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Chapter 15: Chapter 15

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

The next day of school was not as confusing as the first and most of the first year decided to leave without breakfast, but some classmates, or rather two classmates, were waiting for him.

"Daphne, Tracey, there was no need to wait for me," he smiled at them, unbuttoning the upper part of the kimono he was training in the morning. He ignored the blushing face of both girls as he revealed his chest and belly. there were not too many students who could boast about their bodies.

"You made many enemies in our year and it looks like even in the higher years. Everyone also knows that we were in the library together and they consider us friends. With Tracey, we decided it would be safer to stick by your side than to try alone without the support of someone stronger, "Dafne explained as she tore her gaze away from his chest.

"It's a deal. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back in ten minutes and be ready to go out for breakfast, "he told them, and quickly headed for the shower, which he literally flew through to adjust. He'd been discussing how to hurry his long hair before he figured out that shortening them to the maximum possible length of a few millimeters helped them dry and then completely dry them to grow quickly again, not only did he train his Metamorphage ability, but he didn't have to wait or walk wet hair for so long.

"Can we go?" He asked them as he approached them in one of his better suits of the Japanese style. He didn't know how, but there was a silver and green edging with a crest of arms embroidered on it.

"Um, where are your school robes?" Tracey asked.

"School robes are only mandatory for the opening and closing banquet or other official banquets and school events. For the remainder of their studies, students can walk in whatever they like as long as they have their own college sign and their clothes are not socially inappropriate, "one of the few rules the students had no idea. his briefcase still had a working apron in Herbalism if she needed it.

When they reached the Great Hall, there was quite a good uproar, more precisely at the Gryffindor Table, where Professor McGonagall had embarked on Tamara for her clothes.

"Hey, Potter doesn't have a school robe, either," the youngest redhead from the Weasley clan said.

"Mr. Potter, what does that mean ?! Why aren't you in school robes? Do you think this school rules violation will pass you? Fifteen points from Slytherin! "McGonagall said to the whole hall.

"To be you, I'll change my mind, Professor, because if you don't show me part of the school order I would break, I'll file a complaint to the school board about your abuse of professor's authority," Hadrian said, who was definitely not going to tread.

"All students are required to wear school clothes during the school year, regardless of their status," she said immediately.

"The mistake in the school order is that every student is required to wear a school suit during the welcome and closing feast or at other official school events. Nowhere in the school order does it say that we are required to wear school clothes for the entire school year, or are you going to start taking points for none of us having a pointed hat that is part of school clothes? " Professor McGonagall looked at the teacher's desk, more precisely where Dumbledore was sitting, who nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Potter, Miss Dagworth-Granger. I was convinced the opposite, but I can acknowledge my mistake. I'm returning your dormitory back to you, but if your clothes are unsuitable for the company or hamper you in hours, you'll be punished for it, "Professor Transfiguration said.

"Thank you, ma'am," Hadrian bowed slightly, and walked quickly to the Slytherin table, where he had little time for breakfast before going to the Herbalism with the other first graders.

When they reached the greenhouses, he was surprised because Hufflepuffs appeared there instead of Gryffindor students.

"Tamaro, what do you have in an hour now? I thought we had the same schedule, "Hadrian asked as he made the telepathic call.

"Right now we have the Magic Formula. Two hours with Ravenclaw, then two hours of Herbalism, again with Ravenclaw. We should have astronomy together again. I heard calling Weasley number three that this year we have clocks mixed with all the tracks to improve inter-community relations. Tomorrow we are in contact with Hufflepuff students, Thursday and Friday we are with you and Slytherin again. I checked the free hours and nothing changed on them, "Tamara told him, and Hadrian swore that he didn't look at the schedules in more detail by looking at the free hours.

"Where are the Gryffindors? Tracey asked, and Hadrian told her what he had learned from Tamara. When the explanation ended, their Professor of Herbalism rushed to them.

"Good morning. It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the first hour of Herbalism. My name is Pomona Prýtová and I am also the director of Hufflepuff, but that doesn't mean my doors are not open to you if they don't have time for your dorms or you didn't feel like talking to them for any reason. Now we are heading to the number one greenhouse and seeing what the next year is waiting for you, "welcomed the quite friendly professor, who reminded Hadrian of a mother of a great and happy family.

Herbalism was the subject he hadn't expected too much, but Professor Sprout knew how to take the attention of the two hours and not let any of them get bored. Right at the beginning, she paired each college student with a student from the other college. Hadrian was not against, though he had a tiny tick in his left eye when he was assigned to Susan Bones, a tiny girl with dark red to brown hair. There was a shy, uneasy smile on her face, but her brown eyes were only positive emotions. Daphne was assigned to Hannah Abbot and Tracey to Neville Longbottom.

Susan Amelia Bones

Age: 11

Title: Sorceress

Blood Status: Half Blood

Level: 13

HP: 1,300

MP: 1,300

Info: Susan is the heir to the Ancient and Noble Bones House. Her parents were killed by the Death Eaters only a few days before the fall of their Dark Lord Voldemort. Susan was brought up by her aunt, Amelia Bones, who works at the Ministry of Magic at the Enforcement Department. Susan spent much of her childhood with her friend Hannah Abbot. Susan wishes to get more friends, but she is afraid that she would only be used by her because of her connection with Aunt Amelia Bones.

Despite the fact that she was shy or rather closed because of what he had just learned, she was not weak at all. He assumed that because of what her aunt was, Susan had security with possible basic self-defense training.

"I am very pleased to work together, Miss Bones. Everyone knows me here, but I still introduce myself, Hadrian James Potter at your service, "he bowed slightly, casting a smaller smile on her face.

"Susan Amelia Bones, I also like to meet you, Potter's heir," she said, handing him her right hand, which he kissed without hesitation.

"Just Hadrian."

"Susan," she said, responding to his offer.

"It would be all for today. When you get to school, remember to wash your hands. Adhering to basic hygiene principles is very important to your health as well as to those around you, "she pointed out before letting them all out of the first greenhouse for the next lesson.

With their classmates from the other two halls, they met in the Entrance Hall heading for Herbalism.

