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40.74% Hadrian James Potter: Master Of Death / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Hulk Out

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Hulk Out

"Tony Stark has reopened the Stark Expo, he sent an invite to us to exhibition something in the Stark Expo. I talked with Emma and she suggested that since the lawsuit over the Teleporter is over with our win we can reveal it in the Stark Expo, it has been already approved to be used in a few countries of Europe so Emma thought that it would be a good opportunity to launch it in US."

"Stark Expo huh, I heard that it is going to be opened for the whole year. Tell Emma that I approve of her plans and that she will be the one to present it there in the Expo." Harry replied to his secretary Betsy.

"Ok, I'll do that. By the way, did you see his hearing in the senate about the Iron Man Suit?" Harry nodded in reply so Betsy continued, "I think I now understand why you don't want to take military contracts."

Harry smiled, "Stark is right now doing the work of army and that too in his own style and he is making himself a hero in the eyes of the American public, military of every country was somehow dependent on Stark for weapons but now Stark is not making the weapons but doing the work of military. I would say that his ego has risen to some new levels but at least now he is actively doing something for the good of humanity, Starks weapons have been used in many places and many people around the world hate him for it like the people in Sokovia. I don't want my work to be a reason of destruction that's why I never took military contracts but Dr Banner has been working on a way to neutralize nuclear warheads, that is a military contract but it isn't a weapon of mass destruction."

Suddenly Emma barged into Harry's office looking very worried, "Harry, Dr Banner is in danger. He is in Harlem right now and Ross has stupidly created an abomination like Hulk but it is an uncontrollable monster. He sent me a voice massage saying that he may need help."

Harry stood up and turned around to the painting of the original Hogwarts behind him, "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus" It was the motto of Hogwarts in Latin which in English was translated to 'Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon', Harry said this phrase and the picture slid aside to reveal a fully black long overcoat with a hood made with a combination of Vibranium and Basilisk skin. "I made this in hope to use it someday when I needed to do something in public and keep my secret, it's finally time to test it out." With that he put on the long overcoat.

"I have to say, you look good." Emma commented while staring at Harry whose face was covered in the shadows of the hood.

"Yeah, it looks cool." Betsy commented.

"Thanks both of you, I'll be back in a day." With that he transformed into his Phoenix animagus form and flamed away.


Bruce was in Culver University to meet Betty, he had kept minimal contact with her after the incident in Mexico that turned him into the Hulk. Unfortunately, Betty's father General Ross was keeping tabs on her and he surrounded the Culver University in order to capture him again. With Harry's help Bruce was now able to control his anger and was keeping Hulk in control but Ross and his soldiers forced him by attacking him, Betty tried a lot to make her father see reason but General Ross was a man obsessed.

"Please dad, Bruce has no fault in this please leave him alone." Betty pleaded to her father.

General Ross was getting irritated with his daughter's constant crying and begging, he slapped her hard. "Shut up Betty, this is a matter of national security and you have no right to interfere in it." He told a couple of soldiers to take her away.

Bruce was controlling the urge to Hulk out and was using Harry's technique of clearing the mind to keep Hulk at bay but General Ross made a big mistake when he slapped Betty, there was no stopping Hulk now as Bruce snapped and he finally gave in to his anger and transformed. The Hulk roared angrily and glared at Ross, "You hurt Betty, now Hulk hurt you."

"Alpha team, let him have all of it." Ross shouted and the soldiers started firing at him, the bullets hurt Hulk just like a Pinch, Hulk powered his way through the gun fire and charged towards the group of soldiers. "Where are the fifty cals? Move your asses!" Ross shouted on the walky-talky, in response a couple of military Humvee charged at Hulk from two directions while doing heavy firing.

Hulk snarled and collided with one Humvee, effectively destroying it and then stopped the second one with a massive punch. Hulk lifted the second one apart and broke it into pieces, a threw a piece toward the soldiers who dodged away but the piece collided with few other military vehicles and exploded.

"Blonsky, now you are up." Ross shouted.

Russian-born British Royal Marine Emil Blonsky was injected with the uncomplete serum that Bruce created on the orders of General Ross, the serum didn't seem to affected him much but he became a bit stronger, faster and durable than before but it also starts to deteriorate his bones and mental state. Blonsky replaced his rifle with another one that fired bombs and charged at Hulk while constantly bombarding Hulk with grenades from his weapon. Hulk snarled and picked up two metallic plates from the destroyed Humvee and defended himself with it.

Blonsky weapon was out of ammo and seeing this Hulk charged toward him but Blonsky used the new found agility from the serum and jumped over Hulk and fired at him with his Pistol. Hulk snarled and tried to hit Blonsky with the metal plates but Blonsky was able to dodge all of Hulk's attempt. "Move him toward the cannons." Ross shouted, Blonsky started running back and Hulk followed him. Two more Humvee came out and hit Hulk with high pitch Sonic Waves that threw pushed Hulk back, the sonic waves were hurting Hulk badly as he was in the centre of it.

