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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Back for more

The weight of what she had done hung on Chloe's shoulders throughout the entire evening. Throughout dinner with her beloved wife she couldn't get the taste of Sangheili cum out of her mouth, and every time Samantha would move to touch her she felt a swell of guilt rush across her body. A soft kiss on her cheek reminded her of the feel of that throbbing length pushed against her face. The touch along the edge of her back reminded her of how roughly Xala 'Sudami had treated her as she threw her to the kitchen table to give her a deep and hungry throatfucking. Even the way her wife looked at her that evening made Chloe feel uncomfortable, and she found herself squirming in unease and deep, horrid shame as she went about her evening. What if Samantha found out? What if that horrible, wretched Sangheili came over and told her? Would Samantha believe her? Or would she take one look at her beloved wife, read the shame that was etched across her face, and know for a fact that it was all true?

Chloe had excused herself for a late night shower under the lie that she had a difficult migraine, but the reality was that it was her fifth shower since Xala's visit that morning. It didn't matter how many times she scrubbed herself from top to bottom, she could still feel that alien witch's hands across her. It didn't matter how many times she brushed her teeth, she could still taste her cum. It didn't matter how many lotions and scented oils she put in with the shower, she could still smell that...that aroma that had intoxicated her. Even within the shower, hours after Xala had left her presence, the memory of that scent made Chloe's skin crawl in a way that wasn't entirely unpleasant. The scent of those heavy Sangheili balls and that throbbing member, something about it had changed every priority Chloe had once held dear. Loyalty had gone right out the window, and there had been times during the previous visit that Chloe had found herself enjoying what she was doing, throwing herself into it with enthusiasm.

And that...that was the worst thing of all. It would've been one thing to dismiss what happened as a simple rape, and she likely could've made that argument successfully. A Sangheili still bitter about the war, taking out her frustrations on the innocent, helpless wife of an active marine. The story would hold up and people would definitely believe it, just as they would believe that a Sangheili of Xala's size would have absolutely no problem with forcing Chloe to do her bidding. And there had been moments where she thought of doing just that. Falling into Samantha's arms, crying over what had happened, and painting the image of Xala as a monster that didn't care about the consent of others. And in that vein, her words would've been true.

She only would have been neglecting to mention the part that at some point, Chloe had desired it. When she slurped down cum or serviced that enormous length, when she looked up at Xala's eyes and tightened her throat to swallow cream down into her belly. When she toyed with herself, rubbing her fingers through a mix of Sangheili cum, petting her hot, wet pussy as she feverishly worked herself to orgasm…

It didn't even dawn on Chloe that she had started to repeat that last part in the shower. It wasn't until a quiver of tangible pleasure ran through her that she took notice, looking down to find her fingers nestled between the folds of her slit, stroking her hood with her thumb and pressing her fingers in deep. The motion had come naturally to her within the hot spray of the shower that evening, a gentle motion that had been guided there solely by the memory of what Xala did to her. The hunger. The passion. The...The fucking smell.

It was with a pathetic whimper that Chloe pressed her forehead to the side of the shower, and openly cried while she masturbated. Tears rolled down her cheeks even as she took a wider stance, stroking and petting along her folds as the memories flooded through her. The guilt she had for betraying her wife was equal to the hunger she felt over what had happened, a perfect storm of chaotic emotion rolling back and forth within her. Every lick she had given that Sangheili cock had been another knife in her beloved Samantha's back, and Samantha...Samantha didn't deserve that. She deserved someone loyal. Someone that would never betray her no matter the circumstances. She deserved a flawless woman that would always be hers, not a brazen whore that couldn't keep her own hands off herself in the shower.

Unfortunately, getting what you deserved was never a promise in life, and Samantha didn't have that perfect woman. She only had Chloe, who fingered herself to a stunning orgasm while she dreamed about thick Sangheili cock. Fantasies that came packaged with regret and shame were always the most powerful, and all of those things ran deep within her as she felt her pussy tighten about her fingers and her skin crawl in a forbidden delight. She cried longer than her orgasm lasted, but between the two of them the tears had nowhere near the potency of the climax. And therein lied the difficulty, the ache that rested in her heart, the source of the guilt.

