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98.61% Game Of Throne: Lord of Nature / Chapter 66: sounds of war

Chapter 66: sounds of war

Cersei: Robert honey.

Robert made an effort and said: Everybody out.

Everyone left the room

Ned shook his head and could only say: Damn fool I told you no more hunts.

Robert only answered: Paper and ink on the table, write whatever I tell you, Ned took a small wooden table with the papers and the inkwell.

Robert: In the name of Robert of House Baratheon the first in you know how it goes, just put the damn titles, I hereby order that Eddard of House Stark title titles, serve as Lord Regent and protector of the realm upon my death for the rule it in my place until my son Joffrey is of age

Ned hesitated for a moment, tell his friend the truth at the last second or comply with the man's wish, I make the stupidest decision, wrote Rightful Heir.

Robert then said: Give it to me and I'll sign it, give it to the council as soon as I die, at least they will say that I do one thing well at least this, now you will reign, you will hate it more than I do, but you will do well, The Daenerys girl you were right when to end Varys, Little finger my brother useless, nobody told me that not only you, Let him live, stop them from sending the assassins if it is not too late and my son help him, Ned

Ned replied: I will, I will do everything I can to honor your memory.

Robert laughed: Honor my memory, I King Robert Baratheon was slain by a hog, Give me something for the pain and let me die.

Ned: Master Pycelle quick come in.

Pycelle walks in and gives Robert a large quantity of Milk of the Poppy.

Ned leaves the room and finds Petyr and Renly, he shows the writer to both Renly and then says.

Renly: Lord Stark, I suggest locking the queen in the dungeons of the fortress, so that no incidents occur.

Ned refuses this and Petyr also suggests

Petyr: Ned publicly declares himself the regent before the queen and prince accede to the throne.

Ned: I don't want the throne, the rightful successor is Stannis Baratheon, I intend to hand it over to him, he is the rightful heir.

Petyr: If you are sure I will support you in your decision, I will call the city guard to support us.

Ned agrees and goes to write a message to Stannis, in the message he tells everything he discovered as Robert's children are bastards and he is the legitimate heir to the throne.

Hours later the bells begin to ring Robert had died, Ned goes to the Throne room with several of his men and the golden capes in it, he sees Joffrey sitting on the iron chair with the crown already on, next to him are Sansa and Cersei.

Ned had the Gold cloaks and some northern soldiers and Petyr at his side.

Ned walked to Barristan and showed him the letter, Ser Barristan read it and announced Ned as regent until Joffrey came of age.

Cersei: That letter is invalid. Joffrey is a king by birth and rightful heir to the seven kingdoms.

Ned: Your Majesty, you know that's not the case. Ned was about, to tell the truth about the paternity of the king's children when something happened.

The Gold cloaks killed his soldiers, when Ned turns around Petyr points at him with the same Valyrian Steel Dagger that Cat had told him they tried to use to kill Bran.

Petyr: I told him nobody could be trusted, except me.

Sansa was grabbed by the dog and forcibly silenced, Ned was quickly subdued by the Lannister soldiers, and shortly after the doors opened, everything got out of control some Lannister soldiers brought Arya's head on a pike, Dulan's body pierced by hundreds of crossbows bolts, swords, and spears.

Sansa screamed, Ned struggled when he saw his daughter's body, and one of the Lannister soldiers hit him so hard that he fainted, the last thing he remembers was Sansa's screams when she saw her sister and Joffrey's laugh at this spectacle.

Ser Barristan was horrified with everything that had happened, from one moment to the next this got out of control, and the worst thing was to see the same thing that Tywin Lannister had done with Elia Martel and her children. He looked at Joffrey and saw the boy celebrating the death of Arya Stark and Dulan Ironforge. The Trant house was not going to keep quiet about this, the king himself was damned, and the damned Lannister house was damned.

Cersei was horrified, she had ordered the girl to be captured, not beheaded, and she had plans to use her as a hostage against the north, but now they had done something terrible, she quickly ordered the hound to lock Sansa in a tower and servants to watch her so she wouldn't commit suicide

Lord Stark was taken to the dungeons, Joffre then began ordering Arya stark's head to be placed on the walls and the dwarf's body hung at the entrance of the fortress for all to see.

Then I call a session of the court to start ruling

Joffrey with a smirk: Well since the previous king's hand orchestrated my father's murder we will need a new king's hand, I appoint my Grandfather Tywin Lannister as king's hand, Next my mother will be part of the privy council.

Finally, Ser Barristan does what he is Lord Commander of the royal guard.

Barristan replied: Your Majesty As Lord Commander since 283 when his father assumed the throne, as a guard since the reign of Jaehaerys II

Joffrey found this amusing: Long overdue, therefore I dismiss you from your guard post, And appoint Jamie Lannister as the new Lord Commander, and Sandor Clegane as the new guard in my uncle's post.

