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64.7% Harry Potter - The Gamer Chronicles / Chapter 11: chapter 11

Chapter 11: chapter 11

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

Happy 11th birthday! He was able to survive the hard years of his relatives and live to an age that is one of the most important milestones of each Sorcerer and Sorceress. As a reward you earn 1 level, 5 Status Points and 1 Perks Extra Point.

This was a novelty for Harry, and he hadn't received any gift from previous gaming systems if he didn't count one Christmas event from which he constantly mined huge amounts of gold and pounds. Just a few days ago, when he and Tamara had embarked on cleaning up the natural Dungeons, he made 17 levels and now he gave it one more, not that he complained about it.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 11

Class: The Gamer

Title: Magician

Blood Status: Purebred

Level: 18 - Exp: 8.25% (11,715 exp)

HP: 3,000

MP: 2 178/3 630

STR: 66

VIT: 66 (+ 30% HP)

DEX: 69

INT: 111 (+ 40% CTR)

WIS: 62 (-15%)

LUK: 20

Status Points: 15 (85 + 5)

Perks Points: 0 (0) \ t


- Snake Language (+ 15% to the power and effect of healing magic, + 20% to the strength and effect of counter-missions)

- Boy-Who-Survivor (+ 25% to Exp of Completed Tasks)

- Heir to the Potter family (+ 15% to the strength of the Defense Against Black Arts spells, + 15% to the Power of Runic Magic)

- Heir to the Black Family (+ 15% to the power of Black Magic spells, + 15% to the power of magic to fight magic creatures)

Money: 4,270 L, 14,930 G

Trustee Safe: 202,700 G

Harry immediately invested one Perks Point in the Metamorphomagy. Natural magic was not from the matter, but he wanted to gain full control over his heritage. When investing a single point, he gained the ability to change eye color and shape. Right in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, he tried to see what he would look like with different shapes, and although he liked his natural form, he slightly changed their shape.

Metamorphage - 2/13 - Allows the player to change his form. With every point you can change a larger part of your body. Unlocked by Black Blood - Grandma Dorea Black-Potter.

- Possible transformations: Hair length and color. Eye color and shape.

Harry went down to the kitchen, where Aunt Petunia was already there, and he took out a thick envelope from the Inventory he had placed on the table.

"What is it?" Petunia asked him.

"This is part of the money Dumbledore stole from my parents' safes at my alleged exit." My Treasurer has agreed with me that I should compensate you, though I have not been given any luxury or love here, I have still had a roof over my head, a minimum of food and drink. I don't care if you share with Vernon or keep it for yourself and Dudley, but the fact is we're family. In other circumstances, I would definitely know my cousin and other Dudley siblings if it did. So far, I haven't learned too much about how Dumbledore used my mother's sacrifice to create an illegal barrier around this house, but I promise to destroy it as soon as possible, "Harry replied, returning to his room.

When he had his birthday, he wasn't going to do anything, and her aunt didn't want anything for him.

He sat in a Turkish sitting and activated Magic Vision. Through the window, he could see several magical barriers around their house, but with his ability activated he closed his eyes and focused on his magic and the connection that existed between him and the house barrier.

He didn't find just one connection, it took him an hour to find all the connections and track them to their destination. There was a decorative vase in the living room that was not only associated with him but also with his relatives. The magic used in the vase was not good at all, he knew that it was her job to increase the negative emotions and thoughts of all those who were connected to the vase. All these negative emotions and thoughts were directed at him.

Destroying the connection between the vase and his relatives was not easy, the most difficult was the connection between his aunt and the decorative object. He found that his aunt was a harrier, and her magic wasn't active and too weak to wake up on its own.

Another connection was between him and the barrier that was definitely not created with the help of the blood magic, her presence could sense it because it contained more than pure magic with a certain task. It was a monitoring barrier that kept sending information about his condition and life in the house. He realized that whoever was on the other side watched his every step in the house and was aware of every injury he had ever suffered.

With a grin on his face, he moved the connection between himself and the monitoring barrier to his aunt. It had enough magic to keep the connection for a while. And when anyone realizes confusion, it will be too late.

The next barrier he was connected with was not around the house, but rather around him. The task was to hide him from something, but he had no idea until he discovered his connection with Artemis, which created a smaller opening in the barrier. He realized immediately that there was a barrier around him that kept the other owls from finding him. Therefore, as a child he never received any mail despite the fact that he is perhaps the most famous child in the world. He decided to keep this barrier around him and cancel it at Hogwarts' safety.

In addition to the connection with the bloody barrier, he uncovered the connection between his scar or rather the soul particles inside her and something that was far away. He didn't follow the connection to his goal, he was a little worried about what he would find there. However, he was concerned about the connection between the soul particle and his own magical core, which he also found in meditations.

