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God Love for humanity God Love for humanity original

God Love for humanity

Author: Amoah_Joshua

© WebNovel


"Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it."

Luke 9:23-24 NIV

DENY yourself? Who does that? That is the question that goes through the minds of many who have heard of Jesus and want to follow Him but come to Him only to hear this statement. The question that must be asked is what is self? The human self is a perfectly made combination of body, spirit and mind which has been corrupted with sin. The human self looks perfect because it was made to be, but being fooled to believe you are without any sin makes you a stranger to the saving grace of Jesus.

We are to surrender our sinful self through denying it of being perfect in order to hold on to the new self that Jesus gives and is free from sin. Until we deny ourselves we can't follow Jesus. Until we deny ourselves sin will keep up with us and sin isn't a friend you wish to have at the end because its home is destruction and destruction everlasting.

The human nature which is self is the building block for a sinful life. The Bible tells us that got all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We rare all naturally born into sin and if we wish not to continuously continue being sinful we must be careful to deny our sinful nature of It's desires.

No matter what you're doing on this Earth when comes to looks at you he knows the place where you are standing the love that God have is for every human, this love is permanent, the love he has for you is the same love he's having for me the love that he will give you is the same love that He will give to everybody so when you are loved by God that love will never die but when you are loved by a man or a woman on this earth that Love has an end because the day you made a mistake they will use it against you, the Day You stand against that day them will not Love you again.

When God love you nobody can take that love away from you but if you are lost by a man somebody is there that can take that love away from you the love God is permanent but I love a man give it's not permanent. So today I'm telling you there is a love that is permanent and there is a love that is not permanent seek for the love that is permanent and leave the love that is not permanent John chapter 3 reading verse 16 Made us to understand that "for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life". That is the love am talking about today. Is the Bible does he's forgotten soul of the world I have a question to ask if God do not love this world will He allow Jesus Christ to come die for you. God love you. So you need to love Him back.

There's only one remedy for removing bitterness and pain from your life and that is "forgiveness." Living with resentment and anger is a miserable existence, and if left to grow, destroys your very soul. It ruins all relationships, including current and future ones, and leaves you lost and empty. Holding on to "justified anger" will not bring happiness. In fact, it will choke the very life right out of you. It doesn't matter if you "don't deserve it," or "it wasn't fair"– that's not an excuse to be bitter. The truth is, God loves you even more than you could imagine and He wants to give you His sweet peace that you seek. But in order to receive it, you must plow under that "garden of hurt" and ask God to replace it with His sweet forgiveness. The Bible says in Colossians 3:8, "You must get rid of all these things: anger, passion and hard feelings." Sometimes the pain is so deep, you just can't let go, and if that is how you're feeling, run to Jesus' outstretched arms and receive His love and forgiveness. Most of all you will be thrilled to experience God's perfect peace and your garden of hurt will be replaced with fragrant, beautiful flowers! Text: Matthew 18:21-22, Matthew 6:14, 1 John 1:9

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