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78.57% Gaara of the Desert / Chapter 33: Hidden Leaf Archives

Chapter 33: Hidden Leaf Archives

"You got lucky Gaara, the last two fights weren't much of a spectacle," said Kankuro as he and Temari entered my room. I raised an eyebrow at their statement, there had only been two matches left in the preliminary round. Dosu, Rasho, Migaki, and Choji had been the only ones not to fight when I had left.

"What happened," I asked as I sat upright in my bed. My injuries hadn't been as severe as they seemed, I spent less than an hour at the hospital for the medical ninjas just to send me back to our apartment on bed rest. Baki had accompanied me while Kankuro and Temari had watched the final matches of the finals. I had only just gotten back from the hospital about ten minutes ago so the final matches obviously hadn't been very close.

"It ended up being that Uchiha girl against Rasho and the last Hidden Sound genin against that big Hidden Leaf kid," said Kankuro as he sat down. Temari also pulled up a chair from the table that was in the center of the room.

"How quick were the matches," I asked with a smile. It had gone exactly how I thought it would go, Rasho was no match for Migaki and Choji obviously couldn't beat Dosu.

"Rasho got put under genjutsu just like you did Gaara, except he didn't get out of it. That Uchiha girl simply hit him over the head with a kunai while he was under her genjutsu and knocked him out," said Kankuro.

"He never was a very bright one," I remarked with a smile. Kankuro chuckled in agreement and Temari nodded.

"That creepy Hidden Sound ninja easily took down that Hidden Leaf boy too," said Temari as she set her iron fan beside her chair.

"Anything else happen," I inquired. Baki wouldn't let me out of bed for at least another day due to my minor injuries. Apparently, he didn't trust the diagnosis that I was almost completely fine after my fight with Rock Lee. I would be stuck here until I found an opening to escape or he allowed me to leave. Until then, Kankuro and Temari would be my only connection to getting news about the chunin exams.

"The Hokage gave another one of his long-winded speeches about how the final section of the exams will be held a month from now," said Kankuro with annoyance. Temari also didn't seem too happy with this development either judging by her expression. I also didn't like it too much, I had only a few ideas for what I wanted to do within that timeframe. The wait was so summons could be sent to all the lords and important figures so they could attend. Preparations also needed to be made and the time was also an opportunity to study your opponents as well as rest up.

"He also gave us our matchups for the final exam, you're going to be facing Sasuke Uchiha," said Temari with a smile. I smiled even though I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Sasuke was definitely below my level and had only injured Gaara in the anime due to Gaara's deranged behavior. At the same time, it was best not to underestimate someone who possessed the Sharingan.

"Who will you two fight?"

"I'm up against bug boy and Temari fights either the shadow user or the Hidden Sound kid," said Kankuro as he fidgeted with something in his hands. Crow, or what was left of the poor puppet, laid strewn out across the table. Kankuro had already begun the long task of rebuilding it piece by piece to its former glory.

"You know Kankuro, practicing with Sparrow might be a wise choice. You have two puppets, remaining attached to one won't do you any good," I told him bluntly. Kankuro flinched and anger flickered across his face but quickly vanished. He set down his tools and sighed, rubbing his face.

"I know, I was an absolute disaster out there," he said discouragedly.

"Don't talk like that, you still won your match and I'm sure you'll figure out something for the creepy bug guy," said Temari reassuringly.

"Temari is right, we need to focus on the battles we each have ahead. Resting as well as researching our opponents is our main concern now," I interjected. Both of them turned to me, obviously waiting to hear what plan I had in mind.

"Go ahead and spit it out Gaara, from how you're talking you seem to have a plan in mind," said Kankuro. I smirked and then nodded, they knew me too well.

"The Hidden Leaf Archives should have everything we need to understand our enemies better, specifically their weaknesses," I said to them. Temari raised an eyebrow don't fully and Kankuro scrunched his face.

"Gaara, if we get caught sneaking around the Hidden Leaf's cache of information we could be killed. The Hidden Leaf's ANBU Black Ops probably guards it personally," said Temari with a nervous tone.

"Not to mention the possible traps they could have," added Kankuro. Of course, they were skeptical, this would be no small task. I myself was reasonably worried about this idea of mine but it was the best option we had at our disposal.