He saw that a strange soul particle was kept at a distance away from a strange magic that wasn't his, but yes. It was his mother's magic she had given him as protection against the Dark Lord. This magic was very weak and he knew why it was.

Because he had nothing better to do, he set about exploring the barrier Dumbledore created from his mother's magic. She wasn't complicated to understand, she was supposed to protect him, and all the residents of the house from those who wanted to hurt them, the entire barrier was adjusted to keep the uninvited magic users from coming into the neighborhood. It was strange that Tamaru had dismissed it, but he guessed that when she was in the group, she automatically took it as a friend and not as an enemy.

Harry saw the barrier associated with him, his aunt and someone else. The alien connection went somewhere to Scotland and he could only guess who it really was. First, he relocated the connection that had attached his aunt to the barrier. He felt a few points in his health, but in Meditation he immediately restored them to their maximum.

His next step was to shrink the entire barrier and absorb it back into itself and restore its original function. It was not difficult, because in addition to one connection, there were two connections to him that could draw a barrier to himself and diminish its scope.

He had no idea how long he had fought with the barrier, absorbed it, and strengthened her magic barrier that existed inside his body. It could have been a few minutes or several hours before he managed the impossible and he had now destroyed the barrier that Dumbledore had built so hard with the device that was monitoring her power in Dumbledore's office.

As soon as he devoured all the magic from that barrier and redirected it to support the magic he still had at his mother, he could smile with a smile as he watched the connection between the alien soul and his magic core. Several attacks were enough and he canceled the connection altogether, and then wrapped it up with his mother's magic and totally insulated it.

Congratulation! He was able to restore the protection your mother gave you at her death. You get Temporary Status - Mother's Sacrifice.

Status: Mother's Sacrifice - Temporary Status, which cost your mother life. You are now protected against the magic of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. However, Status has lost its effectiveness, so protection is not perfect. This Status gives you a 75% defense bonus against Lord Voldemort, a 50% defense bonus against the Death Eaters who carry the Evil Sign and a 25% defense bonus against unmarked Death Eaters.

By constantly using Magic Skill, you have increased the Magic Vision by 2 levels.

This development of events pleased him and it was another thing to celebrate. He checked the clock to find that he had been in the trance for three hours and had only two hours of free time before Tamara appeared in their sanctuary.

He decided to head to his suitcase flat where he was going to finish sorting out the textbooks and books his mother had left in his suitcase. He was just about to descend when Artemis flew through the bedroom window with an envelope tied to her leg.

"What do you got for me, girl?" Harry asked her, and walked over to her perch and handed her one of the treats he had for her as a reward for delivering mail to him. a miniature coat of arms of the House of Potters and of the Blacks, a single man, or rather a goblin who could get it for her.

Dear Heir Hadrian J. Potter - Black

Director of Gringott Bank in London - Ragnok III. - would like to meet you about the question you raised at the end of your first meeting with me. Due to the urgency and busy program that Ragnok SilverAxe Director must follow, you are advised to come to the Gringott Bank as soon as you receive this letter.

Treasure Manager and Agent for -

Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Ancient and Noble House of the Blacks


Harry read the letter twice before folding it and headed for his apartment to change. He could have taken some robes, but decided again for a festive kimono with haori. She was not at all interested in the fact that it would be impossible to move from pocket dimensions, but because he did not move, but teleported, nothing prevented him from disappearing with a whiff of snow flakes and soon not appearing with places that were meant for everyone who they wanted to relocate to Diagon Alley.

"Mr. Potter, can I help you?" Griphook asked, hurrying up to him as he saw him at the bank entrance.

"Sure. I have a meeting with Director Ragnok for a matter that is not good to discuss in public, "Harry replied, and Griphook nodded immediately and led him to the golden elevator.

The lift path was definitely faster than the possible stairs. As soon as the elevator door was opened, Harry could see the red carpet that stretched from the elevator to the golden door. There was a table on the right, a goblin sitting behind him, not looking too friendly. Opposite his desk was a stone bench that not only seemed uncomfortable, but was also so enchanted.

"What do you want?" The goblin rushed at him, and he frowned.

"My name is Hadrian James Potter, the heir to the Potter and Black families. I have a meeting with Ragnok SilverAx. Otherwise, I didn't do anything to deserve your hostile tone, "Harry said coolly, and the goblin seemed to say something, but GrimClaw came out of the golden door.

"Mr. Potter, we are waiting for you, come inside. GoldRipe, we'll talk about your behavior later, "said GrimClaw and released Harry inside the large office.

He did not look around too much and exchanged official greetings with the bank's director, who was playing with one galleon when he returned his official greeting.

