The morning of January 5th.
I was gently awoken by the beeping of my trusty alarm clock once again.
Kimura had gotten used to it.
"The results of the exam are being released at 6:00 am," I said.
"I'm interested to see what's about to happen," he replied as he slowly got up.
The time was 5:15 am.
I pulled my blanket down. The room was heated, so there wasn't much of a difference in temperature. Kimura was scrolling through his phone, and I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth—it was our usual morning routine now.
At 6:00 am on the dot, both Kimura's and my phone vibrated.
National High School
All students who have been given an expulsion notice should report to the administration to finalise the required paperwork.
Your Result: Passed
"I passed," said Kimura.
"Same here."
"Well, that was to be expected, wasn't it?"
I opened my bank account and checked the amount.
Your Account
Current Points: 1
Owed: 33,788
Owing: 12,000
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