Blonsky grinned as Hulk crouched down holding his head, Betty got out of the grip of soldiers holding her and ran toward her father. "Please stop this, you are killing him. Please stop."

Ross pushed back Betty, "Get her back."

Hulk granted and crawled toward the two metal plates and picked them up, to the shock of Ross Hulk moved one plate in front of the waves from one Humvee and threw the second one toward the other Humvee producing sonic waves and cut it in half. Hulk jumped forward and destroyed the second Humvee as well. Ross snarled, "Where's the gunship"

Blonsky in his instable mind picked up a rifle and fired at Hulk who just looked at him in annoyance, Blonsky threw away the rifle and came face o face with Hulk. "Is that it?"

"Blonsky, pull back now. Pull back!" Ross said in the intercom.

Blonsky ignored Ross commands and took out the intercom from his airs, "Is that all you got?" Hulk snarled and kicked Blonsky hard sending him back as Blonsky collided with a big tree and fell down unconscious.

The soldiers holding Betty released her in shock at Hulk's action and Betty started running toward the Hulk, "Bruce, please calm down." Betty said as she reached near the Hulk, Hulk slowed down and tried to calm himself but just then a military helicopter came and started firing at him.

"Stop firing!" Ross shouted in desperation but it was of no use, Hulk shielded Betty with his own body and took the hits from the helicopter. Hulk grunted and picked up the metal plate and threw it into the sir, the plate hit the helicopter and it came down crashing.

"No!" Ross shouted as the helicopter crashed down with a blast covering the area where the Hulk and betty was.

Hulk hugged Betty close and took the full burnt of the blast, as the fire died down Hulk snarled angrily at Ross with a unconscious Betty in his arms, Hulk snarled one last time and then ran away with Betty in tow.


"Good to see you in your feet soldier."

"Thank you soldier." Blonsky was left broken after Hulk kicked him but the serum he was injected with slowly healed him back.

"How do you feel?" General Ross asked.

"Pissed off and ready for another round sir."

"Good, we were able to collect some blood samples of Banner and we have synthesized it. We didn't have much but I can give you what we have, my daughter is helping that fugitive and we have tracked him near Harlem. What do you say Blonsk?"

Blonsky nodded, "I am ready sir."

Ross nodded and the military doctor injected the synthesized blood of Bruce into Blonsky, the reaction wasn't sudden but it was definitely big. Blonsky cried out loudly as his body started changing, his body grew larger and his spines came out from under his skin. Slowly and slowly he turned into an abomination, Ross backed out quickly. "My god Blonsky."

But Blonsky had already lost his mind and the only thing on his mind was getting back on Hulk, he broke through the walls and started running toward the direction of Harlem while destroying everything in his path. Ross tried to stop him but it was of no use as Blonsky the abomination destroyed everything that he got his hands on.

Ross looked around the destroyed base and shouted, "Get a team ready and bring be a chopper, Blonsky is headed to Harlem and Hulk is there as well. Get going!"


Bruce opened his eyes and found himself in an unfamiliar room, he got up and looked around to find himself in an hotel room. Suddenly Betty came inside running and closed the doors looking very worried, Bruce stood up and got to her. "Betty, what's the matter?"

Betty took a deep breath and replied, "You brought me to a nearby forest as Hulk and then passed out after changing back, thankfully I had my purse and credit card with me and I brought you here. You have been unconscious for two days now, my dad has tracked us here in Harlem and he is coming here."

Bruce sighed, "Not again, is he here already?"

"No, he is on his way here and with Blonsky the guy you kicked hard while as Hulk. I threw away my phone in hope that he won't track us down but just now he called the hotel receptionist, he said that Blonsky has turned into a monster fully out of control and is on his way here." Betty replied.

"So, his name was Blonsky, your father had injected him with the unfinished serum we made as he was much stronger and agile when he was fighting with Hulk. If Blonsky has turned into something like Hulk then that means your father got my blood samples and he used it on Blonsky, this is not good not good at all."

Betty switched on the TV and the tv opened up on a news channel, "….. ago we saw a green monster that people have been calling Hulk and the military fighting with him but today there are reports coming of another such monstrous creature who is on rampage and is heading toward New York. The military has been trying to subdue the creature but he is not slowing down, we expect he will be in Harlem within half an hour. We request the citizens to get to safety and avoid the monster that is being called an Abomination."

Betty turned towards Bruce, "He is coming after you Bruce, we have to get away from here."

