/ Book&Literature / Game in Middle Earth

Game in Middle Earth Original

Game in Middle Earth

Book&Literature 51 Chapters 1.3M Views
Author: Sagerwisk

4.45 (42 ratings)

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What would you do if they asked you to play the game of the gods?

This is the story of a young man who had nothing better to do after dying than to fulfill the request of an elder.
Novel inspired by 'The World Online', but in the world of 'Lord of the Rings'.

It's the first time I write something like that and my mother language is Spanish. If I have mistakes forgive me I will try to learn from them. I hope you are not very cruel to me.

I will upload the episodes as you write them. Do not pressure me too much.
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I'm not greedy and I know it's hard to donate something, but all you can give me is help for me.

Thank you so much!

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This novel is now favorite novel on this site I hope the author continues it and he becomes the true warrior/lord we know he will turn into I also like the forbidden love with the elf, it gives the character more emotion everything about this novel was just written perfectly I love the avatars memories or his second life and the sword techniques the author is very creative and I cant wait to see where he takes this novel.

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Unique rare and intresting plot what can I say I just like it and I love middle earth Dheuejdjdnrixkwjjdjejdqjdjeiwjfjwkxjsndjjdndxjndnwjdjdjsncdjjxnefkenkwkfiejsndh2jrj3jwu3odfkwjnfjjwjssjsndnsnsn

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Hello everyone, I would like to get a recommendation from all of you. I will try to make a great story that everyone likes. Thank you for the support.

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In Earth,southeast asia,Burma republic nation,at May Town,normal guy working as a monk for 8 days with a boring life died at night during sleep,painless death.His soul is collected be a only remaining Goddess of moon. MC:where am I? He is currently at a room with ancient decoration. Goddess:hello,Wunna,Im a sole Goddess of All Universe. Wunna:Oh,You are a Goddes?So where are the other Gods?Why am I here? Goddess:You are dead during sleep and I called you because Im a lonely God and bore to dead and I called you because I want you accesend into Godhood.I need a partner or husband for coming eternity.But I cannt make you a God now,I dont have enough power for that.You have to achieve in mortal world,so I will send you to parallel Earth with some Immortal gifts.About other Gods,millions years ago,A war break out and all the gods including Olympians,Asgards and Jade palace died due to supreme destruction wepon and I was lucky due to visiting at mortal realms.So Im the lonly one now.I choose you to be my Husband because you never **** a virgin and only prostitutes and whores.So I pity you and you have good deeds by not committing any crimes.Then Im a Virgin Goddes,I will await you until you become a god.Satisfied now,future hubby? Wunna:wow,thats awesome.Ok,I will become a god,so send me into low realm. Goddess:I can give you ,immortality, not a weapon or thing in that world can bleed you,you will be forever young and Strength of a hundred men,speed of the fallen star,can teleport within a thousand miles and character creation.But you have to become a god before that world aged and destroyed by comprehending laws and emotions,you can do whatever you want in that world.Enjoy the funs,dont forget that Im waiting yiu,love.Now create your body. Wunna:thanks you,honey.I need six ** ab,6 ft 2in tall,white skin,face of Damon of Devil may cry game. Goddess:Granted,I will send you into that world, have funs.bye. Wunna:hahha,thanks sweethear In a forest, suddenly a space rip appear and a man was walking off.He is tall and white skin ,muscular slim body and black short hairs and blue eyes.He is wearing a V shaped neck black T-shirt ,Long cotton black coat,black fit pant,military boots,A sword looks like one in Lord of the rings movie which is mc king's sword.Sword is silver colour similar cross-guard. Wunna:Wow,here Iam with awesome physiqe and powers.hahahha.I need to know where am I and where is nearest town.I will teleport into next 500 miles to the west. Suddenly,3D door appear near a city,a man walk off.Ohh,I see a city now,I will explore and get intel and time to have funs. 4 horse pulling carriage was moving in a road lead to the Paris, and 20 knights are escorting it.In the carriage,a princess was sitting with 2maids. Elena,maid:Princess-sama,we are arriving soon.The king will be very happy to see you.You are the only daughter. Princess Catherine:I really miss my parents. Suddenly the carriage stop,a knight is knotting in the window. Knight:your highness,a man is stopping our carriage looks like a bandid with weired clothes.Should we kill or catch him? Princess:just catch him that stupid peasant.Dont bother with small matter. Knight cap:hey peasant, move away or die. Wunna:I just want to talk and you want me die,you mere mortal,kneel or disperse. kmight cap:just beat him to dead my guys. 2knights with shining silver armor came forward and they punch at him and their hands cracked . 2 knights screamed. Wunna came forward and beat the whole 20 knights like bullying.Wunna came to the carriage and open the door.He see 3 beauties,one of them like a princess. Princess:How dare you insult me in my kingdom,peasant?What do you want?You will not get away,the whole Europe will after you if you do something to me? Wunna:wow.Im scared my love.ah ah.hehe.I laugh.Initially I just want to ride a carriage but your bodyguards are so rude.so things get ugly.So if you dont want to get raped or killed,lead me to your palace now.I will take one of the horses now. Princess:Ok,lets see if you still dare arrogant in front of my father royal knights and mages.Set off. Wunna:oppos,Im scared.Unfortunately for you,nothing in this world harm me.Whatever,go quickly and serve me a cup of wine.I miss the cigrattes. The maids quickly serve him a wine bottle.Wunna quickly drink the wine and feel relax by rising Knight's armored horse.The group move into the palace.

