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23.52% Harry Potter - The Gamer Chronicles / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Previously on:

Leaving the Dungeon! Harry told himself to activate his new Skill. Nothing happened for a moment before he felt a change and looked around as he stood before entering the cave.

Dungeon, Skill Dungeon Leaving Dungeon increased by 1 level.

New Title Gained - Magician (Unlocking Magic).


Title - Magician: Unlocks the ability to use Magic (MP). It also adds a bonus of + 5% to the power of magical attacks and also reduces the Cost of Skills and Spells by 5%. Additional +50 MP bonus for each player level.

The Magician's title is just the first of a number of possible titles. The magician is just a beginner in the world of magic. To open the next degree of the title of Magician, it is necessary to reach Lvl. MAX For Skill - Magic Feeling (Not Discovered).

- Level Titles: Magician - Sorcerer - Magician - Arci-Magician

Harry was definitely pleased with what he got for his new title. In addition, he finally had access to magic and now the real fun could start. Harry opened the inventory to look at his profile, more precisely what he was wearing. In the profile, a faint wand icon pulsed with a faint light, and he placed the Magician's Dagger in that place.

He immediately felt that he could call the dagger back to his hand at any time without opening Inventory. He didn't know a single spell yet, but he hoped it would change soon. From what he had already known, he knew it was possible to create his own Skills by what he did every day.

Before he went back home, he tried to enter the cave again, but hit an invisible red-light barrier that warned him that he had already exhausted his attempt this month and that the Dungeon would reset at one o'clock in the morning of the first day of the new month .

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

Once the school started again, Harry arranged a card to enter the entire school library. With this identification, the librarian could check what books he borrowed home and how long he had borrowed them. It didn't bother him, he wasn't going to hide his intelligence, and this year he was going to improve at school so that he was in the top three of their year's best students. And because their year was divided into five classes, it had quite a lot of competition.

He didn't notice that last year either, but even his first title gave him a nice bonus he wanted to take full advantage of.

Title - Elementary School Pupil: Adds a 15% bonus to earn INT and WIS while learning in school and school library.

All official tests will be rewarded with Exp to raise the level, Exp size depends on the test result compared to other grade students.

If someone had told him that school wasn't fun, Harry would have laughed at him because it was the school that allowed him not only to increase his magic supplies, to acquire higher intelligence and wisdom, but also to increase the regeneration of magic and the power of magical attacks. Although he still had a problem with the fact that he didn't know a single spell, but he did not mind, as he was about to attack the fantasy genre section as soon as possible and find inspiration for possible magic attacks.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

It had been a few days since the school started, and Harry was second in their year, thanks to his readiness and willingness to learn far more than his classmates. He knew he could change it at any time, and he was going to turn the change into his favor because he was heading to the top.

He also borrowed from the library a trilogy of Lord of the Rings books, from which he promised a number of possible spells, but there was nothing specific about it and he could do his best to imitate what he had read there. Because he didn't want to point out his relatives to his abilities, he wasn't able to try new things over the school week, but he wrote down various ideas in his notebook.

He also quickly found that many spells were moving around different elements, conjuring light and enchanting various objects to gain magical qualities, as well as his dagger he had acquired from the Dungeon.

Of course, he had to do all sorts of work around the house during the weekend, and then he had time to go to help his neighbors get some Exp, money or other rewards in the form of his Craft and Cooking Skills.

He didn't have much time to experiment at the weekend, so he put it aside and rather devoted himself to his daily training. An hour of karate training, an hour of practice with katana, and an hour of meditation. It was also Sunday afternoon when Harry felt a warm warmth during the meditation, and after opening his eyes he noticed a new placard that hovered in front of him.

A special Magic Skill was created by a special act.

In Meditation, he felt a strange warmth inside, gaining the Magic Skill of Magic Feeling Lvl. 1.

