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54.54% Grey - Of Black and White / Chapter 42: The Showdown

Chapter 42: The Showdown

Zanno and Babah prepared themselves for the imminent battle with the Craglisk Chieftain, as Olivia's voice echoed in their minds, offering her guidance and support.

「 Olivia 」

"Zanno, Babah, remember to trust in your abilities and the bond you share."

"Believe in the strength of your soul and the power of your emotions."

"Channel your emotions into focused determination, and let it guide your actions."

Zanno nodded, his eyes filled with determination. He could feel the energy within him, a combination of his own emotions and the support of Babah and Olivia. It was a potent force that he knew he could wield against the Craglisk Chieftain.

「 Phoenix Armor Zanno 」

"Thank you for the advice, Mom."

"Babah, are you ready for this?"

「 Babah 」

"Tread lightly, Zanno."

"We still don't know the full extent of his power."

「 Phoenix Armor Zanno 」

"Don't worry."

"I'll keep my eyes peeled."

"Please take care of the..."

"Minor details."

「 Babah 」

"You betcha!"

Chief Gralis pulled out a small runic hammer with his right hand while a menacing mojo with the other. Zanno stood his ground bravely, observing Chief Gralis's actions as he strategized a plan with Babah and his Mom.

The runic hammer of Chief Gralis was an imposing weapon, crafted with meticulous care and infused with the essence of the Craglisk tribe. The hammer's head was made of dense, ivory-like material, etched with ancient symbols and runes that pulsed with a faint, ominous glow. Its handle was forged from the sturdy wood of a rare, ancient tree, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of battle and triumph.

The runes inscribed on the hammer's head seemed to hold a deep connection to Aena and its primal forces. Each symbol represented a different aspect of elemental power, harnessed and channeled by the wielder. Faint traces of lightning danced along the runes, signifying the affinity of the Craglisk tribe with the storm and thunder.

The mojo, an ancient talisman wielded by Chief Gralis, complemented the hammer's formidable presence. It was a small pendant, crafted from a polished piece of azure gemstone, resembling a stylized lightning bolt. The gemstone emitted a soft, ethereal glow, pulsating with a mix of electric blues and vibrant purples.

The mojo's enchantments were inscribed in ancient Craglisk script, blending elements of elemental magic and tribal mysticism. It served as a conduit for the chief's powers, enhancing his control over the storm and granting him the ability to manipulate lightning and thunder with precision and devastating force.

As Chief Gralis brandished his runic hammer and held the mojo aloft, the combined energies of the two artifacts crackled and entwined, creating an aura of raw power and primal energy around him. The air grew charged with electricity, and the ground trembled beneath his feet as if responding to his command.

「 Chief Gralis 」

"Well, human. I am all charged up, wouldn't you say."


「 Phoenix Armor Zanno 」

"Oh my god..."

"Save me the puns, will you?"

「 Chief Gralis 」

"No sense of humor?"


「 Zanno 」

"Oh, I have one."

"Just not to a lame one like yours."

「 Chief Gralis 」

"Very well then."

"I will just get this over with!"

Zanno gulped nervously, realizing the formidable challenge that lay before him. He knew that Chief Gralis's mastery over lightning and thunder made him a formidable opponent, one who had to be approached with caution and strategic thinking.

Chief Gralis started uttering words in the ancient language of the Craglisk while his Gear began to pulsate. The ancient mojo he possessed grew brighter with each passing moment, causing Zanno to feel uneasy. He recognized the sensation from the Training Arena of the academy where the magical density had become thicker.

「 Chief Gralis 」

"I believe this is how you puny humans say, right?..."

"Gear up!"

"The thunder growls louder than the loud"

"Bursting through veils of the pitch-black cloud"

"From the darkest swamp, of the blackest lake"

"My greatest power, oh thee, shall awake"

"Bathe me in the rain of your divine shower"

"Lend me your strength, your mythical power"

"Tarḫunna, King of the Storms! I seek the aid of your Maelstrom Armor!"


As Chief Gralis continued his incantations, a surge of energy coursed through his body, causing his armor to undergo a dramatic transformation. The once simple and unassuming armor he wore now erupted with elemental power, taking on a formidable and imposing appearance.

The first change occurred on his torso. It morphed, transforming into a suit of gleaming, metallic armor. The plates overlapped one another, forming a protective shell that shimmered with an otherworldly iridescence. The armor predominantly changed its color into dark gray, with accents of vibrant blues and purples, reminiscent of a stormy sky.

