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Treasures Inside the Chests (2)

Meanwhile Slyvia who witnessed the exhilarated expression on Jon's face asked in curiosity, "Are these swords special?"

Jon nodded, "These are made of Valyrian steel."

She frowned, "Valyrian steel?"

Being a common folk, the knowledge about the dragons was her limit. She had no idea whatsoever of Valyrian steel.

Jon explained, "This type of steel was produced only in the Valyria. It is believed that this steel was produced using dragon fire and other magics. With the doom of Valyria the production of method of Valyrian sword was forever lost."

Slyvia noddee in her understanding. Shechad heard the legends of the magical city of Valyria.

He continued, "Swords made of this steel is lighter, stronger and sharper than any known steel in the world. It never chips away and neither gets blunt."

Jon did not tell her the specific origin of these two swords.

Hearing these words from Jon, Slyvia looked at the sword in astonishment wondering how much special these swords were.

Jon kept the Blackfyre and the Dark Sister aisde and leaned into the chest to retrieve the last item.

It was a simple plain bracelet. Jon could identity the faint greyish ripple of the Valyrian steel in the bracelet but it was not the sore constituent. Some other material which was slightly purple in colour was infused along with the Valyrian steel.

Jon felt a tug in his blood when he picked up the bracelet but he ignored it thinking the Dragon eggs to be its reason.

Thinking that the bracelet was nothing special and might have had some kind of emotional connect with his father, Rhaegar had placed inside the chest. With this thought, Jon simply placed the bracelet in his left hand.

"Are we taking the gold with us?" Asked Slyvia.

Jon nodded and Slyvia said, "It would be a difficult task."

Jon said, "I will think of something. Let us move it in the tower first. We will spend the night inside."

With this the duo moved the two filled chests and the other chest containing the dragon eggs inside the tower.

After bringing the chest inside the tower both of them made a makeshift bed of rugs for themselves.

After this Jon tried to make a rough estimation of the coins inside it. Counting such large number of coins accurately was surely a taxing task and Jon put his estimation at two hundred and fifty thousands gold coins in each chest.

As Slyvia had said moving so much of gold was a risky task. Anywhere he would go the chests would arise suspicion.

Though he could bury back the gold and come back later when he had relative strength to take it out, Jon could not do so.

Gold coins and valueable treasures was an essential part of what Jon was planning. Initially Jon was planning to go to Essos and work as mercenary. He would then have found some rich merchants and have robbed them clean. But to accomplish that Jon would have had to waste a lot of time.

But now that Jon had access to that number of gold coins he did not want to waste time. He was eager to put his main plan directly in motion.

Jon was leaning against a wall contemplating about his next course of action when he again felt a pull in his blood.

Since this time Jon was quite far away from the dragon eggs, he did not ignore the pull and focused his attention back on the bracelet.

Jon felt the pull getting stronger and he did not know why but he instinctively drew his small knife tied to his waist and cut across his palm. The blood began to trickle down his palm and onto the bracelet.

Slyvia who was watching Jon from nearby questioned, "What are you doing?"

Meanwhile Jon did not answer her and he felt a pull at his consciousness and his mind was drawn inside the bracelet.

Inside the bracelet was a small square shaped room with 20 feet in dimensions.

Jom who had read a lot about such things in his previous life did not need any time to recognise that the bracelet was a storage device.

The space inside the bracelet was completely empty and Jon would have been definitely more happy if it contained few kthe treasures but still Jon was exhilarated.

He let out a loud laugh completely opposite to his serious demeanor and Slyvia asked in an anxious tone, "What happened to you?"

Jon did not answer and moved forward and placed his hand on the chest containing the gold and it vanished in an instant.

Jon laughed out loud at his success while Sylvia was taken aback by what she witnessed.

She shouted, "What is happening? Where did the chest disappeared?"

Jon did not answer and took few moments to calm himself down.

She shouted again, "What is happening? My Lord, are you fine?"

Jon nodded and pointed at his bracelet, "Slyvia, this is a storage device."

"Storage device?" Muttered Slyvia not understanding the context completely.

Jon answered, "It can store things inside it. Look."

Jon walked to the seconds chest and placed his hand on the chest and just like the previous one it disappeared.

Slyvia was again taken aback, "You mean that the chest went inside the bracelet?"

Jon nodded and with a thought the chest appeared in front of him in the next moment. Jon again placed his hand on the chest and it disappeared inside the bracelet.

Though Slyvia was still in state of shock she did not ask any further question and again lied on her makeshift bed leaning against the wall of the tower.

It was almost a sleepless night for the duo, both lost in their thoughts.

Bright sun rose early in the morning. Jon amd Slyvia climbed inside the carriage. Their destination back towards Sunspear.

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