"So, what was Herbalism?" Tamara asked as she saw him.

"You won't be bored. Otherwise, if you know someone from Havraspar and come out with him, just stand at one workplace. Sprout pairs students into pairs, one in college, "Hadrian replied.

"I don't know any of the Ravenclaws and I hope they won't assign me to Hermione." She was unbearable in the Magic Formulas, correcting everyone right now, and forcing them into her lessons she'd read in a book. Flitwick, of course, praised her for her demonstration of levitation and for helping her classmates. It was clear that they were not very fond of her in Ravenclaw, "Tamara told him, and Hadrian shook his head.

"Tomorrow I will have History, Magic Formulas, and Transfiguration. Wednesday will probably not be my favorite day, "he said, saying goodbye to her in time to arrive at the Magic Formulas lesson taught by the tiny professor Filius Flitwick.

"Come all in and please sit down," all Professor Flitwick said, standing behind his desk on a stack of books.

"Excellent, great, we have a little while before the hour begins, so we'll check if you're all here. I will call your names and you will sign up to know that you are here and also met you, "he told them and began to read the alphabetical list of Hufflepuff and Slytherin students. that he remembers someone with a similar name or some of their parents or siblings.

"So when we're all here, let's go to the fun part, what do you think?" The Magic Formulas, like any other subject, include theory and then practice. In a combined lesson like this, we will always study the theory for an hour and then practice practicing magic for an hour. Later this week we have one more hour together, where I will always be devoted to those who will not understand the subject matter, so that none of you will be left behind, "the professor told them about his plan and began a lecture on Wingardium Leviosa. add a humorous story about the failed magic of one of his former students, as well as the origin of the magic formula.

"Before we embark on a practice, do you have any questions about the subject for me?" Flitwick asked, and Hadrian signed up.

"Yes, Mr. Potter? "What are you interested in?" Asked the tiny professor.

Professor, you haven't told us how this formula actually works. There are several reasons why any object could be levitated. Hadrian had a relationship with gravity and Newton's law of gravity. "

"Please?" The professor asked in surprise.

"I was writing about the relationship between the formula for levitation and Newt ...," Hadrian began again with his question, but the professor stopped him immediately.

"I'm sorry, I've heard you for the first time, but I was surprised by your question, Mr. Potter. I first heard it many years ago, also in the first year class, except that it was a very bright Gryffindor girl. Your mother was indeed an excellent witch and you seem to have inherited her mind, in addition to her partial appearance, "he said, pausing for a moment to formulate his subsequent response.

"As you know, and most of those who have Muggle education, our world is governed by some universal laws that our magic is trying to ignore, but that doesn't mean they still don't exist and do not apply to us." I'm not going to go into details, so I'll try to simplify it.

Every object in the Earth's field of activity is attracted to the surface of our planet by a certain force. For example, if I took two stones, one would have a weight of one kilogram and the other ten kilograms, the heavier one when falling from the same height would hit before a lighter stone. This principle is contained in the Law of Gravity, which also allows us to walk freely on the ground and not to float freely in space.

The levitation formula you are going to learn here is a formula that creates a layer or bubble of magic around each subject that cancels or reduces the effect of the gravitational field of our planet, but the levitating object still retains its mass. There are also spells that change the weight of an object, but only to some extent, and it is impossible for anything to weigh anything at all.

I hope this was a sufficient explanation, Mr. Potter? "Flitwick asked, and Hadrian nodded, yet he had another question.

"So when we create a layer of our magic around an object we want to lift into the air, what is the limit?" Are we limited by the size of the object or its weight? I can imagine that the greater the mass, the more thick the layer must be to resist gravity, the larger object we have to create a larger layer to cover a larger area of ​​the object, "he said, and Flitwick smiled.

"An excellent question for which there is no clear answer, but yes, the limit exists for this formula. However, this limit is unique to each of you because we have to take into account factors such as the power of your magic, your control of your magic, the mental strength and the wand you concentrate your magic on. The stronger your older and your magic, as well as your control over it, the greater and more massive you will be able to levitate objects. However, it is absolutely impossible to pick up the whole house or, for example, the mountain, which would require countless magicians and sorcerers, coordination at the highest level and much more. Anything else you'd like to know? "Flitwick replied.

"No, that's for the moment, Professor. Thank you for the explanation, "Hadrian replied.

"You have nothing to thank me for, Mr. Potter. It is my job and it is nothing more happy for me than if I can help young students to develop their minds and abilities. Also, earn ten points for Slytherin for your questions, which will certainly help many of you in understanding the first magic formula you learn here, "Flitwick rewarded him and urged them to put a white feather in front of him and try it lift up into the air with a levitation formula.

Just as in Transfiguration, Hadrian first got rid of all unnecessary thoughts and concentrated on the task ahead. In Transfiguration, it was mainly a detailed form of targeted transformation, here it was a focus on the formula effect. Moreover, now that Hadrian knew what form of his magic he should take to achieve the desired effect, the chances of successfully using the magic formula have increased.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" He said, imagining his magic as a kind of bubble that surrounds the feather. only a hovering feather, but because he had Magic Vision activated, he could have avoided any mistakes.

"Excellent, great. Look at Mr. Potter, who first used the levitation formula successfully. This will be another ten points for your college, Mr. Potter. You really inherited your mother's talent. She had been missing for a few years and could have taught me the Master of Magic Formulas instead of me every few generations, "Flitwick praised him, and Hadrian nodded at him.

A special skill was created through a special act.

You have learned the basic magic of the Magic School of Magic Formulas, won the Wingardium Leviosa Lvl. 1.

Wingardium Leviosa - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - This basic formula allows you to levitate different objects. However, when you activate a spell, you still need to add more magic to keep your spell status active. The higher the level of the spell, the larger and more massive objects can be levitated.

MP price: 25 MP for activation + 10 MP / min (-5% for title Magician, -15% price for WIS)

Current price: 20 MP + 8 MP / min

"How did you do it on the first try?" Tracey was looking at him, who was sitting next to Daphne, and she was sitting on his right side.