"When do you even think we should do this? Also, none of us are specialized in stealth, especially Kankuro and me," argued Temari. The door to my room suddenly opened to reveal Baki. He slowly walked in with his typical blank expression, stopping at my bedside.

"I overheard the conversation you were just having. Not only is it reckless but it could also cost Sunagakure its alliance with Konohagakure," said Baki. I flinched, realizing that my plan was a lot worse than I thought it was. Then Baki shifted his faze slightly and I saw the corner of his mouth curl into a smile.

"I'll help you get inside the building but once inside you are on your own. I can't do all the work for you," he said with a chuckle.

"WHAT? Baki you actually agree with this crazy plan? You just said it had massive implications if we are caught," protested Temari. Baki turned to face Temari, wiping the smile off his face.

"If the world of shinobi certain risks must be taken to ensure the safety of the village. I do not plan to simply let you three wander around those archives without gathering information that could be valuable to the Hidden Sand. In truth, the Sand Council has been tossing around an idea similar to this for quite some time. I think it's time we get it done and over with," explained Baki. Uneasiness still blanketed the air, what we were talking about doing was a lot more dangerous than I had originally thought it would be. I wanted to sneak in there to gain minimal information and quickly exit, Baki wanted to extend the mission to collecting information for the Hidden Sand. It was a big risk for us considering we were only still genin.

"If we are caught we will probably be killed and the alliance with the Hidden Leaf will be in shambles," commented Kankuro solemnly. Baki simply nodded while Temari stared at the ceiling.

"You three must remember that this is how the world works. The Hidden Lead could be our ally for another decade or not even another week. As unwanted as that outcome is, we must prepare for the possibility. I was given the power to conduct any mission that would benefit the village before leaving Sunagakure. You three would just happen to personally benefit from this mission," clarified Baki. He wasn't wrong, things like this happened every day in this world and our alliance with the Hidden Leaf Village could collapse in the next week or a year.

"Even though this was originally my idea I'm starting to think we don't have a choice in whether or not we attempt this mission," I said with a sigh of regret. If I hadn't brought up my idea then we wouldn't have gotten tucked up into this mess.

"I was already planning to infiltrate the Hidden Leaf Archives, I was planning to ask you after you three had rested up but yet another matter has popped up. We need to complete this mission within the next few days so we can then leave," said Baki. Leave? Why would we leave the Hidden Leaf Village? The finals for the chunin exams were in a month, there would be no reason for us to go back to Sunagakure unless it was important. There was also the possibility that it wouldn't be Sunagakure we would be going to, possibly another mission of vital importance.

"Leave? Leave for where," asked Kankuro with confusion.

"Actually allow me to clarify, only Gaara and I will be leaving on an important diplomatic mission to the Hidden Waterfall Village. You two will be staying here so it doesn't look like all three of you are quitting the final exam, it would look bad for us," explained Baki. The Hidden Waterfall Village huh? Wonder what important diplomatic mission they could possibly have for Baki and me.

"Why Gaara specifically? Why not Temari or me," questioned Kankuro with annoyance. He didn't seem to be happy that he would get stuck here while j went on a mission. It certainly was out of the ordinary though, ninjas usually operated in three-man squads. For Baki to only take me would break one of the most basic rules of a shinobi.

"I'm not sure, it was quite sudden but apparently they need him to help escort an important individual from Takigakure to the Hidden Leaf Village," said Baki with a slight shrug.

"So they want his Ultimate Defense on their side then? Must be a pretty big deal if they want such a defense-heavy shinobi. No offense Gaara," said Temari bluntly.

"None taken," I replied dryly. Did they really see me as just a defensive Jutsu user? I could do other stuff, I didn't just block attacks.

"So will are going to have a very busy schedule. So much for resting and training," complained Kankuro.

"Real shinobi make do with what they get Kankuro, they don't complain. Besides, you and Temari will have plenty of time to rest and train after we infiltrate the Hidden Lead Archives. It's Gaara who won't be getting much rest, unfortunately," said Baki regretfully. I groaned and leaned my head back to the ceiling. Why was it that every time I got injured, I got five seconds of rest before having to go on another mission? It was beginning to feel as if the world had it out for me like I had a target on my back. Then again, it wasn't like I was keeping a low profile around here.

"We will infiltrate the archives tomorrow night," said as he moved to leave. Temari shot up out of her chair though, making him pause.

"Tomorrow night? Baki-sensei we haven't even scoped out the building or formulated an actual plan outside of you helping us get in and keeping watch while we steal information," said Temari with outrage.