Those few moments of cum-scented, submissive pleasure? They were good enough to be worth the endless hours of guilt. And she detested herself for admitting as much. It was her hope, her prayer, that what happened earlier that day would be the end of it. That the Sangheili would be satisfied with her first bit of fun, or even better, that she decided the human wife wasn't worth claiming as her own. Surely, a woman of Xala's proportions had better women to stuff her cock into! Just like Samantha, she deserved better!

That night, when Chloe went to bed, she did so feeling as if she weren't worth the affections of either of the two women in her life. Her heart was breaking from guilt and her skin crawled from a forbidden desire that still clung to her, and her sleep was restless as she tossed back and forth and stared up at the ceiling. By the time sleep overtook her far later into the night than usual she was left with just one concern resting against her mind, one deep worry that settled in and made her nearly weep from fear.

She could get over the guilt of that one day. That one mistake. But what would happen if Xala returned in the morning?

While Samantha laid beside her dozing peacefully and oblivious, Chloe cried once more. Because she knew the answer to that question.

The morning went more or less how Chloe had expected it to go, with the same blanket of guilt still stretched across her flesh. Samantha had woken her up with breakfast in bed; a sweet treat because she could tell that her wife wasn't feeling very good the night before. What a thoughtful bride! Even though she had to go out to work in the service of the marines in just a few short minutes, she had taken time to wake up early to surprise her beloved. The joy Chloe felt at having such a thoughtful and considerate wife was driven a harsh counterpoint by the knowledge of what she had done, and beyond that, the knowledge that she might very well end up doing it again. It made even the sweet flavor of the strawberry pancakes taste bitter, though she did her best to smile wide and praise her beloved for the treat. She stayed in bed even as Samantha made her way downstairs to take off for the day, and from the comfort and safety of the sheets Chloe listened as her wife left. The slam of a door, and then a blissful silence that flowed through the room. In her position in bed Chloe just sat, looking at the half-eaten breakfast sitting before her while her stomach tied into frustrated knots. Every bite she had taken from that sweet breakfast was like a horrible theft; a robbery of her wife's caring and compassionate nature, an exploitation of the best woman she had ever known. Her muscles trembled as she gazed at the tray before her, from the half-eaten pancakes to the half-full glass of orange juice, to the single white vase that had a pretty flower from their garden sitting in it. Everything...everything was perfect.

Except for her.

With a sudden cry of frustration and shame Chloe's hands lifted underneath the tray, and she sent it flying halfway across the room with a sudden clatter. The vase and plate shattered as they struck the wall, and the food and drink fell into a heap of mess that she'd need to contend with before Samantha returned. The outburst gave her a brief moment to scream, to shout, to flail against her impossible situation, and as soon as it had ended she let her face fall against her hands. Tears ached at the corners of her eyes again and she bit down hard against her bottom lip, trying her best not to succumb to sorrow yet again. It was tempting, very tempting. As tempting as it had been the day before when she found herself swallowing mouthful after mouthful of Xala's oddly delicious cream.

"It's's okay…" She repeated to herself, rocking back and forth in her place underneath the covers. Her body was drawn taut from stress and her pretty red hair dangled in a mess around her face; soft and fluffy thanks to her late night shower, but otherwise a shaggy mess from the long hours spent dozing. She looked every bit the image of the frantic housewife first thing in the morning; no makeup, no attempt to dress herself beyond the simple nightgown she had worn to bed, and no brush through her hair. She looked...well, a bit like a mess, and still Samantha had smiled all morning. Smiled as she kissed her wife awake with a fond kiss on the cheek, smiled as she served her breakfast, and smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed watching her eat.

Such a perfect woman. A wonderful woman. The very best.

And when she heard a knock from the downstairs door, Chloe felt a swirl of guilt build within her stomach. Without a moment of hesitation she swung her feet to the edge of the bed and stepped out, rising and letting the sheet fall away from her body. She walked past the scattered tray and the food she had thrown across the room, heading steadily down the stairs and moving towards the pounding door. Each step heavy and solid like a death march, every breath given with a fair amount of hesitation and fear.

