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20% Guardian of the six gems - (fantasy) / Chapter 4: That Stranger

Chapter 4: That Stranger

It's been four days since their mother died.

They have been sad and grieving their mother's death. They don't talk much anymore, they are no longer playful always carrying straight and sad faces. You no longer see the glint in their eyes.

The day before yesterday they went back to their mama's house to bury her body after their safe and successful escape but when they got there, they were more shocked than ever, they didn't see her body and there was no longer a trace of blood. What a mystery, who is doing this? and what do they want? They thought.

This morning Kyra is sitting on her bed and wondering why her mother was killed and why her body will be missing, thinking about all the things that happened that day to see if there was anything suspicious that happened.

This has been her daily routine -thinking of anything suspicious- since her mama's death.

She starts to think from when their mama sent them that morning, to the guys in the market and to that stranger.

'that stranger was really suspicious, I don't know how he heard everything from afar before coming to the shop and how he was hell bent on paying the money, was he cooperating with someone to try distract us while they kill mama..... hmmm that is the only reasonable explanation. I'll find that stranger again' she thought in her head.

She gets up to go look for Kiara.

"Kiara, lets go to the market" Kyra tells Kiara.

"Why?.... I thought we went to the market yesterday" Kiara asked confused.

"I know, I want to look for that stranger we met at the market the day mama died, he is quite suspicious, I think he was trying to distract us from going home while his accomplice kills mama, don't you think" Kyra said thoughtfully.

"Hmmm" Kiara tapped her chin thinking about what her sister was saying "Ok so are we just going to confront him without proof" Kiara reasoned

The two have been thinking a lot lately.

"Yes you are right, that is why we won't confront him..... we will follow him, maybe we can see his hideout and get some information. Thinking about it, it can also be papa right now and I don't know who to trust apart from you and Wynstar you are all I got, because I'm really curious about mama's death and her missing body its just so mysterious" Kyra said with a heavy sigh.

"Ok so when are we going to the market" Kiara asked Kyra.

"Now since we don't have anything doing" Kyra says

"Ok let's leave then" Kiara said sighing.

With that they left the cottage to the market. They go from shop to shop seeking the stranger and not even seeing a soul that looks like him.

They were about giving up on their search when they heard the royal messenger speak with a loud voice saying "All ye people of this great Kingdom of Azatherus the priests have taken permission from our King to hold a meeting with all people of this Kingdom in the Holy Temple in an hour. Make haste!"

"Are we going for the meeting, you know we don't have to go" Kiara tells Kyra.

"We will go we might be lucky to find him in the Holy Temple" Kyra tells Kiara

"Ok good idea, let's get going so we can get a good view" Kiara says and Kyra nods.

And with that they left the market for the Holy Temple.

On getting there are only a few people seated inside, and they take their seats at a good spot.

Soon the temple is full but quiet -people usually respect and regard the temple. It is a sin to be disorderly or noisy in the temple and most people refrain from that.

"Greetings people of Azatherus, it is a pleasure to have all of you seated here. Thank y'all for taking it upon yourselves to show up today....It is a shame that we all are gathered here today not to worship the deities. We are here today because the most important gems the diamond for creation and the ruby for fire have been stolen by one of the greedy kings of the empire, King Zarek. But do not fret and not be wary for the deities have a plan set out" one of those old priests rumored to be blessed with immortality by the gods informed them.

The once quiet temple was now filled with gasps and murmurings. A lot of people now disregarding the law of being quiet and orderly in the temple.

"Like I said do not fret the deities will protect us from all harm" the priest said again in attempt to keep the people calm.

"It's damn easy for you to say, bloody immortals!" a man cussed out earning some hails from the crowd.

The priest ignored him and said "remember you are in the Holy Temple and you are to keep it holy" with that the noise making in the hall reduced.

"The deities have selected a transparent and well trusted soul with an assistant to go on a journey to retrieve the gems, now you all are dismissed.... Once again thanks for coming" the priest said dismissing everyone erupting murmurs from all conners of the hall.

With that everyone started to evacuate the holy temple with fear.

The villagers now have a lot to gossip about

Kyra and Kiara are looking for their suspected culprit everywhere in the temple.

They are searching every corner of the temple, to see if they can catch a glimpse of the stranger's face, or anyone that perhaps looks like him but unfortunately, their search proved fruitless.

"Where could this man be?" Kyra asked directing the question more to herself than Kiara.

"We are not even seeing someone who at least looks like him" Kiara sighed in frustration.

"I swear to the gods that nobody here even looks a little like him he's just so freaking strange, like where the hell could he be" Kyra huffed frustratingly.

The girls kept looking everywhere but still fruitless.

They were about to give up when Kyra felt someone tap her shoulder, and she turned around with a tired look on her face to see the one who tapped her.

"Excuse me!" Kyra exclaimed and turned around to face one of those Old priests.

"Follow me.. both of you" the priest told them and turned around walking away expecting them to do just that without complaints.

"Now what" Kyra huffed and they both follow him not to look disrespectful.

'What does this old man want right now' Kyra screamed in her head.

