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80% Growth through Chaos / Chapter 16: 2/2

Chapter 16: 2/2

"I was at the house you described, looking for that deposit of treasure that is such a threat to our partnership. However, it wasn't there at all. No trace of anything was found inside the house or in the surrounding orchard. Are you certain this Nami-girl has been collecting such treasure, or did she dupe you about want to aid her home at all. I found no treasure there and was severely disappointed."


Barely…a cricket sound….came inside Arlong Park. Many of the Fishmen were trying not the gape, while others decided to watch the show. Arlong himself could only blink, trying to digest what just happened…right…infront…of Nami.

Sasuke was waiting outside, beneath a nearby tract. 'Damn. When those marines came here I needed to hide out of sight. According to Kakashi, they're on Arlong's payroll, so things might end up badly if—'

"WHH-WHA—HUH-….ARLONG!" A deep, loud, hateful cries came from inside the building. One that left Sasuke frozen, as the tone and fells echoed his own the night of the Uchiha massacre.

Inside, unseen by the ninja, Nami stood before the pirate-captain that had served as her most painful tormentor for half her life. Her face was a mask of horror, disgust and grief. As all the fishman could do was grin.

"Why the sour face, my dear navigator?"

"What are these Marines talking about?! Did they just come back from stealing all the treasure I had? And on your invitation!?" she demanded.

"Well. I wish he hadn't spoke of it aloud. But still, it seems that treasure has now disappeared mysteriously. How fortunate for me," Arlong gloated, fixing the girl with eyes that conveyed only one feeling: possession.

Nami was close to biting her lip, trying to stifle to hate she felt at the man.

"What was all that you said about dying before breaking a promise about anything that comes to money, huh?! Why!? Our deal was 100,000,000 for the freedom of my home and myself," Nami shouted at the shark-man, her arms raised to yank at the collar of his shirt.

"Refresh my memory. Yours about that money agreement we made if quite clear. But how have I broken this promise now?" Arlong questioned her, as laughter was building in his throat.

"Don't play dumb you know that—ghmmm."

Arlong held a tight grasp on Nami's face, lifting the girl off her feet. Helpless before him.

"Now, nothing in our agreement spoke of a deadline, or any insurance given should that money be misplaced, or found by another party. You know that. Shwahahahahahahahaha!"

Her eyes showed the frustration, betrayal and fear deep in her soul, pouring through a stream of tears as she cursed him in her head.

'Damn you….Damn you…you…..damn murderer….pig….slaver…..'

"Too bad, all your stolen money vanished. A deal is a deal, you know that Nami, don't you?" the Fishman gleefully reminded her.

"You'll just have to start again. And in the meantime…" his eyes grew, with that horrible grin only pilled additional despair into Nami's heart.

"Your map-room has gone untended for a while. There are still so much more to contribute to the Arlong Empire. Allowing you to leave would be too much of a loss for me to afford."

"Without that 100,000,000 bellies, you and your village will stay in my possession indefinitely.


"Nazumi, if you find that money, it is all yours. No issue from me," Arlong promised, throwing Nami aside.

"CHichichichichichichichichichichi! Well to start, I apologize, Arlong. This girl's outburst means that treasure is certainly here somewhere. I only need to figure out where it is located. I doubt there will be much trouble. After all, I just shot a pair of idiots who were in my way while coming here. A stupid coward with a slingshot who only made bad lies, and a girl with blue hair. This wrench's sister, apparently."

Nami could feel the icy stab through her heart; Piercing the smoldering rage towards Arlong and the corner she had been forced into, this new wound thrust even deeper than betrayal or revenge. 'No….Nojiko…after Bellemere died….no…no!...'

"No! No! No! NO!" Nami exclaimed in despair. Shooting to her feet, without sparing Arlong a second look.

Her mind focused only on her last, living family. She bolted for the doors, barley staying upright, and was sprinting for her home.

Sasuke saw what happened, and quickly moved to catch-up with her.

"Nami. Where is Zoro? What happen—"

"Shut up!" the girl cried, slapping out at the boy. Sasuke ducked under it, as Nami continued to run.

"Zoro's inside and imprisoned! But Nojiko got hurt! And so did Ussop! They've both been shot!"

The clouds above moved to cover the sun. The growing shadow looming as it covered all the land. A darker shade in her life, and the precious few she had, was all that Nami could see.

'Please. Don't be gone. Don't let Arlong take anything and everything away from me!' she pleaded.