Magical Feeling - Passive - Lvl. 1 - With a close relationship with magic, the player is able to sense it. The higher the level, the better it will be perceived without concentration.

- Bonus: Adds + 1% to magical attacks for each level of Magic Skill.

- Current Bonus: 1%

Because this Skill was linked to getting the next level of the Magician title, he decided to pay attention to it, but not so much as to neglect his other Skills. Fortunately, it was also associated with meditation, so both of these Skills could improve at the same time.

Although he was glad for this discovery, he could not hide his smile when three martial arts teachers with their best students came to visit school on Monday morning. Each year, the school gym was gradually replaced by a practical demonstration of what can be learned in dojo. All those interested could take an application with a simple application form.

Harry wasn't going to miss this opportunity. The money was saved enough to pay for the one-year course and he bought a new kimono. He was going to improve in Isshin-Ryu Karate, which was also on the list of what the students could learn when they signed up for the Doju lessons.

He had no idea how to force his aunt or uncle to sign the form, but in the end it turned out to be very simple. The school also received announcements of new school rules that parents and legal guardians had to sign. Harry placed the form after the school announcement, and Aunt read only the top sheet before signing both pages in speed and sent him to perform his daily tasks.

Quickly meet what Auntie Petunia had given him because he was going to do Monday training, which started at five o'clock and ended at seven when another group, this time far older people who had training until nine o'clock. However, the newly opened Dojo had enough instructors to spend the day there.

Harry was amazed at what he had seen when he reached the address. It was two blocks from the house, but he took it as a warm-up and ran all the way free-run. He wasn't that far on foot, unless he was going to the woods behind Kvikálkov.

It could be seen that the Dojo was built completely new, as other buildings were still being built around. However, the entire plot was orbiting a two and a half meter wall with a shingle roof. The large oak gate was open to the roots, and on the way out of the white stones, it was possible to reach a small square from where it could go to three different doors.

The entire Dojo was built in a traditional Japanese style, and although he saw a few pictures in the books in the school library, it wasn't even comparable to reality. There was a low green lawn in the vicinity of Doja, a small lake of rocky rock and several sandy areas, of course there were flower beds with beautiful flowers and several Sakur.

"Welcome, young warrior, can I help you?" The man's voice said, and Harry immediately turned to see the elderly man.

Kurokyuu Takumi - Master Doja - Lvl. ?

"My name is Hadrian James Potter, and I'd like to visit your dojo, Master Kurokyuu," Harry bowed and waited for the older man to ask him to straighten up.

"I am also pleased, young Hadrian. Come on, let's see if you have a filled out form in the office, and we can arrange a payment method, "Takumi said, nodding at Harry to follow him. He could now see him more and find out more about him.

Name: Kurokyuu Takumi - Master of Martial Arts

Age: 64


HP: 9,400

CP: 9,400

Kurokyuu Takumi controls a large number of Martial Arts and is skilled at controlling many different weapons. As a true Martial Master, he awakened the ability of chakra, the internal energy of the body to concentrate on his attacks.

Harry had no idea what a chakra was, but he knew it would be something like his own magic. He knew that Chinese monks supposedly control the internal energy called Chi, which was perhaps another name for the chakra. He was also surprised by his age, despite his lives. He himself had only a small fraction of what the man in front of him and now, when he really focused on him, felt his power waiting to be released.

Kurokyuu Takumi had long white hair that had been pulled down by a black ribbon in several places. His face was smooth, only his hair was braided into a braid, which was also a respectable length of over twenty centimeters. He couldn't say how the rest of his body was, because Kurokyuu was dressed in a pale pink kimono with a floral pattern.

As soon as they reached the office, Harry saw a woman at the reception desk who was at school in the morning and smiled at her. Although she didn't look at it at all, he saw what she had done with those who fought against her and had no doubt of her title as Master Aikido and Karate.

Yuki Akira - Instructor Doja - Lvl. ?