"I'm going straight to the point. From day one of your visit, I wondered how much I can tell you what services to offer you, or expel you and your property from my bank. While the last option would save me worries with you, it would make me far more with your Ministry and Abyss. Before we go to your requests, I want to know everything you know about this, "Ragnok said, and threw a coin he was playing with in his lap. gold coins, which meant that it was one of those Griphook's first visits.

"Besides being one of the galleons made up of gold and its manufacturer, Gaia?" Maybe I just got these coins from natural Dungeons, like pounds and some other items. I know Gaia is, according to some theories, the Earth itself or Mother Nature, but I know nothing more about it, "Harry replied, throwing the coin back on the table.

"Gaia is the very planet that created almost all life on Earth. In order for life on the earth to evolve and move forward, an individual with some special ability appears, who cannot be explained in any way. Even the ability to use magic was once an ability that Gaia gave to certain individuals. When people found out that their descendants did not inherit magic, they studied and improved their abilities for years before they could perform a life-ritual. A large number of magicians formed seven magical circles of three magicians and one of thirteen that surrounded all seven small circles. These mages bound and sacrificed their own magic so that the rest of humanity and life on Earth would have a chance to get the gift of magic.

However, Gaia did not want magic to be the only energy, so she gave people the potential to awaken Chi and Chakra. Over time, gifts were more varied because they drew inspiration from everything alive.

Today, there is almost the same amount in the world with the gift from Gaia as wizards and sorcerers. Each continent and each country has many groups that control the territory. For England is the greatest concentration of magically gifted people, the community of Gain children is relatively small, but more severe than in other countries.

Nowadays, everyone with a gift from Gaia is gathered in Abyss, a special dimension that has long been created by mighty people. There are certain rules that limit spending of money from Abyss in the real economy. Too much money would mean that the real economy would collapse and nobody wants it. "The Abyss has its own Auction to buy absolutely everything from specialty dishes to magic books to slaves of all kinds," Ragnok explained, and Harry nodded that he understood. It definitely made sense to him that he wasn't the only one with special abilities.

"I understand and thank you for the explanation. How do I get access to the Abyss Auction? And what has the question about the Forge Soul? I have a part of Voldemort's soul at my forefront, and I would like to make it Crystal Soul and gain some skills. When I got Crystal Soul from one Akromantula, I gained a higher skill and a sixth sense that warns me a minute ahead of any danger, "Harry asked, revealing a little.

"Before answering the question, what is your ability, Mr. Potter? What is your ability?" Then we can help you better. As for the soul particle in your scar, we have a certain ritual to destroy that part of the soul, but you want to keep it, which we cannot. It is also interesting that you are no longer under the control of Lord Voldemort, even a small part of his soul must have tremendous power, "GrimClaw asked.

"Hmm, I don't know how much you are informed about the Muggle world, but my ability is called The Gamer." Everything around me is driven by a gaming system that I haven't fully deciphered, but I've found out how to take full advantage of what I've discovered so far. Maybe it would be better if I showed you. Inviting to the Group - GrimClaw - Ragnok SilverAxe! "Said Harry, watching the two goblins almost jump out of their chairs as the blue table appeared in front of them. Harry prompted them to accept his invitation and show them their Status and Inventory. there was nothing in them, Harry sent each one of them one of the Soul Stones.

"A truly unique ability. I have heard of the existence of something similar but not so complicated. If I can ask what you have invested in the Status Body and Perks Body? "Ragnok asked.

"Most Status Points went to Intelligence, which not only increased my intelligence, but also the magnitude of my magic. From what I've seen, every normal magician or sorcerer has about the same level as his age. Students and children have the magic of a hundred times their level, adults have magnitude of magnitude one, so two hundred times their level. For me it is a bit different, the magnitude of my magic is 100 times my level, plus a forty percent bonus for the size of intelligence, plus 10 times my Intelligence points. I currently have 18 levels and the size of my magic is three thousand six hundred and thirty points, though I only have access to sixty percent of my magic. Tamara Dagworth-Granger was a harrier before I led the Awakening Ritual a month ago and awakened her potential. I invested the Perks Body in the magic of the ice element, to which I have a natural talent, "Harry explained.

"Fascinating. Maybe you will actually have the chance to defeat Lord Voldemort. It wasn't in his childhood, but only later after he graduated from Hogwarts and began traveling the world when he awakened Black Mage's ability to focus on Necromancy. He had enormous potential and we were ready to support him, but then he set out on the path of killing and destruction, "Ragnok said, leaving the Group.

"The Soul Soul?" Harry asked again.