Sasuke stopped, watching Nami's figure retreat, before turning back towards Arlong Park, and coming to a decision.

Back in Arlong park, Zoro was running around the cell, trying to find some way out as he overheard everything that was spoken in the courtyard. 'Ussop! If any bastards hurt him, I'm gonna cut them to pieces!'

Suddenly, the lock in to door clinked, before it was thrown open. And two puzzling men strode into the room.

"Marines? What are the lot of you doing here?" Zoro questioned the familiar men in white uniforms. Both of whom moved into the cell and stood before him.

Inside Arlong park, the commotion was heard by Zoro. Followed by the Marines entering his cell.

"He's all yours," a fishman outside the door promised them. "Just get him out of here for Arlong and lock him up somewhere. The guy mentioned joining a pirate crew, so that'll be an excuse for his arrest. Otherwise, your captain Nazumi'll think of something'."

The men nodded, one of them grinning with a sadist's glee. A kick hammered into Zoro's chest, causing the vice-captain to tense his face at the pain. Yet not a sound came through his lips.

"Oh, a nice tough guy, huh. It seems you lack a sense of cooperation with the Marines. It's quite despicable for a bounty-hutner to sink into corruption low enough ot join with priates instead of imprison them," the marine scolded in a prudish, self-elevating tone, waving an admonishing figure before the swordsman.

"You clearly have no respect. So, I must du~ti~fully take up the task to break you down, and install such morals into your consciousness," he promised, in the gloating tones of a true coward. "That simply cannot go unaddressed, or without consequence."

The man strode closer to Zoro, before drawing a knife and plunging it into the swordsman's gut. Followed by another into his shoulder, and a knee to his stomach.

"Can't let you try and break free, can we? As a bounty-hunter, I'm sure you understand the dangers of moving an active, able prisoner." More followed, before they applied fresh bandages and dragged the pirate out with a pistol to his head.


At the sound of the gun-shot. Kakashi moved through the tree via a shunshin. Shooting forward at a rapid pace, working to follow his nose to the new scent of gunpowder and blood. What he found, however…stopped the Jonin, cold.

In the middle of the pathway, Sakura was struggling with Ussop; half-dragging, half-carrying the brown-haired teen forward. The boy wasn't moving, his overalls lowered to his wiast, leaving the sniper's scrawny chest exposed. Layers upon layers of soaked bandages covered his chest, with pads of gauze on his right pectoral, all of them stained crimison.

A blue-haired woman lay on the ground nearby, similarly, bandaged and clutching her shoulder. Even as she spurred Sakura on. "I'll…ehehhhh…I can hold out. Hurry-ummmhh…get him to the doctor."

"H-h-hold on Ussop. I-I'll-"

"Sakura." Phhwwww. A new voice joined them, commanding her full attention.

Nojiko left herself lifted into a pair of strong, powerful arms. Yet, she was still alive, and soon caught the face of a masked man with grey hair.

"Kakashi-sensei!" the younger girl cried, tears of relief slipping through her eyelids. Ussop could only groan. A second Kakashi lifted the boy into his arms, to gasp at the deep crimson stain in the bandages wrapped around him.

"Sakura. The doctor who bandaged Zoro yesterday. Take me to him, immediately! And explain who did this." the jonin commanded her. A deep, passionate weight behind his words, that belied the scale and emotional chaos within Kakashi, as one of his comrads had been hurt…again.

Soon, the four were moving through the trees, two Kakashi's guarding the wounded crew, while the original and a third clone carried them, and the kunoichi was up front in the lead.

"Sakura," one of the clones moved up beside her. "Explain to me what happened to Ussop-san, and who this woman is," he question in a more subdued voice.

Sakura began to explain.


Nojiko stood in the clearing, finishing her recount of Nami's life and predicament to the Straw Hat Pirates. Each with varying reactions.

"And that's it. We're very close to fulfilling the bargain between Arlong and Nami. If you all stay here though, it's only another burden and struggle for NamI to deal with. And all that is beside what might happen if you confront Arlong and make this situation worse for us. That is why you need to leave."

Luffy was barely bothered at all. Sakura remained composed after hearing the story before, while her fellow Genin had tears in his eyes. Naruto was barely containing his frustrations, his fists shaking with rage at the silhouette he imaged Arlong to be, and a wish to find and promise Nami to fight her enemy.

