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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Top 100 Main Tank

Today is 2059 year. This world already have massive changes. Virtual Reality becomes common thing. People use Virtual Reality for business transaction, for meeting between corporate, for gaming, etc.

My name is Yang Min You. I am 19 years old. I am an orphan. My orphanage's guardian often said this to me " When that couple threw you here, your father looked like high school student, and your mother looked like middle school student or younger. You better forget your parent. It's already a blessing that you are born healthy and safely. If in the future, you accidentally meet your parent, forgive them."

Sometime, when I jealoused of my school's friend, I asked my guardian "Do you have any pictures of my parent? My classmates bullied me, saying I don't have parent"

And my guardian said "I am sorry my child, that year CCTV is out of dated, that video is too blurred. Our orphanage is too poor, if we want to regeneration electronic equipments. So, we don't have any picture about your parent. Oh, you can use my picture and said 'This is my mother.' "

Grandma ... (•_•|||) Back then you are around 60 years old and I only 5 years old, if I called you mother in front of my classmate, I'm afraid, I will be more bullied than before. Sorry, I still called you Grandma.

When I was 15 years old, I already working part time, I choosed manual work. I worked in moving company since the salary was a little higher than other job.

I worked in that place for 2 years, and finally I could buy second nerve gear for playing VRMMORPG "God's Domain". I familiarized with control for one month, then I began aiming for professional player.

God's Domain is really incredible, the game is already 5 years old, but still there are a lot of new players.

The quests generate randomly, and each player can get unique quests based on how you interact with NPCs.

Although you copying your friend interaction with NPC, still the result are different, depend on the mood of NPC.

And what makes new player can compete with senior player are you can create your own battle skills. You also can increase your reflex by training your body in real world.

When I was 18 years old, or around one year after getting nerve gear, I enter world top 100 players for main tanks category. I succeeded because of my three created skills.

My favourite skills were created based on Xiao Ao Jiang Hu, although cannot be used in real world, but very exciting in God's Domain.

And because of my skills, I got two nickname, "the weakest main tank" as my attack power too low, and "the most annoying guy" as it's very hard to kill me.

Later I was contracted by one big guild as main tank for fifth squad. As fifth squads dormitory is located near my college. The building is a little old, but the tenant are nice people.

Although my aim is professional gamer, I still need knowledge for my foundation. I choosed artificial intelligence programming language.

I also joined mixed martial arts club in my college, just for fun. Just trying to increase my reflex in actual combat. And this training is actually very efficient in increasing survival rate for main tank.

I moved out from orphanage since joined workshop. My income gradually increased. I gave 50% of my incomes to grandma. I hope my orphanage's living qualities can increase, since orphanage is still my home, and I love everyone in that place. I want to become role model for my little brothers and sisters.

Half year after joined workshop, I finally can buy little house in God's Domain. I also buy one young female NPC, I rename her as You You Min.

I bought her a lot of skills until my God's Domain money almost depleted. From Basic Management until Advanced Management, Intelligent Scrolls for increasing intelligence, Advanced Emotional skill for passionate NPC.

But with the increased of intelligent, You You Min become more and more independent. She managed my house interior, even bought interior which she favoured a lot but somehow nice on the eyes by herself.

The most shocking is, she actually can search money by hunting and selling without my command, and the respect for me as her master gradually diminished and more like partner or friend.

And now, she is more clever than me. You You Min becomes unique NPC when compared with my friends's NPC. My friends's NPC are so monotone and cannot thinking by themselves if not asked.

You You Min is different, she can angry with me and lock me out of my house, only after one day passed, her angry is reduced and I can enter again my house. I became a joke within my friends, but somehow I enjoyed it.

Σ( ° △ °) I am straight. I am straight. I must brainwash myself that I am not masochist.

Today weather is quite gloomy, our workshop plans to raid hell mode daily dungeon for farming materials. Our leader, Fake Lance, lancer and also one of main attacker from our squad, announced the beginning of our raid.

But, when we just raiding for around 30 minutes, suddenly there is a warning from God's Domain.

"Attention!!! Attention!!! There is a warning from city Lu Zhou. Respected players from city Lu Zhou, please immediately log out, once again, please immediately log out, there is a huge storm with a lot of lightning in city Lu Zhou."

"Damn it, we haven't meet mini boss, and already must retreat. We loss one day raid ticket. Everyone, return to city and immediately log out." [Fake Lance]

We immediately ripe our return scrolls. After returning to city, everyone immediately log out.

"Yang Min You, where are you going, immediately log out!" [Fake Lance]

"You log out first, leader. You You Min calls me that there is something wrong with my house. I'll go see her for a moment, maybe it takes around 5-10 minutes. Wait me in the workshop." [Yang Min You]

"WAIT!!! Damn, he is already running. Well, I log out first." [Fake Lance]


In real world.


Σ( ° △ °|||)

"What happened?" [Fake Lance]

"Big bro, the rain is too heavy, and there are a lot of lighting showering around our district." [Brother A]

"Damn, Yang Min You still haven't log out." [Fake Lance]


Inside God's Domain.

"You Min, what happened?" [Yang Min You]

"Min You Ge, LOOK!!! There, there and over there. Why did inside our house, there are some rift?" [You You Min]


In real world.





"Just now ...., big bro, is our workshop strikes by lighting?" [Brother B]

"Don't joke around, it's not funny" [Fake Lance]


" BIG BROOO... Look outside the window!!! That's our lightning conductor." [Brother A]

Σ( ° △ °)

"WHATTT!?!?! Oh no! Yang Min You is in danger. Big bro hurry unplug Yang Min You's nerve gear!!!!" [Brother C]

"Ok!" [Fake Lance] while running to unplug Yang Min You's nerve gear.

"Bro B, stop big ...." [Brother A]



Brother B reflexively jumps and pounds at Fake Lance.



〣( ºΔº )〣

"Oh My God, The electric current... Yang Min You is roasted to crisp, A.. hurry called 911, B don't touch Min You and the cable." [Fake Lance]

YouminYou YouminYou


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