The intricate designs etched onto the armor seemed to come alive as if animated by the very forces of nature. They depicted swirling clouds, bolts of lightning, and roaring thunder, all interwoven with symbols of the Craglisk tribe. Faint traces of electricity crackled along the edges of the armor, adding to its dynamic and electrifying presence.

From his shoulders sprouted imposing pauldrons, crafted in the shape of thunderclouds. They extended outward, giving Chief Gralis an even more imposing silhouette. The pauldrons crackled with energy, occasionally releasing small sparks that danced along their jagged edges.

His gauntlets underwent a significant transformation as well. Once simple gloves, they now became intricate gauntlets adorned with swirling patterns resembling storm winds. The fingertips of the gauntlets ended in sharp, claw-like extensions, giving Chief Gralis a menacing and predatory appearance.

Chief Gralis's cuisses transformed into armored leggings. The material shifted and hardened, becoming a durable, metallic substance that provided enhanced protection. The leggings were adorned with engraved symbols of lightning, evoking the raw power of thunderstorms.

His boots underwent a similar transformation, becoming sturdy and imposing. They were reinforced with metal plating, featuring engraved patterns that mirrored the designs on his armor. The soles of the boots glowed with a faint electric charge, allowing Chief Gralis to harness and channel the power of lightning through his every step.

As the final touch to his armor transformation, a billowing cloak materialized behind Chief Gralis. The cloak was made of ethereal, storm-like fabric, flowing and swirling as if caught in a tempest. It trailed behind him, adding an air of regality and mystique to his appearance.

Chief Gralis's armor transformation was a manifestation of his dominance over the storm and his connection to the primal forces of nature. It exuded power, danger, and an overwhelming presence, a visual representation of the immense capabilities he possessed as the Craglisk Chieftain.

「 Chief Gralis 」

"Now you shall feel the full wrath of the King of the Storms, little boy!"

「 Phoenix Armor Zanno 」

"This is bad Babah..."

"Correct me if I am wrong, but last time I checked, fire is weak against water, right?"

「 Babah 」

"You need to stall him while Mom and I find a solution."

「 Phoenix Armor Zanno 」

"Easier said than done, my friend."

「 Olivia 」

"Please try your best, my son."

"Babah and I are already on it."

「 Phoenix Armor Zanno 」

"Oh well..."

Zanno focused his energy and channeled his magic into creating a formidable weapon to face the transformed Chief Gralis. With a wave of his hand, flames coalesced and swirled around him, forming a blazing spear of pure elemental fire.

The flame spear was a sight to behold, its fiery essence flickering and dancing along its length. It resembled a traditional spear in shape, with a long, slender shaft made entirely of flames. The flames burned with an intense heat, radiating waves of scorching energy.

At the tip of the spear, the flames condensed into a sharp and lethal point, resembling molten metal frozen in time. The fiery tip emitted a vibrant glow, shifting between hues of red, orange, and yellow as if mimicking the flickering flames of a roaring bonfire.

The spearhead seemed to be alive with energy. Tiny sparks of fire danced and leaped around it, creating an ethereal and mesmerizing display. The flames crackled and hissed, seemingly eager to be unleashed upon their target.

Despite its ephemeral nature, the flame spear possessed a solidity and weight characteristic of a physical weapon. It was a manifestation of Zanno's magical prowess and his connection to the element of fire through the Phoenix Armor. The spear exuded both destructive power and the transformative properties of flames, capable of immolating anything it touched.

Zanno's grip tightened around the fiery shaft, feeling the heat radiating through his hands. He could sense the weapon's affinity with his own magical energy as if it were an extension of himself. With the flame spear in hand, he felt empowered and ready to face the formidable challenge ahead.

The clash between Zanno and Chief Gralis was imminent, both combatants readying themselves for the impending confrontation. As Zanno held the flame spear, its fiery glow mirrored the determination in his eyes.

「 Chief Gralis 」

"Your pitiful flame is nothing compared to the might of the storm!"

「 Zanno 」

"We'll see about that, lizard face!"

Zanno lunged forward, his movements swift and precise. The flame spear extended outward, leaving a trail of scorching heat in its wake. The weapon sliced through the air with a hiss, leaving behind a faint trail of smoke as it soared toward its target.