Gin took to story more measuredly, more than used to such atrocities though he found the virtual enslavement Nami had endured to be beyond disgusting. Ussop's face was strangely plain, while Snaji took a fresh smoke form his cigarette. Yosaku and Johnny were almost crying, eager to confront Arlong themselves.

Luffy himself rose to his feet, dusting off his pants before facing Nojiko directly.


"Excuse me?" she questioned him.

"Like I said before. We're not leaving here without Nami. If Arlong is the problem, then we'll wait until it's solved, then she can join us. We're not going anywhere without her, though," the Straw Hat declared.

"But Captain, there's an easier answer, ya know!" Naruto cried, jumping infront of the older teen.

"Let's just go beat up Arlong! We beat Krieg in the end with only half of the crew. With all of us here, plus Kakashi-sensei, there won't be a problem, believe it! Plus, that bastard has gotta pay!"

Nojiko tried to interject, but Sakrua beat her too it.

"Naruto, that'll just make the situation worse. Nami wants to resolve this without violence. And besides, we don't know how strong these fishmen are. Running in like that will just cause more problems," the pinkette triedto explain. But the Uzumaki knucklehead was too stubborn.

"No way, Sakura we'll just find him, beat him up then Nami will come with us."

"Nope, we're not Naruto."

I a twirl of motion, the Genin's frowning face met Luffy; a little to cute to be taken seriously.

"Whatdoya mean, Captain! Are you thinking of leaving her now?" he tried to interrogate the Rubber-man.

Luffy only glanced at him, raising his handsto rest behind his head.

"This isn't our business Naruto. So we're not going doing anything. There's no reason to butt into their affairs, it's not about us. Still, I'm not leaving without Nami. We'll just wait until she's done, then leave for the Grand Line together."

"I agree," Sanji spoke-up. "Doing some odd-jobs here and there to raise extra cash for Nami-swan would probably bring a solution to this problem faster. And I'd hate to leave such an amazing, strong lady under such a burden."

"NO!" Nojiko spoke up. "Didn't you all hear me. The best you can do is to leave. Just find that swordsman who went off on his own and get out of our island."

"Wait!" Ussop spoke up, as Luffy perked at the news. "Oh no! Did Zoro walk off on his own?" the sniper exclaimed.

"Um, yes?" Sakura answered. "Kakashi-sensei left to spy on Arlong this morning. He also gave instructions to Zoro about watching the coastlinefor the rest of you. We left him to get his on his own."

Ussop gapped at her, before his forehead smacked into his palm. Luffy himself began to laugh.

"Shishishishishishishishishishi! Well, guess we've gotta go find Zoro. He's probably lost somewhere. Men, let's go find our direction-stupid Vice-captain!"

Sanji and Gin blinked at the news, but went along with a shrug. The group split up, with Sanji making a special request.

"Naruto and I will go with the ladies. Between my chivalry and all the clones he can make, we can protect them both from any monsters."

"Yeah, I get to protect Sakura-chan!" Naruto cried with glee. 'Then maybe she'll say yes to a date with me,' he silently wished.

But, Sakura's form slide over to block him and the pervy-chef from Nojiko. "OH… no way. Who's gonna protect Nojik-san from you, then, Romeo?"

"Yeah, Sakura-chan is right, Sanji-senpai," Naruto joined in. "You'll just keep flirting with her and not get any work done. I'll go with them alone and they'll be fine."

Both of the blonde quickly started an argument, until Ussop stepped between them.

"Okay, okay. How about this. Sakura, Nojiko, who would you prefer to be accompanied with, so we can stop these two from wasting time finding Zoro," he proposed to them.

Sakura glanced around to each of them, before finding the one who had bothered to ask her at all. "You, Ussop-san. How about Gin-san and Luffy-san head of together, while Naruto-san and Sanji-senpai search together."

Sanji was dissatisfied, but nodded to their wishes nonetheless. While Naruto began to jump in excitement.

"Okay, let's go find Zoro! Follow me!" Naruto declared, with one fist pumped high before running off, with Sanji chasing after him. Luffy did the same with gin, leaving Ussop and the girls alone.

"Um. Do they have any idea of where they're even going? Or of where this man might be?" Nojiko questioned him.

Ussop just folded his arms, "Na, probably not."

Sakura actual took a sigh of relief. 'At least one thing is still familiar amidst all this mess. Naruto's his loud, usual self without any problems. I'm still trying to digest how Sasuke-kun was so mad and aggressive towards Miss. Nami.'

