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9.52% Genesis EX / Chapter 2: Genesis Extended Ch 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2: Genesis Extended Ch 1 – Introduction

At night, in a narrow alley. Anyone can hear a ruckus come from there.

"Stop right there, Yumeno Shion!"

"You have nowhere to go!"

Said the officers who seem to chase a woman.

Her name is Yumeno Shion. She is a woman with a shoulder-length green hair. She is 18 years old, and her status is…

Exhausted by getting ambushed by officers she encountered.

P.S. There's a possibility that she is the heroine of the story.

"How dare you harm an innocent civilian like me."

She said it crystal clear. They can see the pique seen on her face right now.

"Just like what Isshin Kira-sama planned…"

"By buying them some time while harming a civilian, I am sure you will use the power of yours to protect them."

"And in the end, you did this to make me waste my energy, eh?"

"Exactly! And here we are going to put an end to your life, Yumeno Shion!"

It's obvious that the Isshin Kira troops are surrounding Yumeno Shion. She is taking a look at her surrounding trying to find a way to get out of this situation while sighing.

Suddenly, as she is surrounded and kept busy with herself, someone appears passing her and crashing one of the officers of Isshin Kira.

"Use your eyes, you dumbhead!"

"I am sorry! I didn't see you there…"

His name is Satou Hideaki. He is a young man with a shoulder-length black and dry hair. He is seen to be 20 years old and his status is; He is drunk as hell.

P.S. There's a possibility that he is the protagonist of the story.

"Just a drunk guy. Give me a break, will ya?!"

Satou pauses out of the blue, and he walks approaching one of the officers ahead.

"What did you say?"

The man with curly black hair asked with a face full of curiosity.

"You look drunk…"

Hearing the answer, without any warning, Satou gives him a fist right at his face that the poor guy falls unconscious.

"You said that my face is like the one deserves to be cheated on by a bitch?! What do you know about me anyway, huh?!"

Satou yelled at him in an angry tone and the rage can be seen from his expression even when he is drunk though.

Yumeno who sees that has remained in confusion as she has no idea what is going on. She just can't understand absurd and abstract stuff like what is going on before her.

"What's your problem, asshole?!"

"Do you have a death wish or something?!"

With a wave of anger and confusion, the Isshin Kira troops are surrounding the drunk guy named Satou. No wonder that they are triggered like that after seeing one of their mates was knocked out by a stranger who seems to be deaf.

"Huh?! 'Me yearning to be cheated on by a bitch', you say?! Like hell I will!"

He is still chattering as if both of his ears have stopped working that he can't hear them at all.

"What kind of bullshit are you talking about?!"

Yelled one of the officers of the troops in an irritating tone. What he wants right now is to attack Satou. Then, he swiftly launches a smash at the drunk guy.

But, his attack is managed to be blocked by Satou with his mere hand. He blocked it that easily that they were shocked by it.

"I'll make you sorry for this!"

Swiftly, Satou breaks his arm with Satou's mere palm.


The cracking is really loud that the guy screams aloud as it's excruciating.

"Gaaah….! Cursed you!!"

Seeing that, Satou pulls his body and makes his body as Satou's man shield to protect him from their attack coming to him.

The guy takes the fists coming from them. Satou then bumps the guy's head to the head of another officer before him that both fall unconscious.

Sensing something behind him, Satou's instinct warns him about it. The third member of the troops is going to make a surprise attack right behind him. But, thanks to his instinct, he suddenly turns around and launches a kick to the guy with his right leg that the guy falls hard that he is unconscious.

"You are next!"

Satou is pointing to the troops who look kinda shocked.

"D-don't get too cocky!"

The guy Satou just kicked yelled in horror. But, he is trying to put some courage in his heart that he can stand on his feet.

Without any mercy shown, Satou clenches his fist and launches it at a high-speed right to his gut. He is shocked by how fast the curly hair guy reacted.

As everything seems to be done, which is not.

Satou holds his head and hits it with Satou's knee that he falls unconscious.

"Damn you!"

With surging anger coming from how their mate was defeated, the two remaining officers are charging him. Which is a fail. Satou has known what they were going to do. He then thwarts it by launching a double punch right to their heads.

"Never underestimate the victim of NTR, you freak, or I'll kill the shit of you!"

He chatters again which sounds like he is insulting his opponents.

But, for that drunk guy, all the shits coming from his mouth mean nothing.

