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HAJAMIN KUKI [Lives to be Lived] HAJAMIN KUKI [Lives to be Lived] original

HAJAMIN KUKI [Lives to be Lived]


© WebNovel


I don't remember much, so my memory has some blurs to it. I remember being raised in an orphanage down a street called Hajamin road. My orphanage guardian used to tell me that she found me near a restaurant named 'THE KUKI SUSHI HUT', Thus she gave me the name Hamajin Kuki.

My life in the orphanage at the tender age of five(5) years old, had been conflicted by my peers and some staff of the orphanage for not knowing my origin, some other kids were also treated this way because of this, they called me names like the homeless pigeon or Hamjin Kuki, miss lonely. Where I came from was unknown to me, and the truth is. . . I didn't bother, no matter how many names they would called me, I felt nothing, absolutely nothing, and till now, I am still in a pool of confusion and ignorance as I was brought in.

A few months later, I was then adopted by the Shakumi family, they were my first well known family I had, and that I could make memories of, or had any recollection of atoll, I had a good life at the time, I was content, but I still didn't have any sense of feelings in me, like there was something missing that I don't yet know about, the family was rather caring, but I don't know whether or not it was my place, I was still confused about my origin and my place in life.

I made some friends in my childhood, and by friends I mean my only sibling, her name was Asahami Shakumi, my step-sister, she was my only well-known relative my age, at least the one I cared about the most. Asahami was the only person I talked to around my age radius, my parents would ask her about me every time I finished venting to her, but she knew me well and wouldn't tell them about the important things I had spoken to her about, instead, just to assure that my step-parents wouldn't worry over me, she would tell them about casual topics like, what I thought about dinner and how I liked living with them, so is how I have been living my life here in the Shakumi household.

I have kept secrets from them for some time, times when I didn't even know I did, but now I don't even remember what sort of secrets I could have told, I forget very easily on what I have experienced.

I don't know whether or not to tell you this, but there is one strange vision I have daily, but I don't know what it means, I'm not sure this is a dream or should I take it as a vision or more of a nightmare really,do you want to hear about it?

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