"Excuse me?" the pinkette spoke up. "Perhaps starting from a place we know and then moving on to different areas around the village would be a good place to start? Like at your house, Miss. Nojiko."

The other two agreed, and soon began walking back towards her house. But on their way, they had an unfortunate encounter.

¾'s of the way back, Nojiko spotted a party of marines, with their leading stomping forward in a tantrum.

"Hey, Marines. Hey, hey, over here!" Sakura began to shout. While Ussop began to sweat, unable to hide before the Marine Colonel spotted them.

"Agghh! Could this day possibly become any worse!? First, I am bamboozled by the disgusting fish into thinking a large cache of treasure is ripe to be plucked from a tangerine orchard. Then I run into you again!" Nazumi cried, ready to blow a gasket.

"Ussop-san? Do you know this Marine?" Sakura questioned her teammate.

"Uh…yeah. During the way here, this guy ran into us. Wait-!" The sniper bopped his fist into his palm.

"Back in our encounter, this guy mentioned Arlong by name. He actually said these waters were part of that guy's territory."

"Wait!" Nojiko cut off Ussop, pointing an accusing figure at the dodgy colonel. "You mentioned that monster sending you to take treasure from a tangerine field. What else did he say?"

"Quiet, civilian! That treasure is of no concern of yours, even if your village's freedom is tied to him receive it from that thief Nami. What is of importance is the criminal before me, who assaulted a dedicated civil servant!" Nazumi had drawn his pistol, with it leveled at Ussop.

Nojiko barely moved, But Sakura did not remain quiet, her mind pouring over this news, and connecting the facts to a probable conclusion.

"Arlong sent you! You must be one of the Marine who are on hi payroll. This girl here is Miss. Nami's sister, and you mentioned Nami collecting treasure and the deal Arlong made with her!" the Genin declared.

"OH, did I?" Nazumi muttered, his eyes remaining on Ussop. "Well, just call it a haunch. Still, I found nothing, so that bastard must have lied to me. Or that thieving, whore Nami moved it elsewhere. Now, my patience is very thin as it is, little girl. I suggest you—"

"Ugggh!" Nojiko let out a loud cry, years of building frustration, resentment and anger building up, ready to explode. "You horrible, slimy, bastard!"

Rushing forward, all rational lost, she punched the slow-witted Marine. By luck alone, Nazumi was too off-guard to fire, and squealed as he was hit.

Sakura began to reach for her kunai, while Ussop pulled out his slingshot.

"You, imbecilic, bitch!" Nazumi shrieked.

A loud bang tore through the scene. Nojiko felt a searing pain, hotter than white iron in her shoulder. The girl's eyes grew wide, her form collapsed, and she tumbled back to the ground.

"Na…mi…." she gasped.

Time began to slow for Sakura and Ussop, watching their new friend fall to her knees, and lay on her wounded shoulder.

Nazumi merely huffed at the effort, too annoyed for gloating. "I told you I was feeling frustrated," he admonished them. "Still, one more, for good measure.

"No!" Ussop shouted, charing in front of Nojiko.

"Speical atta—" Bggaaaammmm!

Before the Ussop could fire, Nazumi had already pulled the trigger. The bullet tore through Ussop's right pectoral, and through his lung. The heroic coward's voice died in his throat, as he felt a horrible, crippling pain. It suddenly became difficult to breath, and he couldn't even shout as he feel back, to the ground.

Sakura looked on, unmoving. The girl's mind….it was trying to digest what was happening. Everything around her faded to the background, tunnel-vision forming on Nojiko and Ussop. Her consciousness barely able to comprehend what was happening before her and move on into action.

Until a hand seized her by the chin, turning the girl to face its owner.

"Chichichichichichichi. Quite a pretty thing," Nazumi appraised her. "Young, healthy and with room to grow. Perhaps Arong would allow me to take you to a Human Auctioning House as compensation for my wasted time."

With that, he began to leave. "Stay here, where you can easily be found again. And watch those two die for opposing Navy business."

Just as they left, Ussop began to groan, barely moving.

Sakrua finally snapped out of her thoughts, enough to move. Reaching to her pouch, she removed all of the bandages she could find, but dropped them immediate. The girl realized her hands were shaking too much. Looking down at Ussop and Nojiko, the sight of blood beneath them brought a wave of nausea. Her last meal threatening to pour up from her stomach.

