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10% Harry Potter And the Astrologer / Chapter 2: 2: Hogwarts is a secure place.

Chapter 2: 2: Hogwarts is a secure place.

Astreo was in awe of something that may not have been explored much in the canon or in some of the fanfics he read in his past life, and that is the fact that Hogwarts is not only a school where you can learn but also a safe place in times of war. 

Founded over a thousand years ago during a tense time in human history, Hogwarts was not only designed to be the first wizarding school, at least in Britain at the time but also to be a refuge when wizards were in danger.

So it was not unusual for Astreo to be born in the Hogwarts infirmary, a safe place where she could see other mothers pregnant or holding their babies. She felt that there were probably many children born in the school due to the turbulent time that English wizarding society was going through at the time. 

She also discovered that her mother was the future astronomy teacher, Aurora Sinistra. This now explained his brown skin, not that he had anything against it, he just found it strange since he was brown in his first life, while in his second life, he was a fair-skinned person. 

There were just a few things that made him uncomfortable, his father had died shortly before his birth, a Muggle-born wizard from Ravenclaw, like his mother. That, and the fact that he could technically go a long time without seeing his mother, if her mother decided to work as a teacher at the school, like in the canon, made him a little upset.

But well, as a baby, he just had to be quiet and look curiously at anyone who decided to hold him. Astreo was happy when he was able to tug on Dumbledore's beard, who laughed at the gesture. 

"Aurora, your son has a strong grip, no doubt," the old man said as his head twitched from the baby's tugging.

"Sorry, Headmaster, he's a bit fidgety, he doesn't know how many kicks he took before he was born," the woman looked fondly at her son, who was having fun and laughing as he kept tugging at the Headmaster's long beard. 

"That means he's an active boy, it's because of children like him that we fight, it's because of children like him that we seek peace," said the Headmaster with a hint of weariness in his voice as he played with the little Astreo in his hand. 

'At least this baby isn't as rude as the Weasley boy,' Dumbledore thought, remembering how rude Arthur and Molly Weasley's son was, the bastard peed on him while he was holding him. 

Astreo was having a great time, the magic in this place was far higher than any magic available in his old world, he wanted to try his spells in such a magically charged environment, but he wouldn't, he had to grow up first, the meantime he satisfied his boredom by pulling the Headmaster's beard, maybe he would never be able to do that in the future. 

War never changes, not even among wizards. Eventually, news of the atrocities committed by the Death Eaters, a despicable group led by a monstrous wizard who called himself Lord Voldemort, reached the ears of even the poor babies, though many of them did not understand.

Except for Astreo, the advantage of being a baby is that people don't think you can understand what adults are talking about. So he was able to absorb juicy details like the birth of the two prophesied children. Yes, as an astrologer, Astreo sensed a strong fluctuation of magic worldwide when Neville Longbottom and Hadrian James Potter, or Harry to friends, were born. 

He had never seen such a movement, it was as if magic itself was producing these two little ones to counteract the atrocities committed by Voldemort and his group. The thought made baby Astreo feel both amazed and disturbed at the same time. 

Perhaps this would explain a few things in the canon, the Chosen of the World, so to speak, were people who had one trait in common: they had an exaggerated luck that worked strangely. Many dangerous situations turned in their favor in subtle and strange ways. 

Astreo remembered, for example, Harry Potter's second year, when the 12-year-old fought a creature as dangerous as a 1,000-year-old basilisk. That was pure luck, and surviving that creature's poison had technically made him immune to all poisons in the world below that threshold; if that wasn't luck, Astreo wouldn't call himself an Astrologo. 

But enough of that, let's get back to the adventures of our baby protagonist. When he wasn't crying for food or a diaper change, Asteo was teasing Ron Weasley, who seemed to be more of a crybaby than a normal child. It was fun to take away his little toys or even give him a baby bump for no reason. 

The child now cried just at his presence, something the adults didn't understand why, but Astreo had his reasons. In his first life, he hated Ron when he read him, sure, maybe it was all biased by the personal opinions of fanfic writers, but that didn't lessen his dislike. 

But in his second life, he met someone similar to the despicable Ron showed in so many fanfics, a subject that caused him a lot of pain. Well, Ron wasn't like that, he was just an innocent baby, but children are mean and little monsters, so it didn't weigh on his conscience to take it out on poor Ron who had nothing to do with it. 

Astreo also interacted with the Hogwarts house elves these interesting creatures had an affinity for babies that made them excellent child caretakers. They would even openly show themselves to babies and were even able to understand their babbling. 

"What do little Astreonins want?" a house elf asked baby Astreo, who scrunched up his face at the nickname the magical creature in front of him had given him. 

"Baabababababa," the baby stammered, but the meaning of his words was clear to the house elf. 

"Change my diaper," the elf understood, and with a few snaps of his fingers, Astreo was clean and in a new diaper. 