She could already tell from the outline through the door's window that it was her. Xala 'Sudami. Towering and imposing with the unique structure of the Sangheili, raising one of those large and intimidating fists to pound against the door once more. The mere shadow of that woman made Chloe sick to her stomach and oddly intrigued in the same breath, and as she continued to approach she found herself fighting over how to handle it.

Did she simply hide? Refuse to open the door in the hopes Xala would go away?

Did she stand her ground? Refuse to do anything? Demand she leave?

Did she drop to her knees? Open her mouth? Beg for the taste of Sangheili co-

"No!" Chloe stamped her foot, her hands coming up to slam against the sides of her temples. She closed her eyes tight as she shook her head wildly from side to side as she tried to dispel the thoughts, knowing full well that it was the surefire way to make the situation worse. She had to resist, to pull back from this horrible sin she had committed, to hope that if she didn't fall prey yet again that things would get better. With that small moment of bolstering bravery she stepped up to the door and grabbed the handle, swinging it open and taking a fast, hard offensive as she glared at the woman before her.

"Go away!" She practically roared, fire in her eyes as she burnt through her last bit of resolve and strength. The Sangheili was a smug bitch from the very beginning; offering a confident and cocky smile over her alien lips and her arms slowly folding across her chest. She wore a simple robe not unlike that of Chloe's nightgown; a dark purple that was already half-tented at the front of her lap. It was clear she was there for one thing and one thing only, and it was the very thing Chloe was taking a stand against giving her. "I won't let you ruin my life! I won't let you take her from me! Go away before I call the police!"

"The police, eh?" The Sangheili arched an eye in response, and pointedly licked her lips while she studied the human standing before her. Her mere glare was enough to send shivers down Chloe's spine, to make the girl tremble and quiver and draw her arms around herself. She did her best to close her arms about her breasts to hide the sight of them through her nightgown, but it did nothing to give her comfort underneath Xala's stare. And as the Sangheili continued to speak, that discomfort only got worse. "The police can't help you now, slut. Nobody can, really. If you turn me away I'll let your little wife know about what happened."

"Ha!" Chloe barked, her brow furrowing as she glared right back. "And you think she'd believe you?! Some disgusting Sangheili bitch?! Samantha loves me more than anything, she'd believe me in a heartbeat!"

"Of course she would." The Sangheili laughed at the response, and invited herself in with a heavy step. She moved into the house and took ahold of the door, drifting it closed behind her while she forced the human back. Chloe was already yielding territory which she knew wasn't a good sign, but despite that fact she continued to listen to the alien woman make her case. "But she'd at least talk to you about it. Even to just laugh about what a liar I was. So the real question is...when she looks at you and asks if there's any truth to it, when your loving wife studies you and asks if you're really nothing more than a desperate whore hungry for alien cum…" She clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth, and grinned even wider. " you think you'd be able to lie convincingly enough?"

Chloe blinked, her eyes going wide as saucers as the Sangheili saw right through her bluff. The alien was right. Even a simple mention of herself and Xala from Samantha's lips would cause her to tense up, and Samantha was always good at reading her. Just as she had picked up on the fact that she wasn't feeling well the night before, she'd know her beloved was lying in a heartbeat. There was no pretending it didn't happen. There was no masking it from her lover's gaze if it was brought to her attention.

She hung her head at the realization, and when her lips parted again it was to offer a submissive voice at the other woman's orders. She was either beaten fully or giving up without much of a fight, and at a certain point it didn't make a difference: either way she'd end up the personal fucktoy slut of a Sangheili.

"...what do I have to do?" She whimpered, tears once more nipping at the corners of her eyes. "T...Tell me so we can get it over with."

"Ohh, there's that enthusiasm." Xala offered sarcastically, chuckling as she stepped forward. One hand lifted to hold the human's chin, and as she looked squarely into her eyes Xala gave a slow, predatory smile. The sort of smile that sent a cold chill across Chloe's flesh, in the same breath that it sent a slow heat building between her legs. "First, I think I'd like to have a seat. I'm your guest, after all."

Chloe simply nodded in pathetic submission, and led the way to the living room.