"Help him!" Nojiko's voice cut through the girl's paralyzed state.

"He was shot in—nnnnhhhhhh…." Her wound still crippled her, while the pain cut off her commands. "…the chest. If he doesn'-nnnhhhaaa-get help soon….then the damage to-ggghhhhhhh-…to him. It'll get worse! Bi-nnnnnn-…Bind the wound, then carry him to the doctor!" she exclaimed.

Sakura's mind grabbed those words like a lifeline. Focusing on them alone and pushing the horror to the background, she quickly removed the upper section of Ussop's overalls. Recalling some lesson from the Konoha Academy, she recognizing where the blood came from, placing sterile gauze around the opening, then wrapping multiple bandages around his torso. Next, she quickly moved towards Nojiko and did a similar patch-job to her shoulder.

Just as she began to lift Ussop, barely able to carry him. Kakashi arrived.

(Flashback end).

Sakura finished her account just as the group reached the village. Kakashi himself felt a fresh wave of guilt, as he carried Ussop over his shoulder. "Sakura, where is the doctor's office located?"

"It's right up—there he is sensei!" she pointed further up the road, where a man in a white coat was talking to Genzo.

"Doctor Nako! Help us, please!" Sakura shouted, running forward while waving for his attention. The pair of men looked over, each recognizing one of the group that was running towards them.

Sakura fell to her knees before the doctor, while Genzo moved towards Nojiko.

"MY friend. He was shot through the chest by a pistol! Miss Nojiko has been shot in the shoulder too and—"

"Nojiko!" the doctor exclaimed. Stepping around the girl, he approached the figure carrying both patients in their arms.

"Hmm. Those patch-jobs are spotty, and they both need surgery fast. Get them inside, right now!" he ordered them.

"Wait, take the boy first." Genzo ordered him. "Nojiko. What happened? How and who did this to you?"

As Dr. Nako moved Ussop inside with the real Kakashi, the one who held Nojiko addressed the older man.

"Let's move inside. It can be safer to discuss everything in there," he suggested. Genzo found the tone more of a command and obeyed without question.

Indoors, Sakura stood still, unable to sit or do anything but keep her eyes fixed on the door Dr. Nako and Kakashi had taken Ussop through. Nojiko was set down on a bed as the man carrying her began to add some additional bandages to the wound and stop the blood flow. While she explained to Genzo what had occurred with the Marines. As he took in the story, Genzo's face morphed through multiple emotions; horror, guilt, anger, despair, before they settled on a resolute expression.

A left soon after. Giving the spare Kakashi the chance to glance around the room. His eye rested on the one kunoichi under his care.

'Sakrua didn't face anything like this in Nami no Kuni, nor in Hanma Village after we arrived. Still, she found enough presence of mind to help them both after their wounds. One step at a time, I suppose. Maybe a distraction from this situation will help her,' he silently reasoned.

"Sakura." The girl didn't even turn at her sensei's voice. Until Kakashi stood up, and lay one had on her shoulder. Glancing up, she found a strangely sympathetic gaze in Kakashi's eye.

"You did well, helping Ussop. Now, we need to deal with the man who attacked him, and Arlong for taking a loophole in the deal he made with Arlong. Regardless of Nami's arrangement, one of our comrades have been hurt because of him. And that is one crime I will never allow someone to walk away from," his voice shifting from soft comfort to a steel blade.

"I want you to watch over Nojiko and wait here for him. I can track down the rest of the crew much faster and bring them here. Understand?"

Sakura nodded, as Kakashi lightly coaxed her towards the bed the second patient was resting in. He left soon after, leaving a third Kakashi to watch the doors while the real one was still inside with Naruto.

Half an hour later, Naruto and Sanji came running up the street, asking people for directions to the doctor's office. They arrived in time to see Ussop carried out by Kakashi while Dr. Nako moved towards Nojiko.

"Ussop-san! Naruto cried out, as Sanji took a fresh cigarette from his package.

"Naruto, save you energy, kid. You and I both know, the Captain isn't going to take this lying down. Contain your energy, until it's time to fight."

Kakashi nodded at him, placing Ussop in one of the hospital beds.

"Dr. Nako! How is Ussop-san?" Sakura questioned the man.

"Girl. It's horrible he got the wound at all, but the wound itself was lucky," the doctor answered, tearing off his gloves before moving on to Nojiko.

