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75% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – End of year, another ball

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – End of year, another ball

The rest of Harry's year went by as normal, or at least as normal as it could have been for the wandless genius of the wizarding world. Dumbledore had decided to wisely back off for the year, in truth he may have forgotten about Harry after he started getting pranked again, Dumbledore still didn't know how he ended waking up in the middle of the lake on a raft after going sleep one night.

At the end of the year, Harry was making his way back on the Hogwarts express with Ginny and all of his family friends. He was rather thankful of the compartment's ability to fit an unlimited amount of people or they definitely wouldn't have fit.

"So" Ginny said "what are you lot doing over the breaks?"

"Let's see" Harry thought about it "I know mum is probably going to try and force me and my brothers to go to another ball or two"

"Oh I hate those balls" Sirius growled

"Yeah" Regulus said in agreement "they're dead boring, well, apart from that one we went to where Harry won half a million galleons"

"Wait, what?" James interrupted "how did he win half a million galleons?"

"Oh, this prat was being a prat" Sirius began explaining "so Harry managed to trick him into a bet, even got to guy to make an unbreakable vow and everything, next thing you know the guy loses half a million galleons and all the businesses he owns" Everyone looked at Harry

"What?" Harry said innocently "Anyway, like the me and the brats said, we've got to go to a ball or two but we'll likely spend the rest of the holidays at home."

"You could stay at my house" Ginny suggested "mum and dad would like to meet you"

"Enough to have him stay over?" Lily raised an eyebrow

"Well, they won't say no to their little girl" Ginny smirked "besides, I only meant for a day or two"

"Oh, can we come?" Sirius asked

"Yeah, please" Regulus added "we've never been in a muggle house before"

"I'll ask my parents" Ginny replied

"Oh, and you guys can come to my house if you want" James said

"Sure, maybe after I stay with Harry at Ginny's" Sirius said before turning to Harry "do you think mum would let us?"

"Stay at the Potters? More likely than she would you staying at the muggles" Harry replied "no offence dear" He added to Ginny

"None taken" She responded

"But I don't think there will be a problem" Harry continued "besides, just do what we usually do when we need mum to do something she doesn't like"

"What's that?" Peter asked

"We just go to our rooms and let Harry deal with it" Regulus answered honestly

"Never fails" Sirius smiled

Soon they arrived at the platform and Harry took the time to see off each and every one of his friends individually.

"Hello" He greeted Peter's grandmother "I'm Hadrius Black, pleasure to meet you"

"You too" She smiled "I've heard from Peter, he says you're one of his friends" Peter blushed in embarrassment

"Oh yes" Harry nodded "Peter is a valued friend of mine, in fact I wanted to talk to you about him"

"Oh? Did he do something wrong?"

"No, not at all." Harry responded "it's about his wand"

"Has he broken it?" She asked

"No, it's just that it's second hand. I understand that it was a spare wand you had laying about the house"

"Yes" She answered, a bit confused as to what the problem was

"Well, you see a wizard needs to have a wand that has chosen him, his current wand hasn't so it doesn't work for him as good. It's also affecting his school work and magical ability"

"Oh my!" She exclaimed

"Yeah but don't worry" He handed her a pouch "this should have just enough money to buy him a new wand"

"Oh, really you don't have to do that"

"I don't have to do anything but Peter is a friend of mine and it is my duty to help him" Harry responded "please accept the money, I have plenty to spare"

"Bless you" She smiled "Peter, don't you ever stop being friends with this young man"

"Yes mum" Peter nodded

"Okay, see you later Peter, goodbye"

Harry then made his way to Lily and her family, he had never seen her parents before, he had seen pictures of his grandparents on his father's side but for some reason he had never seen his muggle grandparents. Harry was sad to notice that Petunia was there, looking like she was better than everybody else.

"Mum, dad, this is Hadrius Black" Lilly introduced him

"Please, call me Harry" Harry insisted

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Lily's mother said

"Lily's told us all about you" His father added

"Good stuff I hope" Harry looked at Lily who was smiling innocently

"She said you were brilliant but absolutely mad" Her father replied

"Yeah, that fits the bill" Harry responded

"Mum, dad, Harry is a genius" Lily spoke up "do you know he invented the cure for werewolves?"

"What? Really?" Her father looked at him

"Yes sir" Harry nodded

"And he beat the headmaster in a duel" Lily added "which pretty much makes him the strongest wizard on the planet"

"Amazing!" Her mother exclaimed

"It's really nothing" Harry said

"Humble, just like you said" Her father chuckled and nudged Lily "oh, have you met my other daughter, Petunia?"

