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Get Wrecked


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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Beginning Of The End

I sigh as the moonlight gleams on the trees laid out in front of me. Lying on the ground, I see a deer in front of me. I see him run in the distance. The deer bounds over branches and glides through the air as if he was a giant butterfly. He ran toward the horizon surrounded by trees and branches. Then I realized that it was no longer dawn and it had become early morning. As I walked back in the house and I turned on odd1sout I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. It was black as pitch. I stumbled after my leg hit a bar stool but I didn't scream. As the rest of my family slept silently, I crept to the kitchen. I saw the clock showing a cryptic symbol flashing. I felt a cold wind brush up against my back.. I walked back and continued to watch odd1sout and the sound and the cryptic messages kept going till about 9:00 am. Little did I know that that was only the beginning...of the end.

The sun shone through the window as I began to get ready for the day, as you know I had witnessed something straight out of shazam and was ready to go and find a hole to go die in as I felt like I could do anything. Now I did not feel like I was unbeatable. I just felt as if I can do whatever as if not being held down by nature, little did I know that I was on the verge of being insane because what happened last night was a hallucination and I was mentally unstable when I saw the symbols. On the way to the party I had been planning to go to ever since I heard it was happening. I logged into my blog, The Daily Blog, I know a horrible name but I couldn't think of a better name so I went with it. I saw someone had tweeted about how to kill someone 100 different ways as I read through the article quickly to make sure I wouldn´t be deleting anything that was actually not as bad as it seems, it was, it absolutely was. Then the next one down was about how to become a criminally insane killer. I was interested and read it this time I did not delete it. Then I saw a car wrecked beyond recognition. It had been a plain hit and run crime, but something about it looked different because the killer left a calling card, a blank face with the eyes being black circles and crying blood. I realized this was no ordinary hit and run this was a hit and run by Genocide convicted of more than 10,000 murders. I glanced at the wreck and wondered how he never got caught. The day started out great but it would end with me becoming the crazed killer Smiley, one of the world's smartest, strangest, most anonymous, and creepiest killers leaving behind a smile on the victims faces as a calling card. Little did I know I would also become the world`s most hunted man topping the most wanted list in every 1st and 2nd world country beating out Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán as the world`s most wanted person by the end of the week and eventually becoming a more famous killer than Genocide.

I heard that this new joint opened up in town so decided to go check out this ¨joint¨ everyone was talking about and so I did. As I walked into the joint I realized that I had to observe this place and not just get drunk on sugar. Then I realized this was not a joint, it was just a run-down warehouse with some songs playing on some kind of old stereo. Then suddenly the sound of a footstep racing behind me urged me to turn around and I saw the reason I have fears. Genocide. Then he shoved some kind of pill in my mouth and that was when I first realized my life was going to change for the psychological worst.

I woke up to see a light and a person's shadow standing in the corner. Suddenly I had this urge to kill to verify my existence. Genocide explained that he needed a new sidekick because his old one got caught and ruined a whole strike of 12 murders that would have skyrocketed his death tally by 12 so he went off on a limb and killed his sidekick. As I realized what he had just said I knew that I had agreed to killing possibly more than three dozen people a month. I managed to escape with my life and a new implant in my neck that allowed me to be tracked and, if necessary, set off an electro-magnetic field short circuiting my brain's nerve endings so I could be stabbed in the gut and I would not feel a thing. As I walked home from the run-down warehouse I turned to see moonlight from behind the only cloud in sight, making the old hinges glisten as if shining a flashlight at a mirror. A car pulled up front and it seemed to belong to genocide so I hopped in afraid that if I didn`t comply with his demands I would be killed in an excruciatingly painful death. Suddenly the car pulled up in front of my house. I walked in to see my brother playing neon abyss on his switch, and my mom watching the home edit. I walked up to my room unnoticed by my family. I sat in my room pondering over what I should do. As I stared out my window I remembered the entire experience in my head and realized that he had told me his identity at the warehouse. Alex Alexandrios (he had changed his last name). I went to bed thinking that now, at the age of 11, I would become Elijah alexandrios, the killler Smiley, and Genocide`s son. So the next day I went into a place where I could change my name, and changed it to Elijah Alexandrios. I walked home with a new name, a semi-automatic, and an assault rifle. As soon as I had stuffed everything into my backpack my phone rang. It was from Genocide. I shuddered at the thought of what the text might say. It told me to go to the warehouse and meet up with him.