"The bullet tore through his lung but didn't hit any ribs or his spine. If that'd happened, the bone fragments would've caused a lot of damage. PLusthe bullet was intact instead of splintering once it got in him. Say what you will about the Marines, they kept their equipment up to par."

"Now, somebody help me get Nojiko inside to get that shoulder tended."

Sanji volunteered, completely focused and deadly serious. Nojiko was moved into the OR, while the ninjas remained beside Ussop.

The next arrivals surprised everyone. As Nami and Sasuke burst through the doors.

"Nojiko! Where is Nojiko!" the younger sister exclaimed. Kakashi was beside her in less than one second, with a calming hand on her shoulder to help the girl focus.

"Nami I found your sister just after she and Ussop were shot. The doctor is tending to her right now," he explained. Nami's hand moved to his lips, trying to stifle her emotions before moving towards the door.

Dr. Nako's voice interrupted her, but after seeing who it was, he invited her inside. Sasuke, moved forwards, and stood with the other Team 7 members.

"Hey, Sasuke? Did you find Zoro at all?" Naruto asked him.

The Uchiha's hand curled into a fist, glaring forward as a snarl curled on his lips.

"Yeah, I found him but I couldn't help him. The guy was captured by the Fishmen. After Nami found out about…" the boy swallowed as his throat grew tight. Two more were needed before his emotions were forced down, and the orphan continued…

"As Nami found out her sister was hurt, she told me Zoro-san was imprisoned within Arlong Park. I check it out and watched as Zoro-san was brought outside. He was held at gunpoint and surrounded by 50 Fishmen and another dozen of those Marine-soldiers. Arlong gave him to some rat-faced idiot, who promised to execute Zoro-san once they were away from the island."

"All of the Marines, and other twenty Fishmen went with Zoro-san as an escort. Too many for me to fight on my own, so I caught up to Nami just before she got here."

Sakura gasped, her hands rising to her gaping mouth. Naruto began to tremble, his face a picture of rage. Kakashi himself felt another stab of guilt, for letting the Marines walk away when he had the chance to prevent all of this.

Until they were distracted by a shout from outside.

"Eight long years ago! We all promised together we wouldn't spend our lives in vein!" Glancing outside, Team 7 saw everyone in the town gathering, armed for a fight. Genzo stood before them, the clear leader of the group.

"No matter what pain or humiliation we endured from Arlong, we swore to fight the long fight so Nami could meet his demand! But now, it is clear that bastard will never let her of us be free! You all know what I describe, and we agree it is time to fight back!"

As the others look on, Nami burst from the doctor's room, sprinting outside.

"Genzo! What are you doing!? You know what the consequences are for defying Arlong!" she shouted out, desperate to keep something in her life together after so much had fallen apart that day.

"What are you even talking about! There's no way Arlong will—" She was cut off, but Genzo wrapping one arm around here, in a farewell hug to the girl who was like a daughter to him.

"Nami," he began, while each of the ninjas looked on.

"We've all known about your deal with Arlong. To buy our freedom and your own for 100,000,000 bellies."

Nami eyes widened, as another piece of her plan, the solace from the torments she had endured, fell away to a dark abyss.

"Nojiko told us all. And so, we agreed not to make any trouble for Arlong in order for you to not be endangered. Or to suffer under another burden than the one you had already taken up. Listen," Genzo spoke, taking a step backwards, and placing both hands on Nami's shoulders.

"I know that the treasure is safe. That grey-haired ninja Kakashi hid it before the Marines arrived at your house. After he overheard Arlong making plans with that bastard who shot Nojiko to steal it. But that's not enough."

"All this has shown, is that Arlong will never honour your bargain. He'll only find another way out, keeping you by his side forever. Those fishmen…" his arms began to shake with rage.

"We have to make those filthy fishmen pay for the years they manipulated you, and us! We may never be free. But, at the very least, we can set you free from this kind of suffering! Bellemere…she would be so proud of you….were she standing here right now. I could never face her in the afterlife if I didn't know I did everything I could for you and Nojiko. But now, she has been hurt and Arlong is the source of it out."

"Bellemere had the courage to give her life, for you and Nojiko. Having the same courage, while ensuring you both can live any life you chose, not one forced on you by others. That is all that can I can do for you now."

As Genzo finished, more of the villager spoke-up as well. All of them united by the wish to live free, rather than trust Arlong's word or rule any further.