"Hello," said Harry politely and bowed slightly to her, not knowing their habits as he wished, but he saw a little while they were at school.

"Welcome to our dojo, young man," Akira smiled at him.

"Akiro-chan, this young Hadrian is our new student. Please check his form, I'll ask you a few questions in the meantime, and then we'll solve the payment method for the lessons, "Takumi said.

"It will be right now, Takumi-sama," Akira bowed to him, and Harry handed her the form his aunt had signed to him without knowing it.

"Come and sit across from me," said Takumi to Harry, who sat down on a low cushion table. He didn't sit on his butt, kneeling first and then sat on his heels, still thinking that he would sit in Turkish sitting, but then it would have a problem to reach the table, where Takumi poured a cup of tea.

They both sat for a while without any of them saying anything, only Akira interrupted them, who brought a checked-in form with another paper on the table, where the information about Harry and his schedule was overwritten. She put the same copy in front of Harry, who thanked her with a smile, but otherwise waited for Master Doja to start their conversation. It took a few more minutes to drink a cup of tea, and Takumi cleared his throat.

"I see that patience is not strange to you, that's good. We can see how a future student, Doja, will handle his Martial Arts skills, depending on his patience and discipline, "Takumi said.

You have learned an important lesson on patience and discipline of mind, have increased WIS by 1 point.

Harry had already learned to let these signs disappear with the help of will, because he would hardly explain why he was just waving his hand in the air.

"I admit, I have a bit of experience in meditation and I've been training Isshin-Ryu Karate myself for some time now." However, myself, I am only able to go so far, and to improve my skills, I need to experience combat against other Martial Arts users, "Harry replied, admitting some of his abilities, which certainly could not hurt.

"Every Master can see at first glance whether someone is practicing Martial Arts or is just a street fighter. However, I wonder what your goal is, do you want to use karate to fight others of your age or something else? Not many of my students thought that by learning a few strokes and kicks, it would be enough for him to fight on the street, "Takumi asked.

"Martial art is a way for me to keep my body healthy, just as meditation helps me maintain a healthy mind. My cousin has a gang of fighters who have often made me a target, now I am able to escape, but if I am not their target, they will find someone else. I'm not going to search for them, but if they start something, I want to finish it and give them a lesson. I also want to protect those who can't defend themselves from them, "Harry replied to the truth, although he also wanted to acquire another level of his Master Isshin-Ryu Karate skills.

"I understand how their parents behaved when the parents of the bullied children told them?" Takumi asked.

"No one believed them, Dudley and his friends are holy angels who are not capable of doing anything wrong or either just playing or it's a big misunderstanding," Harry replied, and Takumi frowned.

"I understand and unfortunately such people are absolutely everywhere regardless of nationality. But tell me, you didn't just practice karate, did you? You learn to control a weapon, too, "Takumi said, and Harry could see Akira looking at him curiously from the corner of her eye.

"I own a Shinto catan. It is not suitable for combat, but it is sufficient for training. I don't know if I will ever use it, but I felt that it would be a good combination with Isshin-Ryu Karate, "Harry replied, and Takumi smiled at him.

"I am very pleased that you have answered me honestly and you are not going to misuse our teachings for something inappropriate. I see you chose evening lessons for every day except Sunday and even a double lesson from three to seven hours on Saturday. It will cost you £ 750 a year, and you'll get everything you need for training in our Impression.

If you are truly capable, you will be able to advance to the ranks of our students and get a chance to participate in various tournaments. I feel that you will come very far once and it will be an honor to teach you if you accept my guidance. Akira-chan will take you to the changing rooms where he will give you a white kimon box. The first lesson starts in half an hour, and the other students begin to meet, time to look around and prepare for your first lesson, Hadrian-kun, "Takumi said, and Harry nodded.

"Will it not matter if I get the money tomorrow? I was saving all my holidays and not having them with me, "Harry asked.

