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84.61% Genshin Impact: A New Sixth / Chapter 22: Poisson's Catastrophe

Chapter 22: Poisson's Catastrophe


Light movements and shuffling caused my sleep heavy eyes to flutter open. Staring down at me were two crimson crosses and a small gentle smile. 'Was it just a dream.' I wondered to myself as I sent my own smile back towards Arlecchino. Why would I remember such a thing now?

My head was resting on her chest and realizing so I shot up from my position on the bed, a flush of heat shot across my face. The memories of last night all flooded back to me.

"Did you sleep well my dear." Arlecchino asked with a certain teasing tone and smirk as she used the duvet to cover her bare chest. Realizing she was still naked I looked down towards myself. My entire body was on show.

In a rush of embarrassment I grabbed a part of the duvet and flung it atop myself. Arlecchino's teasing smirk grew and her eyes shun with a sort of predatory gleam - I felt like a bug trapped in the spiders web.

"There is no need to hide your body from me anymore, dear~." She pat the spot on the bed next to her, "Come here dear I'm quite cold." A sense of unease washed over me, her words seemed so innocent yet at the same time they carried such powerful venom.

Going against draconic instic I shuffled across the bed, under the covers and by her side. The sensation of her cool skin - like a cool kiss from death - another reminder of the passionate night we shared together.

Unlike her usual dominant self she snuggled her face into my chest and wrapped her arms gently around me in a soft, calming embrace. Her skin was cold, like ice.

Just how she was when we first met.

I reciprocated her embrace pulling her closer to me, "It's not like me to ask but... May we stay like this for a while.." She raised her head from my chest to ask, though she didn't make direct eye contact and a soft red hue rested on her cheeks.

I smiled lightly then nodded, "Of course we can, my love." She simply blushed and averted her gaze back into my chest nuzzling slightly deeper.

We rested in each other's embraces, for us time had stopped. We relished the warmth and intimacy of the moment. My eyes were still upon and I took a fleeting moment to admire her features.

Her face was statuesque, she was like a fragile doll made of the most precious and pure alabaster. Her sleeping form a stark contrast to her usual assertive self. It was refreshing to see her so calm and without worries.

A majority of her days are filled with worried about her children, though her cold persona makes it hard to discern her truest intentions. A plus that works in her favour quite often. With gentle reverence, I sweep a stray tendril of hair from her tranquil brow.

Whenever I was around Arlecchino I found myself feeling at peace - something I hadn't really felt since waking up in this new era. It was as if I had lost parts of myself when I woke up, but with her.. I truly felt whole again.

Suddenly, a large tremour struck causing our entire hotel to shake violently. Arlecchino immediately shot up from her comfortable rest and I too was ready on alert.

Just as quickly as it came the tremour disappeared, Arlecchino and I looked at each other in confusion both us wondering what could've caused such a random tremour.

Arlecchino and I looked at each other and both uttered one word, "Poisson.." We immediately jumped out of bed and got ready to our separate ways.


I pushed open the door to Neuvilette's office finding myself faced by not only Neuvilette but Lumine and Paimon too. "I'm guessing you're discussing the tremour just now?" Hearing my question Neuvilette simply nodded.

Neuvilette gave me the breakdown about poisson from the primoridal sea suddenly rising all the way to the evacuation plan. According to him the damage was quite catastrophic but there weren't too many casualties whatsoever.

Though this obviously means the casualtiy count isn't zero...

I explained to them all that Arlecchino had already been preparing for something like this to happen, and that she had Lyney on standby ready to help the people of Poisson evacuate any needed time and of course do supply runs.

All of them had slightly revlied expressions yet I could tell they were obviously still worried. In that moment Paimon worded her worries.

"Navia should be in Poisson, Right? We need to go check on her!" Hearing her Lumine nodded in agreement, "Yes, Spina Di Rosula's headquarters is there." Neuvilette bore a worried expression hearing their short exchange.

"I took would also like to go there as soon as possible, but I'm afraid I can't leave just yet. We must immediately formulate disaster prevention plans for the surrounding coastal areas to avoid potential catastrophes." Neuvilette then slowly averted his gaze towards me.

"I would like you to accompany these two to Poisson, I will meet you all there when I've finished things here." With a teasing smile I nodded.

"Anything for my cute, adorable, emotional little brother." His eyes narrowed as he stared me down in annoyance, "Noctis I do not believe this is the time for a doting attitude, people's lives are at risk."

I simply waved him off, I was uncaring of the feeble lives of humans whom I didn't even know. "I don't understand why you care so much for simple humans who wil die after less than a century of living."

His expression grew soft as he seemed to take a moment to ponder something. "In the four centuries I spent as Iedux of Fontaine, I've learnt that humans have a multitude of interesting aspects about them."