The robes both women wore to bed now laid in a pile on the floor, and the television in the living room was playing with a lovely scene unfolding. It was a wedding video of all things; a file that was pulled up from the local memory on the system, the recording of the simple, sweet military ceremony between two young women that were madly in love with one another. Samantha, in her full military attire stood waiting for her bride to come down the aisle, and Chloe swept forward wearing what was possibly the most beautiful gown that had ever crossed her flesh. As the two met at the end of the aisle one of Samantha's superior officers performed the ceremony, and the two women looked into each other's eyes as he spoke of love and devotion, of dedication and loyalty, and of the undying bond that would live between them under the blanket of love.

Chloe could hear it all, but in the moment she couldn't see it. Resting atop her face was the heavy sack of a Sangheili; her vision blocked by the dull gray balls and her nose deeply shoved in the spot where those heavy orbs met the woman's shaft. For the moment they were just sitting there, Chloe laying flat on the couch with Xala sitting at the edge of it, one leg lifted up and stretched back so her cock could properly rest on the human's face. The Sangheili looked quite content in her position, making herself at home with the remote for the pair's television in one hand, her other moving along the edge of her cock to give it a few slow, steady pumps. All the while Chloe remained pinned, stretched out and naked, her face resting underneath the sack of her greatest enemy to date.

It would've been one thing if the Sangheili had ordered to her to do something; anything, but so far the alien hadn't given her a single instruction. She didn't demand that the woman service her or even open her mouth, and for the moment she seemed completely content watching the wedding video and idly stroking her length. She just kept her sack pressed against the girl's face, making sure that little human nose was nestled keenly at the base of her shaft. And as she sat there, confident and arrogant and fully in control of the situation, Xala couldn't resist the urge to speak.

"She seems plenty happy here." She mused, watching the expression of Samantha as the wedding ceremony continued. Indeed the soldier's eyes had lit up and she smiled wider and wider as the movie continued, and it was clear that the marriage to the redhead was the happiest moment of her life. A moment that they had recorded to cherish forever, a moment that was now forever violated by the eyes of the dominant alien. "So do you. Not as happy as you did yesterday, of course. Compared to that, you look downright depressed in this video."

Chloe didn't talk. She couldn't; every time she opened her mouth she was forced to take in another deep breath of Sangheili cock. There was something about the scent, something that made it difficult to resist. She was smart enough to know that the alien had forced her into that situation, let her balls rest against her face purely so the girl could drink in that scent, and unfortunately she had no other option but to try to resist. She kept her mouth closed and took only controlled breaths, but even that was difficult. Difficult for the sheer sake of needing to breathe, but even more so because of the words she could hear from the distant screen. Vows. Beautiful vows spoken by Samantha, promising to love and to cherish her wife for ever. Vows spoken by Chloe herself, swearing to always be faithful.

It didn't come as a surprise to Xala when she felt tears underneath her sack, slickening across her balls, but she didn't seem to mind, either. In fact the Sangheili simply gave a small groan of satisfaction at that, and she let her fingers tightening around the base of her member to give it a slow, soft pump. Enough that a bead of precum appeared at the tip and started to shiver down her shaft, a tiny river of nectar that caressed down her gray length, making a beeline for that lovely face that was buried underneath her balls. She grinned at the feel of that nectar shivering along her massive shaft, and she knew when it made contact with Chloe because of the girl's sudden gasp.

A gasp; good. Deep breaths. Deep inhales. Drawing in the scent of a Sangheili must even deeper into her body, letting it fester within her and guide her passions. Sitting comfortably on a human couch with her balls resting on a warm, pretty face was certainly a fine way to relax in the morning, but the purpose was never anything but evident. And while she could've forced the issue, could've throatfucked the human from the beginning, Xala savored letting it stew. Letting it simmer. Every moment that passed in quiet comfort, every moment that they sat there peacefully was another moment that the human battled within herself. Fighting her loyalties, her dedications, her very marriage vows themselves...matching those noble qualities against the undeniable draw of thick Sangheili musk.

All she had to do was wait until Chloe's resolve faded into nothing, discarded and tattered. That moment came around the same time that the military man leading the ceremony spoke up, his voice ringing with words that Chloe remembered well.

"By the power vested in me by the UNSC Military, you may now kiss the one you love."

