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Guardianes Meca English Edition
(Mech Guardians) Guardianes Meca English Edition
(Mech Guardians) original

Guardianes Meca English Edition (Mech Guardians)

Author: Eltamagoshi

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

(Author's words: Hey! My name is ElTamagoshi, I'm not a native english speaker, so you may pardon my skills, also I'm an up-and-coming writer. I hope you like this story! It's just an english translation of the original I also made. Have a nice reading.)

Long time ago, all four territories entered in a war. Their greed for the stones protected by the goddesses destroyed their lands, but, an unknown warlock took possession of one of the stones, granting him infinite power.

The warlock, with his army of Hollows, beings without heart nor soul and only loyal to their creator, attacked the lands. On sight of such a hazard, the four kings made an alliance, and with goddess Leptice's blessing, they took one stone, nevertheless only a chosen person could use its power but using human technology, metals found in other kingdom, vampire weaponry and elven magic, they created four armors of high technology and power.

An archer, a rogue, a swordsman and a heavyweight. They chose the best warriors to use these armors, an elf, a vampire and two humans, and by spreading the power of the stone between all four armors, they got infinite energy.

Together, they sealed the warlock in a void between worlds and like that, all four territories where in peace, tough, after a betrayal between the warriors, humans hated elves and vampires, they prohibited them from crossing their boundaries. After five hundred years, a human warrior fell in love with an elven woman and, from that love, a boy was born… Here's where this story begins.

The New Styma kingdom, where calm rivers flow in its green prairies and where air is fresh and clean, lies a town, where life isn't hard, the wheat and barley plantations were stretched out to not be able to see, farms with friendly animals surrounded Henna Town. Between the stone houses with wooden doors, there was one where a housemother and her son who helped her in the fields lived. She had brown long hair, white skin, she used a long-sleeved dress covered with a light tunic that marked her slim figure, she was pretty small and used a pair of leather boots, she went every day with her fifteen-year-old son to work on the land, farming and selling their products every day, he was black-haired, dark skin after years of working in the sun, he was really talk, almost two meters tall, he wore a white shirt and pants covered by a brown tunic, he also used leather boots, he had a marked body figure for his work and a kind look in his eyes.

While they were harvesting their newest harvest, the boy watched some clouds and birds fly freely to the far castle.

— Joseph! — shouted his mother with a heavy sack in her hands. — C'mere and help me please!

— Yeah! Sorry, mother. I'm comin'. — answered Joseph leaving his scythe in the floor.

After helping his mother moving the heavy sack to the carriage moved by two horses, he turned around near her and smacked something with his chin, something invisible near his mother's ear. She felt the hit too.

— Sorry ma. — said him with a smile. — I'll never get used to dodging your ears.

— There's no use to apologizing, hon' — she said checking his dirty face. — I never liked using this things to hide our ears, but… What can we do 'bout it?

— I never liked this hatred between races… — he said a little mad. — Why can't we live in peace?

— I dunno, but look the bright side, without that hatred, I could never have found your dad.

— Speaking of papa — said walking with her through the field. — Do you know when he's comin'?

— Actually… — she said while she took from a pocket in her dress a note that then gave to Joseph.

— He's comin' today!? — exclaimed with emotion in his voice.

— Tonight, so it's a good idea to fasten the pace in this side for least and take it to the market. Okay?

— Lets go! — exclaimed wearing some leather gloves that fitted almost until his elbows.

He took his scythe and, with his mother, they harvested the whole section, and after many returning trips, they loaded the last carriage with wheat almost at the end of noon. Joseph took seat in the front seat, waited until his mother seated, grabbed the leashes and started their way to the market a few minutes from the town.

They arrived while the horses' hooves hitted the rocks, both greeted everyone who crossed their way, observed the stores full of clothing and other stuff until they went to one with a windmill.

They downloaded the carriage y rewarded the horses with food before entering. Inside, the sound of the mill was heard at every time, paintings of some landscapes adorned the walls of the store the smell of just-made bread filled the store. They turned left and opened a door, they saw a group of people, some cleaning stems, other separating grains and the last where in the mill.

— Good evening. — said Joseph's mother with a big smile.

— Evenin' — said Joseph.

— Good evening! — answered all the workers.

— Here we got what was left. — said him pointing to the big sack full of wheat.

— Thanks Merfar you got it! — said one of the men working there. — With this we can finish our share. — he then proceeded to shake Joseph's hand and then his mother's, later they gave them a bag that made a metallic sound when shake.

— That's it? — asked Joseph's mother looking to the man.

— Yeah! Thank you very much and have a nice day!

— Take care. — said Joseph with kindness while shaking his hand anew.

They both went out of the place, took the carriage and went back home, while leaving going beneath a sign with the words: Henna Market. Joseph opened the bag and after seeing some silver coins, he gave his mother four fifths of the money and he kept the others.

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