After the troops got wiped out by this drunk, the number of Isshin Kira he has to defeat has remained at 5 persons.

Before they manage to hit him, Satou charges by jumping and launches a smash getting the face of one of them that he falls crashing the ground.

The four persons left are remained silent by seeing it. But, they keep trying to encourage themselves. They don't care about anything and decide as they clench their hands.

"Ah... Aaaaaah!!"

One of them is crying as he is charging to Satou. But, with Satou being drunk, Satou can dodge the attack and tackles his leg that he falls to the ground.


Without any hesitation shown on his face, Satou stomps his body hard.

Three to go. Without even hesitating, the trio is charging to Satou altogether. Of course, Satou has to dodge every attack they give to him.

He then jumps and launches a dropkick to one of them that he falls to the ground.

Satou dodges the attacks launched by the remained duo swiftly with both of his hands.

"Damn! This guy sure is too strong!"

"What the hell is this guy!?"

The duo is confused and irritated for being kicked by someone they even don't know.

After launching the dropkick, he walks backward slowly and puts a stance.

Seeing the drunk guy putting a stance, the duo also put a stance of their own to charge him hoping they won't fail again. But, it does again as they are slow to react to his counter. Satou pummels one of them that he falls to the ground.

One to go.

As his instinct reacts about something is coming, Satou dodges it by turning around. That gives the opponent confusion.

"What the hell is he doing?"

As the opponent remains in confusion, Satou manages to turn around and launches a kick at his opponent.

"What!? A kick---"

He has no time to finish his word as he has fallen unconscious by Satou's kick on his face. And Satou has won this absurd match.

But, as he is not satisfied with the result already, he pummels the body of his unconscious opponent with no mercy to soothe up his anger.

"Me becoming the victim of NTR is not because I want to, you bastard! I've done my best to please her but in the end, she cheated on me. Why did this thing happen to me!?"

He gives a hard smash at the body but the fist is stopped by Yumeno instead.

"Hey, cut it out. He is defeated already."

She said trying to stop that curly-haired guy.

Seeing someone behind him trying to stop him, Satou averts his gaze to her.

"Eh? Since when a girl is here..?"

The girl shows confusion in her face, As she wants to ask him something, Satou feels something is about to come out from his body and he quickly shuts his mouth with his hand.


He feels it and he opens his mouth up letting everything go from his mouth. He is drunk, remember? Yumeno, the mysterious girl has remained speechless by this kind of view.


"Eh…? Eh…! Eh….?!"

But one thing she knows is the battle against Isshin Kira troops has been settled by Satou who came from nowhere beating them up and then puked because of the hangover.


Meanwhile, in somewhere mysterious. A man with brown messy hair is seen to enjoy his time. The guy is one of the inhabitants of this place in which is also his hideout.

He is Isshin Kira. An 18-year-old man, and his current status is; waiting for the report from his underlings or troops he just deployed.

P.S there's a possibility that he is the antagonist of the story.

His phone beside him is ringing out of the blue. Hearing it, he picks up the phone and asks who it would be.


"Report, Isshin Kira-sama! We encountered a mysterious guy and he wiped out some of our men…"

"Hee, it sounds fine. Very well, do plan B to that guy by tomorrow, immediately."


Feeling satisfied by the news, he nods and hangs up the call.

"I didn't expect there is somebody who can defeat my troops like that. Well, in this world, only the strongest live anyway…"

He hummed with a smirk on his face.


"Satou! Wake up! Please ̷live! I won't let you ̷die here!"

A girl with twin-tail hair is calling him while shaking his body.

Getting annoyed by that, he awakes from his sleep and tries to shake his head. He feels nothing but confused.

"Ugh... What was that dream about anyway..?"

Satou said as he rubs his eyes.

Satou always gets weird dreams these days. Just like that girl crying for him, at the end of the day, the dreams remain to be an unsolved puzzle he has to solve.

He tries to open his eyes and see his surrounding. He sees a girl who sits next to him. Her presence confuses him. She then smiles at him which makes him more confused.

"Good morning…"

Yumeno gives him a warm greet to Satou who just woke from his bed.

"Good morning…"

Of course, he replied it as if it's what he should do. But, he just remains silent for a while. Then, he asks her something with confusion on his face as he is trying to put some manner on how he says it.

"I am sorry, but who are you? Why are you in my bedroom?"