"Remember what Professor Flitwick told us when he answered my questions. To force the object to levitate, you must create a full bubble around it from your magic, which then ensures that the natural gravity of our planet does not affect the object inside. Once you have wrapped the whole item, you just need to reinforce the magic bubble until you feel it can be lifted safely with the object inside. When the magic bubble is weak, gravity wins and the bubble breaks. This formula also requires a constant stream of magic between you and the bubble, so a moment of inattention and you lose control and the bubble disappears. It also implies that if something or someone stands between you and your target that you want to levitate, it will break the connection between you and the object, losing control of the bubble.

You also need to realize that formulas are fundamentally different than Transfiguration spells. For a successful transformation you have to imagine every detail of the resulting transformation, here you have to imagine the resulting effect, which is the magical bubble around the object you are trying to lift into the air. So just close your eyes, get rid of all inappropriate and disturbing thoughts and fill your mind only with what you want to achieve. When you see the whole thing in front of your eyes and fill your mind, open your eyes, move your wand appropriately and pronounce the formula. Mainly, don't lose your concentration, "he explained to her as he watched the girls close their eyes and follow his instructions. The first was Daphne, who had some experience with mind cleaning and meditation.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" She said in a firm voice, and Hadrian watched his Magic Vision as a magical bubble formed around her feather and gradually thickened. He smiled slightly as Daphne moved her wand into the air and her feather rose. her concentration eased, but she quickly got it back.

Tracey followed her a few moments later, but she was too hasty and on the first attempt she did not strengthen the bubble enough, which she also revealed to her and another attempt was made.

"Excellent, I rarely see so many successful attempts in the first hour of learning a new spell. In the previous hour, only two girls succeeded at the first attempt and there were several other successful students at the end of the lesson. Miss Greengrass, Miss Davis, ten points for each of you. Mr. Potter, five points for your classmates' help, "the professor appreciated and pointed out from behind his desk the mistakes the students had made.

At the end of the hour, there was only one excitement when Longbottom's brightly dull attempted attempt was made on that day, and instead of raising his feather in the air, he let his shoes fire in the air, which threw him out of the chair with which he turned back. Neither Hadrian nor anyone else understood how well he had done it, but the amused smiles of everyone's faces were no longer erased.

"Did you see that? His father was right when he said that Longbottom was completely incompetent and was a stranger to not being a rider. Still, I think the old Longbottom bribed Dumbledore to accept him, "Malfoy bragged, pulling it out for the rest of the day, not that Hadrian was near him. When he saw Longbottom leaving the Magic Formulas classroom, he focused on him. looking at him and using Observation to find out everything he could.

Neville Frank Longbottom

Age: 11

Title: Magician

Blood Status: Purebred

Level: 10

HP: 1,000

MP: 500/1 000 (Magic Core Block)

Info: Neville is heir to the Ancient and Noble Longbottom Family. Born on July 30, 1980, he became one of the possible goals of Dark Lord Voldemort. Neville lost his parents a few days after the fall of Dark Lord Voldemort when they were tortured for a long time by the Cruciatus Curse and lost their minds. Neville then grew up under the strict supervision of his grandmother, Madame Augusta Longbottom, who manages the property of the Longbottom family before Neville can accept Lord Longbottom's place.

Hadrian was surprised at how many of his classmates lost their families at the end of the war with Voldemort. However, he was not pleased with the missing explanation of what a block on the magical core was and where Neville came to him. It seemed to affect his ability to use magic and, according to a level that was smaller than the average in his year, it also influenced his development.

However, as a result, it was not his problem, anyone who placed the block on his kernel, so he can also remove it and what he knew could even be there for health problems.

"Do you not look contentedly, wrong partner in Herbalism?" Hadrian asked as he saw Tamara angry at the library as she began to work on a rough sketch of an essay on the Magical Formulas that Flitwick had given them to see how well they understood the levitation formula. .

"Do not even ask. I wanted to go and stuff Hermione's full palm in my mouth to finally close her beak. She thinks he's in the Ravenclaw, he's automatically smarter than the rest of us, and for two hours she was trying to shout all sorts of facts about what Professor Sprout was telling us. She also earned fifteen points for her extensive knowledge, whilst only parroting the books she had ever read, nothing original, "Tamara complained.

"We will finish the Magic Formula essay and head out to find a place to create a Dungeon. I want to clean the Undead Cemetery at least once today. At five o'clock I still have a fight with another of the Council of Seven today, so I can still practice a few spells before I can restore all the magic using meditation to have full reserves if I need them, "he told her through a telepathic call, and Tamara visibly lifted her spirits. At least in the Dungeon, he will be able to discharge the excess energy and the negative emotions that have accumulated in her in the morning for her cousin.

The essay managed to write them quite quickly, especially when Hadrian added her insights into the law of gravity and how the whole formula worked. It was no secret to seeing magic, so he added a paragraph to what it looks like to be able to see and shape magic. An interesting finding was that all the boys who used the formula created a bubble from below while the girls began to create a bubble from the top. He concluded this note with the idea that it could be due to different thinking of the opposite sex, or it was due to the slight difference in the magic of the two groups, and he would have to observe individuals of different ages, racial and other groups to clarify this theory.

After completing the Magic Formulas, they all went to the Great Hall for lunch for the first time. Hadrian invited all three Gryffindor girls to the Slytherin Table, causing a proper fuss among his classmates as well as older students.

"Potter, what does that mean?" This is our table, these guys have nothing to do with it! "Malfoy annoyed, most probably of all.

"Maybe you could read the school order and then tell me who can and what doesn't. Just like a school uniform, students only have to sit at their tables during official events and on the first morning when timetables are distributed, then each student can settle at any table except the professor until he or she adheres to the rules of good behavior free meals to other students. Which means they can sit here until the rules change or they break the existing ones. Moreover, he has now shown that you do not really belong to Slytherin. Our dormitory has to honor ambition, cunning, cunning and cunning. Try to think about your and my actions, maybe you will understand, but depending on what company you are in, I doubt it a lot, "Hadrian said to the young Malfoy, and Draco was not the only one to think about why he allowed himself to their table invite so-called muggles.

