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33.33% Golden Angel / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 This Is The Part Where You Run
Golden Angel Golden Angel original

Golden Angel

Author: bamjrr

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 This Is The Part Where You Run

Alaric had found him out of nowhere one day. A child in the middle of the road, he would have run him over if he didn't see him. Caroline had just given birth to his twin daughters, and seeing the helpless baby made him feel for the child more.

When Alaric picked up the baby, he found only two things. A note saying the baby's name, and a necklace with a glowing blue infinity symbol. As Alaric payed closer attention on the baby, he noticed that the baby had angle wing tattoos going from his back to his elbows. Alaric was shocked that a baby would have tattoos, but maybe he was born with them. Alaric took the baby back home where he spent the next 17 years raising him alongside his daughters.


"You know Dad, everytime we go on these missions there is always a lot of screaming. Can't we ever have a peaceful recovery mission?" Cassiel said as he heard the screams from the church.

"That's because we are always dealing with a changing werewolf, Casie. You should know how much it hurts for their first transformation." Cassiel's best friend Hope Mikaelson said in the front seat.

"Exactly, we're to help them in the best way we can, and hopefully stop them from killing innocent people." Alaric added as he pulled up at the front of the church. The three stepped out of the vehicle and all saw a kid sitting on the steps with his earphones in, which he took off when he saw them, Hope in particular.

"Landon." Hope said recognizing the kid on the steps.

"Hope?" The hipster boy asked confused as to why she was there.

"You two know each other?" Dad asked as he looked between the two. I think I remember a time where his name came up in our conversation, but that was almost two years ago.

"Long story." Hope said as she turned to the church when she heard a loud scream. "Hey Cassie can you open the door please?" Hope looked toward her blonde best friend, her only friend really.

"Anything for her Majesty Hope." Cassiel joked as he walked to the door and gave it a little tug, seeing as it was locked he pulled harder and ripped the chains holding down the door. "After you my lady." Cassiel said dramatically as Hope walked by with a cheeky smile.

"Why thank you." Hope turned toward Landon. "Your going to want to stay out here Landon, trust me."

The three walked in with his dad holding his crossbow and gear to hold down the transforming werewolf. Cassiel looked back and saw that Landon didn't listen and was following them, making Cassiel sigh. They never listen.

"Shut down the exorcist will you?" Dad asked as Hope complied right away, annoyed at the mans babbling.

"Silencio." Hope closed her fist making an extra layer of skin go over the exorcists mouth. The man freaked out as Hope raised her hands once more. "Ad Somnum." The three mortals fell asleep right away, dropping to the floor.

"Help me." The turning wolf cried out as he saw them. His bones broke even more as his screams came to a peak.

His Dad and Hope set up the chains to hold him as Cassiel walked up to the teen and squatted in front of him. He reached out his hands and grabbed his head, immediately black lines flowed through Cassiel's arms and up his neck. Cassiel gasped as he transferred the pain from the crying teen, to himself. Werewolves did have to deal with a lot of pain, and to help them Cassiel takes their pain away, only now he feels it for them.

Alaric quickly placed the collar around the boys neck as his last bones finished breaking. Now a wolf, Cassiel lets go and joined the three people watching, one in complete shock as it was his first time seeing this. The black wolf snarled as it tried to bite them, only to be held back by chains.


"How do you two know each other?" Dad asked as he looked at his rearview mirror.

"He used to serve me milkshakes at the Mystic Grill." Hope said, again in the front seat.

"Peanut butter blast, whipped cream on the bottom." Landon said, gaining him a look from Cassiel, as well as Hope. However the blonde teen didn't say anything. "We danced once." Landon said, probably remembering the moment.

"We tried." Hope said as she laughed. Now he remembered, Hope told him about how awkward it was to dance in front of all those people. "Then you moved away." Hope finished.

"Then you made people fall asleep with your brain. Feel like explaining that?" Landon shot back quickly, clearly wanting answers.

"Not with her brain." Cassiel added in, clarification was needed. Landon gave him a side glance, but then looked back at Hope.

"Oh, we'll explain everything. We're almost there." Dad said as he kept driving.

"Where are we going?" Landon asked as he looked out the window and saw a barn surrounded by a great meadow and trees.

"" Cassiel gave a small chuckle to his Dads wording.

"More like Home." Cassiel said with a smile.


"Welcome to the Salvatore School. We're your tour guids." Lizzie said as they stepped out of the car. "I'm Josie." Josie introduced herself. "And I'm Lizzie. Sisters." Lizzie was quick to introduce herself as well.