"Yes, Soul Soul. Gringott's bank owned one, but its use was absolutely minimal, and the destruction of the Horcruxes was otherwise possible, so we sold it back to Abyss Auctions. The Forge The Soul is a special forge created in a pocket dimension, something like apartments in suitcases and chests. However, the Soul's Smithy is worth a huge fortune. Depending on which currency you want to trade, galleon is a strong currency in Abyss, but the strongest and most widespread currency is the Abyss dollar. One dollar is worth three galleons or eighteen pounds. Currently, the Soul Price is around eighteen million galleons, "Ragnok told him, and Harry almost refuted from his chair.

"Eighteen million? Even with my Trustbox, I only have about two hundred and fifteen thousand galleons, "Harry said in disbelief.

"It is true. If you had access to Family Safes, it would certainly not be a problem, but you would use most of your assets for that. I recommend continuing with the investment and trying to get this amount this way. Or you can also find sponsors to buy this special dimension with, "said GrimClaw.

"How many of these forges exist? You've seen that I have a huge amount of Soul Stones and I want to know how much I can sell them, "Harry asked.

"There are currently only three Soul Forges, but working with the people who control them is dangerous to anyone who is not powerful enough to have even more powerful allies in Abyss," Ragnok replied, reviewing the Soul Stone again. it will be better if you don't come into contact with anyone from Abyss, at least for the time being, get enough education and strength to defend yourself, some are able to kidnap the powerful users of magic and make them literally magical batteries from which "They drain magic as fast as they regenerate and then use the accumulated magic for their purposes," Ragnok warned.

"I see. Can I expect GrimClaw to inform me of your findings? Otherwise, I also have a greater amount of lethal and paralyzing poison from Akromantulas. I also have the tangle of silk nets I intend to put in the Clothing of Tomorrow, which should not be a bad step. Otherwise, I have a large amount of wolf for sale, "Harry offered.

"The price of a paralyzing poison is 10 galleons per deco, and the price of a deadly poison is once that. However, I believe you can sell it through the Potions World, where you also have a stake, Mr. Potter. However, the wolf meat can buy you for three galleons for a pound of meat? "Said GrimClaw, looking at Ragnoka, who nodded in agreement.

"I have no idea how much it is, it counts in my inventory. All the pieces are exactly the same, so if we consider one of them, we can agree on the price for all the pieces, "Harry said.

"I agree. Mr. Potter, do you want anything else? I'm sorry we can't help you with the Horcrux in your scar, but I believe you'll find a way to get what you want, "Ragnok asked, ready to end their meeting.

"I would be grateful if I could get a list of magic books and their prices. I believe I am able to create most of the skills using a gaming system, but some things will certainly be beyond my reach. In particular, I would like to be able to create my own Battle Dungeon, where I can literally massacre monsters and collect items for sale, "Harry said.

"We'll see what we can do, Mr. Potter. If you'll excuse me, I have another important meeting in a few minutes, "Ragnok said, and Harry stood up from his chair.

"It was an honor to deal with you, Director of Ragnoka. Let our future collaboration be beneficial to both sides, "said Harry, and headed for GrimClaw to the depths of the bank to sell all the wolf meat.

There they found that one piece of meat had three pounds, which was nine galleons a piece, and he had one hundred raw and unprepared in the inventory. There were hundreds of pieces of different kinds of cuttings or otherwise processed wolfs, but for his own needs.

He left the silk ball in the Clothing of Tomorrow, which saved the store's spending on the purchase of fabrics, and Andrea was able to create a high-quality fabric from the silk net. His next stop was the World of Potions, where Erice handed over all the Acromantula poison - both paralyzing and deadly. The one of these two poisons could have produced a considerable number of antidotes and other potions. Erika wanted to pay him for the price of the ingredients, but he said that now that he owns part of the business, he will supply it with what he can and increase the earnings of the shops. Once earnings have risen, the value of the trade and its share of what it was going to rise.

Harry teleported to his sanctuary just as Tamara was supposed to arrive, but he had to blink in surprise, because there was not only Tamara, but also Paul. On the stone table stood a birthday cake and a few wrapped gifts. They were both in a swimsuit, too, and it looked like it wasn't even a few minutes before they got out of the pool.


"Happy birthday, Hadrian," Tamara said, kissing him on the cheek.

"I wish you all the best," Paul added, not kissing him, but shaking his hand.

"I - thank you, I have no idea what to say. I know you've always given me some presents, but never a party like that? "Harry smiled at them.

"Come on, you have to blow out the candles and ask for something. I can't wait to taste the cake, "Tamara said enthusiastically. So Harry blew out the eleven candles on the cake and wished he was powerful enough to protect his friends and family.

"Quickly, you have to cut him now," Tamara instructed her, and Paul pulled out three smaller plates from the bag that Harry had cut some of the cake for. Paul also pulled out one of the finest and most expensive juices that had a minimum of chemistry and almost ninety percent fruit It had to be diluted with pure water, as sweet as it was, but it didn't bother anyone.