I tilted my head curiously, "Tell me, not because I care about humans but because I want to know how my brother thinks, why do you like the humans? What's so interesting?"

"Noctis, I do not believe this is the correct time to absolve you curiosities." Neuvilette answered with a somewhat annoyed glare. "Fine, fine. I guess my curiosity can wait."


The Traveller, Paimon and I finally arrived at Poisson. Many of the buildings and bridges had been torn apart and broken down by the flood and there was not a single visible person in sight. It's possible the residents have been dissolved but I shouldn't assume the worst.

"Navia should be around her, right..? We need to make sure she's still... Uh, Paimon means, we need to check on her!" Seems Paimon is trying not to assume the worst too.

We all walked throughout Poisson, the closer we got the worse the conditions of the buildings seemed. Eventually, we heard the voice of distressed man. We look around and there he was, laying with his hand covering his stomach on the rooftop of a wrecked building.

Not a moment later a man in a suit appeared calling out to the injured one, "Just stay out, were coming up. Watch your balance!" The suited man called out to the injured one. He then rushed towards the building to go help.

Looking for Navia we continued walking through Poisson. We ran past a man mourning for his child, "I'm not young anymore, how will I survive on me own?" He mourned with loose tears falling from his eyes as he looked out onto the wreck of Poisson.

"He looks pretty sad.." Paimon said with a sigh towards me and Lumine. In that moment confusion riddled my face, of course he seems sad he's mourning the disappearance of his family..?

The next moment the distressed voice of a young woman rang out, "My leg... Ah, My leg.." she cried out. Another man in a suit was crouched down next to her offering her his hand to hold in an effort to comfort her.

"Humans they're so easily injured.." I muttered under my own breath, Paimon and Lumine had ran off, it seems they spotted Navia. I slowly followed behind them looking back on all the damage that Poission had taken.

"Oh.. Neuvilette, Great Dragon of Hydro. How will you solve this problem?" I asked myself. I walked over to where Paimon, Navia, Lumine and a man in a suit were talking.

"He fell, so it's probably a broken leg." I overheard the suited man say, "Find the leader of Squad One and tell him to take the wounded resident to see a doctor. He should know where to go." Navia powerfully ordered ignoring casting aside her obviousl emotional stress. Despite being in such a severe situation she can cast aside such feelings for the betterment of her people, I can respect that.

The Spina Di Rosula member receiving his orders ran off to complete them, Navia then turned back to Lumine, Paimon and I and begun to explain the situation to us.

She explained that it started with a loud sound which was mistaken for an explosion in the waterways, but before they knew it, water started to flood into Poisson. At first many people thought nothing of it, assuming it was regular water, thought it had an odd colour, similar to that of The Primordial Sea. She explained that everyone on the street who happened to be close to the coast had no chance to escape and we're all disolved.

People everywhere began to disappear and those who realized what was happening stared to flee in panic, desperately trying to reach higher grounds in an attempt to save their lives. Many were injured in the stampede and others fell from significant heights, if they were lucky the fall would've killed them but those he didn't die from the fall had to wait in agony as the water slowly crept closer to dissolve then.

Rescue operations began as quickly as possible, but there was already a lot of casualties... Fortunately, the water began to recede after some time, and the chaos came to end. However, the suffering of those who survived did not...

"Is there anyway we can help you, Navia." Lumine asked in a somber tone, obviously still slightly shaken up from Navia's recount on the situation. Paimon nodded after hearing Lumine's request.

"Thank you for being so willing to help in a moment of crisis like this. You don't know how much it means to me... I really... Can't express how greatful I am.." Navia's speech was shaky, she had many nervous movements and she couldn't maintain eye contact, mainly focusing on the floor.

"The situation here in Poisson is gravely unfortunate but it could not have been predicted Miss Navia, please do not blame yourself for anything that has happened. I too along with Lumine and Paimon will help anyway I can." My words garnered a greatful look from Navia and a soft thankful smile from Lumine. Before Navia could respond she was called away by a member of Spina Di Rosula who needed her assistance.

"Seems it might be a while before she can take a break.." Paimon said with a sigh. We watched as Navia ran around talking to many people and organizing many various matters. Her decisions seemed clear and reasonable, yet her face was marred by a somber expression throughout.


Navia returned slightly out of breath, "..Okay, the wounded are being tended to, and we've finished a preliminary headcount. More support has arrived, so I suppose I finally have a moment to focus on my own matters."

"Miss Navia it is great that you care for your people but please make sure to take more time for yourself.." I said recieving nods of agreement from both Lumine and Paimon.

"I have a request..." Navia announced in a low tone, "May you three accompany to my father's grave for a moment..?"

"Huh right now?" Paimon asked confused, "Of course I understand.." Lumine answered gaining a confused expression from Paimon.