"Twins." Josie added. "Fraternal. Obvs." Lizzie smiled at Rafael who looked confused and weary.

"Rafael why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon." The brothers looked between each other as the girls pulled Rafael along.

"Morning Hope." They both said with sarcasm.

"Morning Girls." Hope replied with equal amounts of sarcasm.

"So your brother gets no love? I'm hurt." The twins smiled as the both kissed a side of his cheek at the same time. "Don't scare him girls, it's his first day." Cassiel laughed, the girls gave him a playful glare as they walked off.

"So, let's get started." Dad said as he walked into the school, with me and Hope following after him, then Landon. Inside was filled with kids of all ages. Children ran around as they played and teens walked to their next class.

"Woah slow down their champs!" Cassiel laughed as he picked up two boys who were chasing each other around. He set the two down as they continued to run.

"I'm curious Landon, were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?" Dad asked.

"I knew Hope went to some fancy boarding school. People in town said it was for troubled rich kids. I see the rich part is true." Landon said as he saw Lexi practicing a simple levitation spell.

"Wow Lexi, you really got it down, good job!" Cassiel patted the girls head as she giggled and dropped the spell, making the books fall. "Keep practicing!" Cassiel waved goodbye and continued following the group.

"No one in town mentioned anyone can do that." Landon said as they entered Dads office.

"No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us. We blend in enough. Participate, contribute just enough. Keeps people from asking too many questions." Dad said as he took off his coat and hung it. He stood behind his chair as me and Hope stand in the back.

"What is there to know exactly?" Landon asked.

The three of us looked at each other as Dad continued. "Well, I used to have a speech prepared, carefully unpeeling the layer of mystical history, but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up." Dad sounded upset that his speech was useless as he sat down in his chair.

I made a pouty face at Hope and pointed at my dad, making her hold back a laugh.

"Your a school for magic?" Landon asked.

"We are a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory. Everyone here is something special which the outside world...wouldn't understand."

"So what are you?" Landon asked as he looked at Hope.

"I should get to class." Hope said uncomfortably.

"NO. No. Sorry. I don't mean to be a dick, but I dont know you, or you." Landon said as he looked at Dad, then me. "And though the image of you whammying a priest is still fresh, I need you here. Just tell me what all that was in the church last night?"

"What do you think it was." Cassiel asked as he leaned on the door.

"Well, either I lost my mind, or werewolves are real." Landon said, hoping neither were true. We all gave ourselves another look, giving Landon the answer. "Th-This is beyond insane! How is that even possible?"

"It's a long story, involving an ancient, vengeful witch, and a bloodline curse. We cover all that in origin of the species, grade six." Ah that was a fun one, most people gave him weired looks during that class, Hope got them too.

"In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals." Landon said wanting to be funny or sarcastic, Cassiel didn't really know.

"We teach that too." Hope said as she laughed. Cassiel looked between Hope and Landon, he was feeling a little irked.

"I have some questions about Rafael." Dad got to the point.

"Like what?" Landon asked.

"Well, let's start with who he killed recently."

"Why would you ask me that?" Landon sounded offended.

"The werewolf gene lies dormant untill the carrier takes a human life. If Rafael triggered his curse, it's... because he killed someone. And we don't except cold blooded killers into our program." Dad said explaining the curse.

"He's not a killer." Landon defended.

"We're not trying-" Hope tried to explain but Landon was upset.

"He's NOT... a killer!" Landon yelled as he stood up.

"Calm down." Cassiel said normally, but it carried power. Landon saw him and calmed down immediately, sitting back down.

"Well I know a little bit, about his background. Neglectful birth parents. Orphaned in adolescence. Six foster homes in seven years. Prone to fits of anger." Landon didn't look to happy as Dad read off the file.

"Yeah, you might as well be reading my file- that's what it's like out there for people like him and me."

"Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we are only trying to help. I've been going here since I was seven, this is a safe place for people like Rafael. It's a home." Hope said showing off her kind side Cassiel loved so much.

"I was basically raised here. Hope is right, it is a home." Cassiel said as he looked at Landon. Landon didn't look him in the eye as it seemed like he was a little scared.

"But...if we take him in, we need to make sure he is not a threat." Dad added in.