"No, I don't believe I've had the pleasure" Harry said despite thinking it was anything but

"Pleased to meet you" Petunia said, trying to act like she was better than him.

"Likewise" Harry didn't have to act

"So, you're another freak then?" Petunia asked

"Petunia!" Her mother admonished, Harry noticed Lily looking a bit sad and uncomfortable. He leaned closer to Petunia so that he could directly into her eyes.

"Do you know what a freak is? I don't believe you do" He said softly "A freak is an abnormal person, that means not normal. Sadly for you, we're perfectly normal"

"No you're not" She sneered "you're just a bunch of magical freaks"

"And the magical world has been around for thousands of years" Harry sneered right back "we were able to fly long before you non-magicals even had flushing toilets, and there are millions of us. If there was one or two then we would be freaks but we have more than enough to be considered normal, we're in every country and we're everywhere. Are we not normal? Maybe but that's not for you to decide"

"You think you're better than me" She spat

"I think you think you're better than me" Harry replied

"I am better than you! I'm not a freak!"

"I'm rich enough that I don't have to work for the rest of my life and I'm globally famous in my world, you think you can say the same?"

"Why would I want to be anything like a freak?!"

"You keep saying that word, I don't think it means what you think it means" Harry let his eyes turn just enough green for Petunia to notice "and if you call me a freak again, I promise you, you won't like it" Fear at the sight of the green made Petunia stutter and step back before deciding to hide behind her father

"You're eyes turned green again, didn't they?" Lily asked

"Little bit" Harry admitted "sorry"

"Green eyes?" Her mother asked

"When Harry gets angry his eyes turn green" Lily explained "it's really scary actually, don't worry, she'll get over it"

"Sorry again" Harry apologised "I'll be off now, see you late Lily"

"Bye Harry" She waved as he left

"Such a nice young boy" Mrs Evans said before she turned to Petunia "And you young lady are in big trouble when we get home!"

"I agree" Mr Evans nodded "you not only insulted Lily's friend, but you did so even after finding out he was the most powerful wizard in the world"

"They're right Petunia" Lily said "I'm done trying to be nice to you, all I wanted was my sister back but if you don't want that then it's fine by me"

"What...what are you saying?" Petunia whispered

"I'm saying grow up" Lily replied "I didn't have any control over this, if you were in my position then I would be happy for you but you're acting like a jealous child. Decide what's more important to you, being my sister or judging me for something that I have no control over, Harry is the nicest guy I've ever met and invented a ground breaking cure to a serious disease but you couldn't see past that because he was different to you.

Well, I'd like to point out that in the magical world, you're the freak. And Harry has been trying to get other people in our world to see that muggles are just normal people, in fact he has a muggleborn girlfriend as well, so I'd like to thank you for throwing his efforts back in his face."

"Come on Lily" Mr Evans said "Let's go home, we can discuss there and your sisters punishment

"Hello father" Severus said to his dad

"Boy" His father greeted in his own signature fashion "come on, we're going home"

"Yes father" Snape nodded

"Mr Snape" A voice called out and both turned to see Harry walking to them, Snape smiled at the sight of his father shivering in fear "Hello Severus" Harry said as he stopped in front of them "hope you have a good holiday"

"You as well" Severus replied

"Now Mr Snape" Harry turned to Severus's father "how are you?"

"F...fine" Mr Snape replied

"Good, good, that's good" Harry responded with a smile "I look forward to seeing Severus next year, though, I'd appreciate it if he doesn't have any new bruises when I see him. Because, if he does get hurt then it'll be my responsibility as his friend to stop him from getting hurt."

"O...oh, of course! Of course, I understand" Mr Snape said quickly

"Good, see you next year Severus" Harry walked away

"Mr Black" A voice called out, Harry turned to see Remus with his father and mother.

"Hello" Harry replied and extended his hand "forgive me if I'm incorrect but you're Mr Lupin, right?"