As the flame spear neared Chief Gralis, the intense heat emanating from the weapon intensified. The flames grew brighter, their flickering dance transforming into a concentrated blaze at the spear's tip. Zanno's mastery over fire allowed him to control the intensity and direction of the flames, making the weapon a deadly extension of his will.

The flame spear struck with a burst of fiery energy, colliding with Chief Gralis's transformed armor. The flames engulfed the metallic plating, licking at its surface with relentless heat. The intense fire threatened to melt through the defenses, seeking to consume its target in a blaze of destruction.

Chief Gralis staggered backward, momentarily caught off guard by the ferocity of the attack. The flames seared through his armor, leaving scorch marks in their wake. Smoke billowed from the charred areas, mingling with the crackling energy of the storm that surrounded him.

However, Chief Gralis quickly regained his composure, his eyes narrowing with determination as he summoned the power of the storm. He raised his runic hammer high, channeling his lightning-infused mojo to counter Zanno's fiery assault.

Electricity crackled and surged through the air as Chief Gralis unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning from his mojo. The lightning streaked toward Zanno, aiming to intercept him before he could strike again. But Zanno, fueled by his resolve and the bond he shared with Babah and Olivia, remained steadfast.

With a swift motion, Zanno deflected the lightning bolt using the flame spear. The fire clashed with the electric energy, creating a spectacular display of contrasting elements. Sparks flew and crackled, illuminating the battlefield with a dazzling mix of fire and lightning.

Zanno pressed forward, determined to exploit Chief Gralis's momentary vulnerability. He maneuvered skillfully, evading the chief's lightning-infused attacks while launching his own counterstrikes with the flame spear. Each thrust and swing of the weapon sent forth waves of searing heat, threatening to overwhelm Chief Gralis's defenses.

The battle raged on, an epic clash between fire and storm. Zanno's flame spear danced with fiery grace, its movements leaving trails of scorch marks and smoldering embers in its wake. Each strike tested the limits of Chief Gralis's armor, pushing him to the brink of his power.

「 Chief Gralis 」

"You got heart, I give you that, kid."

"But all that you have just shown me are just basic training routines."

"Surely you can do better."

"You are a Soul Traveler, aren't you?"


Chief Gralis's taunts echoed through the battlefield, his words laced with arrogance and confidence. Undeterred, Zanno gritted his teeth and focused his energy, determined to prove the chieftain wrong. He knew that he possessed more than just basic training routines; he had help from Babah and his mother.

With renewed determination, Zanno launched a series of rapid attacks, his flame spear becoming a blur of motion. He aimed to overwhelm Chief Gralis with the sheer intensity and speed of his strikes. But the chieftain was no ordinary opponent. His experience and mastery over the powers of the storm allowed him to effortlessly deflect and evade Zanno's onslaught.

Chief Gralis retaliated with lightning-quick strikes of his own with his runic hammer. Bolts of electricity crackled through the air, seeking to strike Zanno down and leave him vulnerable. Zanno's reflexes were put to the test as he skillfully evaded the deadly bolts, using his agility and magical prowess to stay one step ahead.

However, Chief Gralis's attacks were relentless. Each time Zanno attempted to counter, the chieftain deflected his strikes with ease, leaving Zanno on the defensive. The power of the storm surged around Chief Gralis, amplifying his attacks and making it increasingly difficult for Zanno to find an opening.

The battle intensified, the clash between fire and storm reaching its apex. Zanno's movements became more fluid and precise, his evasive maneuvers seamlessly transitioning into counterattacks. He used the environment to his advantage, using bursts of flame to create smokescreens and unleash surprise assaults.

Despite Zanno's best efforts, Chief Gralis's mastery over the storm proved to be a formidable obstacle. The chieftain's attacks grew more calculated and precise, each strike pushing Zanno further back. The sheer power of the storm threatened to overwhelm the fiery determination that burned within Zanno's soul.

「 Zanno 」

"Wipe that smirk off your face!"

"I still can fight."

「 Chief Gralis 」


"I thought this kid already knew the meaning of despair?"

"I guess I shall give you a taste of my power."

"I won't hold back this time, kid!"

Chief Gralis raised his mojo, pointing the artifact brimming with electrical energy toward the sky.

"O' mighty Tarḫunna, King of the Storms."

"Unleash your wrath and bring forth pain to sate your rage!"


Babazam Babazam

I will leave this one hanging for today :P

16 Oct 23

Edit: 22 Nov 23

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