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Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood Goooooooooooood

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LV 10 Badge

Tidmhditdkydkyzk yyykeiy3o6ekydoydo ULTRA MARAVILLOSO YFOUTDiteiyeiydi5eee5ie86d77777si5 hrrusuuusktwiyoxii hfkgdddddoyekye6 yflyddoyflyfoyf gkdiidlllfoyeyo gkdlhxpufñuf hroydoyccfxñufoooos6ieooo ufuñclucfoycxylcyl ufufuuyyguuuuuuuoh ktkvihggho

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LV 4 Badge

Interesting fanfic from what I have read. Character interactions are written well with some personality in my opinion. Not to mention, the story flows quite well. It takes on a somewhat original view of a game type fanfic and the inclusion of new characters also gives the story a kind of refreshing feel. However there is close to no information given on the world, you probably need to know some information on the original middle earth franchise to know places and what has happened in the past. I look forward to see how the story will progress. Do not expect the book to be amazing but I do believe it is worth a read if you like the usual game genre.

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LV 13 Badge

Giving you support for the work done so far. The grammar seems to be more than halfway decent stepping into really good. The story is not something I've come across often so top points for uniqueness and imagination. Finally the setting is something I really like considering I'm a huge fan of the Shadow of Mordor series. All in all I'm pleased with the what I've read up to this point. Keep it up author.

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Other than slow release rate the novel is really good.. If you had to wait longer to get a good chapter then waiting is worth it.

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LV 10 Badge

Hgoufo6dlufñuur6pfp fffufrroydoydoydoyslydiydooydlydludoydluxoydluzluxludludlllufñufñuuxlyxu iglhzlyzoydlydoydlhzlyd iclyxzzlxylhzlhfuxlyxllhxluxluxlhxllhllzllhzlyzlhxzzzlhzljxzzoydoydo6do6do

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I really like this story wish there was more chapter releases but understandable writing isn't easy I just want to thank the author for doing what I can but wish I could do

Reveal Spoiler
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LV 10 Badge

Overall quite interesting as I love adventure stories like these// grammar could be greatly improved on// more updates. One thing that kind of irks me is how you tried to put in some romantic development but it was too brief and there was no actual serious events that helped either mc or the elf.

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I haven't watched much of the lord of the rings but could you not have made it a bit exciting and easier to level i mean who gets ss rated skills in lvl 6 only that's way worse than upgrading skills to ss though the pace is a bit slow which i kinda like but the detailing is really not nice and translation has a bot of character understanding problem i guess because there were a lot of him on her and she on he. The novel is good needs a little work and tweaks here and there and it will go fine

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Great novel!!!!!! I want to read new chapters and I hope it remains as interesting as it's now...............................................

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WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! This novel is translated poorly likely with a machine and as such a large portion of it is unreadable. Be prepared to read sentences or even whole paragraphs which don’t make any sense. That said this is actually a good novel with a great concept and if you can get through the chore of reading it you’ll probably enjoy it. Best of luck!

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LV 5 Badge

Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience

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Simply superb no complaints about it and the greatest thing that has been in the works of the most beautiful, and the first time since I've been using this app

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Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass **** Good ass ****

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Yea was going to rate this 5 stars anyway bc its a middle earth fanfic .....................................................................................................................................................................

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Goooooooooooooooioooooooiooooooooooooiiiiioooooooooooooooooooo9 ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo d

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Author Sagerwisk