Landon shook his leg nervously in his seat, as he finally spoke. "His girlfriend...Cassie. He was driving, there was a storm, he took a turn too fast. And then he started acting out. At first I thought it was just grief, and then maybe...maybe drugs or something. Then he threw a 200 pound lawnmower 50 feet across the yard. That is when our foster parents called on the priest. I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil." Landon said clearly upset. Cassiel couldn't help but scoff at the thought of the devil possessing someone. Landon heard him scoff and turned to him. "Im sorry, is my brother's grief funny to you?" Landon said with hostility. Landon already had a rough day, that on top of someone laughing at his brothers misfortune tipped him over his rationality, when his rational side was clearly yelling at him for picking a fight with the blonde kid.

"Landon!" Hope was upset that he was so hostile.

"What? He clearly thought my brother's life is such a funny joke, bet he thinks the entire foster system is just a stand up comedy show!" Cassiel didn't say anything as he leaned on the wall. He didn't mean to give off such an interpretation, however he was done with the headache that Landon Kirby was threatening to give him.

"I think it would be best if I left. I did promise Lexi I would help with her spells. Bye Dad, see you later Hope." Cassiel flashed Hope a weak smile as he opened the door and left.

"What the hell Landon? We are only trying to help you. You know what? I REALLY need to get to class." Hope said as she also turned to leave.

"Hope, please bring him in." Alaric said, seeing as they got all the information they need.

"Are we doing it now?" Hope asked. Alaric nodded as Hope opened the door and a kid with a big afro came in.

"Landon Kirby, Milton Greasley." Alaric introduced half heartedly.

"Come on Dr. Saltzman." Milton pleaded.

"Right, sorry. MG. Take it from a guy named Alaric. I get it. Landon, MG is my student aide."

"And a vampire." Hope added.

"Of course he is." Landon said sarcastically, making Hope roll her eyes. "You know for a school so liberal with their information, you sure give it out freely."

"Well, we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it." Alaric said with a smile as MG grabbed Landon's shoulder.

"Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night. All you have to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. You'll miss him, but you know it's for the best." Landon looked away from MG and shook off his hand.

"Are you guys crazy? How can I forget any of this?!" Landon was really upset now.

"MG did you do it wrong?" Hope asked a little panicked.

"No I didn't do it wrong, it's the easiest vampire trick in the book." MG defended himself.

"Well it didn't work!" Hope stated the obvious.

"Obviously it didn't work!" MG said as he gestured to Landon who was heading for the door. With vampire speed he choked Landon out untill he fell unconscious.

"Easy. Get him to the cellar. This is not good, this is bad." Alaric said as he opened the door.


She felt bad for Landon, locking him in a cellar all alone. She once liked him, his normalcy made her in turn feel normal too. Walking back from just seeing him, she saw Cassie with Lexi. He was helping her with her levitation spell. Hope smiled to herself, she remembers when he helped her with that spell too. He's helped her with a lot of things, he was the only one really there for her since they were kids. Although she didn't get along very well with his sisters, he was the one sibling she could stand, the only person she could stand really. Hope looked into his golden eyes as he noticed her, with a quick "keep practicing." He left Lexi and walked toward her.

"Hey." He said in his normal tone. Hope was worried he was upset, yet again he never gets upset.

"Hey, you okay?" Cassie smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Of course I'm okay. I was just looking for an excuse to get out of there. Landon was giving me a headache, much more rather spend my time with Lexi." They both looked at Lexi who was still practicing levitating the books.

"The kids really do love you." Hope always sees him playing with the younger students here, more than the teens other than herself.

"Well, they need someone there to guide them. I'm sure there life is already all sorts of crazy with them being supernatural, they just need someone to help them forget that they are not like the other mortals. You know, like you did." Cassie said as he looked back at Hope.

"Please, I've never forgotten I was different." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Of course not, your much more of a badass than any mortal or supernatural. Come on, we'll be late for Dads training." Cassie said as he walked outside.

"Why do you come anyways? You just stand there and watch." Hope gave him a questioning look.

"What? If I actually participated I would mop the floor with you." Cassie said with a playful smirk.

"Is that a challenge?" Hope said as she looked at his eyes.

"And what if it was?" Cassie said not backing down and returning the stare.

"Then I would say when you lose, you have to help me on a spell I've been working on." Hope said as she continued walking toward her dorm to change.

"Oh so we're beting? Ok then. When I win, you Hope Mikaelson have to go on a date with me Cassiel Fate." Cassie smirked as she gave him a playful glare. That was always his bet, he always wanted a date with her if he won. Problem is she would always barely beat him, just when he is about to win, he slips up and she wins. Hope was sure she would win again.

"Your on Angel." Hope walked away to change as Cassiel did the same.


"You really want to do this?" Cassiel asked as he was facing Hope, he was in work out clothes just like her. She honestly looked cute with her ponytail and fierce eyes.