"Yes" Mr Lupin shook Harry's hand "I wanted to thank you, for all you've done for my son"

"Really, there is no need" Harry insisted

"No, I insist" My Lupin replied "you not only became my sons first friend, you also got him more friends, invented the cure and gave it him for free"

"Yes, I did invent the cure but the rest was just what anybody else would've done"

"You were right" Mrs Lupin said to Remus "so incredibly humble"

"No sir" Mr Lupin shook his head "You saved my sons life in more ways than one, you've actually saved his life from death eaters and you've given him a happy life. Plus, if I'm correct, you've stopped the headmaster from conning me out of my hard earned money. If ever you need anything, you only have to ask"

"Thank you sir" Harry smiled "but the only thing you need to do for me is look after your son and keep him happy, I didn't put all that work in just so he could stay miserable"

"Ah true!" Mr Lupin chuckled

"Okay, I have a few other people to meet but I hope to see you again sir"

"Likewise" Mr Lupin patted him on the shoulder

"Bye Mr Lupin, bye Mrs Lupin and bye Remus"

"Bye Harry" Remus waved as Harry walked away

"Such a nice boy" Mrs Lupin complimented "you should stick with him" She added to Remus

"I plan to" Remus replied "did you know I've started calling him brother?"

"Have you?" Mrs Lupin was surprised by this revelation, she was still amazed that Remus was willing to make friends so calling another person brother was definitely going to shock her.

"I called it him one day and he seemed to like it" Remus explained "in fact all of my friends look up to him like he's our brother"

"A kind soul in a powerful person" Mr Lupin said "won't wonders ever cease?"

Harry had made his way to the Potters where he found Sirius and Regulus talking with them. Sirius was chatting with James while Regulus was having a conversation with Lord Potter.

"Aunt Dorea" Harry said and Mrs Potter pulled him into a strong hug "how are you?"

"Brilliant" She stopped hugging him and began looking him over "goodness me, look at you, you've grown into such a handsome boy. I bet the girls are tripping all over for you"

"Already have a girl" Harry smiled

"Ah yes, Regulus told us about that" She smiled back "have you really fell in love with a muggleborn? I'm surprised your parents allowed that"

"Oh mother threw a fit" Harry shook his head at the memory "but I stood my ground and calmly made reasonable arguments about why it shouldn't matter, she didn't seem to convinced but Granddad and Orion did think about my words"

"Ah, my brother. Orion was always a thinker, it's why he's such a good businessmen. And our father, he always did what he felt was best for the family so you must have made some good arguments. Oh my, I haven't seen you since you were a baby"

"I bet I was a pretty cute baby" He grinned

"Cute? No darling, you were adorable. However, you were also so well behaved but you were also a bit of a handful for some. It's not easy to look after a baby, never mind one that was so capable of powerful magic. I remember you kept flying back into my arms for some reason"

"You probably had warm hands" Harry shrugged and that was one of the reasons he did keep flying back into her arms, the other was wanting to spend time with his former grandmother.

"Mr Black" Charles Potter had stopped talking with Regulus and turned to Harry

"Please Lord Potter, call me Harry"

"Very well" Charles smiled "only if you call me Charles"

"A fair trade" Harry nodded "how are you?"

"I'm doing fine my boy" Charles replied and unlike Dumbledore, Harry didn't mind Charles calling him 'boy' "I've heard a lot of interesting stories about you"

"Well, in my defence, I am a bit mad. What stories, if I may ask?"

"I was surprised to hear that you not only have a muggleborn girlfriend but you've also invented a cure for werewolves and have taken Dumbledore to court and beat him in a duel, is that true?"

"Yes sir" Harry answered

"Good" Charles responded "never liked Dumbledore, it's a shame he got off so lightly."

"What did happen?" Harry asked "I don't remember because I left the court shortly after"

"Well, seeing as most of the members were Dumbledore supporters, he got off pretty lightly. If I remember correctly he received a warning, had some of his possessions removed and lost a property to satisfy the fine he had gotten since you took all of his money. Everyone is trying to forget that mockery of a trial, but the good news is that his reputation has taken a big hit as everyone knows he should be in Azkaban."

"True but I was never planning to get him sent to Azkaban" Harry replied

"You weren't?" Charles asked

"No, he read my mind and harassed my family so I wanted to hurt him and I did it in the worst places possible. His pocket, his popularity and his pride."

"You'd be a great politician" Charles complimented him

"My grandfather said the same thing, unfortunately I rather lose my patience quickly and would likely end up challenging them all to duels just to hurry things up"

"I think that would just make you all the better at it" Charles smiled "what about your father?"