"Gaara and you will scout it out tonight Temari. This is the best we can do, the mission to the Hidden Waterfall Village is too important to put off," said Baki with a stern expression. Temari simply frowned and sat back down while Kankuro sighed.

"I understand this is short notice but it's the hand we've been dealt," finished Baki. He then promptly exited the room, leaving us to talk amongst ourselves. Silence hung in the air like an ugly thickness to it. Kankuro was still fidgeting with pieces of Crow while Temari stared at the floor so angrily I was surprised it wasn't rotting.

"Why do we have to always get thrown into such crazy missions? Rogue ninjas, crazy ANBU guy, a coup in the Hidden Artisan and we have to deal with all of it," complained Temari.

"It's just the way it is Temari, lets's get through this so you two can rest up for the final exam. I'm sure we can get it done," I assured her. I threw the covers off myself and slowly stood up. I grabbed my sand gourd off the ground, dressing myself in the rest of my equipment that had been removed. The Eagle Staff leaned against the wall near my bed, I grabbed it and recalled it to its scroll.

"Where are you going? You are still supposed to rest," said Temari.

"I feel fine, I need to go talk to Baki-sensei is all," I said as I strode past Kankuro and her. Kankuro was completely absorbed in his work, probably juggling his thoughts about the mission at the same time. It would be better to leave him in peace and let Temari cool off a little bit. Both just needed a little time for it to sink in, they will be ready when the time comes. I exited the room, entering our living room which also had a kitchen attached to it. The accommodations provided to us were average, nothing special but just what a shinobi would need. Seeing Baki wasn't in the living room or kitchen, I realized he might be outside. The Hidden Sand jonin hadn't even stepped foot in his supposed room, at least not that I had seen. Baki's small bag of essentials lay next to the door, not even inside the room. I left the apartment which was on the second floor of the building. Outside was a balcony area that had stairs that led to the ground. Baki stood there, leaning on the railing while vigilantly watching the street below.

"What exactly are you watching for," I asked him curiously.

"You never know what enemies might be lurking around in a place like this. We are outsiders, natural targets to send a message to the Hidden Sand by attacking us," replied Baki coldly. What a bleak outlook on life, viewing everyone as a potential threat. Then again, in Baki's older generation war and death were even more commonplace than it was now.

"Kankuro and Temari aren't the only ones worried about this mission, I am too. I know I suggested it as a way for us to gain info on our possible adversaries during the final exam but this is something else. Not to mention we have so little time to do it, this is quite unusual," I said to him. Baki sighed before turning to face me. He unexpectedly started weaving and signs, which made me frown.

"Endless Silence," he said as he completed the Jutsu. A weird bubble expanded from his right palm, enveloping me and Baki before stopping a foot behind me. I gave Baki a confused glance, wondering what he had just done.

"It's a Jutsu that ensures no sound escapes the inside of it, we can speak freely in here," Baki explained.

"Why do we need that? I thought we were just going to talk about some mission details," I said confusedly.

"Breaking into the Hidden Leaf Archive is a direct order from Lord Kazekage," he said candidly. I blinked. What?

"What do you mean my father ordered it? You just said-."

"I lied Gaara or at least told half the truth. I'm not supposed to be telling this to you or anyone else but I couldn't keep it a secret," he said with slight tension. What was going on? What would my father, the Kazekage, order us to steal intelligence from our strongest ally?

"Why did you lie? Baki-sensei you need to tell me what's going on here," I told him.

"I will, just allow me to explain. This whole ordeal began a few weeks ago when our spies and informants from all over started picking up on unrest. All of the other Great Nations except for the Leaf have been mobilizing their shinobi and becoming more active. The Hidden Rain and Hidden Grass also have been quite active, as far as we can tell," said Baki. The Hidden Mist, Cloud, and Stone are all mobilizing? What could be going on to cause such a sudden change in peace? Tobi or the Akatsuki could be to blame but it was too early for them to be this active. Someone else must be at play, possibly Orochimaru.

"What does this have to do with us stealing from the Hidden Leaf Archive," I asked with annoyance.