"Oh, I'm more than sure." Hope said as she readied her stance.

"Don't say I cheated, since Dad is the judge." Cassiel said as he winked at his Dad. Alaric rolled his eyes at the two.

"Honestly, why is everything always a competition for you two? Let the match begin." Hope immediately charged at Cassiel hoping to catch him off guard, but he had expected she would charge right away. He would have been suprised if she didn't. She threw punches his way, which he either blocked with his hands or avoided them completely.

"You seem a little upset." Cassiel pried at her frustrated punches. "Does it have something to do with Landon?" As much as he hated it, Landon Kirby brought up emotions from Hope Mikaelson.

"Well we did lock him in a cellar, and I did used to like him like two years ago. He made me feel normal." Hope sent a kick his way which he grabbed.

"Why do you want to feel normal Hope? Your the most bad ass person I know. Besides, normal is for boring people. Who doesn't like a little supernatural nowadays?" Cassiel smirked as Hope spun and kicked him with her other leg.

"Easy with the charm their Angel, it almost worked on me." Hope teased.

"Glad to know it has some effect." Cassiel teased back just as hard. Hope sent him a backhanded fist, which Cassiel grabbed and pinned down. "Getting a little sloppy there Mikaelson."

"Dimiterre." Hope huffed out as Cassiel was sent flying. He landed on his back with a thud as Hope pinned him with a fist help to his face. "I win." Hope said with a smile.

"Did you now?" Cassiel smirked as he gestured to her right side. She looked and gasped when she felt something sharp and metallic against her neck. She looked down and saw that a golden wing connected to Cassie's left side was out. These were his Angel wings that he was born with, and he is able to take them out when he wants. They are golden and as sharp as knives, they have a metallic feel to them yet look very soft.

"Guess it's a tie?" She heard his smug voice from under her.

"Fine. Guess that means I'll have to figure out that spell by myself then." Hope said as she got up and helped Cassiel get up.

"Nah. I'll help you, what are friends for right?" Hope smiled. He always held his part of the deal. Even if he won, he would help the other person with what they needed. He was kind like that.

"Dad. Clean up on aisle 'L'." Cassiel sighed as he saw his sister Josie. Another clean up huh?

"I can handle this one Dad. She tends to open up more to me." Cassiel said as he followed Josie to where his other sister was.


Cassiel walked into the kitchen, and inside it looked like a tornado happened. His sister Lizzie was screaming as she threw dishes and knives, one in particular almost stabbed him in the eye. Cassiel grabbed the knife calmly and put it aside.

"Hey sis." Cassiel said with a comforting smile. Lizzie looked like she was ready to cry when she saw her brother.

"Cassie." She ran and hugged him, as she finally let out tears.

"Come on, let's go to your room and talk." Cassiel lead her to her room and sat her on her bed. "Tell me what happened."

"Rafael said he wants to stay clear from girls like me. I really like him, but he flat out rejected me because I'm a freak!" Lizzie said as she sobbed some more.

"You are not a freak Lizzie. It's his loss, ok? Plus, you just met him Lizz." Lizzie sat up straight.

"It was love at first sight!" Cassiel sighed.

"What do you know about him other than what we told you? The only reason you like him is because he is good looking." Lizzie gasped.

"That's not the only reason, he is also really hot!" Cassiel chuckled.

"Listen sis, there is more to liking someone than just their looks. I'm sure your great love is nearby, you just have to learn to open your eyes and look." Lizzie pouted as she thought about what Cassie ment.

"How do you know so much about love?" Lizzie asked curiously. She had always tried to pair up her brother with some of the girls in the Salvatore School, but he never showed any real interest. He was kind to them yes, but he was kind to everyone.

"That's a secret." Cassie smiled as he flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" Lizzie rubbed her forehead.

"Now stop being a weirdo and giving the cooks a hard time. Go clean up your mess, come on I'll help."


Currently the teens were all out drinking and having a party at the old mill, but that wasn't really Cassiel's scene. He decided to check up on the little ones, and made sure they were all in bed. Some of them liked to cause a little mischief and play pranks, so Cassiel made sure they were really asleep so that he wouldn't have to worry later. Leaving the kids dorm he decided to take a little walk through the back acres, where it was quiet and away from drunk teens.

It was a pretty nice night, dark and fresh. He loved it when it was cold. However just as he was enjoying his time alone, he ran into a certain hipster boy.

"What are you doing here? How did you get out?" Cassiel asked startling the boy.

"Oh, its you. I'm leaving." Landon said as he kept walking.

