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100% Greatest Mastermind System / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Prolouge
Greatest Mastermind System Greatest Mastermind System original

Greatest Mastermind System

Author: Andre_Angka

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Prolouge

We begin our story in Japan in a Apartment Complex, where our MC Shin Kageyami of the story lives. We see a dirty apartment with clothes sprawling across the floor and many mundane things out of place. Our MC is currently raging and shouting profanities at the his computer setup in the corner of the room.

Shin: FUCK!!! Dammit! What the hell is this kind of ending!?!?!

On the computer screen of the MC it shows the ending of his favorite anime Death Note.

Shin: Why the hell does Light have to die?!?! I call bullshit! How the hell did they figure it out??? Light's Plan was flawless! "Sigh"...god dammit another ruined anime.

Your currently asking "Why did our MC get mad at the villains death?" well because our MC is a diehard fan of villains and is tired of "Good" winning and "Evil" losing.

Shin: I mean at least 90% of every story, show, manga, and anime its always the good guys who win and the bad guys who lose come on!

As Shin is about to close his computer a chat request appears in his screen

Shin: Huh! What's this?

Shin curiously clicks accept on the request and a chat box appears

@MysteryBeing: If you had a choice would you want to be the greatest villain of all time?

Shin: What the hell? Hmmm eh why not I got nothing to lose.

@ShiKage: Yes

@MysterBeing: Very well enjoy your new life!

Shin: Wha-

Shin couldn't say anything else as he blacks out and falls into unconsciousness with his last thoughts...

Shin: "WHAT THE HELL!!!!"


We see Shin sprawled on the floor of a white room where everything is all blank white. A s he wake's up from his nap as he see's his surroundings and with a start jump's up and start to panic.


"25 Minutes Later"

Shin: Okay Im calm where the hell am I?


Shin: What was that!?!?

[System Binding...Host Found.....12%....30%....46%]

Shin: " this the fabled System of all fanfics and novels? YES!!!!"

[DING! System Bound! Welcome Host to the Mastermind System]

Shin: Huh? What is the Mastermind System?

[The Mastermind System allows the Host to become the Greatest Evil Mastermind in the Multiverse]

Shin: What!!!

Shin shakes in excitement as he imagines himself as one of those Masterminds like All for One from My Hero Academia.

[Affirmative Host!]

Shin: Hell Yeah!!!!!- Wait System tell me all your functions.

[Yes Host DING! System has Status, Inventory, Gacha, Skills, and {LOCKED}]

Shin: System explain to me why the fourth option is locked?

[Because Host needs to Conquer his first World to know more]

Shin: Alright show me my Status then.


Name: Shin Kageyami

Age : 18

Title: None

Race: Human







Shin: Can you explain to me why Im that weak and what are the classifications?

[DING! Yes Host because you are from a Normal World is why you are weak

F = Weakling

E = Normal Person

D = Athlete/University Student

C = Professional/Hero




Shin: Well That sucks...System! Explain the Gacha to me.

[Yes Host! The Gacha contains four collums fist is the Subordinates, then MINIONS, then SKILLS, then everything related to villainy be it equipment, bases, machines, anything you can think of is called RANDOM. There are 6 Grades in the Gacha...



RARE = Blue

EPIC = Purple



Shin: Alright thanks System, by the way is there anything in my Inventory?

[DING! Detected Beginner Package X1 Do you wish to open?]

Shin: Yes!!!! Open it!

[DING! Obtained Subordinates Ticket X3, Minion Ticket X2, Skill Ticket X3, And Random Ticket X5]

Shin: Alright use all my Tickets!

[DING! Using all Tickets.....

SUBORDINATES: Archetype (Epic) - Bonehead (Epic) - Barracuda (Rare)

MINIONS: Henchmen (GHOST: Uncommon) - Bullshark (Rare)

SKILLS: Menacing Aura (Uncommon) - Inspect (Common) - Devil's Deal (Epic)

RANDOM: Underground Base (Rare) - Factory X2 (Common) - Exo-Skeleton (Rare) - Background Starter (Rare)

Shin: AWESOME!!!!! System show me my Subordinates, Minions, Skills, and everything else in that order.

[DING! Affirmative....


- Archetype -

Power: Technomancer (Can manipulate any and all kinds of technology )


Master Hacker

Adept Inventor

Adept Shooter

- Bonehead -

Power: Phantom ( Can become transparent. He is immune to any damage while transparent, and is able to phase through walls)


Master Brawler

Professional Shooter

- Barracuda -

Power: Poison Field (Can create a cloud field of Poisons of any type and can choose who to affect)


Master Poisonist

Professional Assasin


- Henchmen (GHOST) -

These Henchmen are the typical minions you see with every villain. They all wear white masks and suits. They make it up because they spawn with random weaponry like AK's to Miniguns

- Bullsharks -

These minions specialize in Sea Combat and Coastal Raids. They all wear Standard Kevlar with Shark hoods. They spawn with M9 Carbines while the ocational Bullshark's carry Harpoon Guns.

Shin: I'm getting some Fortnite vibes.


- Inspect -

Can use inspect to see any target's Weakness and Strengths

- Menacing Aura(Passive) -

You emit a menacing aura that can coerce or intimidate your enemies. Can also fear your Henchmen and Subordinates for extra efficiency.

- Devil's Contract -

Can create a Contract when the signee that signed it must do exactly what the contract says or he/she will lose their soul and become slaves to the user.

Shin: LETS GO!!!!!


- Underground Base -

Can spawn a Underground Base in the specified area where the user wants.

- Factory X2 -

Can create a factory in the specified area where the user wants. The factory can create ammunition, weapons and etc.

- Exo-Skeleton -

It is an Exo-Skeleton that increases the User's STR, AGI , and END by One Rank. It can also be used by Subordinates.

- Background Starter -

When entering a new world the Background Starter will create background that will benefit the user in more ways than one.

Shin: That is very useful. System! I'm ready now!

[DING! Random World Choosing..... My Hero Academia World Selected]

Andre_Angka Andre_Angka

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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