"Eh…?! You don't remember!?"

It's obvious that she is surprised by what he just said, but she also has to know that he was drunk so he can't remember what happened last night.

"…I don't.."

That makes him confused. He then tries to remember it though it's vague. He wonders why he was drunk last night.


On a bright sunny morning like normal days, Satou suddenly got a call from someone he knows. Realizing that, he picked up the call which came from his girlfriend. He tried to listen to what she wanted to say.

"I want to break up."

She said.

"Eh!? Why!?"

"I am sorry… Actually, I have cheated on you all this time."

The honest with no regret confession with 'sorry' made him silent with no words coming from his mouth.

"After reconsidering it for some time, finally I decide to choose him over you. That's why, I am sorry, Satou. We are done."


He replied casually which of course, will make his girlfriend or ex shocked.

"That's all!?"

"Yup. You decide to choose him over me, right? As long as you are happy with him, it's just enough for me."

"I… I am really sorry, Satou. I know that I am a bitch, but the feeling I had for you while we had time together isn't a lie."

"I know. I know. That's why I told you it's okay!"

"I will never forget memories we have created together--"

Having no intention to listen to her any further, he hung up the call. He sighed. He tried to stand on his knee though he just got an excruciating heartache.

"Well, at least she said it. Isn't that good?"

He said in a low tone as he drops his head thinking about what just happened.

"Is it?"

Trying to deny it, he shook his head as he shouldn't have thought about it as it would affect his performance at work.

But, as expected, it happened. Breaking up, he couldn't focus at work. He couldn't do anything right at all. His performance was getting worsened every time he tried to fix it.

And that made him get a warning from his boss.

"Satou! You are not a new boy here, you have worked here quite long. How could you make a mistake on this simple job?!"

"I am sorry, sir!"

Satou answered bowing to his boss to show that he's sorry.

Satou's boss is known as a heartless one. When someone makes a mistake, their salary will be cut off by 50%.

Even the salary delivery always comes late. Once an employee gives him a protest, they get fired without salary nor severance pay on their hand.

That makes the employee under him like slaves.

Satou worked here as this was the only office that wanted to hire him.

"Do you think that an apology will solve the problem? Get the job done right! Think! You are nothing but an employee here! Without the salary I pay for your shit, you'll be done for, you fucking bastard!"

His mouth kept giving worse and worse curses to Satou. He cursed Satou with no mercy at all. Hearing the curses, Satou who had been sorrowful, became fed up.

"Shut the fuck up, you old fart! You just can't say anything just because you are my boss, you fucking asshole!"

Satou yelled at him. He had become mad and upset that he didn't care about their positions at all. Satou then pulled his collar.

Felling bullied, the boss then yelled at him.

"Know your place you brat! You are fired!"

Without any hesitation on his face, Satou launched a hard smash right at his boss's face that could make anyone take it get thrown away, or fall unconscious in one hit.

The other employees who were afraid to see Satou beating up his boss remained silent.

"I'll kill you! You always cut salary at your own will and delay the salary delivery. You are a failure as a boss, you asshole!"

Satou continued to beat up his boss without knowing when to stop and giving a shit about his surroundings as he was out of control already. The other employees were rooting for him instead of stopping him.

The other employees joined the fray to beat up the boss. They released all of their pent-up frustration by doing what just Satou was doing. It then became the end of the career of the boss at his office and it was too late for Satou to regret it.

"Like the hell, I care about that place! That's not even my business if it goes bankrupt."

As he was taking a seat near the train station, he remained silent as he saw the trains passing along the railway. He sighed and decided to go home. But, he changed his mind when he saw a bar which was still open.

Seeing that, he decided to drink some sake to relieve the stress he had today that he became drunk after drinking a few sake bottles.

With a pique in his heart, he released his emotion by drinking more.

"What's with her happiness?! It's obvious that she cheated on me! I am nothing but a dumbass.."

Satou took a breath, then drank his sake.

"I am sorry, sir. But we are closing…"

Hearing that request, he decided to go home. Then, he can't remember anything after that event.

-Flashback end-

After remembering what happened yesterday, he sighs. He has remembered everything before encountering Yumeno when he was drunk.

"In the end, That happned, eh?"


She nods. She feels like he has understood what happened last night.

"I get it! I'll take the responsibility!"

Satou answered clearly.

"Eh? What?"

Yumeno tilts her head as she is confused by his statement.