"That's all right, parents usually pay after the first week, but if you want, you can bring them tomorrow," Takumi replied, and Harry followed Akir to the building opposite the administration.

Harry looked around the dressing room, which was divided into two parts for boys and girls, both halves with separate toilets and showers, which Harry liked, at least not having to wash at home and be even more out of reach of his relatives.

You've got a new item!

Karate gi

Owner: Hadrian Potter

Info: White kimono for beginners. Karate gi is a suit for martial arts training. Karate gi adds a tiny bonus of 1% to STR, VIT and DEX.

Harry put on the kimono through his Inventory and saw his statues increase by 1%, which wasn't much, one maximum of two tenths for each of the three statues. He noticed that he was missing the tape, but he would probably get the first lesson. As new people arrived, the children of his age with his parents, he looked at each of them in detail, and with the help of Observation he found something of little use to everyone.

All of his future classmates had a 3 or 4 level, only one girl had a 6 level, though she had only ten lives more than he, he decided he would be stronger than himself. He was also right because when she left the dressing room she had a yellow belt, which made her a more experienced student who had already mastered the basics.

With the constant use of Observation Skills, you have increased the Observation by 1 level.

Harry smiled, it was time to get another level to this Skill. A new level of Observation was tested on a girl with a yellow belt.

Name: Tamara Granger

Age: 9

Level: 6

HP: 700


Info: Tamara is already an experienced martial artist, mainly karate. Although only half a year of training, she is very talented and is a candidate for representation in future tournaments. Because of her talent, Tamara is detached and has little opinion of all who are not at her level.

Although not much, he still learned a little more than the first. He saw them take off from the changing rooms and walked over the roofed section of the porch's wooden floor to Dojo to stay behind, and follow them. Before he could walk in through the door, he could see each of the pupils stepping into the center of the room as the parents stood along the walls. At least half of the pupils had their white belts, and Harry still saw another with a yellow band, this time a half-head boy was bigger than himself.

Name: David Donovan

Age: 10

Level: 6

HP: 650

MP: /

Info: Donovan comes from a family of successful businessmen and therefore can afford anything he wants. Dojo has been attending for two years and still has a yellow belt because he could not bear the defeat and hurt his opponent with a forbidden rush during rehearsals to the next level. David does not like to lose and revenge is not strange to him.

After reading this, he didn't like a year-old boy at all, and he noticed a hateful glance that he sometimes cast on Tamar when he thought no one could see him. He hoped he would have no problems with him, but as he knew it would be just another Dudley.

Harry took one step that divided him from Doja, and he wanted to hit his forehead because there was a blue announcement that he hadn't expected at all.

You entered a special location - Dungeon: Dojo.

Info: Dojo is a special martial arts training site.

Earn Temporary Status - Dojo - Temporarily Earn + 25% to Exp Skills Master Isshin-Ryu Karate and Sword Master.

When he thought nothing would surprise him, something new would appear. He only discovered the dungeons recently, but he knew they were an integral part of most RPG games, but he didn't know that something like Dojo might be another Dungeon. If he just knew how to create the Dungeons himself, he would have many different options. He definitely wished he could create Dungeon: Dojo, a bonus to get exps to raise levels Skills were always welcome.

"I welcome all of you here and I like to see that we have gathered here in such numbers. For those who don't know me, my name is Kurokyuu Takumi and I'm Master of Doja. On both sides you can see six experienced instructors, who will present themselves a little later.

We will begin today's two hour lesson by welcoming new students to our ranks to receive their first tapes, which today will also learn to bind in the traditional way. At the very beginning, I would like to point out that we do not want to see abused what we teach here, and therefore we reserve the right to exclude anyone from these courses if we prove the use of Martial Arts in bullying and similar situations.

But now let's start with a ritual in which our newcomers receive their first tapes to mark them as martial arts students of their own choice, "Takumi said, and Akira quickly stood up with a list of new students. short hair light brown.