It was an unusual birthday party, because even though they ate a cake and then played monopolies, they spent most of their time in the pond. It was an afternoon of fun and relaxation.

As far as gifts are concerned, Tamara got a new black color kimono with a snowy mountain range over which the icy Chinese dragon hovered. There was also a Jing-Yang symbol on his back. But he was most surprised by his two family crests with a silver border on his left. Tamara boasted that she had made it custom-made in Tomorrow's Clothing.

Paul gave him books on economics and business. However, his main gift was in the form of a brand new katana. The scabbard was white with light blue carving of snowflakes. When he drew it, he noticed that on one side was his full name in English and on the other hand in Japanese.

In the evening, when they had been running for hours, the exhausted but happy Harry sat down at the stone table and watched for a moment where Tamara and Paul had disappeared into the whirlwinds of Tamara's teleportation.

Just by fun, he activated Magic Vision and noticed that the caving that had prevented him from entering the cave had been covered with magic. He also noticed that one of the thin holes contained almost the same magic. He came closer to seeing it, and saw that beside the hole in the wall there was a tiny engraving of a snake that had almost disappeared. He didn't know what made him do it, but he drew his dagger and slid it into a small slit. His dagger fell perfectly into it, and Harry couldn't believe his eyes as the cave literally waded in front of his eyes and disappeared as if he'd never been there before.

Harry stepped inside and looked around the room, which was as big as his room at the Dursleys. If there was ever any wooden furniture, it had already broken apart with age because there were only a few piles of some unidentifiable matter on the ground. Instead of a wooden bed there was a stone surface that would match her size.

However, his attention was drawn to the diary lying in the hole of the cave wall. The opening was originally probably covered by something, though he couldn't be sure of it. The diary was wearing some magic, but it wasn't dangerous, at least from what he could see. He used Observation to find out more about him.

Salamander Slytherin Diary

Creator: Salamander Slytherin

Owner: Salamander Slytherin (former), Hadrian Potter

Info: This diary is one of the few remains of the youngest son of Salazar Slytherin. He has revealed the life of Salamandra and perhaps you will also come to the history of your mother's lineage. The diary is written in the serpentine language to keep the information out of the wrong hands.

Harry didn't believe his eyes. If he wasn't mistaken, he just got one of the most valuable diaries in the world. At first he did not know that Salamander was the son of Salazar Slytherin, one of the Founders. However, it was said that he was the founder's youngest son, so the Slytherin had more.

Harry opened the diary on the last entry that shocked him even more than the discovery of the diary itself.

13. 7. 1071

Finally, I can relax in peace. I avenge my sister and killed that bastard Arese Gaunt, who raped her and then cut her like a pig. I don't understand what my brother Salazar Salathiel thought when he was conspiring with this witch family.

I have heard that Ares' sister had begotten a descendant who had the gift of the Serpentine Language, but the rumors and rumors could not be trusted. In addition, Gaunt likes to mate with each other, Ares's mother is also his older sister if I'm not mistaken. No wonder they are so unstable and I wouldn't be surprised if the new born baby wasn't his.

Selena can rest in peace, protecting her son and my nephew from Salazar and Ares. The father would turn in his grave if he saw the Noble Slytherin's family fall, but through Samuel our family would continue. I'm afraid I had to lock his gift of magic and his offspring, but Samuel would be safe in the muggles, though I condemned him to a hard life between the dirt. I just pray not to join the church that has us as the children of the devil. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and if I had lived at that time, I would have personally murdered Jesus and his bounces with my own hands and made the last bits of magic out of them. They thought they would start a new faith like Zeus and other powerful mages did.

I can feel the tethering ritual taking its price and not long living. In twelve generations, a daughter is born to Samuel's descendants, breaking the magic ties. He would not have the Snake Language, it would be too much for the newly awakened wizard, but the thirteenth generation would give birth to a son who would be very powerful. The Oracle has shown me a vision of the future that may or may not come.

If you read this and you're Hadrian James Potter, believe that the magic of our family is flowing in your veins. I can't tell you where our family's inheritance ring is, because it's your test and I know you can put it down and become Lord Slytherin.

I don't know if you've already learned it or not, but he inherited the color of his eyes from my sister and nephew. My father's eyes were purple and we never knew her mother or we don't remember her. If any Gaunt lives, keep an eye on them, they're not your friends.

Be healthy and let magic guide you on your long journey, young Hadrian.

This discovery was unimaginable. He learned a lot new and already knew what his connection with the Slytherin family was. He flipped through the diary quickly, and in the previous record Salamandr wrote that he had recovered his dagger made with goblins from Ares, who had been given to her by his older brother Salazar after he had stolen her from his house.