No one said anything against them for the rest of the lunch, but still a lot of them seemed uncomfortable, and Hadrian could expect him to show up very quickly when they reached the private room.

"Just enjoy yourself, Potter, it's the last hour of your performance in the Council today. When I kick you out of there, I expect you to follow unwritten rules just like others. I hope you also enjoy the Muggle shit, since you will no longer be able to associate with them if you do not want to end up in the infirmary, "Harper whispered threateningly as he walked past them and Hadrian did not react to it, not negatively.

"Sorry, Harper, did you say anything? Because it pulls you out of your mouth and I couldn't really focus on that stink. You should do something about it, maybe brush your teeth or rinse your mouth from time to time, but you know, these are the basic hygiene habits that everyone learns as a child, "Hadrian glared back, and Harper marched through the red rage.

"I don't think you should provoke him any more. If he loses his nerve, he could use something dangerous to you during your fight, "Daphne warned.

"That's true, but if he loses his nerve, he'll make far more mistakes and waste his magic unnecessarily. I know that emotions affect how much of our magic we use in every spell, and believe me, with a cool head, it fights far better than rage, "Hadrian replied.

"Where will we meet? I have to take things to rest and change into something that won't stop me from fighting, "Tamara asked him.

"In front of the entrance gate, I also have to bring things in, though I am closer to our common room," Hadrian had not forgiven the lesser hint of Hadrian's whereabouts and their common rooms.

"Just ridicule, but when I run out of stairs faster than you, because I'm going to practice everyday ascent to our dormitory, I'll laugh at you," Tamara replied at once, nodding to her two friends to follow.

"Do you have any plans now after lunch, Hadrian?" Daphne asked, hoping for his help with some spells.

"I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go out for fresh air soon. I have to stretch myself and try some new spells for my evening duel. But in the evening after the fight, could I have time? "Dafne nodded.

"I take you for a word," she said, and Hadrian went to his room to put things down and change into something he could destroy in the next fight.

"Ha, you laughed at me as far as I could, and I'm still here before you," Tamara let go.

"I didn't know we were competing in anything? Moreover, if you are so fast, you will surely show me the right place for our special training, "he replied, but did not move, so he went straight behind his nose. He had no idea where the best place to create a new Dungeon would be, but headed for the greenhouses and on It was a coincidence when they arrived at a place that was fenced by an old metal fence.

The local cemetery was not extraordinarily maintained, but on the other hand it was perfect for creating Dungeons.

"Ready?" Hadrian asked.

"That's right!" She cried, raising her clenched fist with enthusiasm.

"Dungeon Creation: Undead Cemetery!" Activated one of his oldest skills, and the landscape around them changed instantly. The sky got a deep red to black color with a bloody moon, while an impenetrable fog spread beyond the Dungeon. Inferi started to climb.

Inferi - Undead - Lvl. 11

HP: 1,100

MP: 0

Info: Inferi is an animated corpse that serves the purpose that the creator enchanted. Inferi are weak towards fire. Depending on the enchantment, Inferi can be extremely fast, strong, and poisonous to their bites.

"Their states don't like me. Though ice will not give them such damage, it will definitely make it difficult for them to move. Ice Summon: Glacian! Ice Age! "Hadrian used two Magic Skills.

"Fiery Summon: Flameon!" Tamar also activated two skills. For all thirty Inferi were trapped in place, attacking them with their fiery whip and a few at the same time taking a large part of their lives. The fire also sent them into a panic escape, which was damned comic when they broke off lower limbs and Inferi began to crawl in all directions.

"Let's destroy them while they're running," Hadrian said, raising both of his katanas. He teleported to the nearest corpse and cut off her head to see if he'd kill her. To his surprise, the corpse reached for its severed head she put it on her neck, then went in his direction with a frightening whine.

Glacian Activated His Magical Skill Frosty Beam!

Fortunately, he turned in time when he saw a new buzz to see Glacian open her mouth and hit the corpse after him with a snow-white beam. The effect was wonderful because the crawling corpse was riddled with up to one meter of ice spikes. He shattered the spines with one slash and shattered Inferi. A sign indicating the expansions was a clear sign that he would be able to destroy Inferi without the use of fire.

Tamara did a lot better than her summon. Tamara had only three less destroyed Inferi and Flameon in her account. Hadrian smiled, Tamara could have a spontaneous advantage, but he had the advantage of other flat skills

"Ice storm! Lightning Shots! Hadrian used two more Magic Skills. His second skill was the next level of the normal Lightning Missile, producing only one of them, now sending a much larger number of them out of the top of his katan. The fact that he can use the MD with the help of his katan came by chance, although his magic caused them less damage. He really had to find a way to fix them again or get some magic katanas.

They managed to destroy a third of Inferi when four new corpses appeared. That meant the first minute had passed. Of the ten destroyed Inferi, they also received exps according to who killed them. Overall, Inferi lvl. 11 gave 400 exps, the one who destroyed it, got 250 exps and the other one for assistance only 150 exps. Tamara destroyed six of them, earning 1,500 exps for them, plus four times 150 exps, making a total of 2,100 exps. Hadrian earned only 1,000 exps for the destroyed Inferi and an additional 900 exps for assistance, with a total of 1,900 exps worse than Tamara and 200 exps.

"Maybe you are, but it will change quickly. "Glacian, show up!" Hadrian shouted at his summon.

Glacian activated her Magic Skill Ice Age!

The icy breath was an MD in the form of a wind wave that contained an incredible amount of ice crystals. When only one crystal came into contact with its target, it formed an inch of an ice crust at the point of impact. A few million have already clung to the ten Inferi who approached them, turning into ice sculptures.

"Okay, Glacian, now I am. Hadrian whipped from the flash as Tamara was still using the whip from the flames. He also called him out of the magical dagger he had exchanged for the weaker of the katan. His whip was not as effective as Tamara's, but he swiped and destroyed it three times. all ten Inferi at once.

"Hey, it's not fair! Flameon, show them we're better than them! "Tamara shouted, and Hadrian watched the fire cat breathe in and release a large fireball into Infi's crowd, literally scattering them all around the world. Only eight Inferi were left at the Cemetery of the Undead. twenty-six were already dead.