As if on demand, Chloe's mouth opened and she met it against her new true love: Sangheili cock. The first lick came slow and tentative, as if she was still fighting the urge to be loyal. The second came quicker, and the third the fastest still as she started to get a taste for it. Every patter of the human's tongue came at the spot where Xala's cock met the beginning of her sack, that sweet little part of gray flesh where the scent was the strongest and her control over Chloe was the greatest. As if to fully convey just how far the woman had fallen into her scented delight and how eager she was to betray her wife Chloe's hands finally stretched out along her own body, but instead of pushing back at the Sangheili and forcing her away like any dedicated bride, she instead moved one hand across her own full breasts while the other curled at her lap. Underneath Xala's gaze she stuffed two fingers inside of her own slit, hooking them within just as she had done the night before, rolling her hips to meet her motions with a series of slow, affectionate thrusts.

All of that as she licked back and forth across Xala's cock, lying naked underneath the woman's gaze. It was all Xala needed to see to draw a wide smile across her features. For the moment, at least, the slut was ready to be claimed.

The licking that passed over Xala's balls only lasted for a few more beats; the Sangheili's passions were far too hungry for a mere bit of tongue across the underside of her sack. She had been sitting and fondling herself while watching a wedding video for nearly a half hour now, and her member was aching for the warm feel of a human's mouth to savor once more. When she stood up from the couch she left Chloe whimpering for the lack of her body; and the girl was so lost and hungry that she openly licked at the air above her before realizing that the object of her affection had stood. As soon as she realized it she quickly darted up to her knees, moving to brace herself on the couch and reach for Xala's cock again. There, she slid her hands down either side before burying her face against the tip of the other woman's cockhead, opening her lips and struggling with zeal to get it into her mouth. She was ravenous now, craven and hungry with eyes dilated and nipples stiff, drawn by the scent to be an eager and willing slut for whatever the Sangheili desires. Xala simply beamed, and rested a hand atop Chloe's head while she worked.

"There we go. That's a proper Sangheili cocksucker." She purred, licking her lips while the girl worked. When Chloe managed to get her mouth around the cocktip Xala rewarded her by pushing it inside even further, forcing the girl's mouth to bulge with the weight of it and leading to her making a tiny gagging noise. That mere bit of discomfort wasn't about to stop such a skilled cocksucker, though, and with wider eyes Chloe pushed forward, working that thick, throbbing member past her tongue, into her throat, down until it made her ache from the strain. She deepthroated that glorious cock as much as she could on the very first try, and when she looked up at Xala, past those large gray breasts, she truly looked like the picture of a beautiful fuckpet. Eyes watering, cheeks and throat bulging, drool escaping around her lips to slather down across her own naked body. Though the strain was clear she kept her mouth down, kept her throat bulged, all while Xala let her fingers drift through the girl's soft red hair.

"Worship my cock, whore." Xala ordered the girl with a cruel smile spreading across her face. She moved a hand out to turn off the television, and shortly thereafter her hands lowered to reach out for her shoulders. As she started to reposition the girl and move her she spoke up once more, laughing in that dominant, cruel voice as she did so. "Worship the only thing that matters to you anymore."

Chloe did just that while Xala picked her up. It was awkward at first and she didn't quite know what Xala had in mind, at least until the alien started to turn her body upside down as she picked her up from the ground. She spun with her mouth and throat still stretched around the Sangheili's cock, and underneath Xala's grip she was soon held in a standing sixty-nine position with her, her legs trembling as they hung in the air and her stomach pressed against those massive gray breasts. Her head started spinning even more than it already was, and as she continued slurping and sucking along that big, fat prick Xala started to move. Chloe ignored the movement for the time being simply because it wasn't her business; wherever Xala would take her, wherever they would walk to, she would be the Sangheili's willing and hungry whore. In that moment Xala could've fucked her on the front lawn for all the neighbors to see and she wouldn't of cared, so long as she could suck and worship that thick member that she had become utterly addicted to. She groaned in wild delight as she was given all opportunity to do just that, one hand scooping underneath Xala's balls and the other stroking that thick, meaty shaft.