Barristan angry with this farce draws his sword and throws it at the foot of the throne, Joffrey is scared and angry with this act.

Joffrey: Guards arrest Barristan Selmy for threatening their king.

The guards didn't want to move whether they knew Ser Barristan sword or not he was a real danger.

Ser Barristan went to the tower of the white sword to edit his entry in the white book, where he records his dismissal, leaving the red keep, Janos Slynt and several gold cloaks attempt to arrest him, Barristan murders everyone, while Slynt escapes.

For the first time, the man had taken a weight off his shoulders, now he could go look for the true rulers, the Targaryens, he would have to rescue Daenerys from the witch, if she existed, when he left the fortress he saw Dulan's body hanging, He couldn't put it down, but he could explain things to Lord Trant and arrange with him to maybe support Daenerys in her claim to the throne.

Sansa was locked up crying in the tower, for her, her sister had been beheaded, for her, a man from the Trant house had been desecrated and executed, because she went and talked to the queen because she had done that stupid thing. She will ask for mercy for her father, after all, Joffrey loves her

Ned woke up in a daze in the dungeon, he was crying, and his daughter was dead, Sansa told Cersei that Arya was leaving town.

A voice rang in his ears, I told you Ned I curse you for what you provoked me, I curse you for killing my husband, I curse you for your false honor, for forcing me to marry your friend by proxy I curse you for my Son.

Ned knew the voice was Lyanna, Ned apologized crying

Ned: Lyanna please forgive me, if you are in the grace of the Old Gods ask them for mercy for Arya.

Then another voice sounded.

Voice: Because I should forgive you, a house that broke oaths, you who broke one of the most sacred rules, you who for 15 long years endorsed your friend on the throne knowing that they assassinated a king when by right You knew the truth and I keep it.

Ned saw someone standing in the cell with him. He spoke: Who are you?

The voice responds: Again because I should tell who I am to an oath-breaker, a liar who defends a family friend, someone who hides behind morality when he is downright poor.

A man who didn't lift a finger when he saw Elia Martel or her children dead, a man who used his sister as a bargaining chip, a man who hid his nephew and buried him in the crypt with his mother.

Ned was stunned and overwhelmed by all the things the man was saying.

The voice: Valla, don't answer Lord Stark, in a little, you will give an account now sleep, in a little your judgment will be

Adrian took some powder and blew it on Ned.

Adrian looked at this funny and shot Ned Stark into the emerald dream, Dulan and Arya came out of it.

Dulan: Damn boy you could have made it more delicate, the man rolled into the emerald dream.

Adrián and Arya laughed a bit, at the end, Adrián spoke: And wait until Lyanna and Elia see it, do you want to participate, Arya?

Arya looked at me and asked: Seriously, Lord Trant, why are you harassing my father like that?

Adrian scratched his chin and said: Honestly your father is a southern idiot, he always had the conflict of growing up in the north, but being raised in the south, so we will give him a good lesson so that he forgets the nonsense of twisted honor from the south.

Seriously, the man has ignored very serious problems in the North, such as famine, winters, and House Bolton, especially them. Your bastard uses hunting dogs to hunt humans.

Arya looked at Adrian and nodded: Okay, but nothing too strong.

Adrian brought the wooden doll of Eddard Stark, the doll seemed more emaciated than the man, they gave it life and left the cells.

Shortly after leaving, Varys arrived at Ned Stark's cell.

Varys approaches the man and sees him: You have been warned Lord Stark, you cannot trust anyone in this city.

Ned raised his head: That includes or doesn't include the Littel Spider.

Varys: Especially me but not now, now I trust myself, the queen intends to forgive him, only if he takes black.

Ned: Because I would do that, they already took my daughter from me, killed her like an animal, and put her head on a pike.

Varys frowned his face, he had seen that again the lion strutting after a slaughter: By his other daughter, Lord Stark, if she takes the black she will save her fate.

The doll looked at Varys: Okay inform your spider queen, I'll take the black, but I want my daughter safe, that will save the wrath of the North, but it's not the North you have to fear.

Varys knew who he was referring to, the young Lord Trant was a mystery to him, his little birds reported almost nothing, just good works or actions, perfect and impeccable government.

But now one of his men had been murdered, the boy would not sit idly by, he would march with his entire army, ships, and God knows what else he has, with the connections he may have, according to reports he makes many deals with the company of the Roses and other Essos mercenary companies.

Cersei with her stupidity had entered the cave of the Beast and had bothered him, now that he waited for his reprisals, the only good thing was that he didn't touch the population.

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