Hadrian scored 2,500 exps for destruction and 900 for assistance, a total of 3,400 exps. Tamara again scored 1,500 exps for destruction and 1,500 exps for assistance, a total of 3,000 exps.

Before they could attack the remaining eight Inferi, four more Inferi climbed out of the graves and four more came from behind the Dungeon.

"I thought only four new ones would appear every minute?" Tamara asked in confusion.

"Maybe we kill them too quickly, and because we're two, their number has doubled?" Hadrian offered a possible explanation, but he used that Ice Age and Magic Lightning again. He used the other MD five times in succession before Glacian threw two Frostbeams at two the nearest targets, those Hadrian destroyed by the Lightning Shot, which he had sent at them from a specific angle to hit them with a single attack.

He was about to finish another Inferi as he jumped back a few steps to get away from the stream of fire that flooded all the corpses.

"Next time you warn me, I wouldn't like to end up greaves for your cat!" Hadrian shouted at Tamara.

"Ha, we're better, Dragon Breath leads!" Tamara laughed, counting ten destruction.

Glacian Activates His Magical Hail Hail!

There was already a third message, and the four remaining Inferi were flooded with hail, which literally made them a colander, but as it was, it was destroyed and Hadrian had only six destruction from the third round of attack. He had to admit that these Inferi were very weak compared to his level and it was not difficult to kill them very quickly.

Hadrian recovered from this wave 1,500 exps for killing and 1,500 exps for assistance, making 3,000 exps. Tamara scored 2,500 exps for killing and 900 for assistance, a total of 3,400 exps.

Congratulation! You have reached level 19! You have received 5 Points Status!

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 11

Class: The Gamer

Title: Magician - Council of Seven

Blood Status: Purebred

Level: 19 - Exp: 0% (300 exp)

HP: 3,150

MP: 810

STR: 68

VIT: 68 (+ 30% HP)

DEX: 70

INT: 115 (+ 40% CTR)

WIS: 65 (-15%)

LUK: 20

Status Points: 20 (90 + 5)

Perks Points: 0 (0) \ t

Hadrian was pleased, not only had his magic added when he got the level, but he also increased his lives by some 140 points and magic by 170 points.

"What? You have another level? "Tamara asked, noticing the change in his status.

"That's right!" She returned her own message to her.

In a spare moment they collected everything that fell to them. Each of them earned 231 Galleons, saying Hadrian had taken all Souls' Stones and Tamara had left the rest, which were some of the canines and ribs. Not that she had any use to do it, and she was going to sell it through his connection with Goblins and Abyss.

Notice! Dungeon Difficulty: The Undead Cemetery Increased!

As soon as the warning sign disappeared, new thirty Inferi came out of the graves. Hadrian had no idea who invented the rules, but he had the desire to kick the person. He was expecting a pretty simple Dungeon, and it slowly turned into a nightmare.

Inferi - Undead - Lvl. 13

HP: 1,300

MP: 100

Info: Inferi is an animated corpse that serves the purpose that the creator enchanted. Inferi are weak towards fire. Depending on the enchantment, Inferi can be extremely fast, strong, and poisonous to their bites. These Inferi have one Magic Skill - Lunge.

"What the hell is their lunge?" Tamara asked.

Hadrian shouted readily as the five Inferi rushed against them with enormous speed. Five blunt bumps and his shield began to crack across his surface. He didn't like Hadrian because he was able to block many spells with his help before he was on it had any damage.

"This was their Lunge and, according to the damage that my Ice Shield had taken, you don't want to be hit by it," he answered her question and used Ice Age to stop another five running Inferi, which, however, only slowed it down, but didn't residue.

"Damn it, it would normally imprison them, but it just seems to cancel the effect of their Lunge," Hadrian said.

"Fire Wall! The Fire Storm! "Tamara used two MDs. The first of them held all Inferi away from them, and the Fire Storm was a surface attack where miniature fireballs fell from the black cloud down to Inferi.

Hadrian used one of his MDs twice, and teleported again to both of Inferi's incarceration with the two katans, slashing several times in his range before he teleported again a few yards away and attacked all Inferi again his range before he teleported again, so he decided to fight this wave of Inferi.

As a result, his attack was as effective as Tamara's, when they each had fifteen destructions and fifteen assists. Fortunately, eight new Inferi appeared at the end of their attack, so the level of Dungeons did not increase again.

Because they had two levels more than the previous ones, there were 300 exps for the destruction and only 150 exps for the assistance. For killing it for them was 4 500 exps, assistance was another 2 250 exps, which made 6 750 exps.

Congratulation! Glacian reached level 2! Gets +15 HP and MP!


HP: 540

MP: 650

Level: 2 (5,050 / 10,000 exp)

"I see I'm not the only one with the next level. And it looks like you need to get ten thousand exps for each level. With this, he will have a maximum level very quickly when he gets the same exps as me, "Hadrian commented on the status of his induced fox.

"My Flameon is exactly the same. In a moment he will have a higher level than I have, "Tamara pursed her lips, but she still scratched her fiery cat behind her ears.

However, in the meantime, eight more Inferi appeared, so there were already sixteen Inferi. Hadrian lost 1,200 magic during his previous teleportation attack, one teleportation cost him 80 MP, and he teleported fifteen times.

"We must always keep one alive," Hadrian pointed out, and as always, he used Ice Age to imprison them before he teleported between them and dropped into them. or tail.

When they succeeded in destroying these sixteen Inferi, there were eight more and another wave appeared after a while. Hadrian was on the third of his magical supplies when he realized late that they had destroyed a hundred, which meant calling their Boss.

The only thing that comforted him was that Glacian had the next level and had so full of magic.

Notice! 100 Inferi killed! Inferi Legion summoned!

Inferi Legion was literally a giant of a hundred bodies of fallen Inferi.

Inferi Legion - Undead BOSS - Lvl. 20

HP: 3,000

MP: 500

Info: Inferi Legion consists of one hundred fallen Inferi. Unlike Inferi, he is not as fast or flexible, but his offensive force is many times higher. The Inferi Legion is still weak towards the fire, but is no longer afraid of it. Inferi Legion is also immune to cutting wounds and water / ice magic. Inferi Legion has two Magic Skills.