Bruce said with a sigh, "I can't Betty, if this Abomination is anything like Hulk then he will be unstoppable. No military or bomb can take him down, he will destroy the city and shred it into pieces while looking for me. You need to go Betty, get out of here before he can hurt you."

"Are you mad Bruce?" Betty shouted, "My father will kill you if you stay here, please Bruce."

"Sorry Betsy I can't run, not anymore. I'll never forgive myself if that Abomination destroys this place or kill an innocent, the Hulk can stop the abomination and not doing so will be against my morale." Bruce said and headed out, "I need to make a call and maybe get some help."

Bruce reached the Hotel receptionist and called Emma Frost on her phone, Emma didn't pick up her phone so he left a voice massage. "Hello Emma, it's Bruce Banner. I came to US to meet an old friend but Ross found me again, I escaped but Ross has created another monster like the Hulk and that Abomination is heading to Harlem where I am right now. If you can please tell Harry then I would be very thankful since I would really appreciate some help."

Bruce ended the voice massage and heard sounds of Chopper outside the Hotel, Betty came out and said. "My father is here."

Bruce nodded, "Let's go talk to him, he may not like me but if he is even a bit sane right now he would understand the danger that is Blonsky."

"But Bruce.."

Bruce stopped her, "Believe in me Betty." He held Betty's hand and took her outside.

General Ross was about to go in with a group of soldiers when Bruce and Betty came out, "Finally surrendering Banner."

"Ross, we had our difference and to tell you the truth we both hate each other guts but right now we have a bigger fish to fry. You know you can't stop the Abomination and I am the only one that can fight him in equal footage, I'll deal with Blonsky but you keep your daughter safe." Bruce replied.

Ross nodded, "Deal but only for now."

Bruce turned to Betty, "Go with your father Betty, you are not safe here."

Betty protested but Bruce didn't listen as he headed to the direction from which Abomination was coming, the people in the city were scrambling like mad trying to get out of the city due to the warning in news about the Abomination. Bruce could hear loud roaring and he could make out the figure of a monstrous Blonsky who was as big as Hulk and his bones were popping out of his body, Bruce let go of his control and tuned into his anger as the Hulk was finally released from his restraints.

The Abomination stalked forward as he saw the Hulk, "Finally, it's time to see who's better Hulk." With that he dashed toward the Hulk.

The Hulk had a lot of practice while fighting the big Dragon that Harry turned into, he charged forward toward the incoming Abomination. Just as the Abomination reached near Hulk and was about to hit him with a punch on his face, Hulk side stepped and hit the Abomination with an Upper Cut right on its jaws. Abomination was thrown back but he roared and stood back up, Abomination hit Hulk with a Spear that sent Hulk hurling back, Hulk snarled as he got back up and hit a nearby car and separated it in two parts. Hulk used the two parts of the car as a pair of boxing gloves, Hulk started to beat down the abomination viciously till the car parts were broken into small pieces.

Abomination spit up blood and snarled, "Is that all you've got?" With that he kicked Hulk hard sending him flying.

The Abomination jumped up to the building that Hulk crashed into but he was bombarded by gun fire from a chopper above him, "Ross" The Abomination snarled and jumped high toward the chopper but just then Hulk came out and speared the Abomination as a result stopping him from reaching the helicopter.

The two fell down to the ground as the Hulk stood back up followed by the Abomination, "Hulk isn't done with you." Hulk snarled and the two charged forward at each other and engaged in a fist fight. The Abomination was physically stronger but the Hulk had the mind of one of the smartest person in the world somewhere in the back of his mind, he was cleverer than Abomination and he was much more experienced after regularly fighting with a Dragon.

Harry arrived to see the level of destruction in the city and Hulk giving a monstrous creature called the Abomination a vicious beatdown, the Abomination punched back Hulk hard making some separation between the two and Harry stalked forward. Hulk noticed Harry's appearance, "Dragon isn't needed, Hulk take care of him." Hulk shouted.

Harry gave a small smile which was hidden in the shadows of his hood, "I know Hulk but I think you have done enough, let me handle it from here."

Hulk grunted but didn't protested, the Abomination snarled at Harry. "What a small man like you can do to me."

Harry didn't reply but he used Legilimency to plunge inside the mind of Abomination and what he found shocked him, this monster who used to be a Russian-born British Royal Marine Emil Blonsky was now slowly and slowly losing his mind and sanity. Any traces of Bolonsky was slowly fading away and the only thing in the mind of the creature was getting dominance over Hulk and show that he is the strongest by destroying everything.

Abomination cried out in pain as he felt a very bad headache when Harry finally came out of his mind. Harry sighed, he had no other option and the only way to ever stop the Abomination was to kill him, Harry was not a big fan of killing but after being in a few wars and meeting with Death he was no stranger to killing, "Avada Kedavra." Two words and with a green magical Beam from Harry's Elder Wand the life was snuffed out of Abomination.