"He wants me to become a businessman like him, says I have a good mind for it. Perhaps I do, but it's not really interesting enough for me"

"What would you like to become?" Charles asked

"I'm not sure, I have a few choices but I haven't decided yet. So far my choices are quidditch player, auror or teacher"

"Hmm, interesting selection"

"Yes, I'm love flying, i could probably get into auror training with just the mention of my name and I've been teaching my brothers and cousins since they were little."

"I've yet to see your flying or teaching skills so I cannot comment on that" Charles said "but from what I've heard from James, you are brilliant with kids and a good teacher. As for auror, I imagine that will be a good choice for you. I've heard you achieve brilliant grades and criminals aren't likely to try much against the person who beat Albus Dumbledore, I must warn you though, it is hard work"

"There'd be more aurors if it wasn't" Harry responded "but hard work doesn't scare me, paperwork on the other hand terrifies the life out of me"

"Ah, yes" Charles chuckled "me as well, but alas, every job has it's downsides"

"Too true sir. Ah, I see my parents waiting, it was a pleasure talking to you sir and I hope we get to do it again."

"Likewise my boy, James has asked if Sirius can come to our house, I just want to let you know that you boys are welcome anytime."

"I appreciate the offer sir, and I'll probably send Sirius to your house sometime soon"

"Wonderful" Dorea smiled "he and James are getting along so well"

"Yes they are" Harry nodded "now I apologise but we have to go, goodbye"

"Goodbye" They said

"See you later James" Sirius said to his friend

"Goodbye" Regulus said

The three black brothers walked away, smiling at the Potters who smiled back at them. Harry thought about how he could've spent time with them in his first life, he wondered what it would've been like. Probably brilliant but he decided that he should just appreciate what he has, because he wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Sons" Orion said as the three brothers arrived "Are you prepared to leave?"

"Yes father" Harry nodded, so did Sirius and Regulus.

"Good, come on, let's go home"

The family made their way home, they entered and Kreatcher greeted them. He politely spoke to them before he started taking their stuff to their room, the family made their way to the kitchen and began eating.

"Listen up" Their mother said "tomorrow you three shall accompany your father and I"

"Another ball?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"Yes, you three will attend and you will be on your best behaviour" The younger brothers looked at Harry for confirmation, because despite what Walburga believed, Harry was in charge.

"Very well" Harry said "however I have two things I'd like to let you know, the first is Sirius has been invited to stay over at the Potter house"

"The Potter house" Walburga spat

"Mother, the Potters are a most ancient and noble house" Harry pointed out "Charles Potter is a proud and respected auror whilst his wife is a former member of the Black family, it is an honour to be invited to their house and Sirius will go so they do not feel disrespected."

"Fine" She said but she didn't like it "what is the second thing you wished to inform me of?"

"My girlfriend has invited me and my brothers to stay at her house for a weekend" Harry replied

"Absolutely not! I will not have you be contaminated by those muggles!"

"Mother they're humans, contact with them won't result in any of us losing our magic. At worst we'll get a cold but if we're honest I am more worried about what Sirius would do"

"Hey!" Sirius objected

"What possible need could you have to spend time with those muggles?!" Walburga spat

"Some peace and quiet" Harry muttered under his breath before answering his mother "firstly I'd get to spend time with my girlfriend which is always a win for me. Secondly it will allow Sirius and Regulus to learn about muggle culture"

"They do not need to learn about muggle culture!" Walburga insisted

"They don't need clothes either; let's send them to that ball naked. In fact they don't need their hair either, let's just pull it all"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"I'll stop when you do"

"Enough" Orion ordered.

"Father" Harry spoke "you are aware that my brothers and I hate attending all the balls and parties that you drag us to, yet we go without complaint. I'm simply requesting some time for Sirius to stay at a most ancient and noble house along with a weekend staying at my girlfriend's house. Am I being unreasonable in my requests?"

"No" Orion sighed "the boy has a point"

"Have you lost your mind?! They are not living with muggles! Not even for a day!" Walburga snapped

"Do you honestly think you could stop me mother?" Harry asked

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you can't stop me. I've beaten Albus Dumbledore and I've invented a cure for werewolves, I have power and brains, if I truly wanted to go you wouldn't be able to stop me. I asked because I preferred to go with your permission, do not think I'm incapable of going without"

"Enough" Orion said "you and you're brothers may spend a weekend at the muggles house"

"Thank you father" Harry smiled "hey, you two thank your dad"

"Thank you dad" Sirius and Regulus said at the same time

"You can't be serious" Walburga said to Orion

"No, he is" Orion pointed to Sirius, who leaned closer to Harry

"Did he just..." He whispered

"I think so" Harry whispered back "Dad just made a funny"

"Walburga" Orion spoke "Hadrius is correct, you wouldn't be able to stop him if he truly wanted to go. The boy has done nothing but bring respect and honour to the family, surely we can allow him a weekend to do as he wishes in exchange for everything he has done"


"Was it you who defeated Dumbledore?" Orion argued "Was it you who invented a werewolf cure? The boy is the power behind the Black family, if he wishes to spend weekend in the muggle world then he will do so"

"Thank you father" Harry said before his mother could say anything, his mother growled but kept quiet.