"He's not too big, but my most used attacks are totally useless against him, just like Glacian's attacks," Hadrian commented, hiding both katanas because they were useless to him as well.

"You still have three flash skills," Tamara reminded him.

"I am also aware of this, but they are not very useful either. I have only less than thirteen hundred points of magic. Lightning Whip costs me a hundred and twenty magic per minute, not counting the Magic Lightning and Lightning Shot. I have 75 magic per minute passive magic regeneration from Meditation, WIS adds another 3% MP per minute, which makes nearly 190 magic per minute overall. It will be with the rubbed ears, "Hadrian told her, using the Magic Lightning, which stunned their final opponent for a moment.

"Fire Storm! Fire Wall! Fire Shot! "Oh! Flameon, use the Dragon's Breath!" Tamara cried, and began to attack. Hadrian was slightly in the background, and so far Legion had been bombarded with Magic Lightning and Lightning Missiles.

The Legion's use of Magical Skill was also quite late, if they watched his magic more closely, they would notice that half was gone before activating the ears of a screaming roar that came from a hundred heads on his body.

Inferi Legion Activated The Magic Skill of Sta Soul! Received Temporary Status - Stunned (5s)!

All four of them stayed in place and thousands of stars flew in front of their eyes as they felt pain and flew to the cemetery. Hadrian just watched him lose four hundred lives. Glacian and Flameon were barely alive, so Hadrian decided to recall Glacian. He didn't want to find out what would happen if his summon died by chance.

"Tamaro, are you all right?" He asked her, helping her to stand on her feet.

"I certainly did not expect that, but apart from four hundred lives I am fine. Zmetek has only half the lives, we can do it, "she encouraged him, but most of all herself. Even her magical reserves were close to zero.

"I will immobilize him, you will arrive! Hadrian commanded and teleported a short distance from the Legion, which he flicked his Lightning Whip with a single flick to prevent him from moving further. However, thinking that an eleven-year-old boy was able to keep a twenty-meter giant in place was a bit foolish. she didn't let herself wait and cast everything she had on Legion, and she, too, tossed her with her Fire Whip, causing him constant damage.

Inferi Legion Activated the Magic Skill of the Legion!

This time they did not give them a temporary stun status, but it threw them into the distance and it took them another five hundred lives. The Legion itself had only a hundred lives.

"I'm just getting it full of teeth! Hadrian shouted angrily, summoning the seven Magical Lightning from the sky, which all struck the Legion and struck him with a final blow.

Congratulation! You beat the final Bosse Inferi Legion!

You've received 2,000 exp, 200 Galleons, 1 Magical Skill Book!

"Is it over?" Tamara asked, looking around to see if there was any other Inferi alive, or whether they would appear even more.

"Leaving the Dungeon!" Hadrian canceled the Undead Cemetery, definitely not going to risk anything.

"I was expecting a pretty easy walk through the Dungeon, not that spanking. By the next attempt, we have to come up with some effective strategy, "Hadrian said, leaning his back against the fence, watching his life and magic slowly recede.

"Hey, I realized now, how do you use two guns at the same time?" I thought you weren't at that level in Sword Master? "Tamara asked.

"You're right, I haven't stepped so far, but I figured out how to get around this skill. Despite the fact that I have two katanas, I can only attack one of them before I quickly attack the other. It's about speed, so I seem to be attacking both, but until the Double Weapon skill unlocks, I won't be able to attack with two weapons at the same time. However, I am also able to defend them at the same time, which is strange, but one is not looking at the teeth of the donated horse, "Hadrian explained to her, activating Meditation in which Tamara imitated him.

"But we did it quite quickly. We had the longest fight with the Legion. How about trying a few more times? "Tamara asked, and Hadrian looked at her for the next head.

"Try it yourself, but until I have a strategy to clear the Dungeon without wasting magic or finding a way to quickly replenish magic, I'm not coming back there." In addition, I don't know if Glacian will be full of lives and mana after her evocation or will still be hurt from the fight. If he's hurt, I have no idea how to heal her, "Hadrian said in a blunt voice, pulling out from the Inventory a new Book of Magical Skills that appeared there with everything else when he canceled the Dungeon.

Get The Magical Skills Book Undead Summon (First Level).

Do you want to learn this Magic Skill?

Yes No

"What did we get for a new skill from that Bosse?" Tamara asked, who had too much energy for what they had been through.

"Another summon, this time Undead Summon, so I reckon it will allow us to summon Inferi. To confess, necromancy doesn't attract me. You want the book? "Hadrian asked.

"Forget it, I won't call any corpses. But for the time being, leave her alone if someone else is interested in her. Definitely better than appearing on Abyss Auctions, and someone with bad intentions decided to use it, "he replied, and Hadrian returned the Book of Magic Skills back to Inventory.

When Hadrian arrived at the Slytherin Common Room three-quarters to five, he wore a little damaged things, but otherwise he was completely wounded. Some thought he was already in a duel with someone, but he quickly misled them by telling them it was a training result, which is quite normal.

He had not returned to the Undead Cemetery again, but headed for the Forbidden Forest, or at least to the edge of it to collect some sweet fruit for Glacian, who also needed food to heal. He managed to catch a hare that he only saw out of the corner of his eye, but the only Ice Pillar and Hare was his or rather Glacian, who waited for him to get out of the ice trap and quickly kill him.

"I hope you're ready to lose, Potter!" Harper shouted after him, waiting for him in the arena ready for the occasion.

"Even this morning, I thought I'd go out with you, I wouldn't like to kill you, but after your speech I told myself to put off my gloves. I've learned a few spells for you, but I'm not going to need them at all, "Hadrian said, and as he entered the arena, the air around him was cool, the floor was covered with ice crystals, and Harper began to smoke from his breath warmer than the air around them.

"As yesterday has already been agreed, Roy Harper of the second year, the fifth chairman of the Council and Hadrian Potter of the first year, the holder of the seventh chair, will be playing today. Roy Harper is a challenger in today's duel. Not only are their chairs at stake, but also control over the years of the other. If the two participants are ready? "Sebastian Daley said.

