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23.52% Halo: Be Human / Chapter 7: Chapter (7) I Never Really had a Choice did I?

Chapter 7: Chapter (7) I Never Really had a Choice did I?

Before the chapter begins I may have forgot to throw up pictures of Ackerson and Naomi so here they are.

Dr. Naomi Hunter (pic here)

Colonel James Ackerson (pic here)


(Mc Pov)

"Another day another dollar" I say to no one in particular after waking up and doing some morning stretches.

It's been over a month since my awakening of memories, or at least I think so. It's kinda hard to tell when you are in a ship with little to no access to windows and even with access you can't really tell. Thankfully I have been able to maintain a somewhat sane sleep schedule by asking the guards what time it is.

So far I haven't changed my daily routine much. Everyday I wake up I stretch and brush my teeth (thank god they had tooth brushes) and find something to occupy my time. Usually I would attempt to get some type of reading in on a wide array of topics. Now I know that I practically made myself stand out more with the fact I can read and write in English at the staggering age of 4 and a half.

I would have loved to be more covert and hide my uniqueness among my peers if possible, but I thought hard about it and weighed the pros and cons of it and I felt it wasn't worth it. No matter what I do, I know for a fact one day I will outshine others and lose any semblance of privacy. So I would rather try and build up my knowledge on the universe that could help me later than play it safe and have this wasted peace time come back to bite me in the ass.

Besides the additional activity of reading. I have kept up the daily routine of exercising because everyone knows. The. Grind. Doesn't. Stop. A man's greatest weapon is a Sigma Male Grindset and I am one that is not afraid to unleash its true power.

Something that might be shocking is that I have basically become something akin to Locke's big brother in this short period of time. To be honest I was quite surprised when he called me such, but I guess it makes sense. Psychologically Locke is probably trying to latch onto anything to fill the void left by his dead parents.

While knowing that his method of coping might be unhealthy I couldn't bring myself to reprimand him. Seeing the look on his face when he said it reminded me of my own dead brother from my past life. Perhaps I still have some unresolved trauma, or maybe I just blame myself irrationally for being weak and unable to prevent his demise even though I know it isn't my fault. Who knows emotions aren't exactly logical in fact they are the exact opposite.

I digress, but the fact remains that among the group of children in this cargo hold I only talk to and hang out with Locke. Funny enough it all started with him approaching me wanting to learn how to do my workout routine. He said something about how his dad used to do the same things, to which I am not surprised. I have been doing pretty basic things such as: push ups, squats,planks, and lunges. No one can go wrong with just doing the fundamental Callisthenics.

…But enough reminiscing it's about time I got serious and stopped kicking the can down the road. I need to decide what role I will take going forward with my life in this universe. I cannot delay this conversation I must have with myself any longer. I am done running away from it.

To many, if they saw my predicament they would probably call it not a big deal and say that you don't have to know exactly what you want to do in such a short amount of time. They would attempt to comfort me and tell me not to worry about it, and while that is good for some people. It is not the case for me.

I cannot function without a goal and a method to attain such a goal. To sit back and wait for one such thing would drive me insane. It's just not a part of what I am made of. Without a goal or a reason, I would become stagnant, and stagnation eventually becomes apathy.

'Apathy is death'

I must constantly be working towards a goal. I must always be building myself in an effort to create the best version of myself. Because that is the only reason for me to live… In a way that is my only purpose I can find in life, the only meaning that I can see to living.

To define the best version of myself that I seek is to take a look back at the ancient Roman philosophers. Specifically, one Marcus Aurelius considered to be the greatest Emperor of Rome and a man who lived under the stoic philosophy. He was a man who did not care for material possessions, he did not care about what pain he would endure while living, and he did not care about any other form of pleasures. The only thing he cared about is if he could maintain his ideals and to never turn his back on his morals under any temptation. Even as the king of the world at that point in time he consistently did the right thing. It is only fitting that such a man is whom I consider a role model for myself.

'...And because of those qualities I know what I must do.'

"I will fight the Covenant." I say with absolute determination and not a single ounce of hesitation.

'I will not sit back and feed on the pain and suffering of others while I could perfectly be on the front line being part of the solution as well. I simply CANNOT turn my cheek away from the horrors of this war. When I know damn well that I can do something about it. Cowards would do that and that is not me I am better than that.' I conclude hardening my resolve to see this conflict through

Sitting back I begin to think of a plan that would give the ability to hopefully turn the tide of the war 'As I took note of before it is 2534 almost 2535. The Spartan-II program has been active for a while and Halsey isn't going to be making anymore. I could join the ODST's straight out of whatever orphanage they ship me off to, but I would still be canon fodder in the grand scheme of things…That leaves me with the Spartan-III program. There should still be a hidden recruitment from ONI, so my best option is to be noticeable. In order to join the Spartan-III program I would have to drop all of my covert acts and appeal to be the best candidate possible.' I can't help but laugh at the irony of how quickly my plan had changed.


(3rd Pov)

"It's decided then I will become a Spartan-III, fight the covenant and hopefully have the outcome of this war be a little better than canon. THAT is my choice." Samson Reese whispers to himself in confirmation of his plan for the future.

….But little did he know that it was never his choice about what he became to begin with.


(Colonel James Ackerson Pov)

As I await Naomi's "call back" with the statements regarding our little anomaly's habits and actions, I can't help but smile to myself.

The prospect of having my own golden boy like Halsey. Is a idea I can't help but become a little giddy about.