Hulk slowly changed back to Bruce and Harry conjured clothes for him, "Thank you for your help, what did you do to him?"

Harry answered, "He is no more."

Bruce stooped and stared at Harry in shock, "What? Blonsk's dead, why did you do that?"

"That was not Blonsky, he died when Ross injected him with your synthesized blood. That Abomination was a mindless beast that wanted to fight you till the end of times, there won't be any profit of keeping him alive because he can't be controlled unlike the Hulk."

Bruce was not happy with Harry's answer but he couldn't help but agree with Harry, General Ross was coming down in his chopper so Harry said, "Let's go back otherwise Ross will be after you again, you can talk with your friend later on. Bruce nodded and Harry apparated away to a nearby lone place from where he changed into his Phoenix form and flamed himself and Bruce back to Hogwarts.


"You think this mystery man in black is the billionaire Harry Potter." A hologram figure addressed Fury.

"Yes mam, Bruce Banner has been working for Harry Potter and we have a video footage from the hotel in Harlem he was in. Banner called Emma Frost, Marauders Ltd MD and told her to inform Harry about the Abomination and asked for help." Fury replied.

Another Hologram figure asked, "What is it with Billionaire being heroes, what is known about him?"

"According to Harry Potter, he is an immortal who has been alive for more than 2000 years old. We found him when he breached FRIDGE and took an old necklace that according to him he himself made, he then gave that Necklace to Agent Romanoff who is somehow her many times great grandfather. That necklace is able to expand into a trunk and only Potter and Agent Romanoff can expand it, according to Potter the trunk had a single tome which had every secret and history of Potter Family."

"Then why haven't you taken that book?" Another Hologram figure asked.

Fury snorted, "Potter gave that tome to Romanoff so that she could read from it, Potter warned me to not go after the book but I still tried to take it from Romanoff. The moment I even came near it I was nearly done for, I can't say what happened but I will say that anyone who isn't related to Potter can never get that book. The book is back with Potter and Romanoff can't say what she read in that because it is a family secret and that book will not allow it to reveal any information to any outsider."

"What are Potter's power?" The fourth hologram figure asked.

Fury sighed and replied, "Potter is brilliant after all he created the Marauders Ltd and we know what his company had made till now, from what we know till now he has versatile powers. He can be invisible, teleport, create things out of thin air, control fire in the form of a big snake, he can make mutants unable to use their ability, he can get inside anyone mind even Charles Xavier and now he killed the Abomination with some green Beam. That's what we know till now and his powers are so versatile that we can't find any counter against him."

The final hologram figure asked, "Have you tried to get a spy inside his company?"

Fury snorted, "Tried, I have sent more than a dozen agents to get inside Marauders Ltd but Potter always knew about them, the last one he sent directly to my office completely nude. We have tried to reverse engineer what they have launched in public but we didn't get anything. I have given up Potter for now since we don't have anything against him, we have other problems to worry about like General Ross obsession with the Hulk and Super Soldier Serum."

The first hologram figure didn't look pleased, "We can't just leave a dangerous man like him, the military wasn't able to stop the Abomination but that man killed it in a matter of seconds. He has the Hulk working for him, he has Emma Frost as his MD and he has another mutant as his secretary, you can't just leave him."

Fury stared back at her, "Mam, Potter is just as famous as Tony Stark and according to some he will be richer than Stark in a couple of years. I don't have any reason or way to take him down and if you have some idea I'm all ears."

That shut her up, the fifth hologram spoke up again. "We understand Fury, keep an eye on Potter and keep trying to find a way to counter his powers." With that the holograms went down.

Fury came out of the conference room to his office and found Hill waiting for him, "You have been there for a long time sir."

Fury sighed as he sat down on his chair, "They were not happy with the death of Abomination and Banner working for Potter. I really hate their talking and babbling, they just know how to give orders."

"Agent Romanoff updated me on the situation of Stark, he is slowly poisoning himself with the Palladium cure but he trying to hid it from Pepper Potts mostly. The man that attacked him in the race track in Monaco was Ivan Vanko, he is the son of Anton Vanko."

Nick frowned, "Anton Vanko was a Russian agent that worked with Howard Stark but Howard found him selling Stark technology to Russia illegally, Howard destroyed his life after that in compensation to Vanko's betrayal of trust. His son Ivan isn't clear either, he just recently got out of jail in Afghanistan. Tell Romanoff to keep an eye on Stark, I think it's time that I return Howard's property to Stark."


AN: - I am planning to give Harry the name 'Grim Reaper' or 'Erebus'

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