I went to the ware house again hoping to be greeted by Genocide, why did I ever think that I would get a warm greeting from Genocide. There was a man hung upside down from a broken ceiling fan, his eyes had been taken out and he had Had his lips cut off, making it look like a traditional Genocide killing except he had put a note in his pants pocket. As I saw Genocide peering through a hole in the wall. You could see his cold dark eyes through . Suddenly I jolted upright realizing it was all a dream I remembered the previous events and realized that I had a job to do.

As I stared at my bunk I saw that the door was rusty and that I could break it down. Then suddenly just I was ready to break the door down and go out, guns blazing. The door burst open as a person came and called me down. He had a scar over his nose as if someone had cut him right across the nose. I asked what happened and he wouldn't say a word. Then I realized that my dream was a training ops to prepare me for battle against Genocide by infiltrating his criminal organization known as known The Ops. Walking down the hall I saw Genocide posters on the walls saying that he is outlawed in 120 countries. I realized that is 61.54 of all independent countries. Then I was led into a room and locked the door. I realized there were a total of 20 armed guards. I told them to unlock the door after five minutes. I walked out without a scar, and left 20 armed guards dead in five minutes. They divided us into divisions ranking from D, low class, to AA, the highest class. I was ranked AA. I was given orders to spar with other top ranked soldiers and they gave me a suit with AA printed on the front. The first person I went up against was someone nicknamed Soundwave, who could shoot soundwaves that pack enough energy to equal 10 tons of C4. He was pretty easy since I just cloned myself and distracted him then snuck behind him and knocked him out. The second person, who was a girl nicknamed Pyro, saw through my illusion and burned my arm off, or so she thought, I channeled my energy so it was an equal output from both bodies. Then I punched her in the back and she forfeit. Then this kid, about 11, just stood there, I charged at him and he dodged it again and again and again until he forfeited the match when I asked why he would forfeit he said it was such a bother and that his power makes it where he can´t get injured so I would just try and try forever. My final opponent was this kid who could manipulate sand well. The kid put a sand timer down.

He said it was a 5 minute sand timer, saying he could win that fast. Then sand started crawling down his arm, it started falling to the ground just as fast as lightning . They were turning into a sand copy. I quickly made a copy of myself to battle his sand copy. Suddenly, as I attacked what I thought was the real person I was caught in a choke hold from behind. I quickly forced an illusion swap, and I swapped with my copy. Suddenly, the sand guy forfeit, just then his sand timer stopped. He said that if he couldn´t win in five minutes then he would not continue. So I was undefeated, but someone did not get the memo and still challenged me, I accepted the challenge because I liked fighting others. So I made a ton of clones, 35 exactly, And so the battle began. He came at my clone, and it just turned to sand, amazed by my ability to copy that sand guy´s fighting style, he just kept coming and coming, so I deployed my trap. The sand I made my clones out of did not disappear like smoke would have, it just fell to the ground, and I had complete and utter control over the sand. He stepped back not realizing he stepped in sand and the sand made its way up his uniform into his gloves and I made a thin layer of sand so I could control his movements so he copied my every move then forced his power to activate, he could get stronger the more damage he took. So I quickly learned the technique so I could use it against him. Then I realized that my sand snatch was making him stronger, so I quickly withdrew my sand so it would go to his neck and I was ready to completely execute the guy, but then he turned to rock, he must have faked his power, but now I could sneak my sand in the cracks and control him so I did and let the sand sit in his cracks, and I completely froze him right before he hit me and won. Then I crushed his bones from the inside, then eat his flesh and leave nothing behind, I told him my plan and he told me his, the power I thought he faked is real, he just has to summon heaven and hell to get it, he told me his dad sold his soul to the devil and his mom sold her soul to heaven. Their child would be destined to call upon heaven and hell to get powers that aid him in battle. So I forfeit, when asked why I said that I would fight heaven and hell to stop genocide, but not spar against hell and heaven. After all the fights that day I went to my bunk and fell asleep. One Snowy day, in Bigfork Montana in 3122. It was so snowy, that they could not see a foot in front of them. These kids were out wandering the streets when they came to a place where the snow cleared out. Then they saw a sign that read "The place where the dead people talk".The kids ran away, tarafied. as the kids were running ,and Jonathan looked back and saw an old abandoned shack, and what Jonathan was so scared of, it was so unbelievable, he thought he was hallucinating.