Harry and his brothers soon found themselves at another ball, it was filled to the brim with rich and famous purebloods. The current minister of magic was there as well, along with a few parents of those he knew from school.

"Oh look, here's another one" Sirius whispered to Regulus and gestured to another girl who was eyeing Harry like a piece of candy.

Harry was famous, rich and handsome and he had only gotten more desirable since defeating Dumbledore and inventing the werewolf cure. Many people wanted to be connected to him, it was no secret that he'd be an incredibly valuable person to have as a family member.

"This is getting annoying" Harry muttered under his breath

"I know" Sirius replied "none of them are looking at me"

"The next ball we go to I will wear a shirt that says 'I have a girlfriend', if nothing else it will annoy mum"

"Hadrius" His mother called him over, Harry sighed but straightened up and walked over. His mother was talking to a woman, her husband and their daughter. Harry recognised them as the Plastop family.

"Mother" Harry said

"Hadrius, I'd like to introduce you to Lord Plastop, Lady Plastop and their daughter, Marie." Her mother gestured to the family

"A pleasure to meet you, I am Hadrius Black" Harry replied

"We know who you are" Lord Plastop smiled "I must say, it's an honour to be in the presence of the man who defeated Dumbledore"

"Defeating him was a pleasure and nothing more than well-deserved justice" Harry responded

"Yes, I'm sure" Lord Plastop chuckled

"Your mother tells us that you are consistently top of your class" Lady Plastop said "what electives have you taken?"

"Yes ma'am, I am at the top in all of them. And I have taken all of the electives, except for muggle studies and divination."

"Hmm" She said with approval in her voice "even care of magical creatures?"

"Yes, I find them interesting and I enjoy the lessons" Harry replied

"Ah, understandable, have you ever met my daughter before?"

"No" Harry shook his head "I don't believe I've had the pleasure"

"It's nice to meet you" She said shyly

"Hadrius" Walburga spoke "the Plastop family are interested in forming an alliance with the house of Black"

"What sort of alliance?" Harry hoped this wasn't going where he thought it was going.

"They wish to marry their daughter to you" Walburga answered, the Plastop house wasn't one Walburga particularly liked but they were at least pureblood and their daughter was pretty, hopefully that would be enough to get her eldest son to gravitate away from his current girlfriend.

"No, thank you" Harry politely refused "I appreciate the offer, it's nothing against your daughter or your house but I already have a girlfriend."

"Oh" Marie said in a slightly disappointed voice "I understand, but thank you for your honesty"

"Not a problem, you're a beautiful girl and one day you'll make someone very happy, just not me"

"Well" Lord Plastop said "I appreciate your honesty but our offer is open if you reconsider"

"Thank you sir" Harry nodded. He talked with the family for a minute or two before they walked off "what was that about?" Harry turned to his mother "you know I have a girlfriend"

"Yes but she's just a muggleborn, once you get over your little phase you'll need a proper pure-blooded girl to marry"

"Bring as many girls as you want mother" Harry responded "I'll refuse them all"

"Oi Black" Walburga and Hadrius turned to see Hugo Brownwood and his daughter walking up to them, Hugo had never gotten over Harry taking his money and businesses away from him.

"Can I help you?" Harry coolly replied

"Matter of fact, you can" Hugo responded "you're a young man, you'll be married soon. I'm offering my daughter, Rebecca, to you" Harry looked at Rebecca who admittedly was attractive considering who her father was, she was in Harry's year at school and was in Ravenclaw but the two didn't talk much.

"No thank you" Harry refused "I already have a girlfriend"

"That redhead?" Rebecca said in disgust "Why on earth would you want to settle with that mudblood when you could have me? I mean, what could she possibly have that makes her better than me?" She gestured to herself

"Some humility might be my first answer" Harry replied "now, I'm not interested in forming a marriage contract with you or your family."