"Nami," Genzo faced her, for the final time. As tears began to gather in her eyes, the girl too exhausted and lost to do anything. "Set yourself free from this village. And follow the life you want to live."

"No!" she cried, drawing a dagger towards them, trying to steady it with both hands.

"No, I-I'm not gonna let loose anyone more to that monster," she spoke, filled with desperation towards them. The girl was breathing deeply, her eyes wide and heavy with grief at everything that had happened; her world falling apart within one day.

"You'll all die." She reminded them. Only for Genzo to meet her with eyes of resignation, "We know that."

Sakura sank to her feet, amazed that the fate the entire village had chosen. Sasuke was looking back, while most of his attention was fixed on Nami.

Naruto, for once, was silent. 'They…that's like Haku running to take a hit for Zaubza. Or him tunring around to finish Gato knowing his death was coming. Or Tazuna helping his village depite facing down those kinda dangers instead of just bowing his head and doing nothing,' he recalled.

Kakashi himself look on, already making contingency plans.

Genzo himself took the knife from Nami without a single word. Turning back to the crowd, he drew a sword and order them, "Move out!"

With a roar, everyone ran past Nami, until only she and the pirates remained in the town.

A door inside the clinic opened, as Dr. Nako and Kakashi moved outside. The doctor had wanted to join them after treated Nojiko, but Kakashi had assured him they would be needing him later. The shadow-clone disappeared as the original returned, while Nami sank to her knees.

Barely a sound was made, as Nami found herself completely drained, useless, and looking back on a wasted life. Her mind was plagued by the image of Nojiko, unconscious and hurt in the clinic. Of meeting Luffy, Zoro, Ussop and the ninjas. From Nojiko's own tattoo's and unconditional assurance and comfort. Of the betrayal of her rival Carina, and imprisonment by Mad Treasure.[3] Of returning home beaten, burnt and bruised, but waving it off in-light of her progress.

Until her mind reached the moment Bellemere died before her eyes, and the laughter that followed.

'Shahahahahahahahaha! Shahahahahahahahahahaha! Shahohohohoho! Shahahahahahahahahahahaha!'

Growing….insulting…the single, horrible sound was overwhelming her.

Turning to her shoulder, she glared at the tattoo, spitefully. The mark had been forced on her, a sign of her torment, enslavement, horrors and trials. The mark of the one man, who took everything from her life. Who's laughter filled her ears this very moment. As a shaky hand rose towards it, her face a glare of hatred marred with tears, the glint of her knife caught her eye.

Pure rage unfolded.

"Arlong!" she exclaimed, grasping the knife, and plunging it into herself. "Ghu-Arlong!" Another stab. "Arlong! Arlong-Arlong! Ghu-Arlong!"

"Miss. Nami, stop!" Sakura cried, joined by Naruto, the pair ran over to grab her arm. Nami's horrified face met theirs, before knocking them both aside aside and proceeding to stab herself further. Kakashi and Sasuke looked on. Neither ever seeing this level of despair or hopelessness before, even in themselves.

Nami continued to stab herself, until another figure ran out from the clinic. "Nami, no! Stop, stop letting him win byhurting yourself!" Nojiko screamed. Grabbing her sister's arm, it stopped Nami for a moment.

"Let go of me! Please, Nojiko, let go!" Nami demanded, trying to attack the mark on her shoulder again.

"Why, you're only hurting yourself!" Nojiko cried, wrestling with her younger sister.

"Because-ghhrrr—Because it's the only way I have left to hurt that monster!"

Grasping Nojiko's hand to free the one holding the knife, another stab pierced Nami's shoulder, drops of blood flying out from the wound. -Rhhe—rrhRrhaa!-It's the only thing I can take from him!"

"I HATE HIM! EVERYTHING I HAVE, HE'S TAKEN FROM ME! THAT MONSTER! AND—AN—AND—AND I CAN'T DO ANTHING-AAAAAAHHH!" Nami's voice reached a higher pitch, her emotions now at their worst.

Sakura could barely breath, watching all that happen. Sasuke was not much better, recalling similar thoughts about himself, compounding the self-directed anger towards his inability to help Zoro. The one man alive he admired and held true respect for.

Kakashi was harder to read, but memories of Obito and Rin's death were coming to the forefront of his mind. And his own cry of despair after a Chidori plunged through Rin's heart.

Sanji finally came outside, but Kakashi held him back from anything. Pointing at their new arrivals.