"As soon as Akira-sensei reads your name, you will come before us to give Gin-sensei a white belt and show you how to tie him," Takumi said, nodding to Akira to read the list of names.

Harry didn't listen too much because he was looking carefully at each of the six instructors. From left to right, they were instructors Okiji Kimiko, Feng Lin, Yuki Akira, Yuki Gin, Takeshi Ichigo and Tatsuto Ren. He had a hidden level with everyone, but no wonder if they were just part of their leader, they were all Masters in their fighting styles, and Harry expected to learn quite a bit of them.

"Hadrian James Potter," Akira exclaimed, and Harry stood up and stepped forward to Gina, who handed him a white belt and then showed him how you tied him. It was nothing difficult and with a slight bow he went back to his place to stay However, after he sat down, he found himself on the list last.

You've got a new item!

White belt for karate gi

Owner: Hadrian Potter

Info: The white belt points to your beginner status. This tape also gives you a bonus of + 5% to Exp Master Isshin-Ryu Karate Skills.

"Now I'll explain to you all how the next lesson will be. Everyone starts with different warm-up and stretching exercises to avoid possible injuries during the current exercise. Then all the instructors will divide you into groups according to what you want to learn. In the next few days, we're going to focus on the basics, but from next week you will take part in a training duel. Now, all of you jump to your feet, Lin-sensei will guide you through the basic exercises, "Takumi told them, and a man came forward in front of a group of students who differed in their nationality but also in their clothes.


Unlike all the others who came from Japan and taught Japanese Martial Arts, Feng Lin came from China and was a Kung Fu Master, or more precisely, Wing Chun.

Under his leadership, everyone warmed and stretched well to avoid stretching or tearing the ligaments or tendons of the limbs, which was quite common when amateur fighters tried for something they clearly didn't.

The warm-up lasted for fifteen minutes, and although Lin-sensei led them and led by the end of the week, he expected them to be able to lead these warm-ups by themselves next week and be part of their program in future lessons.

Harry watched as the instructors gradually dismantled their students and felt more and more uncomfortable because no one had ever aimed at him, and for a moment he seemed to forget him, but in surprise he almost flew out of his skin as someone's hand landed on his shoulder.

"You will practice with me, Hadriane-kun. I want to see what you can do. Although all instructors are Masters of their Combat Styles, none of them are fully qualified to teach Isshin-Ryu Karate, there are over 336 species and offshoots of this style, I want to see which of them you control, "explained Takumi-sensei and pointed out the free space. Harry waited to show off his skills without a rival, but Takumi-sensei surprised him when he built a fifteen-year-old boy with a brown belt against him, and Harry knew there were three grades of brown strips and no idea what one of them was. the young man before him is.

"This is Jack, who has also been my student for a couple of years and sometimes helps in Doj." He is also studying Isshin-Ryu Karate and will be your partner every time he has time, "Takumi-sensei told them and moved away from them so that he was not too far away but beyond their kicks, blows and other techniques.

They both bowed right away and Harry prepared for a duel that didn't have a chance to win, but it was all about showing what he knew and knew.

New Task created.

Task Warning!

Duel: Isshin-Ryu Karate

Show everyone what you've learned and hang on for at least two minutes.

Task Remuneration: 1000 Exp.

For each minute above the minimum limit, you will receive a 500 bonus bonus.

Accept - Reject

Harry immediately accepted the new assignment and, with the Skills of The Player's Mind and Meditation, brought himself to a standstill. Takumi-sensei looked at his two students and was surprised at how calm Harry seemed. The problem was that he just didn't seem to be, he was really calm, which only very experienced Martial Arts users could achieve, not a newcomer who had learned himself without any other help.

"Hajime!" Takumi-sensei began their match and watched as all students and instructors watched what was going to happen.

"What, are you afraid of getting out of place?" Jack sniffed, but Harry just smiled.