But I am getting ahead of myself. The boy must have a usable mentality and mental capacity to do what needs to be done. So for now I shall sit and await Naomi's hopefully good news.

-time skip of a few hours-

(3rd Pov)

"Naomi, I hope you have done well in gathering as much information about the boy." Ackerson states

"Yes Colonel, I have talked with all of the personnel that have had any sort of contact with him, and what they have told me is even more surprising to say the least." Naomi answers calmly

"Then by all means please proceed in telling me what you have found." Ackerson replies nearly immediately, barely able to contain his anticipation.

"According to my sources the boy in question, Samson Reese, barely acts as a child at all. His daily routines consist of waking up, reading, exercising, and eating. The only tasks that he does besides that are his usual chats with another boy. Now, this might not be a surprising revelation on its own, however when you consider that the boy hasn't even had a 5th birthday yet. Then you realize you are dealing with a very abnormal kid."

"Fuuuuuu… So we are dealing with a genius as well as a genetic irregularity?" Ackerson asks after digesting what Naomi states

"It would seem so Colonel." Naomi calmly replies eager to see Ackerson's reaction.

"Great! Naomi listen very carefully to the task that I am about to give you, because the repercussions of failing said task are not something you, your family, or your friends can handle. I want you to get this kid into the project through whatever means possible. I don't care if you have to bribe him with candy or request ONI personnel to kidnap him in the middle of the night. I MUST have him in this program." Ackerson quickly replies with a loud voice and excitement thick voice, uncharacteristic of what he usually portrays.

Seeing as Ackerson is now in a tremendous mood from what she has usually seen him act. Naomi decides to push the envelope and hopefully glean some information on his oh so secret project.

"I will do as you say sir, but if I may ask what is the purpose of this project? You have had me working on it for a couple years now and still haven't told me anything. I don't mean to put my nose where it doesn't belong, but I believe that I can execute this task to the best of my ability if given some information to go on." Naomi asks, hoping for the Colonel to 'throw her a bone'.

Ackerson narrows his eyes for a minute and pauses to think. Minutes pass and Naomi slowly begins to sweat in nervousness and fear that she may have overstepped a line. After a while a smirk begins to find its way onto Ackerson's face.

"Very well then I suppose you deserve as much. I won't give you the entirety of the project's scope, but I will give you enough information to satisfy your craving for knowledge." Ackerson then pauses to gather his thoughts

"The project you are working on is a branch of my main program used to fight this war. I believe you, yourself have made guesses to the purpose. The main project's name is the Spartan-III initiative and its main goal is to produce cheap expendable super soldiers to slow down the Covenant's approach. Now, before you say anything regarding the moral efficacy of the program I will go ahead and state that I already know what the bottom line of the project suggests."

"So to go ahead and answer your question before you ask it, yes I know that in essence the project will simply trade lives for time, but I would ask you isn't that the duty of a soldier?"

"Moving on the side you are working on is classified as Project: Chrysanthemum. The goal of which is to develop the necessary drugs used for the augmentation of these future super soldiers. Does that quell your thirst for now?" Ackerson finishes

"Yes." Naomi states while digesting the information she has just been filled in with

"Good, and now that you know the importance of the boy and the project I have an additional task for you. As of now, you are responsible for that boy. What I mean is that you will do routine check ups and will watch him until I say otherwise. In essence you are about to become a foster mother for the boy." Ackerson states with a malicious smile on his face.

"But si-" Naomi tries to argue but is cut off.

"No buts according to the information presented so far this boy has become a specimen with unparalleled importance, and I will not risk any outside factors damaging my ambitions for him."

"Also begin opening a new file and asking for funding for a new project." Ackerson tells Naomi without giving her a chance to reply to his previous statement.

Naomi sighs but asks "Ok. I am guessing you won't tell me even if I ask for the purpose for the project, but what would you have this new project's name to be?"

"Classify it as Project: Chimera."


-time skip another couple months- (the Mc is now 5 years old)

(Mc Pov)

"Well Locke it seems we are finally back on solid ground. I don't know about you, but I was getting tired of that boring and stuffy ship." I say aloud brightly and gladly at the fact I am on a planet finally

"Yeah and the bad tasting food." Locke replies with the same happiness

We had just taken a step off the ship and I am now wondering what orphanage they will put us in. Whichever one they put us in I will have to work my ass off to shine to the ONI agents so I guess it doesn't really matter.

As we begin to walk I start to feel uneasy. As though there are many eyes watching my every move. For the past few months I started to have the same feeling although rarely and only when I was alone with little to no one around.

I stop just as suddenly as we begin to walk and look around.

"Is something wrong brother?" Locke asks in nervousness due to my somewhat frantic movements of my head.

It's about that time that I realize that all of the UNSC personnel that have dismounted from the ship are staring and watching me. I continue looking around until I spot the same woman that took my blood at the beginning of our voyage making her way toward me slowly. At that moment the reason for the stares over the past few months finally became known to me.

I look down and with a sigh and a sad smile I whisper to myself

"So…I never really had a choice, did I?"


Boom I have finished another chapter and it is a big one.

Lots of character development and even a future concept known as Project: Chimera. I wonder what that could be?

Anyway no new chap tomorrow most likely got a bunch of work and this chapter is extra long for a reason.

Actually I wanted to give you guys a author's checkpoint. Basically I am going to throw out some possible arcs and their names and gauge what you guys think about them as well as drop the answered questions from the Q and A the other day. So if you are interested in something like that drop a comment on this paragraph with a +1.

I won't take up anymore time so have a good day stay positive and I shall See You Star Side.

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