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47.61% GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel / Chapter 87: 86

Chapter 87: 86


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"You sure you want to sleep in here with me?" Shaena asks for the third time and I sigh as I pull her close to me and set a hand where she showed me the baby would be if it's growing.

"Tonight is the last night so yes, I want to spend it with you since I might miss all the other nights leading up to birth. I like to think you are pregnant as it seems to fire me up, even more, to win and secure a spot so I can get you shipped over quickly. I want you and mom out of Westeros before the fighting starts and somewhere I have 'control'." Given I won't have real control until the dragons are big enough to kill armies. It was honestly only a matter of time until House Targaryen got kicked off the iron throne once the dragons died.

"What names do you like?" She sets her hand on mine and I think about a name I would like.

"For a boy maybe Daeron and for a girl maybe Alysanne. Though if I do miss the birth name it whatever you think best." I sure hope I don't miss any kid of mine birth, I want to be the first or at least second to hold them.

"I like Alysanne but Daeron maybe not, I will think about it some more." She wiggles back into my chest and I shift for her to better fit against me.

I will try my best to make sure I don't miss the birth, would be upsetting if I did and she named the kid something stupid.


Waking up was hard, knowing this will be the last time for a long time I will see Shaena but I end up sliding out of bed when I remember I want to spend some time with mom.

I also need to 'pack' seven dragons who gave wary looks to every chest coming into the room. It's obvious they will not ride in a closed space even if I want them to so I am hoping I can come up with something.

"You up?" Shaena shifts under the sheets and I grunt a response as I put my boots on.

"Yes, I am going to see mom before I figure something out for the dragons." She gets out of bed slowly baring her form to my eyes and makes her way to me.

"I see, I will see you at breakfast then." She wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips on mine.

"See you soon." After breaking the kiss I grab Brightroar and head for the door as I hear her enter the bed again. That's the last time I will hear that noise caused by her for a long time and the little things start adding up.

It's like when I left before all over again, them knowing I am going is only making it worse.


"You are awake?" Mom is combing her hair as I enter her room and turns to look at me with raised brows.

"I am awake, I came to see you." She purses her lips and turns back around and runs the comb through her hair again.

"I see, you haven't changed your mind?" Too late even if I did I would look like a coward and wouldn't live it down.

"No, I haven't and I would rather not talk about it and spoil the mood for the rest of the day." She sighs and shakes her head as I approach and grab the comb and take up the duty of running it through her hair.

Her soft hair that reaches down to her hips is abundant and will take a while to comb thoroughly so I sit on the padded bench with her. She closes her eyes and sits straight as I work on her hair and a small smile tugs on her lips.

This is much better than thinking about regretful things.


"You guys ready!" I throw the door to my room with a bang and catch a dragon to the chest who latches its claws for support. "Fuck!" I stumble not expecting something to fly out at me.

"That's what you get for trying to scare someone!" Danny yells across the room and I hear giggles from more than two other girls so it seems they aren't alone.

I close the door and see Rhaenys and Visenya both already here and holding their bond.

Surprising me I see Ashara and her daughter here as well and give them each a short nod, it seems they are helping get ready.

"How are we getting them on the boat without attracting attention to them and us?" Shiera asks as she uses a wooden fork to scratch Tessarion on her belly.

"Carriage, all of us so no one sees us, and most of the ships were prepared to leave last night in the dark, including the troops on them. So they are waiting on us to leave and when we set off they will be able to move around a bit more." After we ate I spent a little more time with mom and now I help these ladies hurry up and we start the leaving process.

"What about them?" Daenerys motions towards the dragons who are scattered across the room.

"Hide them up your skirt or something until we get far from the dock or something." I shrug and scrunch her nose.

"They would tear my legs up with their claws, I will hide them in your pants instead." She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes.

"They might be scared of the big 'dragon' in my pants so that won't work." The room silences and everyone looks at me funny, my joke missed the mark.

"They might just bite it off." Rhaenyra responds and clutches Syrax to her chest who nuzzles her head into Rhaenyras neck.