"Seisan kata," Harry breathed softly, and began a series of vertical strikes that followed a kick, a few punches and covers, and Jack withdrew every stroke, not expecting the strength of a boy six years younger than himself. to attack, Harry successfully covered everything out of the series of kicks but only once, because Jack quickly recovered and was able to take a defensive stance.

"Seiunchin kata," Harry breathed out after he had done all of the previous techniques and focused on his fists and sometimes his elbows. There wasn't a single kick in between these techniques, but a hint of knee attack was there to confuse the opponent.

As soon as he was at the end of the technique, as he looked, Jack wasn't too happy with what Harry was doing and set off himself. Harry, who had noticed it in time, moved into the position of another of eight different Kata.

"Wansh," Harry said to himself, avoiding or diverting every attack he had on him, using the strength and speed of the attacks to bring his opponent out of balance and, above all, the rhythm of the attack.

However, after a while, Harry discovered that it was impossible to keep in a single kata, so he began to combine his defenses with the attacks he knew from other kata. Each day he devoted some time to each of the eight kata, so he could lay the groundwork for all of them.

When he thought the duel wouldn't be so bad, he found the difference between himself and Jack, who had more strength, agility and stamina, which turned out after a few minutes of duel. Harry started slowing down and getting tired faster while Jack was still full of energy.

"End!" Said Takumi-sensei vigorously, and Harry let go of Jack's leg, which he caught at the last moment to defend his kick on his chest.

Congratulation! Meet Task - Duel: Isshin-Ryu Karate

In a duel with an older and more experienced student, Takumi-sensei, he lasted more than two minutes.

Match duration: 6 minutes and 46 seconds.

Received: 1000 Exp + 2383 Exp.

Harry was pleased with how much he gained the exps for the next level, but it wasn't the only sign he'd seen there.

Training or duel, mainly that it works, increased your skill Body Strength by 2 levels.

Physical Resistance - Passive - Lvl. 3 - Skill that increases body resistance and reduces torn damage. Each level increases the level of resistance by 1%.

- Current Resistance: 3%

Training increased your STR by 2 points.

Training increased your VIT by 2 points.

By training you have increased your DEX by 2 points.

You managed to keep a cool head and evaluate the situation, you increased WIS by 1 point.

Other points to the articles were definitely welcome. If it does so in the next few days, he was not afraid that he would not be strong enough at the end of the year. Now he just had to save more money for next year, he wasn't going to give up on it at any cost.

Congratulations, you have 6 level!

You have received 5 Points Status.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 9

Class: The Gamer

Title: Elementary School Pupil - Magician

Level: 6

HP: 840

MP: 760

STR: 16

VIT: 18

DEX: 19

INT: 16

WIS: 14

LUK: 6

Status Points: 20

Status: Dojo (Bonus + 25% Exp. Master Isshin-Ryu Karate and Sword Master)

Money: 1,030 L - 750 L per lesson = 280 L

When Harry was reading his status, it was as if everything around him was freezing for a moment, so it was no strange for anyone to look at the void in front of him and move his eyes as he read.

"Hadriane-kun, Jacku-kun, it was definitely a decent fight, though some of us got carried away by our feelings. Jacku-kun, go to the garden and do meditation, you are not in your skin today and you have lost control of your emotions for a while, if you want to move on, this must not happen, "said Takumi-sensei and Jack bowed to him.

"Hai, Sensei," he replied, taking a quick step away from Doja.

"Hadrian-kun, I was very pleasantly surprised. First he showed only the basics for three different Kata techniques, but as soon as Jack-kun started attacking, he left the techniques and began to combine everything you learned so far, which is very good, but you still need to train the techniques and only then combining them, which he did today for the first time, but it will improve over time.

I can say with certainty that you have the basics behind you and if you pass the official exam that I can now grant you, you will receive a yellow tape from me. What do you say? "Takumi-sensei asked him.

