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Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Caged [Jay]

Jay began to panic, a couple of captives had gotten locked up as a few of them were able to hide from their captors' vision. He hadn't seen Daisy get caught so hopefully she had escaped. Kai, the captive from before, was next to him and the two thought that they should escape through the other entrance. They crouched on the top of the cage.

 "I don't think I'll be able to take these guys down silently. I'm worried that more of them will come," Kai said worriedly.

"If we had enough people we could take a few of them…" as he had said it, Daisy had popped up nearby them, "Hey this way!" she whispered to them. 

"What about the guards?" Kai asked.

"Dealt with…" Daisy said, as she pointed the two to the exit the two were talking about before. 

"That's worrying," he thought to himself, "Did Eunice teach her how to silently take down people?"

"Hurry up!" She said, rushing him then pulling Jay off the cage. The trio ran out of the building and eventually escaped into a small hut that's. Jay's head started to hurt. He hadn't gotten enough sleep and it was sometime past midday. The three were trapped within the base. Soon they would be spotted and Jay restless didn't know what he should do. The smell of this place had been horribly. It reeked of garbage, meaning they were presumably in the waste section of the kidnappers hideout. "A weird place to put it," Jay thought to himself.

"I need some armor and a shield." Kai said, "A mace or club would also be useful."

"Do you know where they keep all the equipment?"

"Probably near the housing area." Jay replied.

"So how do we get there?" Daisy asked, as she smelt the air, "And make it quick this place smells bad."

"Agreed," The other two both said. 

Peeking his head out Jay saw that there were some small hunts to the north of them. "Well housing ups there. I'm not sure if they keep our weapons there or somewhere else…," he told the other two. He then wondered, "Do these guys even use magic."

"There's one problem, that's the housing area, there definitely going to be people there. We're going to need a distraction. So Jay can you create one?" Daisy said.

"Yeah I think so," Jay said. We're going to need to distract them from the housing."

"How about we burn some small hut over there." Kai said.

"What if there's people there?" Daisy questioned."

"So what, they are basically all slave traders." Kai replied.

"Well what if there's weapons in there?"

"Well I think it might be risky. Might as well burn a few of the cabins nearby here."

"We can burn the huts nearby." Daisy said.

"That's fine, but we have to get out of here as fast as possible."

Jay just stayed quiet as this all played out. He was slowly becoming more and more drowsy. Kai grabbed Jay's shoulder and started violently shaking him. "Come on this is not a good place to take a nap ."

"Yeah.." Jay replied as he started up his fire spell, "The smell is a great motivator." The trio exited the hut and went behind it. Jay then casted [Flame Wall] setting most of the huts nearby on fire. "Let's get out of her…" The three ran to where they had suspected the houses were and after a few close encounters with the guards proved to be quite terrifying. By the time they entered the housing area they saw from before, every single one of the guards had gone to attempt to put out the fire. Looking back at the fire from before, he saw that it had taken over most of the huts in the center. From the looks of it all efforts to put it out had seemingly failed. The smell seemed to travel with the smoke, but eventually they got far away so that they couldn't breathe it in.

"That fire's getting out of control," Daisy said worried, "What if it spreads to the captives?"

"You're probably overthinking things…" Kai said hopefully, "besides we'll have help soon, a couple of my buddies in LyreGuard will come help us."

"I hope they get to the captive first." Jay replied, "Think the other three will come help?" 

"Knowing Eunice she'll come get us, hopefully calmly."

Jay then thought to himself, "I wonder what the other 2 would do now."

"Anyways let's loot the place for anything useful." Kai said, heading to grab an iron mace on the wall. Jay went off looking for any type of spell book hoping they hadn't burned it to a crisp. Daisy had wandered off, but when Jay looked back she was looking at the fire. 

"Something wasn't right with that fire," she stated, getting increasingly more frightened. 

They then heard a huge explosion coming from the center where they had lit the fire. "There's no way these guys are dumb enough to throw gunpowder into a fire right?" Jay wondered aloud. 

"Well there wasn't any gunpowder near the garbage dump, why would there be?"  

"Something doesn't feel right…" Daisy kept saying to herself, "Whatever lets go"

Kai then put on some armor he had stolen from their captives while Jay took some books on summoning circles he thought might be useful. "Would be nice to have that spell book back though," he thought to himself.

The trio kept walking until they had heard some commotion ahead of them. The three backed off viewing what the commotion was about. Some of the guards were running to the fire, while others were fighting off some other intruders. Kai recognizing one of the intruders told the other two, "Hey let's help these guys out!" the two nodded as they soon flanked the guards. 

When the fight was over Valor and Eunice, who were fighting alongside Kai's ally, rushed to them. Eunice and Daisy had a quick hug and chatted about what had happened, while Valor and Jay had some small chat.

"Oh gods, it is nice to see a friendly face," Jay told Valor as he patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm going to be honest I didn't even know you were gone,"

"You better be joking," Jay said jokingly, "anyways where's Leon?"

    "He stayed back, but I'm not sure if it stayed that way, by the way was that explosion yours?"

"The fire yes, the explosion no. I have no clue how that started," as they were talking Jay noticed that Kai's expression when talking to Axel changed from a goofy face, to dead serious in a matter of seconds.

The only line he had heard was, "Wait she got captured too!"

As they got on the rooftop of a cabin using a barrel full of water, Jay slowly questioned something. "Why didn't they use this." And Slowly he began putting the pieces together. "Wait, they're using buckets right? So where are they getting the water from some underground resource? If not water then what?" The answer slowly formed in his mind, "OIL, but why make the fire bigger?", as he thought back to the explosion and how the smell traveled. That wasn't a waste pile… It was a pile of dead bodies under the ground. He then saw how the hideout was designed, It was in a circle, he hadn't thought about much before, but with this out of place magic book he realized. "Oh gods"

    Jay shouted, "THEY'RE MAKING A SUMMONING CIRCLE. A GIANT ONE." However it  was too late as red runes began lighting up around the base, every single path, road were almost fully covered in these red runes. 

The only thought Jay had was that he saw a wolf head appear from the center and began eating his way out was "I caused this?" When it was fully revealed, it was monstrous. Body parts from all sorts of animals had combined to create this horrific creature. The creature began to eat a few of the worshippers as a few them began to try to hold it down. Among the crowd was someone they all seemingly ignored as he ran the other way.

"Is that Leon?" Valor asked as he got closer to the group.

Leon who was out of breath and covered in blood, unsure if that was his own or the guards, asked Jay and Daisy, "Hey you guys doing okay," Daisy nodded, while Jay was trapped in his own mind. He saw as the monster began to bend to the main priest-like kidnapper's will and Jay slowly fell into a panic.

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