"I didn't do that last night, did I?"

"You were just drunk. And what surprised me was that you could go home without causing any trouble."

"Then, why are you still here?"

"It's because I am worried about you. This is my first time dealing with a drunk guy, you know."


He touches his face and takes a long sigh with his head shaking. He feels stupid that he remains speechless, but he looks at her who seems to be confused.

"What in the hell was I doing? Having a girl on my bed without doing anything?! What am I? A beta man?"

He sighed.

"What do you want to do anyway?"

"N-nothing! It's just you are too kind that you have been waiting for me since last night."

"It's because I am worried about you. "

"But, don't do that ever again?"


"You were lucky to have me not do anything last night. If I were a bad guy, what would you do?"

"It's okay, I am strong. So, don't worry."

"Is it in terms of martial art? It's been a while since the last time I heard about it. Well, I'm sorry for the trouble."

"It's okay. Helping a civilian is my responsibility."

"Responsibility? Well, in any case, thanks a lot."

He thanked the one helping him as he bows his head. That green short-haired girl just smiles and nods in joy seeing that Satou is all right.

Feeling that the business is resolved, Yumeno then says something to her savior.

"Then, I bid you farewell. Goodbye Satou-san, hope you are gonna be all right."

"Yeah, you too. Wait! How do you know my name?"

"You told me, didn't you remember?"

"When I was drunk?"


She just nods and then leaves that curly-haired guy's house.

After leaving him, he forgot to ask her about her name. If he knew her name, he can return the favor for helping him go home when he was drunk.

"Oh well. Now, what do I do? Thanks to that, I am jobless now… No job and no girlfriend."

He lets out a sigh of exhaustion that came from his body and soul. He scratches his hair for being confused about what to do from now on.

In the end, he decides to take a walk. Something so simple probably can bring something good for him. There's a possibility that this is what he needs, taking a walk all by himself.

This may soothe him up from his misery.


"Target found."

Said someone with an attribute like one of the troops last night. He is seen aiming at the target with his long-barreled rifle. This indicates that he is a sniper.

The target he is aiming at is Satou Hideaki which is taking a walk casually without knowing a thing about this.

"Bingo! Once I give you the command, get the plan B started."



Satou is seen to be walking through a narrow alley while remembering the memories and places where he met his ex. A place where she got attacked by thugs but Satou managed to stop them.

Afterward, she thanked him and asked for his contact. Later, that was the moment she started to get to know him that they became lovers later on.

"I didn't expect that would end like this. It's proof that I am a mere human. A man does have a feeling, doesn't he?"

The truth is she told him that she had a feeling for him. He then thought if he said yes, that would make his life better. But everything was a lie.

The curly-haired guy just can't get a load of the feeling he has about his ex.

He then lets out a heavy sigh for a thousandth time if you count it ever since he was drunk yesterday.

"I thought if I am good at fighting, I would be strong. Well, the truth is I am still weak. Just because of this feeling is enough to make me suffer."

When he lets his mind be full of that, he feels pain in his head out of the blue.

"Ugh... What the hell…? Why do I feel pain out of the blue?"

His whole body is sweating out of the blue. He gets a bad hunch about this and it tells him to get away from here.

Once again, it tells him to duck.

"Ugh!? My head---"

Satou feels a great headache. It's dizzy and spinning all around. It's like his head is full of something like…

"Go away! Duck! If you don't, you'll die!"

Hearing that, he then ducks.


The shrill sound of a bullet passing him. He is shocked by seeing it pierced the wall. He becomes confused as his face does look so as he averts his gaze to the wall before him.

"What the hell!?"

After reconsidering that for a few seconds, he realized that he managed to dodge the bullet that came from nowhere.


"What!? He dodged it!?"

The sniper is shocked by seeing that he missed. He can be that shocked because he never missed his target. Yeah, that's obvious to see him surprised as he finally found the one who could dodge it.

"What happened?! Didn't you say you'd kill in in one shot?"

"I am sorry. It's really out of my expectation."

"Haah… Looks like we have no other choice but do plan C."


Satou can't understand what is happening right now. He is confused, literally. Yet, he tries to keep calm and clear his mind instead of doing the opposite.

What he can do right now is run away.

"Again… My head…"

With his head getting dizzy again, he can't think about anything but depend on his instinct which told him to run as fast as possible from here.

