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47.46% Genius of the leaf / Chapter 103: Ichika's capture

Chapter 103: Ichika's capture

1 day had passed since Ichika's departure.

White Zetsu was in Kumogakure to share an anonymous tip that Ichika Senju was in Kumo, he disguised himself as a scout and was in the Raikage's office…

"What do you want? I have a tight schedule today."

"Raikage-sama, I have found a Konoha Kunoichi heading here with some documents, I believe Konoha is attempting to rebuild the alliance."

"I have no interest in rebuilding the alliance.

Tell her to leave or get killed!"

The shinobi nodded.

"Raikage-sama about the Konohagakure Kunoichi…"

"What is it now?"

"She's the great-granddaughter or the first Hokage."

The Raikage's eyes widened.

"Is she now?" He nodded.

"I'm sure their Hokage would pay almost anything to recover her if she ever gets taken…"

The Raikage smiled, thinking of a plan…

"Send a squad of Jonin to capture her."

He nodded.

"Raikage-sama, don't you think that's too much for one girl?" He shook his head.

"Don't underestimate a Senju, especially one from a direct lineage from the first Hokage!" He nodded and left.

Two days later, Ichika had been traveling to Kumogakure, she was in a forest near the mountains that were near Kumo…

Ichika touched the ground.

'They've been following me for a while now.' She sped up and ran faster, leaving them behind.

Ichika headed towards a narrow path heading above the mountain.


The rocks above her exploded.

Ichika quickly made hand signs.

"Water style: water wall!"

She made a thick wall above her and covered herself.

'An ambush!' Ichika dropped a smoke bomb and vanished.

"That was close." She said as she stood on the mountain.

'She can sense me?' White Zetsu asked himself as he watched Ichika.

'No, otherwise I'd be dead right now, Madara was right, we shouldn't underestimate her…' White Zetsu relayed this message to his clones.

"Got it." They responded.

Ichika was hiding, waiting for an opportunity to strike again.

"They've outnumbered me, if I could see them, I would've been able to take them out together." She took out two sai's.

'There are more coming my way, I have to fight.'

A four-man squad of Jonins headed to Ichika.

They had lightning chakra mode, but it wasn't nearly as strong as the Raikage's or Ryuu's, it increased their speed.


They threw Kunai towards Ichika, who blocked them using Sai's.

They took this opportunity and attacked her immediately.

The sounds of swords and Sai's clashing could be heard.

Ichika pinned one of them by a rock using one of her Sai's and stabbed him with the other.

"Ah!" She yelled in pain after a shuriken grazed her shoulder.

"Multi-shadow clone jutsu!" She made 10 clones to help her fight them off.

"Water style: mouth of the serpent jutsu!" Water formed a giant spinning column and then transformed into a giant snake, attacking and swallowing the shinobi and then turning into a river, carrying them and drowning them.

"Got you!" White Zetsu jumped from behind her and tackled her.

"Get off!" She tore through White Zetsu with her Sai but was stopped by another one underneath her, grabbing her hands.

"Let go! Or I'll kill you!" She struggled and squirmed.

"I'll…" Ichika got knocked out…

"Go tell Madara we have her." White Zetsu nodded.

"In the meantime, I'm sure the Raikage would like her as a present."

White Zetsu carried Ichika to the Raikage's office…

"Raikage-sama, we have her, she put up quite a fight and killed the squad of Jonin before falling."

"What was a Konoha Kunoichi doing here anyway?"

The shinobi took some documents from her pockets.

"Konohagakure needed her to deliver these documents." He took the documents and skimmed through the pages before tearing them apart.

"Hah! Konohagakure has always been so soft.

Take her to the dungeons and seal her chakra." He nodded.

"But what should we do about her weapons?"

"Spoil yourself, they look like they're still in good quality, sell them or use them, I don't care." He nodded and left.

"Sleep tight, no one is coming to save you." He said before shutting the gate.

White Zetsu disappeared and went back to Madara.

"It's done."

Madara nodded.

Meanwhile, Ryuu was experimenting with cells he took from Obito's hand.

'I'm done improving Madara's version of the Hashirama cells, but I don't know where I should test them, I can't do it on myself because I don't know if I'll die or not.'

Ryuu placed his finger on his chin and thought of what to do.

Ryuu was pacing across the room, limping and whispering to himself.

"What's up with him?" White Zetsu asked Obito.

"He does that when he's onto something or when he has an idea, it's always so annoying." White Zetsu nodded.

"Ryuu." Ryuu was halted by a deep voice in his head.

"Who's there?" He asked.

"Close your eyes, Ryuu, close your eyes and sleep." Ryuu clenched his fist and made a sword using ash.

"Stop resisting and sleep." Ryuu's eyes widened after seeing a sharp orange flame burn through his legs.