"If you have any more wishes, tell Tootie!" the elf exclaimed excitedly before disappearing.

House elves are weird," the baby thought as he was carried by his mother, who had entered the Hogwarts nursery. 

Yes, Hogwarts had a nursery, or where else would babies born at the school be? Astreo thought wickedly that perhaps even a teenage witch could get pregnant and leave her child here while she continued her studies.

"My little star, you seem to have learned to give orders to elves, you're very clever, aren't you?" cooed Aurora to her son in her arms. 

The house elf had come to her and told her how her baby had asked to be changed, something normal because it was known that elves could understand babies, but Astreo was very young, so to speak, so it was a sign of how smart he might be in the future, but in itself, in a magical world, it was nothing unusual. 

I mean, some babies had magical mutinies at birth, so the birth of any magical baby was always a risk. 

"Baabababababa," Astreo babbled, even though his mother didn't understand his words, the bond between mother and child made her understand that her little one was hungry. 

'I will miss being a baby in the future, doing nothing but sitting still, making mischief that no one will be able to correct, teasing children without fear of being scolded,' Astreo thought as he was fed.

Interesting fact, a witch's breast milk was irreplaceable for magical babies, it helped their early magical development and calmed their possible magical mutinies, something that would be dangerous for such a helpless being. 

As Aurora cooed to her son and patted him to burp him, a blonde woman with a slightly bulging belly entered the room, quickly approaching Aurora and greeting both her and her baby.

"Hello, Aurora, Astreo," the woman gently squeezed the cheek of the tiny baby who had just thrown up in her hand, making her laugh. 

"Pandora, what brings you here?" asked Aurora as she silently cast a cleansing spell. 

"Oh, you know, following some interesting little creatures, they seem to surround your son a lot," said the woman, who seemed to be able to see further than normal humans. 

To her, Astreo was surrounded by little magical creatures she had never seen before, but they gave her a good feeling. Aurora, knowing how strange her friend was, just smiled as she cradled her son in her arms. 

"Well, are you working on any new spells? She's pregnant, remember, any accidents you have won't just harm you," Aurora said, a little worried about her friend, but Pandora seemed to dismiss those feelings with a wave of her hand. 

"I know, everyone tells me that, even the Headmaster's Elder, although there have been a lot of accidents around the man lately, it seems the war is taking its toll on the super powerful Elders," Pandora said with a certain mocking tone. 

She didn't like Dumbledore's passivity; while the Death Eaters were using the Killing Curse, the 'Light' side had to limit themselves to non-lethal spells, making the casualties on both sides disproportionate. Pandora Lovegood was not so tender and ignorant, not when her passion for spells had led her to create some interesting ones that would undoubtedly be useful in a war. 

But he'd just discussed that with the Headmaster, so his somewhat grumpy mood was due to Dumbledore's refusal to use dangerous spells, even if they weren't dark ones. 

"I'm all for us getting more serious about using certain spells, but that would bring us down to the same level as those bastards," Aurora whispered the last insult as her son seemed to have fallen asleep. 

"Well, I've heard that the Aurors and hit wizards are already starting to use lethal spells and even some dark magic, so we're the ones who won't be left behind," Pandora shook her head as she walked over to watch other babies sleeping in the nursery.

"I guess they have their reasons, I just hope this is all over," Aurora said as she put her baby down in a crib. 

She stroked her son's head, her eyes full of love, but deep inside there was also sorrow for the loss of her husband, her friends, and the bleak future that seemed to be closing in on them. 

"Don't worry, magic itself will take care of everything..." whispered Pandora, and although Aurora didn't know what her friend was talking about, Astreo, who was pretending to sleep, understood the woman's comment. 

Magic allowed this chaos, magic will alleviate it,' Astreo thought, feeling the surrounding magic stir a little as if it agreed with her thought. 

Pandora turned her eyes towards the 'sleeping' Astreo, if anyone could see them up close, they would notice the blue glow they gave off. 

"It seems that not only the stars are happy about your birth, little Astreo," the woman's whisper could only be heard by herself this time. 

Her eyes watched as these special creatures danced happily on the child's head as if to help him sleep. Then Pandora knew, it seemed that her pregnancy had sharpened her special vision, for she could now see certain glimpses of what might be something greater, magic itself. 

Of course, she didn't think so at first, seeing magic was such a rare ability that there were only a few scant records of it in history, supposedly Merlin and Rowena Ravenclaw could do it. Only they each had their interpretation of what magic looked like. 

Merlin saw it as a tide, Ravenclaw saw it as lines connecting everyone, and Pandora saw it as little dancing specks of light that not only surrounded little Astreo but were everywhere. 

She also noticed that there were many of these motes of light in her lower abdomen as if protecting her future son or daughter. A smile appeared on Pandora's lips as an idea popped into her bright mind, one that would unite the life of our young Astreo with the yet-unborn Luna Lovegood. 

Sir_Traverse Sir_Traverse

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