He also found out why Salazar the Younger had kidnapped his sister and gave her Ares. Samul's father was to be a Muggle-born magician who acknowledged the Nordic deities and led the fight against Christians with the help of his magic and saved countless Muggle wizards and sorcerers from being burned at the border. However, the church had its own wizards in their service, who caught and executed it. Salamander wrote that only later did he learn that it was his brother who set up a trap in Egil in collaboration with the Church.

Because nothing else was there, he left the room and pulled his dagger out of the rock. He expected the illusion of the cave to return, but the entry was free, and he could no longer see the magic in the crevice, which also disappeared after the dagger was ejected.

"I don't know if this is a magic failure, or so, Uncle Salamandra?" Harry said to himself, and after cleaning up in the sanctuary, he teleported to the edge of the forest. He decided not to expect another birthday surprise waiting for him at home.

"Finally you are here. Come on, a visit is waiting for you in the living room, "Aunt Petunia told him, and he saw that he was not looking happy.

"I don't have any visits, Tamara at most, but she knows she's not supposed to go," Harry replied.

"It's not your Doja friend. It was said he was sent from your new school, "Petunia quickly replied, and Harry immediately sharpened. Petunia noticed her nephew straightening and his expression on his face serious. Without a word, they entered the living room where perhaps the greatest man Harry had ever sat Even Uncle Vernon looked like a normal man in comparison with him.

Rubeus Hagrid - Šafář and Klíčník at Hogwarts - Lvl. ?

"Good evening, can I know who you are and what you want here?" Harry asked.

"Hi, Harry. It's been so many years since I saw you last time, you just crawled into my palm as you were tiny. Yeah, I even got you a birthday when you have that big day tonight, "said the man as a mountain or rather a smaller figure.

"My name is Hadrian James Potter and you still haven't answered me who you are and what you want," said Harry, who disliked having someone name his name or confused him with other forms. they named Hadrian and he was proud of his name.

"Emm, yes, my name is Rubeus Hagrid, I'm the Schaffer and the Keeper at Hogwarts, but do you know about those? Professor Dumbledore sent me to help you and escort you to the Cross Street, "Hagrid said.

"Interestingly. I have no idea what Director Dumbledore plays, but I accepted the invitation to Hogwarts a week ago and I was accompanied by Professor Flitwick and one other first-year student at Diagon Alley. However, I guess you will have my train ticket that mysteriously missed in my letter. As soon as you give it to me, sir, you can tell Mr. Director that his manipulation was completely transparent and I know of his theft of my Vault property that my parents left behind. Now, my ticket to Hogwarts Expres and then I will ask you to leave my relatives' house who does not wish the presence of anyone else from the wizarding society. I hope I made it quite clear, Mr. Hagrid, "Harry said coldly, thus shocking Hagrid quite a bit. He couldn't do anything but obey him and went out into the garden with apologies, pulling a sock out of his pocket that lit up blue and he he disappeared in front of his eyes in an invisible faith.

"So you found your way to your street?" Petunia asked.

"Yes, Tamara is the same as me and comes from a line of twists, which are children born to a magic pair without the ability to control magic. You should know that you are also a harrier, I have no idea why it skipped you and that gift was awake in my mother. It's not so long since I learned that in order for our great-great-uncle to protect his nephew from his older brother, he had to bind his magic to him, with the daughter in his twelfth generation waking up his gift. I am the thirteenth generation of Selena Slytherin and her son Samuel, so I inherited the Slytherin ancestral gift, the Snake Language, "Harry explained, not even knowing why he said it. which had never been between them before and Vernon and Dudley were nowhere in sight.

"H-Serpent's Language?" Petunia asked, and he noticed her slightly pale.

"Yes, it is a magical gift that is inherited in our family and allows us not only to talk to snakes and to read and write in the magic language, but it also increases the goal of healing magic and counter-missions." I don't know much about this yet, but I know that all the ancient healers had Snake Tongue and were able to cure with it what normal healers couldn't. Most of these healers were in Egypt, India and Greece, "Petunia sat in her chair.

"I thought Lily was making fun of me or cursed me when I heard voices and didn't see anyone talking." It always frightened my hissing voice, and because of this, I was terribly afraid of snakes, "she whispered, and Harry used his Magical Vision on her. He saw her blue-green magic where her magic core was.

However, there was not only her magic present. He saw chains of light brown magic around him, but most of them were reinforced by the magic he recognized from his study of the barriers around their house. His aunt could be a sorceress, but someone reinforced the already existing handcuffs, someone who was coincidentally the director of the Hogwarts School.

"I have a question, have you ever met Dumbledore in your childhood?" Harry asked.

"For the first time I saw him when he visited us and Lily was ten years old, I remember something happened and he came to reverse it, but I don't know what it was. I always loved Lily, it was my sister and best friend, but when Dumbledore told me I wasn't a witch and only she could be at Hogwarts, I was so jealous of her, but I still loved her. I knew she was smarter than me, but I had never been jealous of her before, and she was proud of her, "Petunia admitted.