"You'll know soon" he said it to Kyra.

'Did this man just hear my thoughts or did I say that out loud' she said in her head holding her mouth in shock.

"You better learn to think quietly young lady" he said and Kyra didn't dare to think again in his presence and walked silently beside him with confused Kiara trailing behind them.

He came to stop at a large doubled-door room. He opened it and entered inside expecting the two to follow suit.

On entering the large room they saw the two other priests inside and close the door behind them.

"Thanks for honoring our request coming here" one of the priests who seemed to be the head spoke up.

"Not like we had a choice!" Kyra grumbled looking down feeling uncomfortable in the presence of old men who are rumored to have lived for freaking hundreds of years or even thousands.

It's not like its a rumor that the priests are immortals but Kyra is an unbeliever -she doesn't believe in supernatural things, magic, magical beings or even necromancers or anything close to that- she has always been that way.

Her mama always told her that all these things are true but she has never believed in any of it. Her mother's death is a great affirmation that all these things do not exist. Especially because, her mother always told her that if you believe in the gods and pray to them they will protect you from all harm and provide for you, but where's her mama now when she prayed 24/7 to the gods unfailingly..... she's dead with her corpse missing.

Is that what the gods called protection!

It's not like Kiara believes but she tries to. She has an open mind compared to Kyra who is closed up and doesn't believe until she gets proof.

But still she's an unbeliever but it's better than her sister.

"Yes you couldn't do otherwise" the priest spoke again causing Kyra and Kiara shoot their heads up.

"I don't understand" "What makes you say that?" Kiara and Kyra  respectively say at the a time.

"The mysteries will unfold soon, patience!" Another priest said.

"Why do these old folks have to confuse us' they both think their heads.

"Anyways let's get to business girls" the head priest begun "you, Kyra have been chosen by the deities to go on the mission with your sister and your pet tiger, Wynstar to assist you, and mind me you don't have a choice" the priest says shocking the sisters.

"What!" "Impossible!" Kyra and Kiara respectively exclaim at a time in utter shock.

"Believe it or not, its true" one of the priests said.

Holy pyjamas! These priests are so damn hard to differentiate from one another. Wait, that's not the problem, they are too go on a mission against a King that is in possession of the two most powerful gems and dragons.

"We are not capable of going on a mission against that King... can't the army of the Synderial Empire do this, it clearly isn't our job" Kiara half screamed clearly stating her mind.

Kiara can be calm and patient but she knows her rights.

"Exactly... we are just young girls.... If you know about Wynstar you should also know we just lost our mom... so we aren't even in the right frame of mind to go against anybody, I think the gods should re-think this one.... that's if they are even there" Kyra spoke saying the last part in a low voice.

"You feel me sis" Kiara said supporting her sister

"Hmmm... The gods wouldn't pick you if you aren't capable, also the deities do not need to re-think a thing and mind me they are real.... And Sorry for your loss" one of the priests spoke to them saying the last part a little bit solemnly.

'what do these old men know that they are saying' Kyra thought

"Ok is that all" Kyra says shocking Kiara, but all Kyra wanted was to leave the strange looking room with the strange old men in it.

"Yes that is it for now, you may leave" the head priests said dismissing them.

With that they left the room with Kiara still confused with what happened in there and she can't help but ask immediately they were out of earshot "What in the hell was that?"


"You telling them 'is that all' like you are agreeing to what they were saying in there" Kiara said with a confused look on her face.

"Hell no! I just wanted to get out of there and get out of this Kingdom too.... I don't know how but we have to leave" Kyra said thoughtfully.

"You suggest we run?" Kiara asks.

"Yes, we can't stay here" Kyra says.

"Ok where do we go and .... Gosh I'm confused as hell, how do we even go ... It's not going to be easy with Wynstar and all" Kiara says frustrated.

"Yes I've thought of all of that while we were in there. We will go by sea I have saved a lot of money and we can buy a cage for Wynstar when we get on the boat .. though we will look strange carrying a tiger and all but it's not a crime so" Kyra suggests with a shrug

"It's not a bad idea, but let's go for it ..... not ready to go and die in a mission" Kiara says not having a choice than to agree with her sister.

After weighing their options they decide they run than die in a mission. They can't afford to die now, not when they haven't found those who killed their mother.

With that they left the temple more helpless than ever to their cottage.

"We leave tomorrow..... Lets pack only necessities don't want to look suspicious" Kyra said as soon as they are inside the cottage.

"Ok" Kiara said with a sigh.

"Wyn baby where are you?" Kyra called out to Wynstar.

Wynstar came crawling out of their room.

"We are going to leave this place tomorrow baby" Kyra said petting Wynstar on the head and she looked down like she was sad they are evacuating again.

"We have to go ok? baby" Kiara said also patting her head.

"Let's start packing so that we we will go buy the cage Wynstar will stay in" Kyra told Kiara and Wynstar lets out a sound bowing her head like she's sad she will be put in a cage.

And with that they began to pack their necessary items and go to buy the cage for Wynstar before night came.


Author's note: Hope y'all love this chapter ♥️✌️

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