Finally, someone stepped forward, who could stop Nami. Luffy stood above her, grasping her wrist.

"Luffy…." Nami muttered, the knife dropping to the ground. Gin was behind him, looking onwards with a deeply serious face.

"Nami," Luffy spoke to his navigator. Causing the girl's eyes to widen, at the serious tone behind them.

"Why are you crying? What is going on?" the Straw hat Captain questioned her.

Nami took several gulps, before she could speak, only in a whisper. "Arlong. He's…he's taken…taken everything I care-..ghuk..-about. My dreams…my hope….my freedom…he owns me and my life. He's….destroying everything an-and anything I have…and even hurt my sister, Nojiko."

"Ussop is hur—hurt because of him to. Shot by some Marine under…that…monster's control."

"WHAT!" Luffy exploded. Only two thought running through his head: a sibling hurt by someone else, and another one of his crew injured. Looking over at the others, akashi and Sanji both nodded at their captain.

Nami's hand rose to her mouth, guilt for the boy who fought to save his own village creeping through her. Until a pair of hands lifted her to her feet. S

he fought back at first, until her eyes met Luffy's face. The Captain's eyes were blazing white, with pupils darker than an eclipse. His mouth was pressed together, with a furry that even made Kakashi and Gin hesitant.

"Your sister got hurt? And this same bastard shot Ussop! All because of this Arlong, guy?!" he demanded from her, as molten rage began to churn in his soul.

Nami could only whimper. Broken, as blood dripped down her arm, and only Luffys' support kept her upright. Before nodding her head. With eyes of pure defeat, and unable to stop her crying, she turned to…hope…left to her….."Arlong….he did…

…Luffy. Help me," she begged from him.

Luffy's eyes were now hidden by his hat. Before he wrapped the girl in his arms. Nami responded to his hug, leaning in the one tiny solace that remained, clutching it to stay alive. Her head leaned into the crook of his neck, as her body shuddered at the comfort.

For a moment, Luffy just held her. His eyes looking towards each of his crew one at a time. Zoro was still missing, but every who was there looked at him to say the words they knew were coming. Kakashi himself stumbled back a step, amazed at the sheer determination and will in the captain's eyes.

"Where is Zoro?" Luffy questioned them. Sasuke stepped forward. "He won a fight with some of Arlong's crew. But the rest of them defeated him and imprisoned him in their fortress. Arlong gave him to a couple of the crooked Marines to execute him," the Uchiha shared. Naturally, Luffy's face began to twist, his rage driven even higher.

"Old-man Kakashi! Go stop those villagers from being stupid!" LUffy commanded him. Kakashi nodded, before he vanished in a Shunshin. As Luffy turned back to his navigator.

"Nami," slowly, the girl looked up. Luffy brought one hand to his hat, while the other held the girl on her feet. Soon the straw hat, Luffy's treasure, was planted on Nami's head, leaving her in a sense of awe.

"We're friends, Nami. Of, course we'll help you," Luffy pledged to her. "But even bigger than that. This Arlong guy. He hurt Zoro. His Marine friend hurt Ussop . And You The MOST."



[1]-After watching Zoro vs. Mihawk, the swordsman has done the impossible. He managed to get Sasuke to use honourifics to address him.

[2]-The pilot-Arc of One Piece. 153rd Branch is where Ax-Hand Morgan was station, where Nami snuck in to swipe a map of the Grand Line, that had already been taken by Buggy.

[3]-One Piece: Heart of the Gold, and One Piece: Gold.

Phew…this chapter had a lot squeezed into it, and it took more than a while to short everything in a way I was satisfied with. Although, I also enjoyed writing about Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke the most. Developing them a bit further and exploring a side to Sasuke that I find other writers do not often comprehend.

Also, I wanted to giving Arlong due credit in this chapter. Horrible though he is, even monsters have their own set of morals. To me, he is a far more compelling villain, and a perfect foil, to Don Krieg. Krieg was extremely delusional over the realities of his ambitions, was exceedingly impatient, and viewed all those under his command as expendable. Arlong deeply treasured each of his crew, following an unbreakable code of brotherhood between them, had deep patience for his ambitions, and had great physical might.

I am very excited to write about him, as out of all the enemies the Mugiwara have made. Arlong is one of the few who values his crew first and foremost almost as much as Luffy does.

Now, three different members of Luffy's crew have suffered at Arlong's hands. The stakes have been raised for one hell-of-a-brawl.

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