The next day the kids were going to school. Jonathan, Nikki, Austin, and Erina, were in the same class. Mr. Gustavson 5th grade class. Now Jonathan and Erina both had a crush on each other. But Jonathan had no idea that Erina had a crush on him, and Erina had no idea that Jonathan had a crush on her. They kept their love life away from anyone, and everyone. Micah ,and Nikki were Jonathan's best friends. Jonathan didn't even tell Nikki or Micah about Erina. Jonathan had a normal day. Jonatan went home to his mom Jenifer His step- dad, Brian. When Jonathan knocked on the door, Brian said, "Is that my little wolf cub?" Jonatan Turned red at his step-dad's words. And for dinner he had his mom's homemade pizza. Jonathan ate his pizza, like a person that hasn't eaten for years. Then he went to bed. Nothing suspicious. Nothing at all.

The next morning Jonathan woke up, (happy that it was a weekend) and went to eat cereal for breakfast. He brought his breakfast to the living room table. Then he grabbed the remote and changed the channel, 10 times, to get to his favorite show. But instead of his favorite show, (His favorite show was canceled) it was the news. He watched the news and what he saw, It was enough to give anyone nightmares. After breakfast, Jonathan went outside to play with Austin, Nikki, and Erina. They were playing at Nikki's house, and they looked out the window, and saw a tall figure, and Jonathan recognized it from somewhere, but he could not remember where. Then Jonathan turned his head back to the ARK survival game that he was playing on Nikki's X box. Then Nikki's mom said, "Jonathan your mother wants you. "Ok" said Jonathan as he Turned the Xbox off. Then kids then went over to his house, to some milk and cookies.

Jonatan was telling them about the figure when they went back outside. Nikki was so scared that he ran back up to his house. Then Jonatan said to Erina, "Nikki can be a scaredy-cat sometimes.'' Then they had to run after Nikki, all the way up to his house, (them all shouting,)" Nikki get back here!"I took 5 minutes to get Nikki down from his house. Then Jonatan went home and wrote a letter to his grandma.

Dear grandma, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope it is one of one the best you have ever had. I miss you so much, I just want to be back in Michigan with you. But I have made some new friends in Montana, Nikki, Micah, and Erina. School is going well. Hope to see you soon. I'll ask my mom if she will take me down to Michigan for Christmas. Hope you're well. Give grandpa a hug for me. Jonathan was trying to find a way to work out his stress to his grandma, but he could not think of a way to do so. Sincerely, Jonathan MacQuoid.

Then he brought the note to his mom. "Finished grandma's letter", Said Jonatan. "Good," said Jonathan's mom. Then Jonathan handed the note to his mother. After words Jonathan's mom and Jonathan went to the post office.

Chapter Two

When Jonathan got home, he went back outside

To play with his friends. HOne Snowy day, in Bigfork Montana in 3122. It was so Snowy, that they could not see a foot in front of them.these kids were out wandering the streets when they came to a place where the snow cleared out. Then they saw a sign that read "The place where the dead poele talk".The kids ran away, tarafied. as the kids were running ,and Jonathan looked back and saw an old abandoned shack, and whatJonathan so scared of, it was so unbelievable, he thought he was hallucinating.

The next day the kids were going to school. Jonathan,Nikki,Micah, and Erina, where in the same class. Mr. deshais 5th grade class. Now Jonathan and Erina both had a crush on each other. But Jonathan had no idea that ERina had a crush on him, and Erina had no idea that Jonathan had a crush on her. They kept their love life away from anyone, and everyone. Micah ,and Nikki where Jonathan's bests friends. Jonathan didn't even tell Nikki or Micah about Erina.

Jonathan had a normal day. Jonatan went home to his mom, Jenifer, and his step- dad, Brian.When Jonathan knocked on the door, Brian said, "Is that my little wolf cub?" Jonatan Turned red at his step-dad's words. And for dinner he had his mom's homemade pizza. Jonathan ate his pizza, like a person that hasn't eaten for years. Then he went to bed. Nothing suspicious. Nothing at all.