"Ready!" Hadrian replied.

"Whatever it is," Harper said.

Sebastian started their fight, and Harper immediately went into the attack. The problem was that Hadrian wasn't there anymore and came out of the whirlwind of snow flakes beside him. left face.

"This beautiful saddle. I have training that you could only dream of, Harper. If I wanted to, you would just be a bloody lump of remains right now, but that would be too simple, "Hadrian said.

"Bombard!" Shouted Harper, leaving only a small crater in the place where Hadrian stood. Harper wanted to start celebrating his victory when he was frozen on his back.

"Your spells are totally useless, baby boy, I can be like a ghost, an icy gust in the air, a cool breeze in my hair, but also a destructive snowstorm. Right now, but I'm going to be your worst nightmare, and you'll want me to never let you down your attention, "Hadrian whispered coldly, but his voice was all over the dueling room. air all around them.

Harper swung at him, but it only stirred up the snowflakes in which Hadrian had disappeared again.

"Ice Storm!" Hadrian used one of his skills he had used several times that day, but he wasn't there.

"The Magical Lightning Barrage!" Added another magical skill that merged with the snow cloud, and Magical Lightning began to fly off Harper's ice crystals.

"Combined Assault: Electrifying Ice Storm!" He announced the name of his attack to everyone and watched as Harper struggled to hide behind the classic shield, but a single lightning bolt was enough to destroy his shield and six more thunderbolts to find their way home.

Roy Harper - Student - Lvl. 13

HP: 520/300

MP: 1,000/1,300

Hadrian knew that if he wanted to, he could actually kill him, but that wouldn't help him. No, he needed to send everyone a clear message that nobody would mess with him. So he waited for his attack to pass and Harper recovered a little.

"I hope you have enough and you realize the difference between us, because whatever you try, never reach my level, my boy. You are full of ambition and hate, you are willing to do everything to reach yours, but in your arrogance you have forgotten one very important fact. There's always someone stronger and more capable, "Hadrian snorted, watching Harper lose control of his emotions very quickly. To help it, he teleported behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, leaving a weaker frostbite behind him, The next moment he was in front of him and his finger ran over his right cheek, which was soon covered with ice, and so he accidentally teleported himself several times around him, and Harper was covered with ice in one-fifth.

"C-what-j-are you ?!"

"I told you, boy, I'm your worst nightmare you made to look at you. You should know that the human body is made up of about 70 percent water and you know what happens to water when exposed to very low temperatures? Ice Touch! "Hadrian used the last of his magical skills that day, and Harper turned into an ice sculpture.

"The fight is over. Also, beware, the ice is very fragile and you could shatter Harper's body as it shatters, "he told Sebastian, heading for the exit. He was only a few steps away from him as he heard the sound of shattering ice and he whirled around. because he thought that someone had killed Harper, but Harper was standing there healthy and steam was rising from his whole body, and his lives were quickly recovering, and Hadrian watched as his opponent threw an empty vial of some potion down.

"Now I know all your tricks! He had revealed too much in the duel with Malfoy, Potter and I had prepared myself! I have to admit that it took a while to warm up my clothes on my clothes, but you're not as powerful as you think! I also looked in the library at the magic you were using, and the spell spells are very demanding on magic, you have to be almost exhausted while I'm still full of reserves! "Shouted Harper triumphantly.

"Don't laugh. Your full reserves are only a third of what I have and I have not shown everything, "Hadrian replied.

"Nobody so young has so much magic, Potter!" You are here in front of us doing better and more powerful than you really are to not tear you like vultures for what you did with the Dark Lord ten years ago! Harring exclaimed, and Hadrian teleported out of the reach of the mighty spell.

"Ice Age!" Hadrian imprisoned his opponent, but Harper's magical clothing helped him again and stayed long imprisoned.

"It's useless, Potter, your elemental spells are weak against heat and fire," Harper grinned at him, sending several flat spells on him.

"We'll see how you deal with this. Hadrian made a whip made of lightning and swung it over his head before hitting Harper in the chest with a roaring crack. which his opponent wore.

Hadrian whispered, creating a long catan made of ice in his left hand, then moved and stabbed his opponent with it, not stabbing him in any mortal place, and threatening to bleed Harper out because everything around the stab wound was frozen ai parts inside his body.

Harper's eyes widened in pain and shock, his mouth open in a low scream, but only a faint whimper came before he jumped back onto the icy floor.

Roy Harper - Student - Lvl. 13

HP: 360/300

MP: 520/1 300

"He won't really get out of this without any medical help," Hadrian said, waiting for Sebastian, who had ended his fight for the first time before he left the arena.

"You set it up well, Potter. I wonder how I'll explain this to Pomfrey and then to the Director, "Snape said, walking around him to check Harper's condition.

"You can seduce his inability to use the elemental spells, he admitted he was studying in the library, Professor," Hadrian offered him an acceptable explanation.

"A decent alibi, but I hope it's not going to happen again," Snape said, not waiting for the next answer. As soon as Snape left Harper out of the arena and headed for him to the infirmary, a dazzling clapper began to sound before he joined him. more students and finally applauded the whole dormitory, but he had no choice but to bow to them.

"Hadrian Potter has won the battle between two members of the Council of Seven, now his fifth seat, as well as the government of the second year. Being the fifth chairman, she also has partial powers over the third year of Adrian Pucey's sixth seat, "Amanda told the dormitory as the applause subsided.

"Potter, now you have to choose someone who will be your middleman on the seventh chair and take the second-year representation," Sebastian said.

"I will nominate Richard Doge to the seventh year of the second year!" Hadrian made it clear, and Richard climbed the stairs to settle in his new place.

"However, I am not finished yet. I officially give up my fifth chair in favor of Adrian Pucey. And to make matters worse, I officially surrender to the sixth chair in favor of Richard Doge and take my rightful place on the seventh chair. "It is in my powers, so I decided and so will happen!" Hadrian said, and he had to literally throw both young men out of their seats and put them in new chairs to sit in his own.