Though he is still confused. With his agility, he managed to dodge the shooting aimed at him a few times while running. The sniper is shocked and upset by it. He just can't believe that Satou can dodge his deadly shots several times.

Then, when Satou is about to get out of the alley, he sees so many cars around are chasing him at high speed.

"You've gotta be kidding me…"

He grumbles at the current situation, not to mention that the pain in his head is getting worse. He has no choice but to follow what his instinct says, run away as fast as possible.

Seeing his target is running away, one of them from the car fires a bazooka at him.


Listening to it, Satou manages to dodge it by jumping even though he falls in the end.

"Run! Though I don't know what will happen, you must run!"

It says as he is trying to stand and run somewhere. No matter what it would be, he must get away from the pursuit. While he is running, his eyes are focused on the trash bin ahead.

Seeing that, he got an idea to hide inside it hoping he can get away from the pursuit.

"Eew... Disgusting. I have to hold it to stay alive."

As he is hiding there, he can hear a ring from his pocket which comes from a phone call.

"Damn it! I forgot to turn it off!"

Panicking a bit about that, he picks it up and answers it.

"Ingenious. Not only cornering me, but also you hacked my phone."

Satou said.

"Satou Hideaki where are you? I saw so many troops chasing you."

"Eh!? It's not one of them!?"

"No! I called you to save you, Satou!"

"Who the hell are you!?"

"It's me, Sanada! Your bestfriend!"

"Oh!!! Tanaka, eh? Long time no see. Will you kindly help me right now?"

"Then, tell me where you are."

"Hold on, I didn't have a friend named Tanaka! Who the hell are you!?"

While having a phone call in the trash bin, he can hear a noise from the troops pursuing him.

"Just believe me! I promise I will save you! Just send me your location!"

"Dang it! I have no time for a scam, you know! Even I have no idea where to go anymore."

Without any hesitation and the current situation, Satou has no other choice but to send Sanada his location.

"FOUND IT! You just need to go straight to the waterway and follow the path! I'll wait for you there!"

Sanada's yelling from his phone attracts the troops that they know where Satou is hiding now.

"Thank you, thank you for making them find me! If you really want to save me, you can be my best friend."

Satou then hangs it up.

"Target is in the trash bin!"

When they are about to ambush him, Satou then jumps up from the trash bin then smashes one of them.

"You'll pay for this!!"

One of them yelled at him.

Without even hesitating, Satou charges the troops before him. He lifts the body of one of them and throws him to them.

"Take this!"

Satou then drags the body of one of the fallen ones then throws it to them.

"And this!!"

When the troops are kept busy with that, he rushes to escape and he manages to find the waterway Sanada who claimed to be his best friend said.

"Found! Looks like I can trust you, my best friend!"

Satou then dives to it.

"I just need to follow the path, and then I'll see him, right?"

Satou then runs following the path. He takes a breath for a moment, and he thinks that he is safe here. No one is chasing him.

But, it's not like what he expected.

"Finally you are here!!"

By buying some time, one officer of the troops found him. That gets Satou nerve as he is exhausted now.

"Looks like it won't be that easy, eh?"

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head.

The officer gives the intel about Satou Hideaki's whereabout is getting smacked by that curly-haired guy.

"Did your mother ever teach you that talking about others is impolite?"

Saying that makes the troops rush to ambush him. Realizing that, he uses the body of the officer he beat up as a meat shield to protect himself from them.


Feeling the hostility, Satou reflexively dodge the dart shot at him by one of them.

"Dang it!!!"

He lifts the body and throws it to them that two of them get hit by it. 2 out, for now, only 4 to go.

Swiftly, Satou hits the abdomen of one of them that he falls on his knee. Satou then dodges the charge from the other two, and he gets a chance to smash the duo's faces. Yet, it's not done.

Satou pummels the faces of his second opponent rapidly that he falls. Then Satou turns around and kicks the face of the third one hard.


Again, Satou feels like he has to dodge as his instinct says so, but unfortunately, he is too late to do so that he has to feel the pain in his gut as he got shot by the last opponent standing.

"Die, you sucker!!!"

As the last guy pulls the trigger to shoot, Satou manages to avoid it. For not wanting to miss the chance, he jumps and sends a dropkick to the last guy that he falls unconscious.

Then, Satou manages to defeat them, but…

"I have to get outta here.."

Said that. his body is getting sluggish out of the blue. that he falls unconscious.

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