthy rag not unlike the rag Dobby himself wore once.

The young elf had gotten rid of the despicable clothing when Great Harry Potter Sir helped him escape his old masters…

Dobby approached cautiously, though with pride as he was now a Potter elf.

"Kreacher," he called out.

The older elf snapped back, his bloodshot eyes showing surprise and narrowing suspiciously at the newcomer.

Kreacher was about to jump on the invader when Dobby quickly raised his hands.

"Dobby comes with a message from the Great Harry Potter Sir!" he exclaimed quickly and earnestly.

Kreacher paused dead in his tracks and another look of surprise flashed through his eyes.

His suspicion was not entirely gone but he chose to consider the other elf's words.

After a tense silence, Kreacher spoke, his gravelly voice laced with suspicion.

"What message does the dirty young master have for Kreacher?" he asked, his bloodshot eyes narrowing as he awaited Dobby's response.

"Great Harry Potter Sir wants the bad elf to know that the dragon he saw was him," Dobby explained and took offence at the other elf's description of his master.

Dobby frowned at Kreacher's disrespectful words.

He knew the Great Harry Potter Sir was kind and good, not dirty or bad at all like Kreacher had suggested.

He wanted to correct the wizened elf, but he reminded himself of his task.

Pushing aside his feelings about Kreacher's rudeness, Dobby relayed the rest of the message.

"Great Harry Potter Sir also wants Kreacher to find his master and tell him the same.

Kreacher's expression shifted from suspicion to bewilderment.

After a moment of contemplation, Kreacher nodded slowly, his wrinkled features settling into a look of grim acceptance.

"As you say," he muttered and without another word, he disappeared with a loud crack, leaving Dobby alone in the kitchen.

The young house elf felt a sense of accomplishment at completing his first task given by the Great Harry Potter.

Dobby was daydreaming, imagining of how he'd inform his great master about his success when Kreacher returned.

The older elf's sudden reappearance startled Dobby out of his reverie.

"Traitor master Sirius wants to see Harry," Kreacher croaked, talking for the man next to him.

Sirius Black stood proud and confident in all of his restored glory.

The man's raven hair was thick and shiny, falling in a neat, wavy style.

His tall and lean build filled out again, brimming with strength and vitality, and was emphasised when he moved closer to Dobby.

"What's this about Harry being a dragon?" Sirius asked bewildered, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Gazed by those steely grey eyes, Dobby felt compelled to answer.

"Sir, Harry Potter Sir, has become a dragon. Great master also wants me to take you there and make sure that you know it's him," Dobby eagerly explained.

Sirius's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he quickly composed himself.

Just what else did his godson get into?

First, there were the dragons, then that striking Veela girl…

'I'm not jealous. Totally not jealous,' he repeated inside his mind before pushing the thought away.

"Alright then, take me to him," Sirius said and heaved out a sigh.

Before reaching the young elf, Sirius turned to Kreacher.

"Kreacher, stay here. I might be out for a while," the finest, according to him, marauder commanded.

The old house-elf nodded grudgingly, his bloodshot eyes following his master as he prepared to leave.

"Let's go then," Sirius said, reaching out to take Dobby's hand.

Without any preamble, they disappeared from the kitchen, leaving behind a grumbling Kreacher.


Harry stopped mid-conversation and watched in amazement as something peculiar happened before his eyes.

The air in front of him began to shimmer and distort.

He watched in fascination as the very fabric of reality rippled and warped. A vortex of magical energy began to coalesce, forming a swirling portal of violet-ish light.

As the vortex reached its crescendo, Harry sensed the imminent arrival.

The magical energies converged and intensified before collapsing inwardly with a resounding snap, that echoed through both physical and magical realms, and Dobby appeared with his godfather in tow.

Said godfather's eyes widened as he took in the sight before him, his jaw dropping in astonishment.

There, towering above them, was an enormous dragon with scales as black as lustrous dark steel, and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly green light.

Thankfully, Sirius was warned beforehand and could sense the familiar presence emanating from the beast – unmistakably, undeniably Harry.

"Merlin's beard, Harry," Sirius breathed, taking a tentative step forward, "you really have outdone yourself this time."

He found himself torn between facepalming and congratulating his godson.

After a moment of stunned silence, he shook his head and chuckled, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and pride.

"Only you, Harry, could manage to turn yourself into a bloody dragon," Sirius said finally.

Over the past month, the two renegades met a lot.

They spent most of their time training together, occasionally taking small breaks to enjoy each other's company.

They both managed to grow significantly, with Harry continuously learning and experiencing new things and Sirius relearning stuff he had forgotten…

That was how the two men grew closer and Sirius managed to coax out of Harry that he was going to undergo a ritual.

Harry assured him it would cause no harm, but remained tight-lipped about the details.

"I suppose this means our next quidditch game will be quite different, eh?"

Sirius's jest was met with a low rumble from Harry, which the man interpreted as a chuckle.

Connecting the dots, the last Black concluded that Harry didn't know how to turn back as he would have done so already.

"So, pup," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "I take it you are stuck having scales for skin?"

Harry let out a low rumble that Sirius interpreted as confirmation and just to be sure, commanded Dobby to speak for him.

'Tell Sirius that I want his help to transform back,' Harry said through their bond.

Dobby nodded eagerly and relayed the message to Sirius, "Dragon Harry Potter Sir wants help to transform back to Great Harry Potter sir."

"Are you sure? You'll never have to worry about getting a sunburn again," Sirius quipped, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Harry's answer to that was a deafening roar that shook the ground and scared Sirius shitless.

"Right then, let's figure out how to get you back to your less scaly self," Sirius said, and four sounds of mirths followed.

A thunderous roar, a melodious trill, a menacing hiss, and a squeaky laugh echoed in unison.

Sirius couldn't help but join in, his barking laughter echoing through the chamber.


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