Obito and White Zetsu were confused, all they saw was Ryuu trembling and his legs bleeding as Ryuu stared into nothingness.

"What's happening to him?"

White Zetsu shrugged.

Meanwhile, Ryuu was stuck inside his consciousness, staring at that strange eye once again.

"You should be grateful I stopped you from using those cells.

Instead, you look disappointed and angry with me, what's the problem?"

"The problem?! The problem is how you talk to me once and leave for years after! And especially when I needed you most, you're nothing but a nuisance!"

"Just don't use those failed cells, they will kill you." it kicked Ryuu out, and he opened his eyes.

Looking around, Obito and White Zetsu watched him closely.

"What're you doing?"


They jumped back, holding each other.

"Get off!" Obito pushed white Zetsu away and held onto Ryuu's shoulder.

"We thought you lost your mind, are you alright?" Ryuu nodded.

"I'm fine, Obito, let's get started on training again." He nodded.

Meanwhile, in Kumogakure, the third Raikage went to visit Ichika in her prison cell, she had woken up.

"Ugh…" Ichika tried moving her hands but realized they tied her up in chains.

"What's happening? Where am I?"

Her voice echoed in the room, and she heard a loud sound screeching in her ears.

She grabbed the chains and tried pulling them from the wall.

"My chakra…" Ichika took a deep breath to compose herself.

'I'm locked up, meaning I was defeated and captured, after all that time and training, I'm still so weak…'


Ichika looked up to see who was opening her cell.

"Finally awake?" He pulled her hair to see if she was awake.

"Fuck you." She spat blood on his face.

"Hmph, resistance is pointless, you're nothing but an item I'll use to restore supplies in my village." He said as he wiped his face.

"You better kill me because if you let me live after this, you will pay for it!"

The Raikage smirked.

"I was going to send you back unharmed but now…"

He closed the cell again.

"Guards! Prep her for interrogation!"

"Yes, Raikage-sama." They Bowed as he left.

"Who is this girl? For the Raikage to come all the way here, even when he's so busy?!"

"Who cares, stop asking questions and do your job." He nodded.

They opened Ichika's cell.

"Don't try anything stupid, you can't escape Kumogakure now, and you can't call any of your Konoha friends to come to save you.

Your chakra was so potent that we only sealed a part of it, but even the weakest jutsu could kill you now."

Ichika didn't respond.

They placed a chain on Ichika and cuffed both her legs and arms.

"Where are we going?"

"Shut up and walk." They pushed her.

Ichika looked around and saw the keys being taken by a guard.

She started chewing something, but no one noticed, and then she spat it out.

'These fools might have taken my equipment and sealed away my chakra, but thanks to Orochimaru, I still have some tricks up my sleeves.'

Ichika stopped walking.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

The guards looked at each other.

"Just hold it in, we're almost there!"

"I can't hold it in, I need to go now!"

"I'll take her, it doesn't matter if she's lying or not, she has her chakra sealed and she can't escape."

"Fine, just don't do anything funny with her, Raikage-sama wants her all to himself." He nodded.

'We walked outside, they locked me up in a prison not far from the Raikage's office, it was on a separate land and didn't have a way to their village.'

Her chains were pulled.

"Keep up." Ichika frowned and spat something on the ground.

They reached a small toilet, and Ichika entered.

"Hurry, we have a long way to go."

"Umm, could you help me out here, it's kind of hard to remove these tights with these chains on, you know?"

"Now we're talking, this is why I became a guard in the women's prison, just hold still, I'll help you out." Ichika smiled.


The shinobi dropped the keys on the ground at the door.

"I can't be too careful."

He walked over to Ichika and knelt on the ground, ready to remove her clothes.

She wore a black sleeveless top with black sleeves separately, and a red headband.

She also wore black tights with red armor to protect her and she wore her headband on her hips.


Ichika quickly jumped over him, wrapping the chain around his neck, choking him, and forcing him to squirm a lot.

She grabbed his arms and twisted them as they both fell.

"Just die!" Ichika said, pulling the chains as hard as she could.


His neck snapped.

"What a pervert, as if I'd ever sleep with a greasy old ass wipe like you."

She took the keys and unlocked herself.

"Much better," Ichika said as she stretched her hands and legs.

"Hey, what's taking you so long? Hurry!"

Ichika hid after hearing the voice.

She unsealed her chakra.

"I have to get my Sai's back and escape."

She whispered.

The_Hollow The_Hollow

We're almost reaching a point where I'll have to change the cover for the story, I guarantee it'll be awesome.

Join the discord to see it early, I'll post it in about a week and two weeks prior to the one on Web novel, link on bio.

Don't forget to leave a comment, it really helps when I know what my readers like and dislike

Join my discord to talk about the book and other things the link for the discord is now on my profile.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

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