/ Fantasy / Gladiatrix System

Gladiatrix System Original

Gladiatrix System

Fantasy 156 Chapters 163.3K Views
Author: ArchlordZero

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Battle Fiestas are created to bring entertainment to the new cyber mystic community, together with the development of the supersoldiers known as "Gladiators" and their system administrators that are called "Kaisers". The Gladiator/Gladiatrix System provides a way to control the supersoldiers' unlimited potential on the battlefield.

Elzane is just an introverted teenager who only has one dream: to participate in Battle Fiestas as a Kaiser. But before he can do that, he has two problems: first, he does not have a Gladiator partner; and second, he is forced to marry Raynevere, a popular girl and the heir of a multi-million-dollar company. With his whole life planned ahead of him, he is ready to give up on his dream.

General Audiences
  1. Nickjr321
    Nickjr321 Contributed 46
  2. ArchlordZero
    ArchlordZero Contributed 11
  3. Trigit
    Trigit Contributed 5

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Author ArchlordZero