While her cock was properly serviced Xala headed for the nearby stairs, moving up them with a steady pace and a large smile spread over her lips. She'd be spending quite a bit of time here in the house of her human neighbors, and it was well past time they she got to see what the rest of the place looked like! As she headed up the stairs she easily carried Chloe along with her in her powerful arms, keeping the human dangling upside down as she sucked that massive member every step of the way. Xala only paused halfway up the stairs to gaze down at her, down that the human's pussy resting just underneath her face. She lowered her head just enough to draw in a scent, and a satisfied noise escaped from her throat.

Sweet. Tasty. But hardly...addictive.

With a spring in her step Xala moved the rest of the way up the stairs and headed towards the bedroom, and all the while Chloe worked. Her mouth only left the Sangheili's cock for a few seconds as a particular thrust shoved far too deep in her throat for her to maintain composure during, and she coughed and gagged as drool ran down her face and into her pretty red hair. Even then, even with her breath stolen by the taste of cock and her body reeling from the sore ache, her hands moved up and down that thick member, stroking it and fondling it and showing it just how much she loved it.

Xala soon made her way inside the bedroom, and as she walked towards the bed a single hand stretched out to snatch a photograph off of the dresser. A pretty photo indicating a scene from what she had just watched; the two brides standing side by side, never looking happier. Held in a frame that said "Eternal Love," the picture was soon laying face-up on the mattress, positioned perfectly as Xala's arms maneuvered Chloe once more. She whimpered while that cock was stolen from her mouth but she knew she'd be fed it again before too long, and her cheeks were a bright red underneath a layer of spit as Xala laid her down to the mattress. She forced the girl on her belly with her face perfectly lined up overtop that photo, partly so she could stare down at a scene she by now barely remembered, and partly so the thick drool of a cocksucking whore could fall against the elegant frame.

"C...Cock...give me...please…" Chloe's voice spun from her lips without her deepest consent, and she wriggled and writhed as she laid flat on the bed. Her fingers drew tight around the blanket and she looked down briefly at the picture, only to notice that spit and precum had already drooled over her own face. The sight of Samantha's pretty features in her finest military outfit did nothing to stop her desire, and she barely even acknowledged it before looking up once more with large, dilated eyes. "...cock...p...please…"

Xala 'Sudami couldn't of been more pleased. She let a hand reach out to fondly run across Chloe's hair, and with a swing of her hips she offered the human two cockslaps, one for each cheek. The girl seemed inspired by the impact of that weighty prick as it crossed her face in two separate shoves, and her lips rose to a wide smile as an almost fuckmad giggle drove from the back of her throat. After only two days in Xala's presence and she already looked like a craven bitch ready to be claimed, and though that level of devotion would no doubt ebb once she was no longer in the presence of Xala's musk, for the moment it was more than enough. More than enough to have her way. More than enough to make her a cheating bitch. More than enough to slather that framed wedding photo in spit, so thick and so thorough that it seeped in between the frame and the photo to forever soil it.

"Here's the cock you want so badly." Xala finally whispered with a hungry grin, and gave Chloe just that. She took a tight fistful of the redhead's hair as she held her head a few inches above the photo, her hips rolling back so the tip of her cock could perfectly perch against the other woman's lips. Chloe was ready; eyes wide and a huge smile spread over her features, tongue wiggling back and forth like she were trying to coax a wild animal. And when Xala pushed in, foregoing any aspect of safety or comfort for the human, Chloe just howled like a craven bitch.

"Mmmph! Mmmnnnggg! Gmmmphg!" Her hands went white-knuckled against the sheets and her legs kicked up and down from the strain, her body forced nearly into convulsions from how deep her mouth was being fucked. Her eyes watered from the strain but she still enthusiastically took it; weaving her tongue back and forth for whatever good it could do. Xala's claiming of the girl's throat wasn't just rough; it was brutal. That tight fist kept her hair locked in place and she rocked her hips back harder and harder with every passing thrust, making sure that the girl's throat bulged each time. The pretty redhead features were little more than a complete mess; sweat clinging to her hair and spit crossing her entire face. Some of it even drooled out her nose, her own senses and sinuses unable to control the sloppy submission. Each time Xala fucked herself down to the hilt of her cock within the girl's mouth her heavy balls slapped forward, and it wasn't long before there was a noticeable red welt on Chloe's throat from the contact.