"Nobody has ever given up on a chair in favor of someone on the lower chair," Lucian Bole protested, sitting on the third chair, but in his fourth year.

"The fact that no one has done this does not mean that Hadrian has no right to do so. Very unexpected move, but absolutely Slytherin move. Bravo, bravo, Hadrian, you really belong to our dormitory, "Amanda said.

"I only did what I thought was the best solution, there was nothing to it," Hadrian waved his hand to show that he did not put any weight on it, but most true Slytherins knew it was not just any move.

"Snape is back, the third year's tournament will start," Gemma said.

"I know you don't want anything for me, but Slytherin doesn't leave its debts unpaid, and I owe you, Potter." Tell yourself the price and it's yours, "Doge told him as he leaned close to him so the others couldn't hear him.

"I'm not looking for gold, maybe one or two smaller servants in the future, if it will satisfy your Slytherin pride," Hadrian said casually, and saw out of the corner of his eye Richard nodded in agreement before focusing on their classmates.

Hadrian had been expecting more, hoping that by two years older students would already be able to do some line of spells that they would make full use of, but it was just a repetition of what he had already seen. Often it was just about who was lucky or more endured with magical reserves. Hadrian also understood why Harper had so easily defeated Adrian, who was one of the strongest in his year, but his spells were very weak. For a moment he thought he had a block on his magical core, but when he finally looked at him with his Magic Vision, he found that the wand Adrian was using was not 100% compatible with his magic. It was estimated at between thirty and forty percent compatibility. Nevertheless, he still defended his position in the Council and returned to his fifth seat.

"Potter," he heard a faint call behind him, and he turned to Pucey, who was standing in the door of his room.


"It is clear to all who stand for something that you have received a great deal of respect from what you did, but most importantly you owed me and Doge. None of us likes debt, if the other person does not owe him something, and so they can settle their debt. I mean, when you choose the debt, I'll be ready. Otherwise, good work with Harper, "Adrian told him before he disappeared into his room. Hadrian went into his own and wanted to go straight to the bathroom, but he saw someone on his bed who he didn't really expect.

"Hadrian, I've been waiting for you for a while. I have to say that you arranged it very luxuriously for not using a single ounce of magic for it. I told you I was very curious about what kind of spells you were using, and the power you dominate attracted me a lot, "Amanda said seductively and put her left hand under her breasts to further define them through her school shirt, while pointing her right hand she rode her thigh and slid her skirt slightly up to reveal more of her skin.

Of course, Hadrian couldn't resist and his eyes strayed where Amanda wanted, but the skill of the Player's Mind prevented him from losing control, saving him from becoming a drooling wreck. He had no idea why, but this act of her had woken up the hormones some time earlier, especially when he saw the red lace of her panties.

"I don't know if I can teach you the magic I use, not without the right talents," he replied, confident his voice would not reveal his body's response.

"You really are good, more than good. All the men and boys I wanted at my feet ended up there, too, and told me their secrets. Maybe you'll become one of them or resist, hmm? Would you like to see more? "She asked, unbuttoning the three top buttons of her shirt, exposing a portion of her red lace bra, when she leaned forward slightly, had a pretty good view of something that someone couldn't see, not if it was Amanda Rosier, who cursed anyone who just looked at her wrongly or touched the places he definitely didn't have access to.

Hadrian had to look away and knew he was red like a crayfish in his face. His reaction made Amanda laugh and lay down on his bed in amusement. She lay there on her side with her head supported by her right hand.

"I wasn't joking, Hadrian." I'd like to show you even more, let me touch where no one has ever been allowed. I would allow you to become a man if you wished, "she offered him, and if Hadrian looked at her, he would notice that she had a skirt rolled up to her waist, and her left index finger crawled over the edges of her panties.

"I have no idea what age the wizarding society wants to have sexual intercourse, but I guess some of us won't be ready for it for a few more years." Harper was wrong when he thought I was using spell spells because they are only a faint imitation of what I control. Until you control the Magic of Ice or Lightning, I won't be able to teach you anything. Even if you control any other Magic Element, it takes years to get the control you need, and I've only achieved a little for half of your potential. Now excuse me, I have to take a shower before my body gets control of my mind. A very cold shower and thanks for the premature awakening of the hormones in my body, I will now be faced with puberty a few years before it was necessary, "Hadrian told her, and disappeared into the bathroom door.

Amanda just licked her lips and decided to enjoy the spectacle as she enchanted the door and the wall of the bathroom so she could see it without a problem. When Hadrian returned to his bedroom, he felt only a strange smell, but he did not attach importance to it, except that his body rebelled and he was forced to take another ice shower.



Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 11

Class: The Gamer

Title: Magician - Council of Seven

Blood Status: Purebred

Level: 19 - Exp: 8.66% (15,500/179,000 exp)

HP: 3,150

MP: 810

STR: 68

VIT: 68 (+ 30% HP)

DEX: 70

INT: 115 (+ 40% CTR)

WIS: 65 (-15%)

LUK: 20

Status Points: 20 (90 + 5)

Perks Points: 0 (0) \ t


- Snake Language (+ 15% to the power and effect of healing magic, + 20% to the strength and effect of counter-missions)

- Boy-Who-Survivor (+ 25% to Exp of Completed Tasks)

- Heir to the Potter family (+ 15% to the strength of the Defense Against Black Arts spells, + 15% to the Power of Runic Magic)

- Heir to the Black Family (+ 15% to the power of Black Magic spells, + 15% to the power of magic to fight magic creatures)

- Mother's Victim (Temporary Status) (+ 75% Defense against Voldemort, 50% Defense against Death Eaters, 25% Defense against Unmarked Death Eaters)

- Student of First Year (+ 25% to INT and WIS while studying in Hogwarts.

Money: 4,270 L, 16,451 G, 0 AD

Trustee Safe: 202,700 G

Tournament points: 65

Knee points: 50


HP: 555 (1/6 summonera + 15 for each new level)

MP: 665 (1/6 summoner + 15 for each new level)

Level: 3 (1,800 / 10,000 exp)


Wingardium Leviosa - Active - Lvl. 3

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