"I'm getting there, be patient. We immediately started digging deeper into the matter and found unsettling answers. It seems that an unknown party has been causing chaos across several lands. Signs of war are starting to become quite apparent, which is where the Hidden Leaf Archives come into play. They hold a treasure trove of knowledge on hundreds of Jutsu, the strengths and weaknesses of almost all of them. In case the Hidden Leaf turns against us in the possible upcoming war, we must be ready," said Baki with a grim tone. Baki was basically saying that we didn't want to get caught off guard by the Hidden Leaf possibly attacking us. It was a logical way of thinking but it held so many risks. If we were caught our alliance would crumble and the Hidden Leaf would definitely become an enemy to the Hidden Sand.

"So there is a big possibility of a war soon? Why isn't this common knowledge and what is the reason for all of this," I asked. Baki merely shook his head and stared distantly into the crowd below.

"I don't know Gaara, it's highly unusual how all of this is unfolding. We can only do what we are ordered to do right now," he said simply. There was one more thing that was bothering me now that he had told me all of this though.

"What is the true purpose of the trip to the Hidden Waterfall then? Don't lie to me," I added at the end. Baki paused, his eyes closing as if he was deep in thought before they slowly opened back up.

"I guess I can tell you since I've already told you everything else. The village head was recently attacked at his own home by assassins. This has made the Hidden Waterfall very cautious, they even considered not attending the chunin exam final. Thankfully the Hidden Leaf convinced them to attend and Lord Kazekage has decided to send us as bodyguards as a show of good faith," explained Baki. A show of good faith? That wasn't like my father at all, he was too careful to do anything like this.

"The Sand Council twisted his arm into it if your wondering," said Baki after seeing the look on my face. Ah, that made much more sense than before.

"So not only do we need to break into the archive, you and I have to possibly stop another assassination attempt? I always get the easy jobs," I remarked. Baki cracked a slight smile but it quickly disappeared. His face was a mask of seriousness, utter concentration. It occurred to me that I hardly knew anything about Baki outside of being a shinobi. I'd never met anyone that had called Baki a friend and the jonin never seemed to take a break.

"Prepare yourself Gaara, the days ahead will be long and tiresome. I can only hope that everything will be okay, that the rumors of war are just that, a rumor," said Baki wistfully.

"Baki-sensei, you don't have to worry about me or the others. We are strong, mostly thanks to your guidance and protection," I assured him. Baki glanced at me with an uncertain look, an unknown emotion flickering underneath his guarded expression.

"Your right Gaara, the three of you have come a long way," admitted Baki.

"How do you want Temari and me to scout out the Archive tonight? I assume that is a reason you didn't include Kankuro," I asked as I shifted back to business.

"Yes, I want her to use her iron fan to glide around the building to get an aerial view. She will also look out for you while you use your Sand Particle Sensor Jutsu to get a general idea of the layout. I'm allowing you to enter the building briefly if necessary but don't take anything. We will take what we need tomorrow night," said Baki sternly. I wondered if there was a specific list of items or Jutsu that Baki was supposed to either take or gain info on. I guess I would figure that out later.

"Let's go talk to Temari about the details, I wouldn't want to repeat them," said Baki as the bubble around us suddenly popped. Seems like this private conversation was over, as grim as it had been.


"Gaara, you ready to go?"

Temari and I both were crouched on a roof that was across the street from the Hidden Leaf Archive. She currently held her iron dan while I stood on a cloud of sand.

"Yes, let's go," I said swiftly. Temari nodded and then leaped off the top of the building. She opened her iron fan underneath her, placing her knees in it and gliding across the street. Temari used wind style to keep herself afloat, rising higher and higher into the sky. I simply used my sand platform to fly across the street. I then dropped down onto the roof of the building.

"Sand Particle Sensor," I muttered as sand poured from my gourd. The sand spread into the air around me and then shrouded the whole building in a brownish haze. My sand quickly found multiple entrances into the building and spread efficiently through the whole structure. I sat there for several moments, taking in the layout so I could draw it up later for Baki. As I reached the end of my Jutsu, I felt something that made me frown. There was a large portion of the archives that I couldn't reach in the middle of the building. It was surrounded by dozens of shelves and cases, it felt extremely out of place. Using my sand I get every little edge of the dead space but I couldn't find a way to enter it. This may be a problem, I didn't have a single clue what was in this space. It could be some kind of defense measure or a Jutsu at work. Maybe it would be best if I went and personally investigated this anomaly instead of hoping it wouldn't cause trouble when we came back tomorrow night. Searching the rest of the building with my Jutsu, I found no guards or civilians. Strange, you would think a place like this would be guarded. Maybe we had overestimated security. I then heard a thud behind me which made me jump.