The next morning Jonathan woke up,(happy that it was a weekend,)and went to eat cereal for breakfast. He brought his breakfast to the living room table. Then he grabbed the remote and changed the channel, 10 times, to get to his favorite show. But instead of his favorite show,(His favorite show was canceled) it was the news. He watched the news and what he saw, It was enough to give anyone nightmares.

After breakfast, Jonathan went outside to play with Micah, Nikki, and Erina.They were playing at Nikki's house, and they looked out the window, and saw a tall figure, and Jonathan recognized it from somewhere, but he could not remember where. Then Jonathan turned his head back to the ARK survival game that he was playing on Nikki's X box. Then Nikki's mom said, "Jonathan your mother wants you."Ok" said Jonathan as he Turned the x box off. Then the kids went over to his house, to some milk and cookies. Jonatan then was telling them about the figure when they went back outside. Nikki was so scared that he ran back up to his house. Then Jonatan said to Erina, "Nikki can be a scaredy-cat sometimes.'' Then they had to run after Nikki, all the way up to his house, (them all shouting,)" Nikki get back here!" I took 5 minutes to get Nikki down from his house.

Then Jonatan went home and wrote a letter to his grandma. Dear grandma, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope it is one of one the best you have ever had. I miss you so much, i just want to be back in Michigan with you. But I have made some new friends in Montana, Nikki, Micah, and Erina. School is going well.Hope to see you soon. I'll ask my mom if she will take me down to Michigan for Christmas. Hope your well. Give grandpa a hug for me. Jonathanwas trying to find a way to work out his stress to his grandma, but he could not think of a way to do so. Sincerely, Jonathan MacQuoid.

He brought the note to his mom. "Finished grandma's letter".Said Jonatan. "Good," said Jonathan's mom. Then Jonathan handed the note to his mother. Then she and Jonathan went to the post office. When Jonathan got home, he went back outside To play with his friends.

I jolted upright, realizing that it was one in the morning, I also thought about the dream I had, which was like I saw someone else's memories. I tried to go back to sleep

"Orc wake up," Epp said.

I groaned and replied, "What time is it?"

"It's 10:00 am. You're late for Dueling Club." I dressed like lightning and ran downstairs as fast as I could, but then I stopped on the second stair to the bottom. My dad was talking to one of his acquaintances and murmuring.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," He said back to me.

His acquaintance said. "But your dad said your mother has been taken by the Evil Queen's will to the Queen's henchmen the goblins." It took 10 minutes and then I realized my mouth was hanging wide open. Epp came up behind me and said it's time for the Dueling Club. I didn't move a muscle. I was stunned. I was surprised my mom could be strolling in the middle of the night and be taken. I just rode along with an Epp. I should walk through the Garden to get to the Dueling Club .I met my best friend Luke.

Luke came to walk right next to us as we trudged over the beautifully cut grass. As we reached the big dome, we had our Dueling Club. I realized my mom had been on a stroll as she got stolen. The Dome was high with unique carvings in the wall and ceiling and the elves had had people come and paint the ceiling if it was a beautiful place. Twenty or so people were standing with their swords waiting for Luke and I. Me and Luke grabbed our swords and came together in a pair we started doing. Afterwards we went to the pond where we fished and skipped stones across the beautifully shallow and Barely a ripple. We went back inside where my father was waiting for me. The elf king was waiting for his son, the prince.

"Son," the king said, "someone has arranged a quest for you to go to the place where the evil queen has taken your mother but you have to be careful and can only take three of your friends along."

"Okay father," I said. I already knew I was going to take along. I was going to take Luke, Epp, and Lawrence. Lawrence had apparently disappeared into the bathroom, and Luke wasn't feeling up to the quest, but Epp she was all for it.

"And you may take along any kind of weapon you would like Epp," said the king. I said I want the dagger. I'm really good at daggers.