I leant down and whispered into Paimon's ear. "I believe it is to do with the fact her two closest subordinates are absent." Paimon's eyes then widened in realization and she spoke up "Oh! Paimon understands! Of course we will accompany you!" She blurted out feeling embarrassed for not realizing sooner.

"Thank you." Navia simply stated.


"Not a lot of people here, huh..." Navia stated sadly.

"Well given the time of day and the situation in Poisson, Paimon doesn't think, there'd be a ton of people here visiting graves..." Hearing her words I slapped the back of her head, "Read the room!" I blurted out under my breath to Paimon.

"Right. That's how things are now... The living are so exhausted that they've no strength to spare any words for the dead." She said with her hand on her chest as she looked over to her father's grave.

"There's no need to push yourself so hard." Lumine responded, hearing her words Navia's facade of being okay shattered and tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed crouching above her father's grave.

"Melus and Silver... They wont ever come back here again... What do I do, Papa..."

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Navia." Lumine apologized with downcast expression on her face as she could do nothing to cheer up Navia in this moment.

"Paimon doesn't really know how to help you feel better, but well, she understands how you feel..." Navia whipped her eyes and stood up to face us.

"We lost Melus and Silver, but we were able to save more than we anticipated... The overall outcome indicates the cost was worth it." Navia stated trying to convince herself the deaths of Melus and Silver were necessary.

"No one's sacrifice is truly necessary." Lumine quickly retorted. "Right! Don't think that way, Navia. One person might be saved at the expense of another, but that isn't something we should ever consider a "trade. Melus and Silver were not the "price" for saving anyone. They're the heroes!" Paimon continued for Lumine actually dropping some helpful and meaningful words for once.

"You're right... Thank you, Paimon." Navia's broken will seemed to reform as a smile after hearing Paimon's words. "What you said just now was pretty amazing, actually. I'll remember your words."

"It seems you've become more eloquent in the time since we last met." A familiar voice rang out from behind me not even a moment after the sensation of cold yet gentle fingertips brushes across my face.

I jumped forwards shocked by the fact someone was able to sneak up behind and quickly turned around, the person in question, who else but Arlecchino.

"The Knave? What are you doing here?" Paimon asked but got completely ignored.

"Ah is everything going well on your side?"

"Perfectly, all the residents of Poisson have been safely evacuated, and we are preparing to evacuate them to higher ground. As for the supplies we have everything taken care of... There is no need to worry."

"Thank you, very much.

"You two know each other?" Paimon asked once more.

"I'll explain. Me and Arlecchino split up I was to find out what was going on from Neuvilette and she was to go and help Poisson." I answered getting a shocked look from Paimon.

"So the Fatui was always planing to help Poisson?"

"Mutual aid is essential to fostering positive developments." Arlecchino answered. "That said I must say you're a lot sharper than you let on. I'm sure you understand what I mean."

"I apologize for all the ways I tested you previously. We've never worked with the fatui before and it's extremely important for us to know who we're working with. My subordinates have reported many fatui soldiers observing water levels and taking headcounts in many different areas." Navia responded explaining how the Fatui helped.

"This is nothing to brag about, as Itve told this Traveller before I know of the prophecy, and, I intend to prevent the impending disaster."

(A/N) I'm skipping the rest of this dialogue it's getting boring frfr.


"Come on Noctis we must head to Hotel Bouffes d'ete. We still have some things to take care of and I should introduce the children to their "Mother." Hearing her words a spread of crimson flushed my face.

"Really, This isn't the time for you teasing, Arlecchino!" I complained as I headed towards her side.

"You know you can call me Darling in public~." She responded in a teasing manner worsening the heat on my face. I grabbed her arm in embarrassement and began to drag her away only to receive a teasing laugh from her.

"By the way Traveller, Paimon. One more thing before I'm dragged away. Allow me to share some information from the house of the hearths intelligence network with you."

"During some recent investigations, a child claimed to have discovered some ruins near Poisson. The ruins date back to ancient times and could hold key information on how to prevent the prophecy. I would like for you to investigate, Lyney said he trusts you most."

Hearing that Arlecchino was finished I dragged her away. "Don't be so aggressive dear, if you want my body you'll have to wait, I'm quite busy." I froze in place and quickly let go of her arm.

"We both know for a fact that is not why I was dragging you away woman!" I shouted completely embarrassed and blushing.

"Are you sure~?" She quickly responding placing a light kiss onto my cheek.

(A/N) Sorry you all waited so long for a pretty boring chapter I just feel this part is necessary for the story to continue. Also with the other story, "The Nobody and The Fox." I have a lot of interesting plot planned but you will have to wait a while for the chapter gotta focus on my english exam for now frfr.

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