Facefucked so hard the heavy sack of the Sangheili left a bruise. Few humans could take a thick cock so expertly, and Xala 'Sudami knew it. Human sluts were a dime a dozen, but one so durable and ravenous was worth the effort to break.

"Yes! Yes, take it all in, you filthy whore!" Xala hissed through her teeth, rocking back faster and faster. The more she pumped the messier the wedding photo underneath them became, covered in spit and slime and precum. The engraved words "Eternal Love" were webbed with spit flavored with adulterous Sangheili cock, and it didn't take long before the faces of both Samantha and Chloe were covered by the drool. Through it all Xala gave a wild and wicked grin, continuing to ram herself forward. "And here comes your prize! All for you! All for you, my pet human bitch!"

When she came, it was a moment that sent Chloe into a state of bliss she'd never known before. With one last slap of Sangheili balls against her throat the alien shoved her cock down to the hilt, and once there it pulsed and throbbed and spewed rope after rope of thick, hot, sticky cum. Chloe's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt every part of her filled with it; her nostrils immediately flaring as cum seeped from within and drooled down across her face, her lips blubbering and stammering around the woman's shaft as she continued to cum. Some of it Chloe swallowed, and some of it was simply force fed to her by shooting directly down her throat. It didn't matter to her; so long as she had Sangheili cum to savor.

With one final pull of her cock Xala yanked out of Chloe's mouth, and she let her member deliver one final spurt to the picture of their wedding down below. A burst of cum painted Samantha and Chloe's happy faces, webbing across the engraving and practically covering the entire thing. Chloe had only barely managed to stop coughing and swallow what she had been given before that cock swung forward once more, glistening with spit and cum, and presented along with the Sangheili's order.

"...clean it." She ordered. "All of it. Photo, too."

"Y...Yes...Yes…" The girl simply nodded, and moved to do just that. Cum still lined her face while she worked; painting her lips and drooling from her nose as she passed her tongue up and down the massive Sangheili cock that was offered to her. The thing was so damned big that it would take some time to properly clean, and to make matters worse every time she licked her particularly well it would throb again with a new appearance of cum, this time plopping down across her arm or her shoulder. She quickly would sweep her fingers across such appearances and usher that sticky white cream into her mouth, making sure to show the owner of that cock just how hungry she was.

And the more she swallowed, the hungrier she got. While she cleaned Xala's cock with slow and gentle licks, paying close attention to the details and making sure her new master was content, some of the thoughts of Samantha flowed back into her mind. Such thoughts were actively unavoidable when she turned down to that picture, and with one long swipe she gobbled up the cum that had been covering Samantha's face. She looked down at that image, the sight of her wife on their wedding day, now half-obscured by a thin glaze of sticky white cum. She tilted her head, and though the very deepest part of her mind made her quiver with guilt, those voices were tiny now. Practically whispers against everything else screaming at her so very loudly.

She darted her head down to lick against the glass of the frame once more, this time to gulp down a mouthful of cum that was covering her own face. More reminders of a life she could only barely remember under the weight of Xala's scent and taste. The Sangheili woman seemed pleased, combing her fingers down the girl's hair and even giving her an affectionate slap with her cock, another reminder that it was the Sangheili's throbbing member, not Samantha, that she was in love with now.

"Keep cleaning, whore." The Sangheili whispered, licking her lips as she stared down at the wrecked and ruined girl. "Suck all that Sangheili cum off of your cunt wife's face."

Chloe just nodded as she bowed her head down again, eager to do just that. That evening there would be more tears. More guilt. More sobbing and masturbating in the same breath in the middle of the shower. In the evening she would hate herself, and go to bed feeling like the lowest, most despicable woman in the galaxy.

But for now, her job was cleaning Sangheili cum off of her wedding photo, and that was the most important job she had ever been given. Her tongue worked up and down, her throat tightened eagerly with every swallow, and her eyes closed as she savored her task.

In the spaces between the almost unbearable guilt, she was the most enthusiastic, cheating whore that Xala 'Sudami had ever claimed.

End of Chapter 2.

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