"I have to consult Master Takumi, I'll be right back and tell you what I found out," Harry replied, teleporting away from the living room.

He knew it wasn't very safe and decent to teleport to someone's house, but Harry hurried. Fortunately, he only teleported to the corridor outside the Takumi-sensei office. He wanted to knock on the door as he moved to the side and Takumi-sensei smiled at him slightly.

"I felt your coming, Hadriane-kun. Would you wish? "Takumi asked.

"Sensei, could we talk in private? I know you control the chakra, but you surely have enough knowledge of magic when you knew the Awakening Ritual and taught it to me, "Harry asked, and he let him in.

"Would you like something to drink?" Takumi-sensei asked.

"I'm sorry, but not today, I'd like to get home and explain to my aunt what I found out. Today, I discovered a diary of one of my mother's ancestors, who, for the safety and preservation of their lineage, bound the magical core of his nephew to live safely among the Muggles less than a thousand years ago. The bondage was to last until the twelfth generation, when the daughter of the family had handcuffs to break and get the gift of magic back. Her son was then going to get gifts of family magic that were too much for a Muggle-born witch.

My aunt is the first-born and I wondered why he wasn't a wizard. Its magical core has chains around it, in which there is a very faint presence of unknown magic, I guess it will be the magic of our ancestor, but the rest of the chains are reinforced by the magic of a man I don't remember, but I know it's unclear about me and is not afraid to steal from my goblin safe in the bank. I wonder if it is possible to destroy these chains and what effect it would have on my aunt. I discovered that although he had no access to magic, he had access to the family gift my mother had, "Harry explained.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to help your aunt. Maybe if someone figured out that her magic was bound before it was twenty-one, it would be, but it's very dangerous beyond that boundary. I'll guess your aunt's over thirty years old. Sealing her magic would kill her, and depending on the magical magnitude, there would be a magical explosion that could kill everyone around her, too, "Takumi explained.

"And couldn't the chains just gradually allow the magic to be released only partially, and she could adapt to it?" Harry asked, who was going to find a way to help her. It was his family, his own blood. and she had the prime hereditary right to Lady Slytherin.

"That's not how it works, young Hadrian. As soon as the sealed magic found a crevice to escape, it would erode the seal and then pour out into her body, as if the water had crossed the concrete dam of the huge dam, "Master Takumi dismissed his idea, and Harry hung his shoulders. and Harry just watched the Master's office, which he was definitely not for the first time, wondering if there was any possibility when Master had such knowledge and would certainly offer a solution if he knew about it. he said, pausing at what he had said, Harry saw the chain around the aunt of the magical core, but Master Takumi spoke of sealed magic, and he saw the fuuinjutsu in the ritual cellar and realized that Takumi Master was certainly capable of that.

"Master Takumi, what use fuuinjutsu seals that would be used over these chains." Did I see what fuuinjutsu is capable of, wouldn't it be possible to add a formula to the whole formula that would safely filter the aunt's magic and gradually release it from its magic core? I know that fuuinjutsu is chakra-driven, but magic can't be so different or so? "Harry asked, watching Master Takumi start to smile slowly.

"You are a truly intelligent young man and it was enough to come up with this theory after a single meeting with the fuuinjutsu barrier in our cellar. If you woke up a chakra instead of magic, I'd take you as my apprentice. He will certainly have a great talent for Ancient Runes that are similar to fuuinjutsu, but they are two separate arts with similar effects. However you are right, there is a fuuinjutsu formula that would be able to do this, but its difficulty is beyond my knowledge. I'm not a Fuuinjutsu Master, now only three or four Masters live and they are hiding from the world. I could ask my friends back in Japan, but it is almost impossible to contact one of the Masters if they don't want to be contacted or found, so it's completely impossible. I don't want you to be very hopeful and disappointed, "Takumi told him, and Harry nodded.

"If these Fuuinjutsu Masters have a clue about the magical world and know about my glory because I survived the Death Curse, please use my glory to find them. I know my mother used some Ancient Magic to protect me from Voldemort and his Death Eaters, but I can also take reasonable tests to find out what he really did when they wished. I know it's not much, but I'm willing to pay them in any currency they want, "Harry said, hoping Master Takumi would understand. If he had access to knowledge of the Wizarding World, he might have access to information about Abyss.

"Many thanks for your advice, Takumi-sensei. We will try to stop with Tamara before we go to Hogwarts for ten months. We would surely appreciate it if we could practice here and take the appropriate exams during the summer holidays, if we had enough experience, "Harry said, teleporting away in the corridor outside the office.

