/ Fantasy / Generation Gem

Generation Gem Original

Generation Gem

Fantasy 28 Chapters 39.7K Views

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In a world with only three choices....What would you choose?

At birth, I was taken away from my parents and put into school - Pearl Education. I have been here for eighteen years. A student with no name. I am just a number. All of us are just a number.

Graduation day brings the biggest choice I will ever face. The choice hundreds of thousands of us have been preparing for all of our lives.

There are only three options.

The Ruby Generation of Vampires.
The Emerald Generation of Witches and Wizards.
Or the Diamond Generation of the Afterlife.

Which one do I belong to?

Each Generation has a list of pros and cons. The choice is final.
Once I choose, there is no going back.

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Rank -- Power Ranking
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