"No, your not." Cassiel said as he grabbed his shoulder. Landon tried to shake it off, but was suprised he couldn't. "Dont make this harder than it has to be. Just come quietly Landon." Landon still resisted but the hold only became stronger.

"Alright, fine!" Landon gave up as Cassiel eased his grip. Cassiel started to lead him back to the cellar, but ran into his best friend in wolf form.

"What the hell is that?!" Landon asked as he hid behind Cassiel.

"A werewolf, duh." Cassiel walked up to wolf Hope and kneed down to her eye level. He started to pet it and rub it under the chin, causing it to growl at him. "Hey now, you know you love it when I do that. Why don't you shift back so we can talk normally huh?" Cassiel stood up and took off his jacket as Hope shifted back. He quickly wrapped his jacket around her so that she wasn't naked in front of Landon.

"I hate it when you do that!" Hope said as she pinched his chest.

"No you don't." Cassiel smiled as he pointed at Landon.

"We got a runner. Seems like someone let him out." Hope saw Landon and was suprised.

"What are you doing out here Landon? If Cassie wasn't here, I could have killed you!" And she really could have too.

"I was about to take him back to the cellar."

"No, it's ok. I'll take him." Hope said.

"Your naked right now Hope." Hope blushed as she wrapped the jacket around herself tighter.

"I know that, I'm going to grab a change of clothes. Look, you dont have to worry about him. He is my responsibility. I'll make sure he gets back to his cell." Hope looked at him in his eyes pleadingly. Cassiel groaned. He could never say no to those eyes when they looked at him like that.

"Fine. Goodnight Hope." He said as he walked away. Hope grabbed Landons hand and pulled him into the Salvatore School.


Cassiel was in his room, changing into something more comfortable to wear. He sighed as he laid on his bed. He felt restless, so having nothing better to do he decided to go and check if Landon was in his cell.

Walking in the darkness of the cellar, he saw that Landon's cell had light coming from it. Cassiel walked slowly and came to a stop as he saw that Landons cell had the night sky on the ceiling. He remembered this spell, he found it for Hope and helped her learn it because she was scared of the dark when they were 8.

"I'm not going to remember any of this, am I?" Landon asked as he looked at Hope.

"Probably not. No." Hope said with a little disappointment.

"Well. In that case..." Landon walked up to Hope and kissed her, as she kissed back. Cassiel's eyes widened as his heart stopped. His heart hurt, like it was aching, and his throaght burned, like he wanted to shout but nothing came out. He stood there as he saw the two kiss, and his eyes stung. Cassiel clenched his jaw as he closed his eyes and leaned the back of his head on the wall. He took a deep breath as he walked away as quiet as he came.


Cassiel walked down the stairs of the school in his uniform, and saw Hope looking out the window with a smile. Seeing her reminded him of what he saw, and it made his heart ache again. Damn him. In love with your best friend for 10 years, this must be your punishment. He didn't sleep last night, his heart wouldn't let him. Worst part is he was expected to act like normal.

"Hey Hope." Cassiel said with his usual smile, but this time it was forced. Hope removed her eyes from Landon and faced Cassie, but she was suprised when she saw his face. He had bed hair, and bags under his eyes. He looked terrible.

"Cassie what happened. You look exhausted." Hope asked worridly.

"I'm fine. Just stayed up late looking for that spell of yours. Well, got to get to class, see you." Cassiel said goodbye as he quickly left. Hope furrowed her eyebrows. She doesn't remember telling him what spell she was looking for. She sighed and shook her head as she continued to stare out the window.

Cassiel leaned against the corner where he disappeared from and held his heart, it was beating like crazy. With a few deep breaths, he continued walking. Cassiel was too busy to notice Lizzy, who saw the whole thing. She exchanged a weired look between Hope and Cassiel.


"For ten years we have gone undetected. Protecting you, protecting our secret has been our singular mission. Tonight I need your help to find Landon Kirby... before he exposes us all." Dad said to the teens of the school. The students started whispering to each other. With a worried glance, Cassiel saw that Hope had a look of hurt, betrayal, and anger in her eyes. He clenched his fist, he wished there was something he could do. There was...he will find Landon Kirby before he destroyed his family.


Hope had gotten a lead on Landons whereabouts, so now they were standing in a bus filled with burned corpses. They died instantly in a fire so hot it charred their body. Cassiel looked at Hope and saw a dangerous look in her eye he had never seen before, and it worried him greatly. He reached out his hand and held hers tightly.

"Its alright, we'll find him." He whispered, making her give a small smile and nod.

You have made the wrong enemy, Landon Kirby.

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