"You have a big heart, young Hadrian. He could forgive his aunt despite the way she treated you all these years. Now I don't have to worry about walking the path of darkness, though I almost regret your enemies, "Takumi said in emptiness, but he knew that Hadrian was already marked by darkness and would never be free to walk through the light as many others walk. colors.

Harry reappeared at home and found his aunt still sitting in the lounge chair, watching the evening news.

"I'm back," he told her, catching her attention.

"What did you find out? And don't hide anything from me, "Petunia asked.

"If everything happened without external intervention, you'd be a wizard and go to Hogwarts, but someone - um Dumbledore er - reinforced the bonds on the magical core that you would normally overcome. I guess when she denied you access to the active use of magic, she was able to wake the Snake Language that my mother didn't. I asked Master Takumi if the handcuffs could be destroyed and made you a wizard, as you should be from the very beginning. However, he said that if we were to unseal your magic just as it was, it would kill you and the subsequent magical blast all around you.

There is one solution to safely unseal it, but you need Master Fuuinjutsu and they are three or four in the world. They all have to hide from the world, so it's almost impossible to find them, but Master Takumi promised to ask his friends. I wouldn't like you to be very hopeful, but I promise to find a way to get rid of you, "Petunia nodded, but said nothing.

"Otherwise you should know I removed the barrier Dumbledore created from my mother's magic. I also removed the magic from your favorite vase that made you all think of negative thoughts and emotions in my presence. I don't want to make Dumbledore an enemy because he's a powerful man, but he'll regret it once, "Harry told her before he rose and headed for his room. In the morning he didn't have time to sort the books he inherited from his mother and now he wanted to catch up by going to bed.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

The rest of the holidays fled very quickly for both of them. Every day they visited the natural Dungeons, which they cleaned and divided the objects between themselves. Tamara wanted mainly money and gold, and Harry turned silk and poison from acromantulums for two stores in which he had a stake and was going to support them as much as he could.

Because Tamara had no weapon besides her wand, Harry bought her a beautiful dagger that was better suited to her than a katana he preferred. Harry added to it the Books of Skills for Sixth Sense, Bargaining and Sneaking. He thought he would give her some Magical Skills he had, but Tamara only controlled the element of fire and the other MDs managed to learn herself.

He met Hermione and her parents again at her birthday party. He watched in amusement as none of them openly wanted to say that one or the other was entering Hogwarts in September.

Asking Paul, he told him that his brother did not know that their family came from a wizarding society because he could not remember their great-grandfather and his stories. He confessed he was looking forward to seeing his expression when they met at the Hogwarts Express platform.

Because he wasn't so often at home and just sleeping there, Harry didn't even notice how the whole atmosphere had changed there. At dinner the day before he left for school he told his relatives that he would get his own money at the station, so he didn't have to worry about anything about him.

When it came that morning, when he had a long trip to Scotland, Harry felt ready. In the evenings, he studied all the available books and stopped at Gandalf to buy some extra. Because nothing was holding him at home, he teleported to the toilet on the Muggle side of the station.



Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 11

Class: The Gamer

Title: Magician

Blood Status: Purebred

Level: 18 - Exp: 82.50% (132,000 exp)

HP: 3,000

MP: 630

STR: 66

VIT: 67 (+ 30% HP)

DEX: 69

INT: 111 (+ 40% CTR)

WIS: 62 (-15%)

LUK: 20

Status Points: 15 (85 + 5)

Perks Points: 0 (0) \ t


- Snake Language (+ 15% to the power and effect of healing magic, + 20% to the strength and effect of counter-missions)

- Boy-Who-Survivor (+ 25% to Exp of Completed Tasks)

- Heir to the Potter family (+ 15% to the strength of the Defense Against Black Arts spells, + 15% to the Power of Runic Magic)

- Heir to the Black Family (+ 15% to the power of Black Magic spells, + 15% to the power of magic to fight magic creatures)

- Mother's Victim (Temporary Status) (+ 75% Defense against Voldemort, 50% Defense against Death Eaters, 25% Defense against Unmarked Death Eaters)

Money: 4,270 L, 14,930 G + 900g, 0 AD (Abyss Dollar)

Trustee Safe: 202,700 G

Hadrian James Potter is the last living member of the Potter family. He revealed his magical heritage before some people liked it. Over time, he revealed that his magical ancestors did not only come from his father's side, but also from his mother, and he himself was the thirteenth generation of the hidden Slytherin branch. He still does not know why Dark Lord Voldemort tried to kill him, but he is clear to him. She is not expecting holidays in the Wizarding Society, because even those on the Light side are going to use it for their goals. However, he does not enter the lion's pit alone because he has already been faithful allies in the form of Tamara Dagworth-Granger and the Muggle-wizard and sorcerer whom he has helped out of trouble.

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