As he scanned the hole he realised quite some things, 'This practionist is only at the beginning of his journey, as I can see he has only recently started cultivating and is merely at the first layer of Dominion Technique. He must be somehow related to master Seng Lin. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get his hands on the Wave of Conviction.'
Over the years, Desmond has realised that Dominion Technique had a special force that only it could leave and show. It was the force that would sip into the very nature of a soul and would change everything it touched. It could change to the better, but it could also change to the worse.
Desmond searched further, and nothing really seemed familiar. The only thing left was the lighting that was zipping and zapping in the statues hands. To the Desmond of now, this lighting would be pitiful and non-important, that is why he made his soul force rush straight at it to study it further.
Kyle is back! I liked him better anyways.