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Game of thrones: House Flint of Flint's Finger Game of thrones: House Flint of Flint's Finger original

Game of thrones: House Flint of Flint's Finger

Author: Gerson_play

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: chapter 1

279 ac flint finger

"Wake up, wake up!" was the first thing I heard when I woke up

I open my eyes and see a pretty but rather thin woman with almost black dark brown hair, deep dark brown eyes.

"wake up frank, please wake up" I heard again almost like a plea

"I'm awake mother" I answered automatically and when I stopped to think why I told her mother I am assailed by the strongest headache I have ever had in my life.

"aagh" I screamed until I passed out

When I woke up again the room was empty and then I remembered.

My name was Luis Fernández, I was a normal person like any other, I was 35 with a beautiful wife, something out of my league "if I'm honest" and a beautiful 5-year-old daughter.

He owned a small hardware store and although he wasn't rich, he wasn't hungry either and I always had my savings.

Although if I had something special in me, it is that even at my age I was still a bit addicted to anime, series and light novels. I also read many fanfics and always dreamed of being the protagonist of an isekai even if it was in private (and who doesn't?).

That was a passion that I shared with my wife.

Now. Why am I in a room made of wood you ask?

The truth is that I died, yes I died. And it was so cliché, the same trunks kun as in many fanfics. "At least I was able to save my wife"

And then it was infinite darkness for I don't know how long "I have to admit that I was very afraid to stay there"

All alone in the dark until a bright light appeared and spoke to me.

"Hello my son, what are you doing here?" The truth is that the first thing I thought is. "how the hell am I going to know" but seeing a superior being and not wanting to be in this loneliness anymore I kindly replied

"I don't know sir, I'm confused. Can you explain to me what this place is?

"Of course son this is the space between worlds, but it is very strange to see a little soul here" at the moment he said that something lit up inside me and I asked

"It's like those fanfics I read, where you'll give me wishes and I'll be reincarnated? "

"No, it doesn't have to be that way" he replies "although now that you mention it maybe it could be interesting, normally I would send you on your way and that's it. But since I see that desire strongly in you and you are not a very cruel person I will do it for my entertainment "

"really? !thank you!" I reply

"Well but I have to tell you that I will only give you 3 wishes and you have to be something that does not affect the world you choose, so tell me, what will your world be and in what time and place do you want to be?"

" Hmm. I want to choose the world of game of thrones in the year 279AC and the place…. I want to be the heir to the flint-fingered house of flint at 13 years of age"

"Oh, this is interesting, why not a big house?" he asks me with great curiosity.

"Because the big houses are more dangerous and they get a lot of attention and it won't be as much fun as climbing my own house" I replied

"Of course if you say so, and well that's acceptable, now the wishes"

"mmmm" I think for a moment trying to see what will protect me the most and I replied

"For the first wish I want to have the wolverine powers of

x men, which although it is not from the world of game of thrones does not affect it either. And I can keep the claws hidden just for emergencies," I tell him, pleading inside for him to let me. I really fear this darkness and I don't want to go through it again and I don't want to die poisoned

"intelligent. You are asking for immortality, healing, resistance to poison and a form of defense, well next time" he answers me and I almost jump with happiness

"For the second wish I want to have the power to control the shadows but only to create semi-conscious shadow servants that can record information and transmit it to my brain, of course they will only contact me for important information. All with the aim of creating a network of espionage and target elimination" I tell him and watch as he keeps thinking

"This wish is possible since there are magics like that in that world, but I will have to restrict it to age. when you arrive you will have 10 shadows and they will expand 10 per year until you have 200 shadows. But you couldn't stand "at the moment he said that it made me sad but I understood his point and accepted it

"Well I understand, for the third wish I want to have a summoning system for troops, personnel and resources and the purchase currency of the system is the westeros currency and I want that although they have complete freedom to act it is impossible for them to betray me" this wish I took a risk and although I don't think I'd give it up, I had to try

"A little too ambitious, I can grant you that wish but you will have to be alone when you summon them and as a benefit I will give you a storage in the system" wow I did not expect that but on a gift horse... " well with your wishes already compliments goodbye have fun " and so I disappeared from the darkness and found myself in this damp medieval style room.

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