"Gaara, what's taking so long? Is there a problem," said Temari at almost a whisper. At least she understood when she couldn't yell.

"There's something in the building that my Jutsu can't seem to grasp. I don't want to be blindsided by a possible threat tomorrow night so I'm going to go investigate," I told her as I stood up.

"Are you crazy? I know Baki-sensei gave you permission to and your squad leader for this mission but this is risky Gaara," said Temari with an angry expression. Her eyes told a slightly different story though, they were concerned. It hit me that maybe I was pushing off Temari's feelings a little bit too much. A small bit of my sand floated out of my gourd and into my palm.

"What are you doing," Temari asked curiously. The sand in my palm shifted and swirled until it was the shape I wanted, to which I then opened my hand. In my hand was a small figurine of me, an exact impression of me to be exact. It was smaller than a baseball and fit perfectly into my hand.

"This figurine is held together by my chakra, I can collapse it at any time. Likewise, if it is crushed or broken I will sense it, meaning it's the perfect two-way communicator," I explained to her. Temari merely cocked her head in confusion from not understanding.

"What do you mean two-way communicator?"

"If you crush it then I will be able to sense it, I'll know you are in danger. If the figurine crumbles in your hand then you'll know I'm in danger. That way if one of us needs backup then the other can come running," I explained painfully. Understanding finally dawned on Temari's face and she nodded.

"I'll hopefully be back in a few minutes," I said right as I leaped off the side of the building. My sand caught me and then ser me down gently. I continued inside where it was well lit, surprising for a building that didn't have anyone else in it. Continuing inside, I walked down several long hallways until I finally arrived at two large double doors. This should be the main section of the building where all the most important scrolls were kept, as well as where the anomaly was. I grabbed the handle and yanked the door open.

Light poured out of the room, it was as if the room had its own sun. I navigated my way through the shelves which were completely filled with scrolls all the way to the ceiling. Finally getting to the center, I found the anomaly. It was a translucent barrier Jutsu, a crimson red one. I hadn't been able to get past it with my Particle Sensor Jutsu because it was airtight. There must be some powerful Jutsu or artifacts in there if they had a constant barrier in place to protect them. A sudden disturbance in my sand caused me to whip around.

"Fancy seeing you here Gaara, this place is closed to outsiders," said a teasing voice. I gritted my teeth. Of course, it was her.

"I'd asked what you're doing in here but I already know that," said Migaki Uchiha with a shrug. How had she found out about our infiltration of the archives? We had been so careful to not attract attention on our way here tonight.

"Going to stay quiet huh? That's not going to do you any good," said Migaki as her teasing expression slipped from her face.

"What do you want," I finally said. I couldn't find a way out of this, I had to deal with her somehow. Calling Temari in would just make things worse and implicate her. Fighting Migaki would just extend the time until she alerted the Hidden Leaf jonin.

"I want you to leave. Hidden Sand ninjas have no place here," said Migaki icily. Great, now she wanted me to leave. I wasn't about to give up on the mission this easily.

"I can't do that Migaki, I only came in here to observe what the Hidden Leaf has for an archive," I lied. It was a dumb excuse but at least I had thought of something.

"Don't lie to me Gaara, that bubble your sensei made cancels out sound but Sharingan can still read lips," she said with a glare. It was even worse than I thought, she had heard the whole conversation.

"I know you're here to steal from the Hidden Leaf," she said bluntly. I frowned, if she knew this, why was she here alone? I didn't sense want other presences inside the building but who knows if someone had found a way to slip past it. Migaki had evaded the Jutsu up until the door to the main room.

"Why come alone then? Or is Toziwa and Isori lurking around somewhere," I asked her. Migaki's expression darkened, which made her look even scarier.

"I'm not Isori, I can handle you by myself," she said confidently. Really? I was pretty sure history said otherwise. Migaki reached for her kunai holster, to which I responded by having sand shoot out of my gourd. We both looked at each other, neither wanting to back down.

"Have it your way then Gaara," Migaki finally said as she launched three kunai at me. My sand caught then with ease, the three kunai dropping to the ground.

"I don't think you realize how much you've screwed yourself by attacking me," I said with a devilish smile. This would be interesting, a rematch already.

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