Luke said, "I would really badly like the sword because I'm really good at doing sword fighting." I said,

" I would like the bow and arrow with the enchantment that it would never miss ever." And afterwards, Lawrance came out of the bathroom. He said he would like the sniper because he was really good at sniping. My three friends and I went out into the garden and watched the fountain play around and around. I knew I should be scared of the quest but I wasn't. My father had traveled into the Evil Queen's layer but he hadn't dared to do it ever again. I think he was scared of dying because he bruised me and his wife. Then again who had arranged the quest? Why did my father agree? It was all spinning around my head. And why would you let three friends last time he only took a long one friend?

"Are you okay Orc?" Luke said as he struck me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just a little tired cause I had to get up so early."

"What do you mean?" Luke said . "You said you got up at 10, we 10, we got up at 6?"

"I just think that everything about my mother has dazed me a little because I have never lost a family member and my father has been kind of forcing me to get married if I don't like anybody," I replied.

We went to the armory and picked out our weapons. I found this cool bow that was white with gold trimming. Epp found a dagger that suited her perfectly, Luke found a cool sword that was beautiful, and Lawrence found a beautiful sniper with gold trimming. After that we went home it was probably 6 in the afternoon but we didn't feel tired. There was an art gallery, but we didn't really feel interested so we went back to the Palace. Then we had dinner in the Great Hall, huge mounds of anything you could possibly imagine was there.

After that, we were so full and tired we went to bed. But secretly Luke, Epp, Lawrance, and I got up and went out for a midnight stroll.We talked and laughed and told jokes, but then my father found me. He told us all to go back to bed so we did. The next morning I woke up.

"Come on, it's your day of the Quest." So I dressed again and went downstairs. I had some breakfast and then our tour guide, named Epsilon, came to greet us. Everybody packed. I had a huge backpack and it was light. Then again I think I only weighed 30 pounds even though I was 15 years old. After that, I realized I had a strange new power. I could control the water winds in hurricanes. It was the coolest thing ever

We got outside and I asked where are we going because I didn't see anything they'll take us just watch this he took out a cold or a golden coin impasta on the ground to the Queen's evil lair it's only a ginormous tornado popped up is circled in suck this up and I realized we were in the Queen's evil lair how did you do that I asked the tour guide. It's called the spinning transform. as we walked along a rocky ledge I realized if we felt we were falling toward death and then we heard a howling huge bear like wolf down below us start to snap in the rear in the air. and then I saw these weird frog-like creatures right above us they're clearing Spears goblins Epsilon said.

Don't worry they won't attack unless you provoke them like this look through a rock and hit one of the Goblins in the head exactly like that Epsilon said, one of the goblin started hopping down and chasing us we ran for our lives we have finally reached a hiding spot a little crevice in all the Goblins ran by okay I think we're good just don't aggravate them anymore okay Epsilon I said. For some reason you look really familiar to me like you were in one of my schools. maybe I didn't wantedTorgue I was carrying a javelin and had a huge Club on the other hand I wonder if you can pick that up again. He was enough to and we can lift huge objects about wasting strength.

Keep rocking I don't want The Bloodhounds to find us those bear like creatures. come on Epsilon said or we'll lose them. So we started walking but soon enough we reached a dead end climb back up oh no there's a bloodhound behind us we turned around the huge bear like wolf with towering over us like a hungry vultures.

But then the Bloodhound fell to the ground. I realized I had shot it without even meaning to because they shot everybody but we didn't have time to congratulate us. Epsilon said that more Bloodhounds will be attracted to the first blood that is Shattered by Bloodhounds will attract more bloodhounds.We started moving again and then at the top of the huge mountain we saw the Queen's evil lair all the way on another Mountain across from ours and then you realized old you're like creature is but that had the human face started coming down at us Epsilon said. As we ran for our lives I realized that every single time epp threw a dagger at it another one would come. It was like coming back to her and it didn't seem to hurt the vulture like creatures. And then I realized that they were no vultures, that they were the Queen's henchmen themselves, not impersonating people but themselves, no one's ever seen it and Tell the tale. I realize that they are about to die in a few minutes .

