In a world enveloped in enigma, a vast continent and its scattered islands find themselves imprisoned in solitude, encircled by an infinite, boundless ocean. An impenetrable supernatural fog blankets the distant horizons, creating the mysterious Veil that entraps all who dwell within. The reason for this strangulating captivity remains a perplexing riddle, casting a perpetual shadow of isolation.
Amias, a curious and relentless seeker of answers, stood at the brink of uncovering the truth behind the Veil. However, his journey to unveil the secrets of this mystic barrier takes a fatal turn. Just as he edges closer to revelation, an untimely demise awaits him, or so it seems...
Until, in a bewildering twist of fate, Amias finds himself awakening with a profound sense of disorientation. His bewilderment deepens as he examines his surroundings. "*Huh?... My hands?! My Body?! I’m… A GOLEM?!*" Amias is now an artificial being, a construct of magic and earth.
Thus begins an extraordinary odyssey filled with unfathomable mysteries, as Amias, now a golem, embarks on a quest to decode the cryptic nature of the Veil and the world that lies beyond it. Along the way, he forms an unlikely alliance with a diverse group of beings, each possessing unique and mysterious abilities of their own.
As they journey through the Veil, Amias and his newfound companions uncover ancient prophecies, confront malevolent entities, and unravel the very fabric of reality itself. Together, they strive to break free from the Veil's shackles, unveiling the hidden truths of their world and uncovering the purpose behind their existence.
Golem Reincarnation is a captivating reincarnation tale that invites you to explore a world shrouded in riddles and secrets, where the line between humanity and magic blurs, and where every step taken is a step toward discovering the ultimate truth that lies beyond the Veil.
*Authors Note:*
Hello Readers! I'm fairly new to writing, but have had this concept tucked in my noggin for a while - much like others on this platform!
I would welcome constructive criticism from any readers if you'd spare me the time! I'll be sure to update chapters - if anyone's remotely interested!
Take care of yourselves and those around you,
Ibu-san x
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