Takumi-sensei acknowledged your abilities, increased Isshin-Ryu Karate Master Level by 1 level.

Harry smiled as he quickly reached the next level, and that was his goal. Today was definitely very generous for him. However, it was not the only sign that appeared before him.

New Task created.

Task Warning!

Exam: Isshin-Ryu Karate

Takumi-sensei has given you the opportunity to pass the exam to increase your position among other Doja students.

Task Remuneration: 1500 Exp and Yellow Tape.

Accept - Reject

"If you think I'm ready, I'd like to take your test, Takumi-sensei," Harry replied, and Takumi smiled.

"I am sure. Go for a while to rinse and gain strength, I'll have a test ready for a quarter of an hour that will last an hour. You'll have to show basic attitudes, kicks, punches and covers, and the entire Seisan Kata technique, "Takumi-sensei told him, and Harry quickly walked into the changing rooms where the showers were. view your profile again.

He knew that the exam would not be easy, and although he did not want to waste his Status Body when he could get Stats through training and other activities, he now needed to increase his chances of success. Therefore, he added 4 points to STR, 2 points to VIT, 1 point to DEX and 1 point to WIS. After confirming the changes, his statues changed again, and he knew for the better.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 9

Class: The Gamer

Title: Elementary School Pupil - Magician

Level: 6

HP: 860

MP: 760

STR: 20

VIT: 20

DEX: 20

INT: 16

WIS: 15

LUK: 6

Status Points: 12


Money: £ 280

As soon as the pause was over, he quickly returned to Doja, where Takumi-sensei had been waiting for him with several papers he had to fill in to be official. Filling in was mainly on Takumi-sensei, Harry had to show off what was on the list of techniques, it was basically the basics, but without a foundation, the house could not be built, let alone the more challenging and complicated Martial Arts techniques.

As Sensei told him, the whole test took less than an hour, and although he himself trained for two hours in karate with then katana, this was far more challenging and he didn't feel exhausted only physically, but also mentally, though he was very helpful in that and during for a moment she got rid of her mental fatigue. Body fatigue was harder, but it was enough to eat and drink to leave it.

Congratulation! He did his job - Exam: Isshin-Ryu Karate.

He showed everything he had.

You received: 1500 Exp and Yellow Tape.

You've got a new item!

Yellow karate gi belt

Owner: Hadrian Potter

Info: The yellow tape points to your better beginner status, but no Master is still. This tape also gives you a bonus of + 10% to Exp Master Isshin-Ryu Karate Skills.

For the reward of passing the exam, he received 1 level for Master Isshin-Ryu Karate Skill.

After this, Takumi-sensei congratulated him and sent him to wash and change his clothes because today's training was over for him. Harry bowed to him and then, with his new waistband, ran into the locker room. In his good mood he ignored the hateful and envious glances.

"I felt that he wasn't a normal boy, but I didn't know he'd gone so far," Akira said, and Takumi ran his hand through his braided beard.

"Hadrian-kun is far more experienced than we thought. On Saturday we will see how capable he is with his katana, which I would definitely like to see. In addition, I felt his inner strength, which is different from Chakra or Chi. I have the impression that the young Hadrian-kun still has something to show us, "Takumi replied, watching all the students present. He saw a few promising talents among the newcomers, but most of them never get a chance to become Masters, simply lacking their talents. even without talent, they could have gone far enough to have resilient determination and long years of training.



Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 9

Class: The Gamer

Title: Elementary School Pupil - Magician

Level: 6

HP: 860

MP: 760

STR: 20

VIT: 20

DEX: 20

INT: 16

WIS: 15

LUK: 6

Status Points: 12


Money: 280 L

Harry Potter is the last member of the Potter family. He managed to reveal that he was a Magician, but he was still hidden from his parents' history and the full heritage. Who is able to answer his questions? How much is the truth about what his relatives told him about his parents?


Magic Skills:

Magical Feeling - Passive - Lvl. 1

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