"I'd advise reconsidering" Hugo stared at Harry

"I'd advise you to keep your opinions to yourself" Harry stared right back

"Hey, don't talk to my father like that" Rebecca ordered

"I'd advise you to keep your opinions to yourself" Harry said in Rebecca's voice, he then returned to using his own "is that better?"

"Don't you disrespect me boy" Hugo commanded

"Provide me another form of entertainment and I might just stop" Harry replied

"Entertainment?! Is that what I am to you?!"

"No, to me you're a prat"

"Watch yourself, you may be famous but you are nowhere near as important as me." Hugo said and Harry was beginning to wonder how delusional the man was "Plenty of men get jealous at the very sight of me"

"Personally I'm jealous of all the people who haven't met you" Harry said

"Are you trying to cause problems?"

"I have a problem, and it's with your face"

"There's nothing wrong with my face!" Hugo growled

"Yes, there is, I can see it"

"Hey" Rebecca spoke up "don't talk to him like that, we're ten times better than you or your little mudblood could ever could be"

"Oh really?" Sirius said as he and Regulus walked up

"Yeah, I'm ten times better looking than she is. I'm the best looking girl here"

"Might be true if we were dogs" Regulus said, he had grown fond of Ginny and if Hadrius liked her then he liked her as well. When Sirius said that she'd be his new sister, he took those words to heart and Harry told him always to stand up for family.

"How dare you?!" She roared. Walburga, Harry and Sirius were too busy gaping in shock at Regulus to say anything. "I am way more beautiful than that redheaded bitch"

"Well, you do have nice hair" Regulus responded "how'd you get it to grow out of your nostrils like that?"

"Listen you little brat" Hugo looked incredibly pissed

"Hey" Sirius spoke "don't talk to my brother like that"

"Or what you stupid boy?" Hugo sneered

"Stupid?" Sirius repeated "You're calling me stupid? Little hypocritical, don't you think?"

"I'm not stupid"

"I could agree with you" Sirius said "but then we'd both be wrong."

"Don't insult me!" Hugo growled

"I congratulate you for realising that I had insulted you, you've clearly gotten smarter since I last saw you. Not that it's an amazing or even difficult accomplishment, but congratulations anyway. You've gone from a total moron to a total moron who can understand insults"

"You think you're better than me?!" Hugo demanded "I'd be careful kid, you are nowhere near my level"

"You're right, but that's only because we're too high up for you to reach" Harry re-entered the conversation

"You're nothing but a spoilt brat!"

"You're nothing but proof that animals can be smarter than humans"

"You keep insulting me boy and you'll regret it! My family name will be more famous and respected than yours! The Black family will pale in comparison to mine"

"Such ambition" Harry smiled "it's a shame it's outweighs your skills, intelligence and everything necessary to succeed in life"

"One day, one day I will make you suffer. I will find the most painful method possible and you will regret ever meeting me"

"That day is today and the method is your breath, please back up a little"

"I'm warning you boy!"

"What are you going to do?" Harry raised an eyebrow "challenge me to a duel? I already beat Dumbledore, so don't think that you'll be a problem. You could challenge me to an intellectual challenge but I don't engage in mental combat with the unarmed. Before you think of doing anything I'd like to remind you that we're in a public place with plenty of witnesses, fortunately for you stupidity isn't a crime so you haven't done anything worth getting tossed in Azkaban for, I'd leave and keep it that way"

"I can't believe I was thinking about marrying you" Rebecca looked at him with disgust and hatred

"I can't believe you're capable of thinking but here we are" Harry gave her a false smile, she growled and left along with her father. Harry turned to his mother "and that mother was a pure-blooded girl, just like you wanted. Except she was rude, her and her father clearly wanted our fame and money and she was intolerably prejudiced and irritating. While my muggleborn girlfriend has been nothing but kind and respectful to you whilst also putting in enough effort to learn about our culture, I think you need to decide on your priorities mother. What matters the most to you? The blood or the person that carries it?" Harry and his brothers walked off

"Nice speech" Sirius said to Harry

"Thank you, now I have a question, why did you two also start insulting them?"

"Do you have to ask?" Sirius asked

"They were insulting you and Ginny" Regulus said "and we care about both of you, and you taught us that family is important. So we decided to help our brother and future sister-in-law"

"Thank you" Harry hugged the two of them "I don't think I've ever been so proud of the two of you"

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