"Alright, let's just see if they will sit in a chest until we get to the ship then we can let them out in the cabin. When we are ready to leave I will try to stuff them in one but it will have to be a big one, or maybe two big ones." Ashara moves forward and looks between the dragons and then nods her head.

"I will go find two chests and have them brought here." I nod and she heads off, it might be a good thing to have her around.

"Make sure you gave a personal goodbye to everyone before we go, it could be a year or more at worst that we are away from them." The happy mood was crushed under my foot after my words but some of them stand up to leave and go out the door. They should get what they can while they can because it might actually be longer than we think.

"I will go say bye to my Mom and Aegon one more time even though I will see them right before we leave." Rhaenys gets up and walks up to me and as she passes me she lifts herself onto her toes and kisses my cheek and keeps walking. I shake my head at her as I turn around and see her swaying her hips as she walks toward the door.

"You aren't going with her Visenya?" I look back at Visenya who has Vhagar sleeping on her lap as she habitually twirls her raven locks on a finger.

"No, I said goodbye to them all enough and I will see them before I go. Elia and Aegon are tired of my goodbyes and Mom went to the North a week ago to talk to her brother with Uncle Benjen so all of my pack that is left is going with me mostly." Lyanna decided to head North to talk to Eddard Stark about his plans and she should be there or close to it even though they are traveling secretly and slowly to be on the safe side.

Elia and Lyanna sought me out multiple times as a duo before Lyanna left and I won't lie and say I don't miss it. But Elia made sure to 'soothe' my loss by putting in extra effort, but when Lyanna gets back depending on what she hears things will change massively. It might even make this trip a wasted effort in the long run if Eddard decides to support we would also gain the Riverlands as well most likely.

With the Vale and Dorne on top of that, we would have the most troops and be able to pinch them between the two sides if coordinated. The only problem is the Reach swinging to the Baratheons, which would even things out numbers-wise since they can call almost one hundred thousand men. Most of them are 'green' but still, the numbers are heavy and will even the board for the most part. But Targaryens have strong friends in the Reach to maybe change that to our advantage.

"Well I am sure you will see her sooner than most, she all but promised to kill me if you died in the Summer Isles. She said she would sail down there on her own when she made it back to Dorne and had an accurate location on us." I believe she actually will as well so that is troubling, but Visenya just smiles and nods.

"She told me that she would come when she was done with the 'boring' stuff, she told me right after she talked about starting to fuck you regularly." That damn she wolf, she is almost as bad as Elia who actively pushed her daughter onto me.

Elia pushing Rhaenys and Lyanna pushing Visenya, if I didn't know better I would expect Aegon was behind this.

"I see, since your ready then I guess we are all just waiting now." I head over to Rhaenyra who was sitting alone after Daenerys and Shiera left to see their moms.

I wrap an arm around her shoulder as I drop next to her and pull her into my side, she leans her head on me.

"At least a week and few days on a ship, I am not looking forward to it." Rhaenyra grumbles, I am of much the same mind as well.

"I am also not looking forward to it but I am focusing on the destination and keeping my mind busy." She snorts as her hand wraps around my waist.

"You will help distract me so I won't be bored on the ship?" She looks up with pleading eyes but a hint of mischievousness as well.

"What did you have in mind?" She looks over at Visenya who is listing since nothing else is happening in the room and she blushes a bit before leaning into my ear.

"You could always distract me on the bed, hours fly by when we are having sex and I won't even notice a week has gone by if you don't stop." She whispers in a low enough voice but by the nature of the conversation build-up and Visenyas intelligence, she knows what the 'secret' should be about.

"If you want to fuck on the ship know there are only three cabins and there all next to each other so we will hear or some of us will even see. So all the horny sand snakes will hear and likely get roused into hunting down some 'prey'. Plus the water on the ship is for drinking and baths will be every other day or longer so you will be covered in the stench of sex for days at a time, though by the smell in this room most of the time that shouldn't bother most of you." All my excitement to lay into Rhaenyra hits a wall toe first.

If those Sand snakes are like Arianne and Elia then I need to avoid setting them off at all costs. We will fuck quietly and even cover our mouths if we have to, I won't make it to the Summer Isles if they strike me as a team.

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