Then out of the darkness just something hit the vulture like creatures out of the air what was that? I asked Epsilon.Schwan's Epsilon said they're one of the most evil things that roam the Earth. But who hit out of air and then I realized Epp throne dagger and killed it In one shot.After a long time not seeing the Queen's henchmen or evil people we started feeling a little insecure cuz they're trying to listen to trap or something like that I felt totally scared now. Like I did like at home but different. As we walked in the valley we saw a lot of things that strangely enough attacked us like The Bloodhounds in the Goblins who in most things that we do feel like that they shouldn't have attacked us .Like that was really strange that they did not attack then again we look like animals. we use the animals ,we had killed bloodhounds and covered them on us so we would look like animals.As we walked through the Evil Queen's place we found this man that never aged he's been in the 40 years but he was only 27, when we first met he tried to attack us and then went kind of nuts. he tried to kill us but we ended up trying getting him calm down. We ended up getting through the queen's castle but the bad thing was we didn't know Where her dungeons were.Can you search the castle from head to toe and met a lot of creatures along the way . The main thing was that's just ignored us which was kind of weird. one of the more gruesome battles was when one of the goblins attacked us , We fought sword to spear.We ended up stabbing him in the gut in the end. As we ended up walking through the castle and raising alarm.As we ran for our lives with a big mall of the Queen's minions attacking us from behind we ran for a live we ended up hiding behind some barrels as we rounded the corner. As a ton of spurs and nive hit the wall like a they ran by we hear them shout

"where did they go" a golden said" I don't know" EpsilonSaid that we should get a move on because they might come back and search the barrels.lets" go" Epsilon saids.As we tiptoed away we heard them coming back "quick hury" Said Epsilon. As We snuck through an Open Door you closed it just the crack so we could see what's happening we saw them searching the barrels it wasn't a pretty site.

I awoke again realizing these were someone else´s memories, I did not know for certain but I had a feeling that I was right so back asleep for the last time

There was nothing I could do. Two hours earlier I was going home. It was dusk and I saw somebody walking. It could've been a teenager going back home. It couldn't have been, it was going into the woods but, why. I don't know why, I called my friend, when I called he was watching stranger things. that reminded me that there were monsters lurking in the woods!

There were Demogorgons, SCP096 and Zombies who were always on the attack. What I saw looked like a demogorgon! The leaves were rustling in the woods, I could hear the leaves from underneath the hat I was wearing. I decided to go check out the woods after I got off of the phone. I took my flashlight and my sword ready to fight and headed out the door.

My friend had come to visit me after my call, on his way he thought he saw another demogorgon! He always carries a sharp pocket knife for protection, so he pulled it out of his pocket and shone the light where he thought the Demogorgon was. But then he saw it was just me relife came to him. We decided to go into the woods together to destroy and find the demogorgon.

All of the sudden something hard had hit my head! It was an apple from an apple tree. So with wondering eyes I looked up above me......... There on a branch, was the DEMOGORGON! RUN! was the first thing that came into my mind, but as we went to run, we heard an ear piercing scream. Oh no! It was the sCp096 attacking somebody. We knew that we had no chance against the SCP096 so we chose to stay and fight the demogorgon. Then I was alone. My friend had disappeared. It was just me in a circle of monsters that roam the forest in the night. The zombies were attacking. Was I a goner? NO I stood up with my sword in one hand and my heart in the other. I will destroy you! I lunged at the monsters and I became half demigorgin half man.

¨Wow that's cool scary story, I wish I knew that one." he said

¨Well it's not so cool if it's real." I said

No one ever saw those boys again !

But what they did see was a pack of half man half demogorgons.

I jerked awake this time as disturbed as ever. Realizing not to fall asleep again, I searched for something to do so I found someone willing to have a 100 round spar, best out of 100 wins. I found a kid, about my age, maybe older, he was open to sparring, said he couldn't fall asleep. We started and his eyes glowed as white as possible. He was good, He created and destroyed with the touch of a finger so I tried smoking dopplegangers, realizing that if he caught my sand doppelganger he would transform it into something to use against me. I asked him How he had such strategic prowess, he said he was born with two powers, his best use, recreation, his other, more concealed, potential prowess. I asked what that was, he said that his IQ would change depending on the situation, going as low as 100, but as high as 300. He was a genius, he said his name was forester cyprus. He lunged at me and told me the names of all those I defeated, first up Soundwave, Nigel Alexandro, second Pyro, Addie Nightingale, next the sand guy, Silas of the Saharra. These kids lost their fame because of me, now he would try to take it back. I lunged at the kid's face and blasted him with a soundwave that stopped his nerve endings from working right. He had guts. Then he came at me again and again.

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